George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311

(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)

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French Polynesia - French Polynesie

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Perforate Stamps     Imperforate Stamps     Deluxe Sheets   
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise.  Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column.  All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).

French Polynesia
Perforate (Regular)Issues

                Scott          Price    Year    Comments
Fr Poly         59               $5     1921    25c on 15c
Fr Poly         72-5 HH         $20     1929    Heavy hinging/hinge remnants

Fr Poly         126-35 H       $145     1941    France Libre overprints, hinged or NH,
                                                 all with handstamp on gum

Fr Poly         126-30          $20     1941    1fr,2.5fr,3f4,5fr light brown
Fr Poly         135             $35     1941    20fr dark brown
Fr Poly         136-49           $8     1942    Canoe 

Fr Poly         160-78 NH/H     $32     1948    Island scenes, 20f (177) lightly hinged,
                                                 others never hinged

Fr Poly         179              $7     1952    Military medal 
Fr Poly         180              $6     1955    Woman
Fr Poly         181              $1     1956    FIDES issue
Fr Poly         182-90          $16     1958    Music,sea,dress 
Fr Poly         188-90           $6     1958     "  short set
Fr Poly         191              $7     1958    Human Rights

Fr Poly         191 FDC         $10     1958    Human Rights, first day cover

Fr Poly         192              $3     1959    Flower 
Fr Poly         193-4            $4     1960    Spear fishing
Fr Poly         195              $3     1960    Post Office at Papette
Fr Poly         196-7           $24     1962    Flower 
Fr Poly         196-8           $30     1962    Flower,map,boat 
Fr Poly         199-202         $30     1962    Fish 
Fr Poly         203-4           $16     1963    Sports,soccer 
Fr Poly         205              $8     1963    Red Cross
Fr Poly         206              $8     1963    Human Rights
Fr Poly         207              $8     1964    Philatelics,stamp/stamp
Fr Poly         208-9,C30        $3     1964    Dancer
Fr Poly         210              $6     1964    Flag 
Fr Poly         217-22          $22     1966    Ships 

Fr Poly         217-22  FDC     $35    1966     Ships, first day covers

Fr Poly         223-6           $20     1966    Sports 

Fr Poly         233-40          $40     1967-8  Art

Fr Poly         241-2           $12     1968    Flowers 
Fr Poly         245-6            $4     1969    Flowers 
Fr Poly         247-50          $15     1969    Sports 
Fr Poly         253-7           $21     1969    Government
Fr Poly         263,C71-3       $25     1971    Water sports,boat 
Fr Poly         263,C71-3 FDC   $22     1971     " on one cover 
Fr Poly         264-6            $6     1971    Flowers 
Fr Poly         273              $6     1972    Alcoholosim

Fr Poly         273 FDC         $10     1972    Alcoholosim, first day cover

Fr Poly         274 FDC         $10     1973    Child Nursery, first day cover

Fr Poly         277              $7     1974    Dog,life saver 

Fr Poly         284              $7     1974    Woman,UPU
Fr Poly         286              $7     1975    Fish 
Fr Poly         289 FDC          $8     1976    Turtle, 18f, unaddressed first day cover
Fr Poly         291              $6     1976    Telephone, Bell

Fr Poly         292-5 FDC       $40     1976    Ships, each on separate first day cover

Fr Poly         296-9           $16     1977    Ships

Fr Poly         296-9 FDC       $25     1977    Ships, each on separate first day cover

Fr Poly         304-6           $10     1978    20th Anniv of Fr Poly stamps
Fr Poly         307-10           $7     1978    Ships 

Fr Poly         307-10 FDC      $18     1978    Ships, each stamp on first day cover

