George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
On the WWW at:
Germany - Deutschland
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Separate Page:
East Germany
Germany - AMG
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Regular Issues
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Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Deutsches Reich
Germany 100c $50 1917 Booklet pane, 2 #83, 4 #100
Germany 345-6 $35 Mi 370-1 1925 Traffic exhibition
Germany 377 $20 Mi 416 1928 v. Hindenburg, 25pf
Germany 379 $60 Mi 418 1928 v. Hindenburg, 40pf
Germany 381 $40 Mi 420 1928 v. Hindenburg, 50pf
Germany 383 $75 Mi 422 1928 v. Hindenburg, 80pf
Germany 448-51 $65 Mi 565-8 1935 Return of Saar
Germany 459-62 $75 1935 Trains
Germany 462 $18 Mi 583 1935 Train, high value - 40pf
Germany 463-4 $8 Mi 584-5 1935 Bugler
Germany 466-7 $8 1935 Flag
Germany 469 $25 1936 Lufthansa
Germany 477-8 $10 Mi 622-3 1936 Recreation Congress
Germany 479-80 $7 1936 Nazi Congress
Germany 480 B/4 $8 1936 Nazi Congress, 12 pf, block/4
Germany 481-3 $8 Mi 643-5 1937 Military
Germany 481-3 B/4 $28 1937 Military, blocks/4
Germany 484 $1 Mi 662 1938 German and Austrian flags
Germany 506a etc Bkt $35 Panes of 506a,7a,8a,10a & 13a, unexploded booklet
Germany 492-3 $2 Mi 714-5 1939 Churches
Germany 585c x2 $8 1948 Hanover Fair, 2 pairs in block of 4 stamps
Germany 588 Var $25 1948 25pf, type "a" inverted overprint, as is
Germany 608 Pr-Var $80 1948 24pf, type "a" overprint, on top stamp
inverted, as is, counterfeits exist
Germany 648 Var Pair $38 Mi 87+ 1948 Hor Pair, Imperf Vert - mgns
Germany 648 Var Pair $40 Mi 87+ 1948 25pf, hororizontal pair, imperf vert, natural gum inclusion
Germany 651 Var Pair $45 1948-51 40pf, vertical pair, imperf horiz
Germany 665-6 $70 Mi 111-12 1949 Reconstruction
Germany 665-6 LH $20 Mi 111-12 1949 " lightly hinged
Germany 665-6 o $20 Mi 111-12 1949 " used
Germany 667-8 LH $20 Mi 114,115 1949 Stamp on Stamp,
lightly hinged
Germany 667-8 o $30 Mi 114,115 1949 Stamp on Stamp
Germany 669 $40 Mi 116 1949 Heinrich von Stephan
Germany 669 o $25 Mi 116 1949 Heinrich von Stephan,used
Germany 688 $22 Mi 150 1952 Otto
Germany 688 Pair $45 Mi 150 1952 Otto, pair
Germany 689 $10 Mi 149 1952 Martin Luther
Germany 691 $15 1952 Schurz
Germany 692 $5 Mi 160 1952 Horese buggy racing
Germany 695 $30 Mi 166 1953 Liebig
Germany 695 o $10 Mi 166 1953 Liebig, used
Germany 696 $15 1953 Red Cross
Germany 697 $3 Mi 165 1953 POW
Germany 702-21(20) $200 Mi 177-96 1954 Definitives, Heuss
Germany 722 $8 Mi 197 1954 Ehrlich and Behring
Germany 722 Pair $20 Mi 197 1954 Ehrlich and Behring, pair
Germany 724 $6 Mi 199 1955 Shield and Sword
Germany 724 FDC $10 Mi 199 1955 Shield and Sword, first day cover
Germany 725 $4 Mi 204 1955 Carl F. Gauss
Germany 728 $8 1955 Automobile
Germany 729-30 $7 1955 Arms
Germany 731 $8 Mi 214 1955 Atomic Energy
Germany 732 $6 1955 Battle of Lechfield
Germany 735 $3 Mi 220 1955 Stifter
Germany 737Ab $20 1958 Bklt pane of 10
Germany 738 $5 Mi 227 1956 UPU, Henrich von Stephan
Germany 741 $6 Mi 230 1956 Luneburg milenary
Germany 741 B/4 $20 Mi 230 1956 " block/4
Germany 744-5 $5 Mi 235-6 1956 Synod emblem
Germany 744-5 B/4 $14 Mi 235-6 1956 Synod emblem, blocks/4
Germany 746 B/4 $8 1956 Mann, block/4
Germany 748-9 $6 Mi 241-2 1956 Europa
Germany 755-61 $30 Mi 259xw-65xw 1956-7 Definitives, Heuss
Germany 771-2 B/4 $10 1957 Europa, blocks/4
Germany 772a $4 1958 Europa, 10pf, watermarked
Germany 904 $15 1959 Music
Semi-Postal Issues
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Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Deutsches Reich
Germany B11 LH $12 1924 50pf+1.5m, lightly hined
Germany B24a $150 Mi Pane 64 1928 Pane of 5 8pf + 3 15pf
Germany B42-3 $30 1932 Buildings, surcharged
Germany B69-78 $85 Mi 588-97 1935 Costumes, B69, B77 LH
Germany B79-81 $25 Mi 600-2 1935 Olympics, offset on gum
of B80
Germany B82-9 $70 Mi 609-16 1936 Olympics
Germany B90 $16 1936 Horse Race, S/S
Germany B90 x5 $75 1936 Horse Race, S/S, 5 S/S
Germany B90 x10 $140 1936 Horse Race, S/S, 10 S/S
Germany B93-101 LH $10 1935 Buildings roads, lightly hinged
Germany B118 $7 Mi 664 1938 Hitler
Germany B119 $85 Mi 671 1938 Horse
Germany B102 $45 Mi Bl 7 1937 Hitler, perf S/S
Germany B102o $8 Mi Bl 7 1937 Hitler, perf S/S
Germany B104 $125 Mi Bl 9 1937 Hitler, rouletted S/S, 25 rpf in margins
Germany B104 o $35 Mi Bl 9 1937 " with 1937 -6.9. commemorative cancels
Germany B116-7 $7 1938 Youth carrying torch
Germany B118 $7 Mi 664 1938 Hitler
Germany B119 Pair $140 Mi 671 1938 Horse and rider, horiz pair
Germany B119 LH $16 Mi 671 1938 Horse and rider, lightly hinged
Germany B120 $9 Mi 672 1938 Hitler
Germany B121-2 $10 Mi 673-4 1938 Buildings
Germany B132-3 $28 1938 Annexation of Sudeten Terr.
