George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707
(575) 434-1571 (Fax)

British Omnibus
1935 Silver Jubilee
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise.    Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column.  All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).

British Omnibus
1935 Silver Jubilee
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Country         Scott          Price   Wanted (*) MNH
Antigua         77-80           $24         
Ascension       33-6                       *
Australia       152-4                      *
Bahamas         92-5                       *
Barbados        186-9                      *
Basutoland      11-14           $16         
Bechuanaland    117-20                     *
Bermuda         100-3                      *
Br Guiana       223-6                      *
Br Honduras     108-11                     *
Canada          226-9                      *
Cayman Isls     81-4                       *
Ceylon          260-3                      *
Cook Isls       98-100                     *
Cyprus          136-9           $35         
Cyprus          136-9                      *
Dominica        90-3                       *
Falkland Isls   77-80                      *
Fiji            110-3                      *
Gambia          125-8                      *
Gibraltar       100-3                      *
Gilbert & El    33-6                       *
Gold Coast      108-11                     *
Great Britain   226-9                      *
 Morocco (Sp)   67-70                      *
 Morocco (Br)   226-9                      *
 Morocco (Fr)   422-5                      *
 Morocco (Tang) 508-10                     *
Grenada         124-7                      *
Hong Kong       147-50                     *
India           142-8                      *
Jamaica         109-12                     *

Jamaica         109-12 o                   $30    Silver Jubilee, used (on torn registered cover) 

Kenya U&T       42-5                       *
Leeward Isl     96-9                       *
Malta           184-7                      *
Mauritius       204-7                      *
Montserrat      85-8                       *
Nauru           31-4                       *
Newfoundland    226-9           $18         
New Guinea      46-7                       *
New Zealand     199-201         $20         
Nigeria         34-7                       *
Niue            67-9                       *
No Rhodesia     18-21                      *
Nyasaland       47-50                      *
Papua           114-7                      *
St Helena       111-4                      *
St Kitts-Nevis  72-5                       *
St Lucia        91-4                       *
St Vincent      134-7                      *
Samoa           163-5                      *
Seychelles      118-21                     *
Sierra Leone    166-9                      *
Soloman Isls    60-3                       *
Somaliland      77-80                      *
So Africa       68-71                      *
So Africa       68-71 used      $75          Horizontal pairs, used
So Rhodesia     33-6                       *
So-West Africa  121-4                      *
Straits Settlmt 213-6                      *
Swaziland       20-3                       *
Trinidad & Tob  43-6                       *
Turks & Caicos  71-4                       *
Virgin Isls     69-72            $10
Complete        249 Values             ***Wanted*** (MNH)

George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311

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