Fr Poly         311-12           $4     1979    Sea life,coral 
Fr Poly         313-8            $2     1979    Landscapes
Fr Poly         322              $3     1979    Hill,stamp/stamp 
Fr Poly         326              $2     1979    Rotary 
Fr Poly         327-9 FDC        $5     1980    Fish, each stamp on separate first day cover
Fr Poly         330              $3     1980    Rotary,ovptd 
Fr Poly         331-2            $2     1980    Crayfish 
Fr Poly         334-6            $4     1980    Arts Festival
Fr Poly         336a             $8     1980    Arts Festival,S/S 
Fr Poly         337-9            $5     1980    Birds 
Fr Poly         340              $3     1980    DeGaulle 
Fr Poly         349-51           $3     1981    Birds 
Fr Poly         361              $3     1982    Philexfrance,stamp/stamp 
Fr Poly         361a            $10     1982    Philexfrance,stamp/stamp,S/S 
Fr Poly         365              $2     1982    Sail boat
Fr Poly         366              $2     1982    Ecology
Fr Poly         367-9            $2     1982    Scenes,islands
Fr Poly         379-82           $2     1983    Traditional hats
Fr Poly         383-5            $2     1983    Traditional costumes
Fr Poly         389              $2     1983    Martin Luther
Fr Poly         397-9 S/10      $15     1984    Costumes,sheets/10
Fr Poly         400-2            $2     1984    Flower garlands 
Fr Poly         403              $3     1984    Pacific Arts Festival
Fr Poly         404-7            $4     1984    Paintings 
Fr Poly         414-6            $2     1985    Early Tahiti
Fr Poly         417              $2     1985    Coral reefs
Fr Poly         422-23B(4)       $4     1985-6  Pig on a stick,food
Fr Poly         424-6            $4     1985    Churches
Fr Poly         427-9 FDC       $10     1986    Crabs, each stamp on separate first day cover
Fr Poly         447-8            $2     1986    Canoe building
Fr Poly         449-51           $2     1987    Medicinal plants 
Fr Poly         481 w Tab        $7     1988    Lighthouse 
Fr Poly         485              $5     1988    Space,Polysat 
Fr Poly         490              $4     1988    Sydpex'88
Fr Poly         491              $5     1988    Map, fish 
Fr Poly         491 w Tab        $7     1988    Map 
Fr Poly         501-2            $2     2989    Tahiti Post Office
Fr Poly         505-6           $60     1989    Copra Industry, blocked/withdrawn issue

Fr Poly         505-6 w Marg    $62     1989     " as above, with margins

Fr Poly         505-6 B/4      $225     1989     " as above, margin blocks/4

Fr Poly         505-6 B/4      $175     1989     " margin blocks/4, one stamp in each block with corner crease

Fr Poly         505-6 FDC      $135     1989     " as above,  unaddressed first day cover for each stamp

Fr Poly         506 FDC         $15     1989     " as above, unaddressed first day cover of 70f (506) stamp only

Fr Poly         505-6i         $145     1989     "as above, imperforate, upper right corner margins (top & side)

Fr Poly         505-6i         $125     1989     "as above, imperforate, margin

Fr Poly         505-6i          $85     1989     "as above, imperforate, wide border, no margin, #1

Fr Poly         505-6i          $85     1989     "as above, imperforate, wide border, no margin, #2

Fr Poly         505-6 DS       $175     1989     "as above, deluxe sheets,sunken imprints on shiny thick card stock

Fr Poly         510-11           $4     1989    Environment, diving

Fr Poly         516             $15     1989    PhilexFrance 89, S/S

Fr Poly         518 FDC         $10     1989    Message stamps, strip/5, FDC

Fr Poly         527-9            $4     1989    Legends
Fr Poly         530-1            $2     1989    Flowers,orchids 
Fr Poly         534-7           $45     1990    Maps, sea life, Scott price for 535 (59f) 
                                                 in italics (blocked/withdrawn issue) 
Fr Poly         534-7+          $50     1990     " as above but with top margin with fish scale imprint
Fr Poly         534-7++         $55     1990     " all bottom right margin with fish scale and control number

Fr Poly         534-7 GP        $90     1990     " as above, gutter pairs  (2 sets) 

Fr Poly         534-7 GP (x2)  $175     1990     " as above,  gutter pairs x2 in block (4 sets) 

Fr Poly         534-7 GP (x2)  $185     1990     " as above, gutter pairs x2 in block (4 sets)
                                                    bottom of sheet 

Fr Poly         534-7 S/10     $385     1990     " as above, sheets of 10 each (5 gutter pairs> 

Fr Poly         534-7i         ~POR~    1990     " as above, imperforate, Price on Request

Fr Poly         534-7 FDC      $125     1990     " as above, first day cover, each stamp on separate cover

Fr Poly         535 FDC         $65     1990     " unaddressed first day cover, 59f stamp, blocked stamp in set

Fr Poly         534-7 used      $35     1990     " as above, used, Tahiti 29.3.90 + other sets

Fr Poly         538-9            $8     1990    Buildings
Fr Poly         540-1            $2     1990    Birds
Fr Poly         543-5           $13     1990    DeGaulle,map,S/S 
Fr Poly         544-5           $10     1990    Map, single & S/S

Fr Poly         544 FDC         $10     1990    Map, man similar to 434-7. 