Germany B134-6 $60 Mi 686-8 1939 Automobiles
Germany B137 $6 1939 Hitler
Germany B138-9 o $3 Mi 692-3 1939 Buildings, used
Germany B140 $8 1939 Hitler
Germany B144 Pr $75 Mi 698 1939 Horse, racing, vertical pair
Germany B144 o $8 Mi 698 1939 Horse, racing,used
Germany B146 LH $4 Mi 700 1939 German art,
lightly hinged
Germany B148-59 (18) $60 1939-41 Meeting in German Hall
3 with spotty gum
Germany B169 o $10 Mi 743 1940 Building,used on piece
Germany B170 $7 Mi 733 1940 Hitler
Germany B172 $10 1940 Horse & rider
Germany B177-85 $25 Mi 751-9 1940 Buildings
Germany B188 $4 Mi 762 1941 Stamp Day
Germany B189 $4 Mi 7763 1941 Hitler, Mussolini
Germany B190 $5 Mi 772 1941 Hitler
Germany B192 $6 1941 Horse, amazons
Germany B201 $3 Mi 811 1942 Stamp Day
Germany B203 $10 Mi 813 1942 Hitler
Germany B204 $12 Mi 814 1942 Horse
Germany B205 $5 Mi 815 1942 Horses
Germany B212-4 $5 1942 Overprints
Germany B218-29 $12 Mi 831-42 1943 Military
Germany B231-6 $7 1943 Hitler
Germany B257-69 $10 1944 Military
Germany Death Mask ~Sold~ 1945 Hitler "Death Mask" French propoganda stamp
cto on card with Occ of Austria "Star" stamp
Germany B294-5 $65 1946 Stamp on Stamp, S/Ss
Germany B294 o $70 1946 " two 8-15.12.1946 cancels
Germany B296-7 FDC $30 1949 Leipzig Fairs, FDC and registered cover
Germany B298-301 $8 1948 Madonna, cathedral
Germany B302-3 $9 1948 Brandenburg Gate
Germany B304-5 $14 1949 Cycling
Germany B306-8 $22 1949 von Goeth
Germany B306-8 o $16 1949 von Goeth, used
Germany B310-13 $100 Mi 117-20 1949 Famous People
Germany B310-13 $100 Mi 117-20 1949 Famous People
Germany B310-13 o $60 Mi 117-20 1949 Famous People, used
Germany B310-13 cvr $95 Mi 117-20 1949 Famous People, cto on cover, 50.7.12 Passion Play
large commemorative cancels
Germany B314-15 o $65 Mi 121-2 1949 Bach, used
Germany B316-17 o $55 Mi 139-40 1951 Religion,used
Germany B318-9 LH $20 Mi 141-2 1951 Stamp/stamp, lightly hinged
Germany B324 $12 Mi 151 1952 Religion
Germany B324 LH $5 Mi 151 1952 Religion, lightly hinged
Germany B324 Pr $20 Mi 151 1952 Religion, pair
Germany B324 B/4 $40 Mi 151 1952 Religion, block/4
Germany B324 o $10 Mi 151 1952 Religion,used
Germany B325-6 $30 Mi 153-4 1952 Youth programs
Germany B325-6 B/4 $100 Mi 153-4 1952 Youth programs, blocks/4
Germany B325-6 o $20 Mi 153-4 1952 Youth programs, used
Germany B327-30 $80 Mi 156-9 1952 Famous People
Germany B327-30 o $60 Mi 156-9 1952 Famous People, used
Germany B331 $22 Mi 163 1953 Museum in Munich
Germany B331 B/4 $80 Mi 163 1953 Museum in Munich, block/4
Germany B331 B/6 $100 Mi 163 1953 Museum in Munich, block/6
Germany B332-3 $35 Mi 171-2 1953 Buildings
Germany B332-3 Pr $65 Mi 171-2 1953 Buildings, pairs
Germany B334-7 $55 Mi 173-6 1953 Famous people
Germany B338-41 $35 Mi 200-3 1954 Famous people
Germany B338-41 o $22 Mi 200-3 1954 Famous people, used
Germany B338-41 o $30 Mi 200-3 1954 Famous people, used - on cover canceled 55.1.20
Germany B338-41 LH $22 Mi 200-3 1954 Famous people
Germany B342-3 $12 Mi 217-8 1955 Engineering
Germany B342-3 B/4 $40 Mi 217-8 1955 Engineering, block/4
Germany B342-3 LH $7 Mi 217-8 1955 Engineering, lightly hinged
Germany B344-7 $22 Mi 222-5 1955 Famous people
Germany B348-9 $6 Mi 232-3 1956 Youth hostel
Germany B350-3 $12 Mi 243-6 1956 Semmelweis
Germany B354-5 $3 Mi 250-1 1957 Children
Germany B354-5 B/4 $8 Mi 250-1 1957 Children, block/4
Germany B356-9 $10 1957 Mining
Germany B356-9 $13 Mi 270-3 1957 Welfare,industry
Germany B360-1 B/4 $8 Mi 286-7 1958 Children
Germany B362-5 $5 Mi 297-200 1958 Welfare,trades
Germany B496-9 $5 1973 Birds
Germany B526-9 $4 1976 Sports
Germany B547-8 $5 1978 Sports
Germany B549-52 $3 1978 Baloons,aircraft
Germany B553-6 $2 1978 Flowers
Germany B693 $18 1990 Youth Philatelic Exhibition
Air Mail Issues
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Deutsches Reich
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Germany C46-56 o $35 Mi 529-39 1934 Zepplins
Germany C48 B/8 $25 1934 Eagle, 15 pf, block 8
Germany C50 B/4 $25 1934 Eagle, 25 pf, block 4
Germany C51 B/6 $90 1934 Eagle, 40pf, block 6
Germany C52 B/6 $145 1934 Eagle, 50pf, block 6
above 4 blocks $245 " C48,C50,C51,C52 blocks as a unit
Germany C55-6 $200 Mi 538-9 1934 Zepplins
Germany C57-8 LH $35 Mi 606-7 1936 Zepplins,lightly hinged,
dark brown gum
Germany C61-4 $22 Mi 205-8 1955 Lufthansa emblem
Germany C61-4 Pairs $40 Mi 205-8 1955 " pairs
Germany - Officials
Germany O40-6 $25 1923 Officials, overprinted
German Offices Abroad
Office in China 37//56 (7) used $60 1905//13, 7 different used stamps
Germany Zepplin Covers
Germany>US 10.10.28 $120
Germany>US 5.15.29 $100
US>Germany 6.8.29 $65
Deutsche Post - Aerogrammes
Mi LF1 Ty I - H&G FG2 - Kessler G2 (Overlay Ty I, Posthorn Ty 1, top line back 83 1/2~84 mm, period after 100 PF.)
