George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
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Latin American Countries
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Costa Rica
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Scott Price Year Comments
Argentina 406-8 $6 1932 Refrigeration
Argentina 452 LH $28 1935 Phil Ex imperf sheet/4, lightly hinged
Argentina 468a,b,c,d H $75 1939 UPU S/S different formats, hinged
Argentina B6-9 VLH $25 1944 Map,very lightly hinged
Argentina B12,CB1-5 $18 1950 Stamp designing
Argentina C35-7 H $20 1932 Zepp, C35,6 LH, C37 hinge remnant
Argentina CB6 $16 1951 Michelangelo
Scott Price Year Comments
Bolivia 661-8 $12 1981 Birds, parrots
Bolivia C72-81 $22 1939 Eucharistic Congress
Scott Price Year Comments
Brazil 364-74 NH/LH $65 1932 Revolution, NH and VLH
Brazil 364-74 LH $55 1932 Revolution, lightly hinged
Brazil 612 $16 1943 Bull's Eye stamps, imperf, no gum as issued, souvenir sheet
Brazil 628-32 var $20 1945 Each stamp cut from card, imperf
Brazil 1084 $3 1968 Harpy Eagle
Brazil 1284-6 $3 1973 Birds
Brazil 1328-31 $12 1973 Brazil 73, animal, bird
Brazil 1715-8 $4 1980 Birds
Brazil 1739-42 $2 1981 Birds
Brazil 1857-60 $10 1983 Brazil 83, birds
Brazil C25 $15 1929 Bird with letter
Brazil C28-29 $35 1931-2 Zepplin, small tone spot nicks
the C28 on the left side
Brazil C30 o $10 19321 Zepplin, used
Scott Price Year Comments
Out ot of Stock
Scott Price Year Comments
Columbia 642a,C278a $22 1955 Columbus, S/S
Columbia 674a $12 1957 General Reyes, S/S
Columbia C111-4 B/4 $75 1934 Overprints
Columbia C491a $20 1967 Orchids, S/S
Costa Rica
Costa Rica C378-93 $18 1963-4 Ancient art
Scott Price Year Comments
Cuba 355 $12 1937 Railroads
Cuba 368-72 $5 1942 Democracy
Cuba 463-5,C44-6 $40 1951 Chess
Cuba LH 463-5,C44-6 $30 1951 Chess, lightly hinged
Cuba 532-3 $5 1954 Christmas, 1954
Cuba 539-42,C110-3 $15 1955 Stamp/Stamp
Cuba 539-42,C110-3 $45 1955 Stamp/Stamp, blocks/4
Cuba 547-8 $6 1955 Christmas, 1955
Cuba 553-6,C131-3 $7 1956 Portraits
Cuba 562-3 $5 1956 Christmas, 1956
Cuba 566-9, $7 1957 Paintings
C153-5, E22
Cuba 588-9 $5 1957 Christmas, nativity scene
Cuba 599-606 $6 1958 Famous people
Cuba 607-C182-4 $13 1958 Naturalist, fauna
Cuba 608-9,C185-91 $55 1958 Fish,butterfly
Cuba 616-23 $5 1959 Presidents
Cuba 625-8,C200-2 $10 1960 Anniv of Revolution
Cuba 637-40,C206-8 $4 1960 Statutes
Cuba 648-662 $40 1960 Flowers,music, 3 B/4 +3
Cuba 652a,57a,62a $30 1960 Flowers,music, 3 Blocs/4
Cuba 663-5,C215-8 $5 1961 Economic conference
Cuba 686-700 $20 1961 Butterfly,bird, snail, 3 blocks/4 + 3
Cuba 690a,95a,700a $30 1961 Butterfly,bird, snail
Pane of 25 stamps & labels
Cuba 686-700 $18 1961 Butterfly,bird, snail
B/4 + single each denom
Cuba 3428-31 B/4 $17 1992 Birds, WWF, blocks/4
Cuba C31 $38 1938 Rocket flight
Cuba C31 LH & o $20 1938 Rocket flight, lightly hinged and used
Cuba C39 $10 1948 UPU S/S ovpt, with folder