Fr Poly         545              $4     1990    S/S with map and bird
Fr Poly         543              $4     1990    DeGaulle 
Fr Poly         544              $3     1990    Map 
Fr Poly         549-51          $16     1990    Paintings 
Fr Poly         555-6            $3     1991    Local resources

Fr Poly         560-2           $45     1991    Boats, Scott price for 560 (68f)
                                                 in italics (blocked/withdrawn issue)
Fr Poly         560-2+          $50     1991     "  as above, each stamp with fish scale imprint in margin

Fr Poly         560-2 S/10     $350     1991     " as above, sheets of 10 each (5 gutter pairs> 

Fr Poly         577              $5     1991    Space 
Fr Poly         590              $4     1992    Space, satellite,S/S 
Fr Poly         592              $3     1992    World Columbian Stamp Expo
Fr Poly         592-3            $7     1992    World Columbian Stamp Expo
                                                 single + S/S
Fr Poly         593              $5     1992    World Columbian Stamp Expo, 92 S/S

Fr Poly         606a             $8     1992    Boat races, S/S, face value 205f but sold for 250f

Fr Poly         611a Bklt       $15     1993    Net fishing, pane of 10, booklet

Fr Poly         612-4            $4     1993    Fish, fising, boat 
Fr Poly         641              $9     1994    Old Tahiti
Fr Poly         646             $18     1994    Painting, Gauguin 
Fr Poly         648              $6     1994    Boat, canoe, strip/4 
Fr Poly         655              $2     1995    Animals, pigs 
Fr Poly         658              $6     1995    Pasteur 
Fr Poly         668              $8     1995    UN
Fr Poly         685-7            $3     1996    Birds 
Fr Poly         693              $2     1996    Stamp/Stamp

Fr Poly         727 FDC         $12     1997    Gaugian painting, first day cover

Fr Poly         743 FDC         $12     1997    Painting, first day cover

Fr Poly         774-7 FDC       $10     2000    Intl Festival, each stamp on separate first day cover

Fr Poly         750-53 FDC      $12     1999    Marine life, embossed stamps, each stamp on
                                                 separate first day cover

Fr Poly         760 Bklt        $30     1999    Fruits, complete booklet with 2 panes of 6 stamps each

Fr Poly FDC     762              $5     1999    Chopin, first day cover

Fr Poly         678Ab(x2) Bklt  $25     1996    Queen Pomare, complete booklet of 2 panes/5, self-adhesives

Fr Poly         804a            $20     2001    Anniversary of Autonomy, S/S, face value 250f but sold for 500f

Fr Poly         806a            $10     2001    Boat races, S/S, face value 205f but sold for 250f

Fr Poly         883a            $12     2004    Painting, gathering shell fish, S/S, face value
                                                 60f but sold for 250f, noted but not priced in Scott

Fr Poly         884,5 Bklt      $50     2004    Flowers, complete booklet, 1200f

Fr Poly         896a            $13     2005    Fish, S/S

Fr Poly         908             POR     2005    Anniv of Autonomy, limited issue - Price on Request

Fr Poly         929-30 Bklt     $30     2006    Booklet, 2 panes of 6 90fr stamps each, sold for 1200fr

Fr Poly         947a            $12     2007    Shells, S/S

Fr Poly         Bklt            $50     2008    Self adhesives 1220f, complete booklet/foldout folder

Fr Poly         Bklt            $50     2009    Self adhesives 1240f, fish, complete booklet/foldout folder

Fr Poly         Bklt            $55     2010    Self adhesives 1200f, birds, complete booklet/foldout folder

Fr Poly         Bklt            $50     2011    Self adhesives, 600f, complete booklet/foldout folder