Mi LF1 Ty II - H&G FG1 - Kessler G1 (Overlay Ty I, Posthorn Ty 1, top line back 78 mm, period after 100 PF.)
Mi LF2 Ty I - H&F FG3 - Kessler G3 (Overlay Ty II, Posthorn Ty 2, top line back 83 1/2~84 mm no period (".") after 100 PF)
Mi LF2 Ty II - H&F FG4 - Kessler G4 (Overlay Ty II, Posthorn Ty 3, top line back 78 mm, no period (".") after 100 PF)
Dueutsche Post - 100 PF
Denomination Price Michel Year Comments
Germany 100 Pf Used $45 Mi LF1(II) o 1948 "." after "100 PF" - top line back panel 78 mm, 48.10.11, Landshut
Germany 100 Pf Used $45 Mi LF1(II) o 1948 "." after "100 PF" - top line back panel 78 mm, 48.10.26, Landshut
Germany 100 Pf Used $45 Mi LF1(II) o 1948 "." after "100 PF" - top line back panel 78 mm, 48.10.31, Landshut
Germany 100 Pf Used $45 Mi LF1(II) o 1948 "." after "100 PF" - top line back panel 78 mm, 48.11.12, Landshut
Germany 100 Pf Used $40 Mi LF1(II) o 1949 "." after "100 PF" - top line on back
panel measures 78 mm, 48.12.3 cxl
Germany 100 Pf Used $40 Mi LF1(II) o 1949 "." after "100 PF" - top line back measures 78 mm, 49.12.19, Suderbrarut
Germany 100 Pf Used $55 Mi LF2(II) o 1949 no "." after "100 PF" - - top line back measures 78 mm, 48.11.8, Essen
Germany 100 Pf Used $45 Mi LF2(II) o 1949 no "." after "100 PF" - - top line back measures 78 mm, 49.1.16, Hamburg
Mi LF3 - H&G FG5 - Kessler G5
Overlay Ty I -- Posthorn Similar to Ty 1
Franking Box is 44~44.5 mm
"Taxe Percue.." = 38 mm -- "Deutsche Post" = 30.5 mm
"Seiten..." (Top Line Right Panes) 84.5, 86, 87 mm
Dueutsche Post - 60 PF
Germany 60 Pf Mint $25 Mi LF3 1949 Mint, properly folded, "Seiten.." 84.5 mm
Germany 60 Pf Used $25 Mi LF3 1949 49.2.7 Wissmar, "Seiten.." 84.5 mm
Germany 60 Pf Used $25 Mi LF3 1949 49.8.8 Trossingen, "Seiten.." 84.5 mm
Germany 60 Pf Used $20 Mi LF3 1949 49.11.18 Trossingen, "Seiten.." 84.5 mm
Germany 60 Pf Used $15 Mi LF3 1949 50.1.2 Trossingen,"Seiten.." 84.5 mm, heavy ink stain at bottom
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF3 1949 49.6.8 Hamburg, "Seiten.." 86 mm, canceled to order
Germany 60 Pf Used $20 Mi LF3 1949 49.9.30, "Seiten.." 86 mm
Germany 60 Pf Used $75 Mi LF3(I) 1949 51.6.26, Gothingen cxl, 1st word 2nd line "hochgeschlagen"
"Seiten.." 87 mm, H&G5c - Kessler 5c, a major variety
Mi LF4 - H&G FG6 - Kessler G6
Overlay Ty I -- Posthorn Similar to Ty 1
Franking Box 45.5~45 mm
"Taxe Percue.." = 35.5~36 mm -- "Deutsche Post" = 29.5~30 mm
Dueutsche Post - 60 PF
Germany 60 Pf Mint $20 Mi LF4 o 1949 Mint, folded
Germany 60 Pf Used $40 Mi LF4 Var o 1949 Variety, vertical stroke in 2nd "E" in "Percue"
partially missing, 49.9.12 Dillingen cxl, H&G 6a/Kessler 6a
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF4 o 1949 49.11.3 Dillingen cxl
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF4 o 1949 49.12.28 Blomberg cxl
Germany 60 Pf Used $20 Mi LF4 o 1949 50.5.2 Frankfurt cxl
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF4 o 1949 50.8.14 Trossingen comm cxl
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF4 o 1949 50.9.2 Bayerisch (large commemorative cancel
Germany 60 Pf Used $40 Mi LF4 Var o 1949 Variety, vertical stroke in 2nd "E" in "Deutsche" partially
missing, 50.11.29 Munchen cxl, flap damage, H&G 6b/Kessler 6b
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF4 o 1949 50.12.20 ..engurg cxl
Germany 60 Pf Used $40 Mi LF4 Var o 1949 Variety, vertical stroke in 2nd "E" in "Deutsche" missing,
50.12.23 Freiburg cxl, HG 6b
Germany 60 Pf Used $40 Mi LF4 Var o 1949 Variety, vertical stroke in 2nd "E" in "Percue"
partially missing, 50.12.29 Trossingen comm cxl, H&G 6a/Kessler 6a
Mi LF5 - H&G FG7 - Kessler G7
Overlay Ty II -- Posthorn Ty 3
Dueutsche Bundestpost - 60 PF
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF5 o 1949 1951.4.17
Germany 60 Pf Used $20 Mi LF5 o 1949 1952.12.15, Freiburg, flap damage
Mi LF6 - H&G FG8 - Kessler G8
Overlay Ty II -- No Posthorn
Posthorn Franking Box - Top Flap 25 mm Wide
Dueutsche Bundestpost - 60 PF
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF6 o 1950 1951.9.26, Dusseldorf
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF6 o 1950 1951.10.26, Aschaffenburg
