George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707
(575) 434-1571 (Fax)
British Commonwealth J-O
Click on the category below that you wish to look at or scroll down the entire list.
New Guinea
New Hebrides,Br
New Zealand
North Borneo
British Commonwealth Pages:
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Country Scott Price Year Comments
Jamaica 103-5 H $4 1929-32 KGV, hinged
Jamaica 106-8 VLH $9 1932 Scenes, very lightly hinged
Jamaica 109-12 o $30 1935 Silver Jubilee, used (on torn registered cover)
Jamaica 200 ftn $10 1962 Sports S/S, Scott footnote
Jamaica 297-91 $9 1969 Overprints,"C-Day"
Jamaica 368a $3 1973 Animals
Jamaica 541a,4a Bklt $7 1982 Royal baby, booklet
Jamaica 546 $4 1982 Birds, strip/5
Jordan 380 footnote p&i$10 1962 Malaria S/S, perf & imperf
Jordan 391a,4a $12 1963 Arab league, strips/5, each fold along perfs
Jordan 418 footnote p*i$30 1963 Red Crescent, S/S, perf & imperf
Jordan 457-62p&i $5 1964 Kennedy, perf & imperf sets
Jordan 462 footnote $5 1964 Kennedy, 100f imperf S/S
Jordan 534B Var cto $30 1967 10f, Nehru in block of 4, upper left
stamp missing "fils" canceled to order
Kenya 36-50 $22 1971 Shells
Kenya 98-112 $55 1977 Minerals, gems
Kenya U&T 33 LH $16 1925 KGV,4s, lightly hinged
Kenya U&T 42-5 $8 1935 Silver Jubille
Kenya U&T 46-54 $15 1935 KGVI, short set up to 1!
Kenya U&T 92-3 $20 1948 Silver Wedding
Kenya U&T 52 (x2) $15 1935 Cover,21AU35, franked
Cover w/ 2 copies of 52

Kiribati 372A $3 1983 25c bird
Kuwait 1 Invert DG $30 1923-4 Kuwait" ovpt on 1/2a inverted, Scott notes
but says not believed sold at the Post Office
gum disturbed and toned
Kuwait 82-3 $32 1948 Silver Wedding
Kuwait 99-101 LH $28 1951 2,5,10r overprints,lightly hinged
Kuwait 113-6 B/4 $50 1953 Coronation, blocks/4
Kuwait 117-9 $24 1955 QEII,overprinted
Kuwait 117-9 LH $15 1955 QEII,overprinted, lightly hinged
Kuwait 129-39 $16 1957-8 QEII,overprinted
Kuwait 140-52 $28 1959 Definitives
Kuwait 153-4 $2 1960 Flag
Kuwait 155-72 $60 1961 Definitives
Kuwait 183-4 B/4 $5 1962 WHO, blocks/4
Kuwait 193-6 B/4 $10 1963 Freedom from Hunger. blocks/4
Kuwait 204-7 $3 1963 TB
Kuwait 208-13 $5 1963 New constitution
Kuwait 244-6 B/4 $6 1964 UNESCO, blocks/4
Kuwait 225-43 $40 1964 Definitives
Kuwait 244-6 $3 1964 UNESCO
Kuwait 247-50 $3 1964 Mother's Day
Kuwait 251-2 $3 1964 World Health Day
Kuwait 257-60 $4 1964 National Day
Kuwait 281-2 $3 1965 Map
Kuwait 291-8 $25 1965 Falcons
Kuwait 313-4 $6 1966 National Day, eagle
Kuwait 323-4 $2 1966 Headquarters Building
Kuwait 335-6 $5 1966 Boat,sea,fishing
Kuwait 335-6 B/4 $10 1966 Boat,sea,fishing, blocks/4
Kuwait 341-4 $5 1966 Kuwait University
Kuwait 341-4 B/4 $18 1966 Kuwait University, blocks/4
Kuwait 345-7 $5 1966 Heir Apparent
Kuwait 345-7 B/4 $18 1966 Heir Apparent, blocks/4
Kuwait 356-7 B/4 $18 1967 Family Day, blocks/4
Kuwait 358-9 B/4 $10 1967 Arab Publicity Week, blocks/4
Kuwait 376-7 $4 1968 Oil
Kuwait 405-14 $6 1968 Kuwait museum
Kuwait 441-2 $2 1969 Opening of Hilton Hotel
Kuwait 445-7 $2 1968 Flags, dove