Fr Poly         Bklt            $55     2011    Self adhesives, 1200f, fish, complete booklet/foldout folder

Fr Poly         Bklt            $50     2012    Self adhesives, scenes, 600f, complete booklet/foldout folder

Fr Poly         Bklt            $50     2012    Self adhesives, flowers, 600f, complete booklet/foldout folder

Fr Poly         B6-10           $75     1939    French Revolution, nibbled perfs top of B8

Fr Poly         B11-12A          $6     1941    Ships,military
Fr Poly         B11-12A B/4     $22     1941    Ships,military 
Fr Poly         B13              $2     1944    Red Cross
Fr Poly         B14              $6     1950    Tropical medicine 
Fr Poly - Airmails Scott Price Year Comments Fr Poly C1,C2 $4 1934,41 Plane,unoverprinted and overprinted Fr Poly C3-9 $7 1942 Plane Fr Poly C20 $10 1949 UPU Fr Poly C20 LH $6 1949 UPU, lightly hinged Fr Poly C21 $40 1953 Painting, Gauguin Fr Poly C21 VLH $25 1953 Painting, Gauguin, very lightly hinged Fr Poly C23 LH $4 1955 Bahia Peak, Borabora, lightly hinged Fr Poly C24-7 $55 1958 Paintings by Gauguin Fr Poly C24-7 Hinged $32 1958 Paintings,Gauguin, lightly hinged Fr Poly C27 $22 1958 200fr, night fishing,short set Fr Poly C28 $2 1960 Plane Fr Poly C29 $7 1962 Telstar Fr Poly C29 B/4 $26 1962 Telstar,block/4 Fr Poly C30 $3 1964 Dancer Fr Poly C31 $9 1964 Map,Free French Fr Poly C31 FDC $12 1964 " first day, commerical cover to Los Angeles Fr Poly C31,210 FDC $18 1962,6 Two FDC, 1) C31,210 and 2) C43 C43 FDC Fr Poly C31 Cvr $10 1964 " commercial cover to US, 1965.2.16 Fr Poly C33 $65 1965 ITU Fr Poly C33 FDC $35 1965 ITU, first day cover,toning along left perfs Fr Poly C34-6 $35 1965 Gauguin Fr Poly C34-6 FDC $28 1965 Gauguin, FDCs, all issued different days Fr Poly C34-6 FDC $35 1965 Gauguin, FDCs, each on maximum card, C34 x2 Fr Poly C37 $50 1965 Skin diving Fr Poly C38 $15 1965 Painting, flowers Fr Poly C39 $13 1965 Radio, map Fr Poly C41a $8 1966 Satellite A-1 type Fr Poly C41a B/4 $28 1966 Satellite A-1 type,block of 4 Fr Poly C42 $5 1966 Satellite D-1 type Fr Poly C43 $9 1966 Pepeete Harbor Fr Poly C44 $8 1966 Viva Tahiti Fr Poly C45-7 $20 1968 Ships, canoes, discovery of Tahiti Fr Poly C47a $95 1968 Ships, canoes, discovery of Tahiti, S/S Fr Poly C47a o $60 1968 Ships, canoes, discovery of Tahiti, S/S, cto 6 April 1968 Fr Poly C48 $26 1968 Painting, Gauguin Fr Poly C49 $10 1968 Sports Fr Poly C50 $40 1969 Concorde,plane Fr Poly C51 $12 1969 PATA Fr Poly C54 $50 1969 Painting, Napoleon Bonaparte Fr Poly C55-6 $30 1970 Japan Expo Fr Poly C57-61 $20 1970 Pearls Fr Poly C57-61 LH $8 1970 Pearls, lightly hinged Fr Poly C62 $12 1970 Education Fr Poly C63-7 $65 1970 Paintings by Polynesian artists Fr Poly C68 $6 1971 South Pacific Games Fr Poly C69 $6 1971 De Gaulle Fr Poly C70 $7 1971 Military, soldier, flag, arms Fr Poly C71-3 $16 1971 Water sports Fr Poly C74-7 $32 1971 Water sports, golf, archery Fr Poly C77a $95 1971 Water sports, golf, archery, S/S Fr Poly C77a $55 1971 Water sports, golf, archery, S/S colorless writing indent in margin Fr Poly C78-82 $65 1971 Paintings by Polyneisan artists Fr Poly C78-82 FDC $60 1971 Paintings, first day covers Fr Poly C83 $9 1972 Painting, ships Fr Poly C83 FDC $15 1972 Painting, ships, first day cover Fr Poly C84 $7 1972 Olympics Fr Poly C85 $7 1972 Flags, building Fr