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF6 o 1950 1951.11.17, Averlak
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF6 o 1950 1951.10.15, Remagen large commemorative cancel
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF6 o 1950 1951.12.15
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF6 o 1950 1952.6.21, Aschaffenburg, flap damage
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF6 o 1950 1953.1.2, Hattorf
Mi LF7 - H&G FG9 - Kessler G9
Overlay Ty I (Green)I -- No Posthorn
Posthorn Franking Box - Top Flap 20 mm Wide
"Dritter Falz" Added to Left and Right Side Panels
Dueutsche Bundestpost - 60 PF
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF7 o 1951 1952.3.2 Oberstdorf, Canceled to Order, Large Comm Cancel
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF7 o 1951 1952.8.18, Lubrok
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF7 o 1951 1952.11.4, Geisenkirchen Buer
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF7 o 1950 1952.12.11, Aschaffenburg
Germany 60 Pf Used $22 Mi LF7 o 1951 1953.3.27, Dusseldorf
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF7 o 1951 1953.4.27, Gelsenkirhen
Germany 60 Pf Used $18 Mi LF7 o 1951 1953.4.28, Lodenscheid
Germany 60 Pf Used $20 Mi LF7 o 1951 1953.6.10, Flensburg
Berlin - Aerogrammes
Mi Berlin LF1 I/II- H&G FG1/1a - Kessler 51/52
Overlay Ty II -- Posthorn Ty 3 / 4)
Type 3 Posthorn two thin lines - overlay visible between lines (MI LF II, H&G FG1, Kessler 52)
Type 4 Posthorn thick black line - no overlay visible (MI LF 1, H&G, H&G1a Kessler 51)
Dueutsche Post Berlin - 100 PF
Germany Berlin 100pf Used $85 Mi LF1 o 1948 100 pf, canceled 22.9.48, posthorn type 3
Germany Berlin 100pf Used $75 Mi LF1 o 1948 100 pf, canceled 1.12.48, appears to be Mi type 1 I
(H&G Ty 4) posthorn overlay (single line)
Germany Berlin 100pf Used $70 Mi LF1 o 1949 100 pf, canceled 7.3.49, appears to be Mi type 1 I
(H&G Ty 4) posthorn overlay (single line)
Germany Berlin 60pf Used $30 Mi LF2 o 1949 60 pf, canceled 50.12.21, appears to be Mi type 2 III
opened roughly
Germany Berlin 60pf Used $25 Mi LF2 o 1949 60 pf, canceled 51.12.19, backflap damaged
Germany Berlin 60pf Used $20 Mi LF3or4 o 1951 60 pf, canceled 52.1.1, apparently not first day
Germany Berlin 60pf Used $25 Mi LF4 o 1951 60 pf, canceled 53.7.9, "Dritter Falz" inside
Germany Berlin 60pf Used $25 Mi LF5 o 1951 60 pf, Durch /Luftpost / Par Avion
used in Switzerland as envelope
Germany Berlin 60pf $25 Mi LF5 1951 60 pf, Durch /Luftpost / Par Avion
Germany Berlin 60pf Used $20 Mi LF5 1951 60 pf, Durch /Luftpost / Par Avion, 54.3.8 to Mexico
Germany Berlin 7+5 pf $25 Mi PU9 7+5 pf, private postal stationery, Stockholm-Skargarden,
Med Helikopter
Occupation "N" Issues
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Scott Price Michel Year Comments
A.M.G. Issue
Germany 3N1-20 30 Mi 16-35 1945-6 1945-6 definitives
French Zone
Germany 4N1-13 $10 Mi 1-13 1945-6 1945-6 definitives
Germany 4N1-13 (x10) $60 Mi 1-13 1945-6 1945-6 definitives,blocks/4
Germany 5N14-27 $20 Mi 14-27 1948 1948 definitives
Germany 5N28-40 Prs $200 1948-9 Without "PF" horizontal pairs
Germany 5N43-4 $7 Mi 54-5 1949 Centenary of postage stamp
Germany 5NB8a $38 Mi Bl 1A 1949 Perf S/S, buildings
Germany 5NB8b $38 Mi Bl 1A 1949 Imperf S/S, buildings
Germany 5NB9-11 o $32 Mi 50-2 1949 Goethe, Schurz,used
Rhine Palatinate
Germany 6N16-29 $16 Mi 16-29 1948 Definitives of 1948
Germany 6N16-29 B/4 $65 Mi 16-29 1948 Definitives of 1948, blocks/4
Germany 6N30-8 $75 Mi 32-41 1948-9 Definitives of 1948-9, no "PF"
Germany 6NB1-2 $2 Mi 30-1 1948 St Martin
Germany 8N14-27 $14 Mi 14-27 1948 Definitives of 1948
Germany 8N14-27 B/4 $60 Mi 14-27 1948 Definitives of 1948, blocks/4
Germany 8NB1-4 $95 1949 Arms of Wurttemberg
Germany 8NB5-6 $7 Mi 38-9 1949 Ski Championship
Germany 9N6,13,15 o $22 Mi 6,13,15 1948 " 15pf, 50pf & 80pf,used
Germany 9N13 o $10 Mi 13 1948 Berlin black on 50pf,used
Germany 9N35-41 Cvr POR Mi 35-41 1950 Set on one cover with 1950.7.30 commem cancels,
Price on Request
Germany 9N35-40 o $75 Mi 35-40 1949 von Stephen, used
part set, no 2dm
Germany 9N38 o $10 Mi 38 1949 von Stephen, 50pf, used
