George C. Baxley |
Sets Christmas Seals Covers Aerogrammes
Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US). Korea SetsScott Price Year Comments Korea 34 LH $20 1902 Emperor's Crown, lightly hinged Korea 62-3 Imperf $25 1946 5ch & 10ch, horizontal pairs, completely imperforate, 5ch no gum lightly hinged, 10ch disturbed gum Korea 63 Pr Var $14 1946 10ch, horizontal pair with double perfs between Korea 63 Pr Var x2 $24 1946 10ch, horizontal pair with double perfs x2 Korea 70i B/4 $20 1946 1w, block of 4, imperf, upper right margin Korea 108 $7 1949 Flag Korea 114-5 $14 1950 Entrance into UPU Korea 132-3 $16 1951-2 Flages, Korea Korea 133a $20 1951-2 Flags, US, imperf S/S, 1st two stamps in set Korea 187i Pair $15 1952-3 20w, horizontal pair, completely imperf Korea 197-9 H $55 1954 100h, 500h, 1000h, all hinged Korea 206-8 $3 1954 Eisenhower Korea 212Fa x5 bklt $250 1956 20h, complete booklet with 5 panes horizontally laid paper! Korea 213-5i $50 1955 Rotary, imperforate, no gum as issued Korea 225 $2 1955 Navy flag Korea 227-8 LH $20 1956 Syngman Rhee, lightly hinged Korea 235-7 SS ~Sold~ 1956 10h, 20h, 50h definitives of 1956 on souvenir sheets, ungummed thin laid pager, 90 x 141 mm, minor wrinkles, KPC PS 145-147 Korea 245-6 $2 1957 Boy Scout Korea 263-4 B/4 $6 1957 Korea-US friendship, block/4 Korea 265-7 $5 1957 New Year Korea 279 $8 1959 200w Korea 286a VF $125 1958 Unesco S/S, very fine centering Korea 287a-9a $150 1958 NY S/S Korea 287a-9a $135 1958 NY S/S, light gum creases on 25w Korea 287a,8a $95 1958 NY S/S, 15w & 25w (no 30w) Korea 299a,300a $25 1959 NY S/S, 25w & 30w (no 15w) Korea 304a $10 1960 Refugee Year S/S Korea 304a FDC $10 1960 Refugee Year S/S, first day cover Korea 305 $1 1960 Eisenhower Korea 305a $12 1960 Eisenhower S/S Korea 353a,4a,5a $455 1962 Imperf S/S, Korea text Korea 356-7 $3 1962 Ships Korea 411a $3 1963 Temples S/S Korea 411b $3 1963 Temples, pair Korea 416,416a $4 1963 UN, set and S/S Korea 434-43 $16 1964 Scenic places Korea 449a-53a $6 1964 Olympics S/S Korea 456a-67a $13 1965 Flowers S/S Korea 473-7 $3 1965 Flags Korea 473a-7a $3 1965 " S/S Korea 493a-504 $18 1966 Wildlife S/S Korea 516-21 $13 1966 Definitives Korea 544-5 $4 1966 Johnson Korea 545a $4 1966 " S/S Korea 550,50a $3 1967 Lubke Set and S/S Korea 552-4 $3 1967 Masks, folklore Korea 552a-63a $16 1967 " S/S Korea 582-4 $16 1967 Definitives 20w,40w,50w, granite paper Korea 614a $8 1968 Military S/5 Korea 617a,b,9a,b, $80 1968 Sports set, 4 S/S, 4 pairs 21a,b,23a,b Korea 617b,9b,21b,3b $45 1968 Sports set in 4 pairs Korea 652 $16 1969 100w, claret & yellow Korea 664a-83a (20) $50 1970 Fables series S/S, complete Korea 672-9,672a-9a $20 1970 Singles and S/S, 2 series in the set Korea 715a-23a $65 1970 S/S 1-9, all imperforate Korea 715a-17a imperf $12 1970 S/S 1-3, imperforate Korea 718a-20a perf $50 1970 S/S 4-6, perf, Tiger (718s) Korea 721a-23a perf $20 1970 S/S 7-9, perf Korea 721a-23a perf $20 1970 S/S 7-9, perf Korea 721a-23a imperf $50 1970 S/S 7-9, imperforate S/S (3) Korea 730a-32a $12 1970 National Games, imperforate S/S (3) Korea 738a-41a $26 1971 Economic Development S/S Korea 756-80 Pane/25 $35 1971 Flags, pane of 25, top half of sheet Korea 756-80 Pane/25 $35 2971 Flags, pane of 25, bottom half of sheet Korea 781-94 (14) $24 1971 Paintings, complete set Korea 781a-94a (14) $60 1971 Paintings, complete set of S/S, #10-23 Korea 785b $15 1971 Paintings, strip/5 Korea 781a-6a $20 1971 S/S, #10-15, complete Korea 781a-5a $12 1971 S/S #10-14 (no #15, 786a) short set Korea 787a-9a $10 1971 " S/S Korea 794b $10 1971 " strip 5 Korea 790a-4a 20 1971 Paintings S/S Korea 794b, 790a-4a $28 1971 Paintings, Strip/5 + the 5 S/S Korea 798a,99a $24 1971 Archery & Judo S/S Korea 811a $6 1972 Winter Olympics S/S Korea 825a $4 1972 UN conference S/S Korea 831b,3b (x10) $24 1972 Sheets Korea 834a $10 1972 Red Cross S/S Korea 922a $20 1974 Yook Young Soo, S/S Korea 1201a $24 1983 Cat S/S Korea 1351f-j $9 1983 Park + S/S Korea B39a-42a $20 1986 Equestrian S/S Korea C23-6 LH $30 1961 Airs Korea C32-4 LH $13 1964 Airs Korea Revenue? LH $25 5000 won revenue?, lightly hinged Korea IRC $25 International Reply Coupon, 47w on 23w, 1967 cxl TB/Christmas Seals Korea 1933 B/4 $5 KPC TCS2, block of 4 Korea 1935 $135 KPC TSC 5, booklet with five panes of 10, + 1 pane of 5 + 4 labels, rough condition, #1 Korea 1935 $100 KPC TSC 5, booklet with five panes of 10, + 1 pane of 5 + 4 labels, rough condition, #2 Korea 1936 $135 KPC TSC 5, sheet of 25, disturbed gum Korea 1936 $100 KPC TSC 5, booklet with five panes of 10, panes curled at outside edge, #2 Korea 1937 $75 KPC TSC 6, booklet with 5 panes of 10 seals each excellent condition, clean gum Korea 1937 $100 KPC TSC 6, sheet/25, 2 stamps scraped on face, one horizontal fold, margin piece at upper right missing Korea 1938 $125 KPC TSC 7, sheet/25, one horizontal fold Korea 1940 imperf $20 KPC TCS 9, imperforate single, no gum Korea 1940 ~Sold~ KPC TSC 9b, booklet with 5 panes of 10 seals each excellent condition Korea - Aerosgrammes Scott Price Comments Korea KPC2 o $35 100w with 100w + 20w dated Jul 24, 1961 in message (145 x 94 mm) Korea - Covers Scott Price Comments Korea 756-80 FDCs $35 Set on five large covers Commercial Mail Covers by Date: Korea 1966 (2) $15 1966 dated covers (2) Korea 1966 & 67 (2) $20 1966 & 1967 dated covers with stamps on back Korea 1967 (4) $25 1967 dated covers, 1 with stamps on back Korea 1970 (5) $30 1970 dated covers (5) Korea 1971 (5) $30 1971 dated covers (5)
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311