Poly C85 FDC $10 1972 Flags Fr Poly C86 $5 1972 Arts Festival Fr Poly C87 $7 1972 Boat,Kon Tiki Fr Poly C88 $36 1972 DeGaulle Fr Poly C89-93 $60 1972 Paintings by Polynesian Artists Fr Poly C94 $16 1973 St Teresa of Liseux Fr Poly C95 $20 1973 Copernicus,space Fr Poly C96 $15 1973 Plane,Air France Fr Poly C97 $7 1973 Plane,DC10 Fr Poly C98 $18 1973 Painting,Gauguin Fr Poly C99 $26 1973 Writer, Pierre Loti Fr Poly C100-4 $60 1973 Paintings Fr Poly C105 $5 1974 Bird,fish,flower,water,ecology Fr Poly C106 $16 1974 Sailboat,catamaran Fr Poly C107-11 $65 1974 Paintings by Polynesian artists Fr Poly C115 $6 1975 Arphila75,stamp/stamps Fr Poly C117-9 $13 1975 Sports,flowers Fr Poly C121 $14 1975 Plane Fr Poly C127 $12 1976 Concorde Fr Poly C128-9 $5 1976 Ships Fr Poly C128-9 GPx2 $16 1976 Ships,gutter pairs x2 in block Fr Poly C128-9 FDC $10 1976 Ships, FDC, C129 not tied by cancel Fr Poly C134-6 $13 1976 Olympics-Montreal,sports Fr Poly C136a $48 1976 Olympics-Montreal,sports,S/S Fr Poly C137 $7 1976 Painting Fr Poly C141-4 $4 1977 Kings Fr Poly C145-6 $3 1977 Coral Symposium, coral Fr Poly C147 $3 1977 De Gaulle Memorial Fr Poly FDC C147 $10 1977 De Gaulle Memorial, first day cover Fr Poly C148 $3 1977 Dancer Fr Poly C149 $5 1977 Lindberg,plane Fr Poly C150-1 $2 1977 Flowers Fr Poly C152 $8 1977 Ecology Fr Poly C153 $8 1977 Painting, Rueben's Son Fr Poly C154-5 $4 1978 Ships, Cook Fr Poly C154-5 Gtr Prs $8 1978 Ships, Cook Fr Poly C154-5 S/10 $32 1978 Ships, Cook, both stamps in S/10 of ea Fr Poly C154-5 FDC $10 1978 Ships, Cook, each on first day cover Fr Poly C159 $8 1978 Painting Fr Poly C160 $4 1978 ITU,antenna Fr Poly C161 $4 1978 Soccer Fr Poly C162-3 $2 1978 Coral,sea life Fr Poly C164 $2 1978 Radar Fr Poly C165 $5 1978 Nature protection Fr Poly C166-7 $6 1979 Ships,Cook,overprints Fr Poly C166-7 GP $12 1979 Ships,Cook,overprints,gutter pairs Fr Poly C168 $12 1979 Flower,child,IYC Fr Poly C169 $12 1979 Painting Fr Poly C170 $2 1979 Shell,carved head Fr Poly C171 $2 1979 South Pacific Conference Fr Poly C172-6 $12 1979 Planes Fr Poly C177 $5 1980 Painting,Matisse > Fr Poly C178 $12 1980 Painting,Gauguin Fr Poly C179 $4 1980 Stamp/stamp Fr Poly C184 $5 1981 Painting Fr Poly C185 $5 1981 Space Fr Poly C186 $3 1981 Boat, canoe Fr Poly C186 FDC $10 1981 Boat, canoe, first day cover Fr Poly C187-90 $6 1981 Paintings Fr Poly C191 $3 1982 Medicine Fr Poly C192 $4 1982 Sports,soccer Fr Poly C193 $2 1982 Scene Fr Poly C194-7 $7 1982 Paintings Fr Poly C194-7 B/4 $25 1982 Paintings Fr Poly C194-7 S/10 $55 1982 Paintigs in sheet of 10 Fr Poly C192 $4 1982 World Cup soccer Fr Poly C199 $4 1983 Maps,ship Fr Poly C200 $2 1983 Brasiliana '83 Fr Poly C200a $2 1983 Brasiliana '83 S/S Fr Poly C200a-1a $15 1983 Brasiliana '83 & Bangkok '83 S/S on one cover to US canclled 6.8.1984 Fr Poly C201 $2 1983 Bangkok '83 Fr Poly C202-5 $5 1983 Paintings Fr Poly C202-5 B/4 $14 1983 Paintings Fr Poly C202-5 S/10 $25 1983 Paintings in sheet of 10 Fr Poly C206 $2 1984 Boats,canoe,dog Fr Poly C207 $5 1984 Dog,boat Fr Poly C208 $7 1984 Painting,Gauguin Fr Poly C212 $9 1985 Painting Fr Poly C212 FDC $18 1985 Painting, first day cover Fr Poly C214 $3 1985 Bird Fr Poly C214 w label $4 1985 Bird w Audubon label Fr Poly C215 $2 1985 Ship Fr Poly C217 $4 1986 Fish,marlin Fr Poly C218 $5 1986 Ships Fr Poly C225 $2 1987 CAPEX, single Fr Poly C225-6 $6 1987 Ships,CAPEX 87,single & S/S Fr Poly C227 $10 1987 Painting Fr Poly CB1 LH $18 1939 French Revolution CD, lightly hinged Fr Poly J31-6 $2 1984-7 Postage dues Fr Poly O1-15 FDC $40 1977 Officials, complete set on four first day covers