Cuba C39 o $6 1948 " used
Cuba C19-21i $20 1936 Planes,imperf
Cuba C44-6 $22 1951 Chess
Cuba C63-72 LH $15 1952 Colonel Sandrino
Cuba C75-8 DG $20 1953 Planes, gum disturbed
Cuba C114-6 $6 1955 Views
Cuba C122-6 $16 1955 Planes,Stamp/Stamp
Cuba C122-6, $65 1955 Planes,Stamp/Stamp
C126a mint/o
Cuba C126a $30 1955 Planes, S/S
Cuba C136-46 $60 1956 Birds
Cuba C158-61 $6 1957 Sports
Cuba C163a $5 1957 Ryder with 474
Cuba C182-4 $12 1958 Animal life
Cuba C189-91 $22 1958 Fish, hi values, 24c,29c & 30c
Cuba J4 Line Pr $35 1899 10c on 10c, vertical line pair
Cuba J4 Line B/4 $55 1899 " vertical line block/4, two stamps hinged and one disturbed
gum, 2 mint, never hinged (left two)
Cuba J5 B/40 $775 1899 " top of sheet block of 40 (10 x 4), hinge reinforced,
9 stamps hinged, 31 stamps never hinged
Dominican Rep B33a,CB20a $12 1960 S/S perf & imperf (4), red surcharge
Ecuador 870-5,C527-8 $8 1973 Galapagos, birds
Ecuador 876-80 $8 1973 Birds
Ecuador 880 ftn $20 1972 Birds, 2 S/S, 1 per, 1 imperf, Scott footnote
Ecuador C65-9 LH $22 1939 Boloivarian Games, sports, lightly hinged
Guatemala C69 $10 1936 5q value from set
Guatemala C166-70 $4 1950 Scenic places
Guatemala C171-6 $8 1950 Sports
Guatemala C210-18 $18 1956 Liberation
Guatemala C235-42 LH $10 1960 World Refugee Yr, lightly hinged
Haiti 442-43,C136-8 $22 1959 UN, blocks of 4
Scott Price Year Comments
Nicaragua 1926 USMC POR 1926 Stampless cover from USMC Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua
May 31, 1926 - Price on Request
Nicaragua 706-16 $7 1947 Triangle stamps, scenes
Nicaragua 730-4,C309-15 $12 1950 Rowland Hill, pairs
Nicaragua 806-12,C416-23 $6 1958 Christian Brothers, btm right serial # margins
Nicaragua 1125-8,C986-8 $4 1981 Birds
Nicaragua C272-6 $7 1946 Roosevelt
Nicaragua C283-85 x4 $75 1947 4 sets, 2 setenent pairs in blocks of 8
Nicaragua C296-308 $15 1949 Sports, baseball
Nicaragua C316-20 $8 1952 Queen Isabela I
Nicaragua C339-45 $6 1954 UN
Scott Price Year Comments
Panama 268-73 H/NH $25 1934 Anniv of National Institute, 271 lightly hinged, others nh
Panama 288-97,C27-32 LH $55 1937 UPU overprints, lightly hinged
Panama 244-55 $50 1926 Bolivar Congress centennial
Panama 330 $7 1939 1b high value in set
Panama 330 Pr $10 1939 1b high value in set, vertical pair
Panama 382-5,C131-5 $10 1952 Queen Isabella I
Panama 389-94 $10 1953 Founding of the Republic
Panama 430-2,C224-6 $5 1959 Soccer
Panama 610-13 $8 1981 Birds
Panama C43-7 $20 1938 Sports, Soccer, 5th Caribbean Games
Panama C49-53 $26 1938 US Constitution
Panama C88-95 $26 1948 Members of the Revolution
Panama C128A LH $15 1952 1b on 5b, lightly hinges
Scott Price Year Comments
Paraguay 49 B/4 w Var $15 1898-9 10c on 15c, block/4, position 39 w broken "n"
Paaguary 49 Var $10 1898-9 Dot in first "o" of "Provisiorio"
Paraguay 273 S/3 Var $22 1928 10c vertical strip/3, imperf horizontally