Germany 9N38 Pr o $20 Mi 38 1949 " " 50pf, pair, used
Germany 9N39 Pr o $20 Mi 39 1949 " " 60pf, pair, used
Germany 9N42a used $30 Mi 42 1949 1 dm bklt pane 5 w/ label on cvr, 11.11.49
vertical fold but outside the stamps
Germany 9N75-9 used $45 Mi 82-6 1951-2 Bells, clapper right, unaddressed cover, tied by
52.2.27 commemorative cancels
Germany 9N75-9 used $45 Mi 82-6 1951-2 Bells, clapper right, unaddressed cover, tied by
52.7.30 commemorative cancels
Germany 9N81-3 $22 Mi 88-90 1952 Sports, Olympics
Germany 9N81-3 B/4 $75 Mi 88-90 1952 Sports,Olympics, blocks/4
Germany 9N84-93 LH $22 Mi 91-100 1951 Famous people lightly hinged
Germany 9N84 FD $65 Mi 91 1953 4pf, unaddressed first day cover, cachet pasted on
Germany 9N85,9,92 FD $45 Mi 92,6,9 1953 5pf,15pf,30pf, 2 of each, first day cover
Germany 9N86 FD $16 Mi 93 1953 6pf, unaddressed first day cover
Germany 9N90 FD $16 Mi 97 1952 20pf, unaddressed first day cover #1
Germany 9N90 FD $16 Mi 97 1952 20pf, unaddressed first day cover #2
Germany 9N91 FD $16 Mi 98 1953 25pf, unaddressed first day cover
Germany 9N93 FD $16 Mi 100 1953 40pf, unaddressed first day cover
Germany 9N93 FD $12 Mi 100 1953 40pf, unaddressed first day cover,
damage at left side
Germany 9N94-8 $48 Mi 101-5 1953 Bells, clapper down
Germany 9N94-8 o $25 Mi 101-5 1953 Bells, clapper down, used
Germany 9N94 FD $18 Mi 101 1953 Bell (5pf), clapper down, first day cover,
damage on left side
Germany 9N96-8 $26 Mi 103-5 1953 Bells (20,30,40pf), clapper down, no 9N94 or 9N95
Germany 9N95 FD $20 Mi 102 1953 Bell (10pf), clapper down, unaddressed first day cover
Germany 9N96-8 FD $125 Mi 103-5 1953 Bells (20,30,40pf), clapper down, unaddressed first day cover
Germany 9N94-8 FD $140 Mi 101-5 1953 Bells, complete first day cover set (3 cvrs), issued on 3 differnet
days see pics above, offered as a unit at discount
Germany 9N99-100 $22 Mi 110-11 1953 Brandenburg Gate
Germany 9N99-100 FD $12 Mi 110-11 1953 Brandenburg Gate, unaddressed first day cover
damage on left side
Germany 9N101-2 B/4 $160 Mi 112-3 1953 Sports, Olympics
Germany 9N102 FD $18 Mi 113 1953 20pf Olympic stadium, unaddressed first day cover
Germany 9N103 $5 Mi 82-6 1954 Allied Council Building
Germany 9N105 $1 1954 Mergenthaler
Germany 9N106,7 B/4 $25 Mi 118,119 1954 Bell and Germany in
bondage, blocks/4
Germany 9N106 $3 Mi 118 1954 Bell,election ovpt
Germany 9N106 B/4 $10 Mi 118 1954 " block/4
Germany 9N107 B/4 $13 Mi 119 1954 Germany in bondage,
Germany 9N111 o $2 Mi 124 1954 Strauss, used
Germany 9N115 o $7 1955 Furtwangler, used
Germany 9N118-9 $3 Mi 136-7 1956 Bundesrat meeting in Berlin
Germany 9N118-9 B/4 $10 Mi 136-7 1956 " block/4
Germany 9N120-36 $35 Mi 140-54 1956 Definitive series
Germany 9N122 $4 1956 7pf
Germany 9N134 $11 1956 70pf
Germany 9N136 o $6 1958 3m, used
Germany 9N148-56 $5 Mi 163-72 1957 Famous people
Germany 9N143 $3 1956 Radio tower
Germany 9N148-56 $6 1957-9 Famous men
Germany 9N166-9 B/4 $22 1959 Huess, block/4,
but not 165 - 7pf
Germany 9N176-90 $10 1961-2 Definitives
Germany 9N251-5 $5 1966-70 Brandenburg Gate, defins
Germany 9N284-301(23)$20 1970-3 Definitives
Germany 9N359-76 (23)$28 1975-82 Definitives
Germany 9N444 B/4 $8 1979-82 " 280pf, block/4
Germany 9N445 B/4 $9 1979-82 " 300pf, block/4
Germany 9NB4 o $16 1950 Harp, used
Germany 9NB6-7 FD $65 Mi 80-1 1951 Stamp collecting, unaddressed first day cover
Germany 9NB8,11 FD $40 Mi 106,9 1954 Church Ruins, 4+1pf and 30+15fp one FDC
9NB10 Mi 108 20+10pf one FDC (2 covers total)
Germany 9NB12 $10 Mi 120 1954-5 Prussian Postilion
Germany 9NB12 B/4 $32 Mi 120 1954-5 Prussian Postilion, block/4
Germany 9NB13 $4 Mi 131 1955 Prussian Postilion
Germany 9NB13 B/4 $14 Mi 131 1955 Prussian Postilion,
Germany 9NB92-5 $2 1972 Chess
Germany 9NB97-100 $2 1973 Birds
Germany 9NB115-8 $3 1975 Trains
Germany 9NB133-6 $2 1977 Ships
Germany 9NB137-40 $2 1977 Flowers
Germany 9NB148-51 $2 1978 Flowers
Germany 9NB153-6 $2 1979 Planes
Germany 9NB164-7 $2 1980 Planes
Germany 9NB171-4 $2 1980 Flowers
Germany 9NB176-9 $2 1981 Optical instruments
Germany 9NB182-5 $2 1981 Flowers
Germany 9NB187-90 $2 1982 Cars
Germany 9NB193-6 $3 1982 Flowers
Germany 9NB198-201 $3 1983 Motorcycles