French Polynesia Imperforate Issues Scott Price Year Comments Fr Poly 195i $12 1960 Papette post office Fr Poly 196-7i $26 1962 Flowers, imperforate Fr Poly 199-201i $30 1962 Fish, imperforate Fr Poly 199-201i Pr $70 1962 Fish, imperforate, horiz pair with date tabs Fr Poly 203-4i $22 1963 Sports,soccer, imperforate Fr Poly 206i $12 1963 Human Rights, imperforate Fr Poly 210i $15 1964 Soldiers Fr Poly 211-15i $15 1964 Island scenes, imperforate Fr Poly 216,C38i $20 1965 Paintings,flowers, imperforate Fr Poly 227i Pair $22 1967 Poi pounder, vertical pair, imperforate Fr Poly 247-50i TC S/5 $75 1969 Sports,trial color,strip/5, imperforate Fr Poly 263,C72,3i Pr $45 1971 Water sports, imperforate pairs, no C71 Fr Poly 263,C72,3i $25 1971 Water sports, imperforate margin copies, no C71 Fr Poly 267-9i $35 1971 Surfing, bottom right margin ccys, imperforate with date 20.9.71 and fish scales, imperforate Fr Poly 273i $15 1972 Fight against alcholism Fr Poly 274i $18 1973 Nursery Fr Poly 286i Pr $30 1975 Nature protection, fish Fr Poly 288i $18 1976 Sailboat,boy,painting, imperforate Fr Poly 289-90i Pr $45 1976 Turtle, bird, ecology, imperforate pairs Fr Poly 289-90i $30 1976 Turtle, bird, ecology, imperforate Fr Poly 296-9i $23 1977 Boats, imperforate Fr Poly 307-10i $20 1977 Ships Fr Poly 331-2i $6 1980 Fish hatchery,crayfish, imperforate Fr Poly 334-6i $8 1980 Arts Festival, imperforate Fr Poly 341-3i $8 1981 Fish, imperforate Fr Poly 344-5i $8 1981 Shells, imperforate Fr Poly 352-4i $7 1981 Scenes,islands, imperforate Fr Poly 362-4i $9 1982 Coronation ceremony, imperforate Fr Poly 366i 5 1982 Energy, imperforate Fr Poly 367-9i $8 1982 Scenes,islands, imperforate Fr Poly 367-8i $6 1982 Scences,islands,short 369, imperforate Fr Poly 370-2i S/20 $ 235 1992 Birds, sheets of 20, imperforate Fr Poly 404-7i $17 1984 Paintings, imperforate Fr Poly 430-2i Pairs $20 1986 Faces,fish, imperforate Fr Poly 433-5i $16 1986 Old Tahiti, imperforate Fr Poly 444-6i Pairs $18 1986 Handicarafts,vertical pairs, imperforate Fr Poly 444-6i B/4 $32 1986 Handicarafts,vertical pairs, imperforate Fr Poly 458-9i $20 1987 Food, imperforate Fr Poly 534-7i ~POR~ 1990 Maps, sea life, imperforate, Price on Request Fr Poly C38i $20 1965 Painting,flowers , imperforate Fr Poly C45-7i $35 1968 Ship,canoe,discovery of Tahiti, imperforate Fr Poly C70i $12 1971 Military, imperforate Fr Poly C70i Pr $25 1971 Military, imperforate, vertical pair, top margin Fr Poly C70i Pr $25 1971 Military, imperforate, vertical pair, bottom margin Fr Poly C70i Pr $25 1971 Military, imperforate, horizontal pair, right margin Fr Poly C70i Pr $25 1971 Military, imperforate, horizontal pair, left margin Fr Poly C71-3i $30 1971 Water sports, magain copies, 2 with control number Fr Poly C71-3i $28 1971 Water sports, fish scale magain copies, 1 with control number Fr Poly C71-3i $25 1971 Water sports, fish scale trimmed top magain copies Fr Poly C83i $16 1972 Painting,Pepette Harbor, imperforate Fr Poly C85i $12 1972 Pacific Commission, imperforate Fr Poly C86i $14 1972 Pacific