Paraguay 276,80,86 var $18 1928 20c,50c,70c, vertical pairs, imperf between
Paraguay 279 & 296 var $18 1927-38 2 horizontal pairs imperf
Paraguay 836-43 + 2 S/S $35 1964 Space, JF Kennedy, Van Braun, set + perf and imperf S/S
2 S/S
Paraguay 887-94i $25 1964 Space, JF Kennedy, Churchill, bottom right margin imperfs
Paraguay 894a p/i $35 1964 Space, JF Kennedy, Churchill, perf and imperf S/S
Paraguay 1001a p/i $35 1966 Space, JF Kennedy, perf and imperf S/S
Paraguay Minkus 1534-5 $45 1967 Space, JF Kennedy, 2 S/S, both Muestra
Paraguay B16a S/S Folder $80 1964 Dec 11, Eucharistic Congress, S/S in booklet, No. 0160
Paraguay B19a S/S Folder $75 1964 Dec 12 Popes John XXIII & Paul VI, S/S in booklet, No 0175
$135 Above 2, as a unit
Paraguay C136s B/4 $15 1944-5 " 3c, Block of 4, punch hole & printer's ovpt specimens
Paraguay C155 Var $25 1946 Inverted overprints and normal on same stamp
Paraguay C155 Var $15 1946 Double overprints
Paraguay C155 Var $15 1946 Double overprint, only the year
Paraguay C155 Var $15 1946 Double overprint, only the new value
Paraguay C156 Var $15 1946 Inverted overprints
Paraguay C156 Var $15 1946 Double overprint, only the year double
Paraguay C156 Var $15 1946 Vertical overprints
Paraguay C156 Var $25 1946 Inverted & double overprint
Paraguay C157 Var $15 1946 Double overprints, year and new value
Paraguay C157 Var $15 1946 Double overprint, only new value double
Paraguay C157 Var $15 1946 Vertical overprints
Paraguay C163-6i Prs $15 1947 Imperf pairs, no C167
Paraguay C317 $20 1968 JF Kennedy, Space, S/S
Scott Price Year Comments
Peru 505-9 $12 1968 Gold sculptures
Peru B1-5 $10 1966 Gold objects
El Salvador C111-16 $10 1948 Roosevelt
Uruguay 391-3i B/4 $28 1928 Garzon, imperf blocks/4
Uruguay 410a-3a LH $20 1931 Sheets of 4, lightly hinged on top 2 stamps
Uruguay C7-8 LH $20 1925 Heron, Montevideo & Florida, lightly hinged
Uruguay C211-22 $8 1960-1 Fallen aviators + plane
Uruguay C233-44 $7 1961 CIES
Scott Price Year Comments
Venezuela 367-74 $10 1940-1 Simon Bolivar
Venzeuela 394,C218-21 $8 1946 October Revolution
Venezuela 425-7 $10 1949 Michelena
Venezuela 428-31 $10 1949-50 Columbus
Venezuela 434-7 $10 1950 de Miranda
Venezuela 445-9 $12 1950 Gulf of Maraciabo
Venezuela 685-91,C636-42 $12 1957-8 Sacro & Bolivar
Venezuela 782-4,C753-5 $10 1960 Bolivar Peak
Venezuela 798-800,C776-8 $10 1961 Birds
Venezuela 802-3,C779-84 $15 1961 Battle of Carabobo
Venezuela 804-11,C794-03 $25 1962 Flowers, orchids
Venezuela 818-24,C811-18 $25 1962 Birds
Venezuela 826-31,C820-5 $22 1963 Animals
Venezuela 908-10,C933-5 $6 1966 Fish
Venezuela C322-7 $10 1951 Bolivar statute
Venezuela C330-3 $10 1951 Queen Isabella I, serial # btm margin copies
Venezuela C613-28 $15 1956-7 University Hospital, Caracas
Venezuela C690-700 $10 1958 Trujilo
Venezuela C811-18 $15 1962 Birds
Venezuela C952 S/S $24 1967 Scott footnote S/S w/ 15c stamp
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311