Kuwait 481-7 $8 1970 Ships
Kuwait 495-6 $3 1970 Children,family day
Kuwait 497-8 Pairs $4 1970 Flag, horizontal margin pairs
Kuwait 509-10 Pairs $4 1970 UPU Headquarters
Kuwait 511-2 Pairs $10 1970 Sheik Sabah, horiz margin pairs
Thomas De La Rue inscription
Kuwait 513-4 $2 1970 Dove,UN
Kuwait 517-8 $4 1970 Literacy Day
Kuwait 519-20 $4 1970 Military,National Guard
Kuwait 521-2 $4 1971 Flag,National Day
Kuwait 525-6 Pairs $9 1971 Map,globe
Kuwait 527-8 Pairs $6 1971 ITU, horiz margin pairs
Kuwait 529-30 $3 1971 Racial discrimination
Kuwait 537-8 $2 1971 UNICEF
Kuwait 539-40 $2 1972 Book Year
Kuwait 541-2 $3 1972 Kuwait emblem
Kuwait 543-4 $4 1972 Telecom Center
Kuwait 545-6 $7 1972 Heart
Kuwait 547-8 $5 1972 Nurse
Kuwait 602-3 $5 1974 Medical Association
Kuwait 648-50 $5 1976 Medical Association
Kuwait 653-5 $4 1976 World Health Day
Kuwait 675-706 $55 1977 Popular games in blocks/4 (8 blocks)
Kuwait 707-10 $6 1977 Medicine
Kuwait 723-9 $35 1977 Sheik Sabah, definitive set
Kuwait 740-1 $4 1977 Denal Union
Kuwait 742-9 $34 1978 Ships, set in blocks/4
Kuwait 762-3 o $35 1978 1d,4d, hi-values,used
Kuwait 756-83 LH $65 1978 Sheik Sabah, lightly hinged
Kuwait 783 o $25 1978 Sheik Sabah, 4d used
Kuwait 811-12 $3 1980 Anti-smoking
Kuwait 839-40 $5 1981 Medical Conference
Kuwait 845-6 $8 1981 Dental Conference
Kuwait 847-8 $6 1981 Red Cross
Kuwait 880-1 $3 1982 21st National Day
Kuwait 1086-9 $7 1989 World Health Day
Kuwait 1099-01 $7 1989 Medicine
Kuwait 1102-4 $6 1989 Journalist Association
Kuwait 1126-8 $5 1989 Police anniversary
Kuwait 1138-40 $18 1990 Bird, Hawk
Kuwait 1138-40 B/4 $55 1990 Bird,hawk
Kuwait 1138-40 B/6 $75 1990 Bird,hawk
Kuwait 1150 $30 1991 Birds, flags, sheet of 42
Kuwait 1151 $20 1991 Birds, flags, S/S
Kuwait 1152(x2) Cover $17 1991 Human terror on cover
Kuwait 1167a $8 1991 POWs S/S
Kuwait 1184a,b $4 1992 Expo 92, 2 blocks/4
Kuwait 1185-9 $5 1992 Palace of Justice
Kuwait 1190-2 $4 1992 Summer Olympics
Kuwait 1201-4 $4 1992 Oil well fires
Kuwait 1205-7 $2 1993 Kuwait Tower
Kuwait 1211-3 $2 1993 Liberation Day anniv
Kuwait 1214-6 $5 1993 POW
Kuwait 1217-20 $4 1993 Deaf Child Week
Lesotho 104a $9 1980 2r, unwatermarked
Lesotho 105-11 $22 1971 Birds
Malawi 114-17a $6 1969 Flowers, set + S/S
Malawi 202a $12 1973 Buterflies, S/S
Malawi 233-45 $58 1975 Birds
Malawi 327-41 $20 1979 Flowers
Malawi 418 $11 1983 Birds, strip/5
Maldive Islands
Maldive 7-10 H $5 1909 Mosque, hinged
Maldive 11-19 LH $35 1933 Minaret of Juma, lightly hinged
Maldive 109-16 S/8 $75 1963 Fish, sheets of 8 each,
stamps in setenet pairs
Malta 14 o $22 1886 5/ used
Malta 223-4 $40 1948 Silver Wedding
Malta 303-8 $10 1964 Birds, d ve
Malta 450-3 S/10 $10 1972 Europa, sheets/10
Malta 454-68 $13 1973 Definitives
Malta 491-4 $6 1975 IWY
Mauritius Out of Stock
Montserrat 142 $10 1955 QEII, $4.90 value
Montserrat 142 o $10 1955 QEII, $4.80 used
Montserrat 231-43A x6 $150 1970-4 Birds, 6 sets
Montserrat 305a $8 1974 University, S/S
Montserrat 385-8 Bklt $5 1978 25th Anniv, booklet, panes of 2