Art Festival, imperforate Fr Poly C86i tc S/25 $185 1972 Pacific Art Festival, trial color sheet of 25, blue violet, brown red and slate green, folded in right margin, imperforate Fr Poly C86i tc S/25 $185 1972 Pacific Art Festival, trial color sheet of 25, dark brown, mauve and brown lilac, folded in right margin, imperforate Fr Poly C86i tc B/20 $150 1972 Pacific Art Festival, trial color block of 20, turquoise blue, gray lilac and red brown, imperforate Fr Poly C86i tc B/20 $150 1972 Pacific Art Festival, trial color block of 20, bright carmine, prusssian blue and red brown, imperforate Fr Poly C97i $15 1973 Plane, imperforate Fr Poly C122-6i $45 1975 Paintings, margin imperfs Fr Poly C149i $8 1977 Plane,Lindbergh, imperforate Fr Poly C172-6i $16 1979 Planes, imperforate Fr Poly C177i $8 1980 Painting,Matisse, imperforate Fr Poly C185i $15 1981 Space, imperforate Fr Poly C187-90i $25 1981 Paintings,Hodges, imperforate Fr Poly C194-7i $12 1982 Paintings,ships, imperforate
French Polynesia Deluxe Sheets Scott Price Year Comments Fr Poly 216,C38 DS $20 1965 Paintings,flowers, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 258-60 DS $25 1970 PATA Conference, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 261 DS $10 1970 UPU,18fr, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 263 DS $15 1971 Boat,fishing, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 264-6 DS $30 1971 Flowers, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 264,5 DS $10 1971 Flowers, 8f,12f no 22fr, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 287 DS $15 1976 Pompidou, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 289-90 DS $35 1976 Turtle, Bird, ecology, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 349-51 DS $30 1981 Birds, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 370-2 DS $30 1982 Birds, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 380-3 DS $20 1984 Kings, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 390-2 DS $20 1984 Tiki carvings, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 397,8 DS $10 1984 Kings, short 39fr sheet, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 414-6 DS $28 1985 Paintings, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 430-2 DS $28 1986 Faces,sea life,fish,turtle,coral, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 444-6 DS $25 1986 Traditional crafts, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 447-8 DS $20 1986 Canoe building, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 452-4 DS $25 1986 Polynesians, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 476-7 DS $20 1988 Authors, Hall & Nordhoff, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 482-4 DS $30 1988 Paintings by Paul Engdahl, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 489 DS $15 1988 Sydpex '88, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 495-7 DS $30 1988 Medicinal plants, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 498-500 DS $30 1988 Protestant missionaries, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 505-6 DS $175 1989 Copra Industry, blocked/withdrawn issue, deluxe sheets, sunken imprints on shiny thick card stock Fr Poly 507-9 DS $30 1989 Tapa art, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 510-11 DS $20 1989 