Germany 9NB202-3 $2 1983 Hockey
Germany 9NB209-12 $3 1984 Insects
Germany 9NB213-5 $3 1984 Olympics,sports
Germany 9NB277-8 $4 1990 Water sports
Germany 9NB279-82 $6 1990 Max and Moritz
Germany 9NB283-5 $5 1990 Posts & Telecommunciations
Germany Berlin $15 1949 12pf "Berlin" with 1949.3.13 cc
"Luftbrucke Berlin"
Russian Occupation
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Out of Stock
German Occupation of Poland
Poland N17-29 $20 1939
Poland N76-96,94a-6a $10 1941-3
Poland NB8-10 Cvr $15 Lacks 50g+50g, cxl 9.12.40
Poland NB19-23 Cvr $22 Registered Cover
Poland NL1-4 $3 Mi 1-4 1940 Zustellungsmarken
Poland N025-36 Cvr $22 CTO Cover
Poland 3K17-20 VLH $20 1944 Exile Government, very lightly hinged
Poland 3KB1 $7 1945 Defenders of Warsaw
Miscellaneous Material
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Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Germany Not Listed $25 PU14 Type ?? Airmail envelope with
10pf Berlin Bell (clapper
right) - Übersicht über
die Privatganzsachen -
Privately printed for KLM
flight via Ãmsterdãm -
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Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Danzig B21a $40 1937 Magdeburg, S/S
Danzig B41 $8 1937 St Mary's Church, S/S
Out of Stock
France N58 + cvrs $75 1940 German Occupation of Lorraine, France N58++
two reg covers, 3,5,12,25,50 pf and 4,20,100pf
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Scott Price Year Comments
Saar 118-9 o $16 1925 Madonna, used
Saar 232-45 $25 1952-5 Buildings
Saar 245 $9 1953 Building, 500fr, Cathedral
Saar 250-2 S/10 $25 1954 Madonna and child
Saar 263-82 $16 1957 Definitives
Saar 289-308 $34 1957 Definitives
Saar 289-308 x3 $95 1957 Definitives, 3 sets
Saar B65-6 B/4 $18 1949 Hikers
Saar B69-73 $48 1949 Religion
Saar B69-73 LH $22 1949 Religion
Saar B75 $18 1950 Relief for the hungary
Saar B79-80 $12 1950 Abbot & Rheims, part set
Saar B82 $13 1951 Mother & child
Saar B82 LH $7 1951 " " lightly hinged
Saar B92-4 $12 1952 Count Stroganoff
Saar C5-8 H $15 1934 Overprints
Saar C9-11,CB1 LH $20 1948 Airs, lightly hinged
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Scott Price Year Comments
Marienwerder 40-53 $100 1920 With left margin tabs
Offices in China
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Out of Stock
German First Flight Covers
Country |
Date |
Origin/Destination |
Price |
Germany |
49.11.14 |
Berlin > Dusseldorf |
$30.00 |
British European Airway, Berlin-Gatow (49.11.14) to Dusseldorf (49.11.15), receiving stamp on front of cover. Flown out of the British sector. 2 stamps.
Germany |
49.11.14 |
Berlin > Dusseldorf |
$30.00 |
British European Airway, Berlin-Gatow (49.11.14) to Dusseldorf (49.11.15), receiving stamp on front of cover. Flown out of the British sector. 1 stamp.
Germany |
49.11.14 |
Berlin > Frankfort |
$125.00 |
Air France, first flight cover from the French Zone of Berlin to Frankfort. Berlin-Charlottenburg 1950.1.5 commemorative cancel ties 9N48 and 9NB1. Seldom seen use of the first Berlin semi-postal on cover.
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German Covers
Country |
Date |
Cancel |
Price |
Germany |
28.12.29 |
Frankfurt |
$12.00 |
356 tied Frankfurt 1928.12.29 cxl, "Alteste Deutsche Messe" handstamps, addressed to Hamburg.
Germany |
35.5.29 |
Hannover |
$22.00 |
Air mail cover to Buenos Aires. Zep/sea plane commemorative cancel. No backstamp. Franked with 381(x3),425. File hole and tear on right.
Germany |
36.5.28 |
Magdeburg |
$20.00 |
Germany 425 (x7) tied to air mail cover to Argentina. Annotated "Durch Flugpost." Argentina back stamp of 36.6.3
Germany |
36.7.21 |
Bonn |
$14.00 |
Registered window envelope. Mehlem 36.7.21 backstamp
Germany |
37.4.20 |
Aachen |
$14.00 |
Germany B102 + other stamps on cover to Paris.
Germany |
37.4.20 |
Aachen |
$14.00 |
Germany B102 + other stamps on cover to Paris.
Germany |
37.11.9 |
Esslingen |
$18.00 |
Air mail cover to Buenos Aires. Zep/sea plane commemorative cancel. Buenos Aires 37.11.14 backstamp.
Germany |
38.6.19 |
Berlin |
$18.00 |
Air mail cover to Buenos Aires. Zep/sea plane commemorative cancel. Buenos Aires backstamp.