Montserrat 406-9 $1 1979 UPU, Hill
Montserrat 414-9 $8 1980 Ships, cancels
Montserrat 421-7s S/S $30 1980 Set each stamp on specimenS/S,
each S/S-3 stamps + label,flags
Montserrat 421-7s S/S $30 1980 Set each stamp on specimenS/S,
each S/S-3 stamps + label,flags
Montserrat 428-31 $2 1980 Ships
Montserrat 435-40 $2 1980 Flowers, ovpts
Montserrat 435-40 B/4 $6 1980 Flowers, ovpts, blocks/4
Montserrat 441-4 $3 1981 Butterflies
Montserrat 445-60 $16 1981 Fish, sea life
Montserrat 450,1,3 Bklt $6 1981 Booklet 3 panes of 4 ea
Montserrat 461-4 $2 1981 Fort St George
Montserrat 461-4 B/4 $7 1981 Fort St George, blocks/4
Montserrat 465a(x2),68a $9 1982 Diana,Royal Wedding
Montserrat 472-5 $2 1981 Planes
Montserrat 472-5 B/4 $6 1981 Planes, blocks/4
Montserrat 497-500 B/4 $24 1983 Birds, flowers,block/4
Montserrat 507-15 $6 1983 Dianna stamps, new value ovpts
Montserrat 663-6 VAR $30 1987 Spelled "Edingburgh" birds
Montserrat O30-44 cto $13 1980 Officials, used, canceled to order
Montserrat O45-55 $10 1981 O.M.H.S Ovpts, fish
Nauru 49-56 $20 1963-5 Bird,flower,lizard
Nauru 58-71 $10 1966 Bird,boat,scenes
Nauru 72-85 $12 1968 Republic overprint
Nauru 114-7,7a $10 1974 Map,flags,building,UPU
Nauru 161-4 $14 1978 Surcharge
Nauru 165-81 $10 1978-9 Sea,bird,scenes
Nevis 100-12 $4 1980 Overprints
Nevis 113 $5 1980 Queen Mom, specimen
Nevis 118-20 Specmin $5 1980 Christmas, specimens
Nevis 121-34s $16 1981 Ships, specimens
Nevis 135-40s $8 1981 Prince Charles & Lady
Diana, specimen
Nevis 135a,6a,7a Bklt $10 1981 Diana, Royal Wedding, booklet
Nevis 640-53 $30 1991-2 Butterflies,plants
Newfoundland 183-99 $80 1932-7 Ships
Newfoundland 183-99 H $28 1932-7 Ships, hinged, some hinge remnants
Newfoundland 226-9s $100 1935 Silver Jubilee, specimens
Newfoundland 226-9 $10 1935 Silver Jubilee
Newfoundland 233-43 $17 1937 KGVI,ships
New Guinea
New Hebrides,Br
New Hebrides,Br 82-92 x2 $43 1957 Scenes, pairs
New Hebrides,Br 96-107 $32 1963-7 Industries, 105 damaged
New Hebrides,Br 155-66 $22 1972 Birds, shells,artifacts
New Hebrides,Br 178dp $18 1973 Yasur Volcano, black & white photo proof
New Hebrides,Br 217-29 $34 1977 Birds, shell,animals,ovptd
New Hebrides,Br 217-29 B/4 $125 1977 Birds, shell, animals, new currency
ovpts, margin blocks/4
New Hebrides,Br 238-41 Bklt $40 1978 Booklet w/ blocks/4 of 238,9,40,41
New Hebrides,Br 276-9 GP $8 1980 Birds, vert gutter pairs
New Zealand
New Zealand 199-201 $20 1935 Silver Jubilee
New Zealand 218-22 $3 1936 Commerce
New Zealand 229-41 LH $14 1940 Map,waterfall,scenes
New Zealand 247-57 $2 1946 Return to peace
New Zealand 288-301 $75 1953-7 QEII definitives
New Zealand 434a $20 1969 Cook, S/S
New Zealand 875a Ovpt $10 1987 S/S overprinted CAPEX '87,planes
New Zealand 875a Ovpt (x5) $40 1987 5 copies,S/S overprinted CAPEX '87
New Zealand 879a Ovpt $10 1987 S/S overprinted CAPEX '87,Park
New Zealand 879a Ovpt (x5) $40 1987 5 copies,S/S overprinted CAPEX '87
New Zealand 794a $3 1984 Plane, helo, dogs, seal
New Zealand AR102-5 $35 1967 Postal fiscal