Environment, diving, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 512-13 DS $30 1989 Folklore, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 523-5 DS $35 1989 Shells, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 527-9 DS $25 1989 Legends, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 538-9 DS $25 1990 Centenaire, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 567-9 DS $20 1991 Sculptures, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 577 DS $18 1991 Central bank, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly 578-80 DS $25 1991 Underwater scenes, Christmas, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C45-7 DS $35 1968 Ship-canoe,Bougainville, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C49 $30 1970 Pata, Olympic Games, deluxe sheet, sunken imprint Fr Poly C52 $45 1970 48f, Underwater Fishing, deluxe sheet, sunken inprent Fr Poly C55-6 DS $25 1970 Osaka Int'l Expo, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C68 DS $15 1971 South Pacific Games, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C69 DS $15 1971 DeGaulle Memorial, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C70 DS $20 1971 Soldier, WWII, deluxe sheet, sunken imprint Fr Poly C70,85,86 DS $40 1971-2 Military,So Pac Comm,Art Festival, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C106 DS $18 1974 Catamaran Championships, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C130-5 DS $25 1976 King & Queen, deluxe sheet(s) Fr Poly C207 DS $20 1984 Espana 84, Dog, deluxe sheet(s) Covers - Tahati/Fr Polynesia French Community Covers (Separate Web Page) First Flight Cover (FFC) in and out of Tahiti/Fr Poly $18 Saigon>Papeete, Air France, 50.3.23, no receiving cxl $18 Papeete>Paris, Air France, 50.3.30, no receiving cxl $22 Papeete>New Cal, Air France, 50.4.2, backstamp 50.4.5 $20 NZ>Papeete, TEAL, 51,12,26, backstamp 51.12.29 $20 NZ>Papeete, TEAL, 51,12,26, backstamp 51.12.29 $20 NZ>Papeete, TEAL, 51,12,26, backstamp 51.12.29 $25 Tahati>NZ, TEAL, 51.29.12 (indistinct), 52.1.1 backstamp $20 Tahati>NZ, TEAL, 51.29.12, no backstamp $20 Paris>Papeete, TAI, 58.9.28, 58.10.2 Papeete backstamp $20 Papeete>New Caledonia, TAI, 58.9.29, 58.10.6 Noumea backstamp $15 Papeete>Honolulu, TAI, 60.5.5, 60.5.11 Paris backstamp $15 LA>Papeete, TAI, 60.5.7, 60.5.9 Papeete backstamp, aerogramme $20 Honolulu>Papeete, TAI, 61.5.4, 61.5.4 Papeete backstamp $20 Papeete>Raiatea, RAI, 62.6.13, 62.6.14 Uturoa backstamp $22 Papeete>Moorea, RAI, 63.5.4, 63.5.4 backstamp $20 Mexico City>Papeete, Quantas, 64.11.28, 64.11.29 Papeete backstamp $10 Pago Pago>Papeete, Pan Am, 65.11.30, 65.11.30 Papeete backstamp F14-144 $12 Papeete>Pago Pago, Pan Am, 65.11.30, 65.11.30 Pago Pago backstamp F14-115 $22 Cook Isl>Bora Bora, Poly Airlines, 66.3.4, 66.3.6 Bora Bora backstamp, signed $22 Cook Isl>Papeete, Poly Airlines, 66.3.5, 66.3.5 Papeete backstamp, signed $22 Papeete>Cook Isl, Poly Airlines, 66.3.7, 66.3.8 Rarotonga backstamp, signed (#1) $20 Papeete>Cook Isl, Poly Airlines, 66.3.7, 66.3.8 Rarotonga backstamp, signed (#2) $22 Papeete>Cook Isl, Poly Airlines, 66.3.7, 66.3.8 Aitutaki backstamp, signed Oceanie Covers $45 Papete 1895 Letter Card to Berlin $22 Papete 1944.6.20 to US, censored

George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311

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