Germany |
39.2.7 |
Wein |
$20.00 |
Airmail cover to Buenos Aires. Zep/sea plane commemorative cancel. Buenos Aires 39.2.13 backstamp. Franked with 425,8,31.
Germany |
41.10.2 |
Fr>Switz |
$12.00 |
France to the Red Cross in Switzerland, German Censor.
Germany |
41.5.19 |
Berlin |
$55.00 |
1941 "a" numbers of the set, Scott 151a-8a (Mi 773-8) on two covers
Germany |
42.4.28 |
Gunzburg |
$15.00 |
Scott 391//43 Hindenburg series (1pf,5pf-label-3pf,1pf and pair of 1pf on domestic cover.
Germany |
42.11.6 |
Munchen |
$12.00 |
Scott B209-11, B206 on registered cover.
Germany |
43.8.1 |
Munchen-Reim |
$15.00 |
Scott B212-4, B243 on registered cover.
Germany |
43.8.1 |
Munchen-Reim |
$15.00 |
Scott B205, B206-7(x2) on registered cover.
Germany |
46.2.12 |
Leipzig |
$40.00 |
Mi 138-196, Sowjetische Zone, tied by Leipzig 1946.2.12 cxls on two unaddressed covers.
46.4.20 |
Berlin |
$10.00 |
GDR, Berlin, Brandenburg, 1946.4.20 commemorative cancels on unaddressed cover.
Germany |
46.5.11 |
Furth |
$22.00 |
Registerd cover with various stamps from the 3N2//3N13 series. Buel 46.05.15 backstamp.
Germany |
47.5.14 |
Hamburg |
$20.00 |
578-9 on cover with Hamburg commemorative cancel dated 47.5.14. Michel and Scott show the first day as 47.5.15. Pre-FDC?
Germany |
47.5.31 |
Jena |
$75.00 |
Jena 47.5.31 ties 575(1M), 575 (2M) and 576(3M) to domestic cover. Michel lists only "Mai 1947" as the date of issue of the 2M and 3M stamps, early use of these stamps.
Germany |
48.2.13 |
Reutlingen |
$12.00 |
Wurttemberg 8N1-10 tied to unaddressed cover.
Germany |
48.5.18 |
Frankfurt |
$20.00 |
Scott 574-7 on card with commemorative card.
Germany |
48.5.31 |
Hannover |
$65.00 |
Scott 557-77 (20) on large piece (18 x 26.8 cm) all tied by Export Fair commemorative cancel dated 48.5.31. The piece is fragile with several tears. It has been folded in quarters. None of the folds or tears hit a stamp. Michel 943-962 (less A956)
Germany |
48.6.21 |
Hamburg |
$30.00 |
600-2 tied by Hamburg 1948.6.21 cxls, addressed FDC to US.
Germany |
48.8.30 |
$15.00 |
Scott B298-301with 48.8.30 cancels on cover to US.
Germany |
48.10.3 |
Franfort |
$15.00 |
Illustrated card with Frankfort Messe cancel, 48.10.3.
Germany |
48.10.18 |
Berlin |
$15.00 |
Soviet Zone 10N22-8 tied to registered cover to the US.
Germany |
48.11.25 |
Berlin |
$22.00 |
Berlin 9N8 (x2) and 9N4 (x2)tied by 48.11.25 Berlin machine cancels to cover to the US.
Germany |
49.6.23 |
Berlin |
$25.00 |
Cover commemorating the first year of operations flight of the Berlin Airlift, Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, 49.6.23 machine cancels.
Germany |
49.8.28 |
Frankfurt |
$22.00 |
Scott B306-8 on post card with commem cxl, 49.8.28, portrait on back.
Germany |
49.9.24 |
Munchen 2 |
$24.00 |
10 pf post card with 666 (20pf) tied by Munchener Oktoberfest cxl.
Germany |
49.10.1 |
Munchen |
$55.00 |
667-8, B309 tied by October 1, 1949 cxls, registered to US.
Germany |
49.11.3 |
Dillingen |
$16.00 |
60 PF aerogramme, Michel LF4 canceled 3.11.49 and addressed to the US.
Germany |
49.11.26 |
Berlin |
$15.00 |
Scott 10NB6-10 on unaddressed cover tied by Berlin 49.11.26 commemorative cancels.
Germany |
49.12.28 |
Blomberg |
$20.00 |
60pf American/British Zone aerogramme (Am/Br 60pf) to US with Blombger 49.12.28 cxl.
Germany |
50.1.7 |
Russian Zone |
$15.00 |
Russian Zone, registered cover.
Germany |
50.1.18 |
Berlin, SO |
$25.00 |
60pf Berlin Aerogramme tied by Berlin, SO, 1950.1.18 cxl, addressed to US.
Germany |
50.1.28 |
- |
$20.00 |
60pf Aerogramme tied by 1950.1.28 cxl, addressed to US.
Germany |
50.3.23 |
Berlin |
$8.00 |
9N51 tied by Berlin-Charlottenburg 2 machine cxl, 1950.3.23, addressed to the US.
Germany |
50.4.1 |
Bieber |
$8.00 |
649, 658 tied Bieber 1950.4.1 cxl, addressed to the US.
Germany |
50.5.11 |
Rheydt |
$60.00 |
B310-2 tied Rheydt 1950.5.1s cxls, addressed to the US.
Germany |
50.10.28 |
Frankfurt |
$12.00 |
B310 tied to card (unaddressed) by 28.10.50 commemorative cancel.
Germany |
50.12.30 |
Berlin |
$20.00 |
60pf Berlin aerogramme (Mi Berlin LF2, no overlay inside) to US with Berlin 50.12.30 cxl.
Germany |
51.2.9 |
Wuppertal |
$15.00 |
Scott 641 tied by 51.2.9 cancel to envelope with illusted "Mause" (pic of a mouse) corner advertising.
Germany |
51.6.2 |
Bad Mauheim? |
$85.00 |
Scott 9N69 x4 plust 2,5,30 posthorns, canceled by 51.6.2 commemorative cancel.