New Zealand B52a-3a (x2) $22 1957 1st printing (sideways wmk) &
2nd printing (upright wmk)
New Zealand B52a-3a $16 1957 2nd printing (upright wmk)
New Zealand B54a-5a $6 1958 Girl's Life Brigade
New Zealand B57a-8a $6 1959 Birds
New Zealand B57a-8a x5 $25 1959 Birds, x5 sets
New Zeland B59a-60a $22 1960 Birds
New Zeland B59a-60a x5 $100 1960 Birds, x5 sets
New Zealand B61a-2a $22 1961 Birds
New Zealand B61a-2a x5 $100 1961 Birds, x5 sets
New Zealand B63a-4a $30 1962 Birds
New Zealand B63a-4a x5 $125 1962 Birds, x5 sets
New Zealand B65a-6a $20 1963 Child
New Zealand B65a-6a x5 $80 1963 Child, x5 sets
New Zealand B69a-70a $18 1965 Birds
New Zealand B71a-2a o $30 1966 Birds, used
New Zealnad B73a-4a $15 1967 Rugby
New Zealand B75a-6a $14 1968 Olympics
New Zealand B80a-81a $12 1970 Sports
New Zealand B85a-6a $15 1972 Sports, tennis
New Zealand B87a-8a $12 1973 Prince Edward
New Zealand B90a $16 1974 Dogs
New Zealand B93a $12 1975 Child,lamb
New Zealand B97a $5 1976 Child
New Zealand B105a $3 1979 Fish
New Zealand C5 FFC/FD $38 1934 First Flight Cover/First Day of Isse, NZ>Sydney 17 Feb 34
New Zealand J22-5 $18 1938 Postage dues
New Zeal-Ross L1-20 $35 1957-82 Maps, ship, plane, 5 sets, no "a" nos
New Zeal-Ross L1-4 $10 1957 Ship, map
New Zeal-Ross L5-8 $29 1967 Ship, map
New Zeal-Ross L9-14 $3 1972 Plane,s hip
Nigeria 291-307 $20 1973-4 Industries, Scott value in italics
Nieu 14-6 VLH $10 1911-2 Surcharges, very lightly hinged
Nieu 83-5, 76 $20 1944-5 Could be more expensive 73-5
Niue 116-9 B/4 $12 1967 Black surcharge,blocks/4
Norfolk 13-8 LH $35 1953 Plane,buildings
Norfolk 19-20 B/4 $16 1956 First settlers
Norfolk 42 $24 1960 Map,QEII
Norfolk 71-82 FDC $18 1966 Overprints, registered first day cvr
Norfolk 126-40 $24 1970-1 Birds
Norfolk 175-8 $5 1974 Cook
Norfolk 201-17 $8 1976-7 Butterflies
Norfolk 201-17 B/4 $30 1976-7 Butterflies, blocks/4
Norfolk 256-70 $10 1980-1 Planes
Norfolk 280-2 $1 1981 Diana
North Borneo
North Borneo Out of Stock
Nyasaland Procterate
Nyasaland 38-46 VLH $13 1934-5 KGV, Leopard, very lightly hinged
Nyasaland 51-3 $1 1937 Coronation
Nyasaland 84s LH $55 1948 1p, KGVI, lightly hinged
Oman 65-75 $15 1957 Ovprints, 40np hinged others never hinged
Oman 76-8 $12 1957 Jubilee Jamboree
Oman 138 $14 1972 Book Year
Oman 162-7 $18 1975 National Day
Oman 190A-C Used $775 1978 40b on 150b, 50b on150b and 75 Baiza on 250 Baiza, used
Oman 190A Used $175 1978 40b on 150b, perf toning
Oman 190C Used $500 1978 75 Baiza on 250 Baiza, used,
Aug 6, 78 cancel - issued Jul 30, 78
Oman 216A,B $10 1981 National Day
Oman 237 $6 1982 Municipalities Week
Oman 239-40 $8 1982 National Day
Oman 216 $6 1981 Pilgrimage Year
Oman 220a $40 1981 Voyage of Sinbad, sheet of 4
Oman 243-4 $8 1982 Palm Tree Day
Oman 245 $6 1983 Natl Police Day
Oman 253 $8 1984 Police Day
Oman 286 Used $10 1985 Trees, used
Oman 289a $25 1986 Ships, S/S
Oman 393 $6 1997 Tourism
Oman 50 Ba $12 Aerogramme, 50 Baisa
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311
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