Germany |
51.8.20 |
Singen |
$30.00 |
Scott 9N70, 72, 74, in pairs tied by Singen 1951.8.20 cancel.
Germany |
52.2.5 |
Munchen |
$20.00 |
60pf Berlin aerogramme (Mi Berlin LF6) to US with Munchen 52.2.5 cxl.
Germany |
52.4.12 |
Lindau |
$25.00 |
9N42 B/4, 9N75 tied by Lindau commemorative cancel, 1952.4.12, to addressed Balloon Post cover.
Germany |
52.7.8 |
-- |
$15.00 |
60pf aerogramme (Mi LF6 or LF7), 52.7.8 cancel, to US.
Germany |
52.-.- |
-- |
$10.00 |
60pf aerogramme (Mi LF6 or LF7), indistinct cancel, inside date is 5 Aug 1952, to US.
Germany |
52.9.5 |
Regensburg |
$22.00 |
688, 689x2, B324 tied by 52.0.5 Regensburge cancels on cover to the US.
Germany |
52.9.22 |
Offenbach |
$25.00 |
690, 691, B325-6 tied by Offenbach, 1952.9.22 cxl addressed to the US.
Germany |
52.10.6 |
Berlin |
$20.00 |
Commemoration of 40 years of German Airmail. 9N75 and 9NB4 tied to card by 52.10.26 Berlin commemorative cancel.
Germany |
52.12.22 |
Frankfurt Main |
$18.00 |
Scott 675, 691, 693x2 tied by 53.12.22 Frankfurt Main cxls, to US.
Germany |
53.1.28 |
Garmisch |
$125.00 |
Scott B327-30, B325 and 691-3. Vertical fold which creases the 10+5 value.
Germany |
53.3.7 |
Nurnberg |
$28.00 |
Scott B325-6 tied to card with 53.3.7 fancy cancel.
Germany |
53.4.7 |
Regensburg |
$16.00 |
682, 694, B328 tied by Regensburg 1953.4.7 cxls addressed to US.
Germany |
53.5.7 |
Munchen |
$20.00 |
B331 tied Munchen commemorative cancel, 1953.5.1, addressed first day cover.
Germany |
53.6.12 |
Aschaffenburg |
$28.00 |
694, 5, 6x2, B328x2 tied by Aschaffenburg cxls, 1953.6.12, airmail cover to US.
Germany |
53.6.20 |
Munchen |
$30.00 |
698-700 tied by Munchen commemorative cxls, 1953.6.20, cacheted, unaddressed, first day cover.
Germany |
53.7.9 |
Aschaffenburg |
$20.00 |
Scott 698-701, 670 tied by Aschaffenburg2 cancels, cover to US.
Germany |
53.7.29 |
Frankfurt |
$35.00 |
Scott B332-3 FDC, Unaddressed.
Germany |
53.7.30 |
Frankfurt Main |
$12.00 |
Scott 693, 694 tied by 53.7.30 Frankfurt Main cxls, to US.
Germany |
53.8.3 |
Hamburg |
$15.00 |
688, 677x3 tied Hamburg 1953.8.3 cxls, addressed to the US.
Germany |
53.8.8 |
Hirsau |
$30.00 |
695, B232-3 tied Hirsau 1953.8.8 cxl, addressed to the US.
Germany |
53.8.14 |
Gartenbau |
$20.00 |
Scott 683 (Posthorn 70pf) on Airmail cover to Canada.
Germany |
53.9.13 |
Aschaffenburg |
$15.00 |
Scott B333, 680 to US.
Germany |
53.12.21 |
Frankfurt |
$28.00 |
Scott B332(x2), B333, 675 on Airmail cover to US.
Germany |
54.6.13 |
Kiel |
$8.00 |
Scott 717, 80pf, airmail cover to US.
Germany |
54.8.30 / 54.9.5 |
E. Ger |
$50.00 |
Scott 142i and 145i (54.8.30) and 140i, 141i, 144i (54.9.5). Two registered covers with imperforate Karl Marx stamps.
Germany |
55.6.1 |
Badtolz |
$18.00 |
Scott 728, Mi 211, FDC, unaddressed, cacheted, automobile.
Germany |
55.6.11 |
Frankfurtmain |
$18.00 |
Scott C61 pair and C62 pair on cover to Florida
Germany |
55.6.21 |
Kelheim |
$15.00 |
C61-4, 727, 728, 729-30 tied by Kelheim 1955.6.21 cxls addressed to US.
Germany |
55.7.29 |
Regensburg |
$12.00 |
C61-4 tied by Regensburg cxls, 1955.7.29, addressed to the US.
Germany |
55.8.18 |
Aschaffenburg |
$20.00 |
Scott 710x2, 727, 728, 730, 732, 733 tied by Aschaffenburg 55.8.18 cancels, to US.
Germany |
55.12.7 |
Aschaffenburg |
$25.00 |
B344-7, 730, 732 tied by Regensburg cxls, 1955.12.7, addressed to the US.
Germany |
55.12.9 |
Frankfurt |
$20.00 |
B343x2 & 710 tied by Frankfurt cxls, 1955.12.9, addressed to the US.
Germany |
55.12.16 |
120a Celle 1 |
$25.00 |
B344-7, 704, 737 tied by "120a Celle 1" cxls, 1955.12.16, addressed to the US.
Germany |
56.3.8 |
Frankfurt |
$16.00 |
Scott B347, FDC, unaddressed, on post card.
Germany |
58.9.29 |
Aachen |
$8.00 |
Scott 717, 80pf, airmail cover to US.
Germany |
60.10.1 |
Bonn |
$22.00 |
Scott B376-9, Mi 340-3, FDC, unaddressed, cacheted, fairy tales.
Germany-East |
56.5.13 |
Berlin |
$16.00 |
Scott 274, 289-90 on flight cover to Bukarest, Rumanien. Scott 274 was a restricted/blocked issue.
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311