=== Book 1901030702 ===

Oriental Series (24 Volume Set)
Japan, China, Korea, etc

  • Volumes 1-12. Japan (1-8) and China (9-12), published 1901-2.
  • Volumes 13-24. Korea, Manchuria, Philippines, Siam (Thailand), Burma, Afganistan, India, Persia, Turkey and Russia, published ca 1910.

Brinkley, Frank (Captain) et al:
Oriental Series, Boston & Tokyo, J.B. Millet Company, 1901-10, 24 volume set, 8vo, 7,666 pages in total, publishers hardbound with off-white spine over brown boards, top edges trimmed and gilt and other edges untrimmed. Illustrated with 144 full page plates (with tissue guards) and and 1 large folding map. Each volume has a color frontisplate and 5 other sepia plates. This series offers a comprehensive review of Japan (Volumes 1-8), China (Volumes 9-12), Korea, Manchuria, Philippines, Siam (Thailand), Burma, Afganistan, India, Persia, Turkey and Russia (in 3 volumes). It covers a wide range of topics to include rulers, history, government, art, religion, trade/commerce, international relations and institutions.

Condition. The books are in Very Good condition. Spines have light soiling. Some corners bumped and frayed. Internally books are solid and in Fine condition with only very few minor faults. A tough set to get complete, as this one is.


Volumes 1-8

Volume 1 (260 pp - 1901). Present Japan, Primaeval Japanese, Japan on the Verge of History, Japan in the Early Eras of History, the Japanese in the Nara Epoch, the Heian Epoch, the Heian Epoch (cont) and Appendix. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece. A Village Water-Wheel
  2. A Group of Ainu
  3. Dolmen at Domyoji-yama (Kawachi)
  4. A Shirabiyash, Aristocratic Lady, Heian Epoch
  5. A Winter Scene in Yokohama
  6. View of Katsura River near Arashiyama

    Map of Asia (Color/folding - 4 folds out, one fold up and one fold down)

Volume 2 (286 pp - 1902). History of Military Epoch, Manners and Customs of the Military Epoch, Manners and Customs of the Military Epoch (cont), Weapons and Operations of War During the Military Epoch, Bushi-do or the Way of the Warrior, Refinements and Pastimes of the Military Epoch, and Appendix. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece. Playing Blindman's Bluff in a Side Street Leading to the Moat in Tokyo
  2. Samurai in Armour
  3. Palanquins and Carriage - Sleeping Place in an Aristocrat's Mansion
  4. Temple Bell at Kawasaki
  5. Samurai of the Kamakura Period
  6. A Wrestling Ring

Volume 3 (256 pp - 1902). Refinements and Pastimes of the Military Epoch continued, the Early Tokugawa Times, Middle Period of the Tokugawa, Later Period of the Tokugawa, The Fall of the Tokugawa, and Appendix. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece - Japanese Types
  2. Interior of the Imperial Palace Kyoto
  3. Ceremony on the Arrival and Departure of a Guest
  4. Yoshitsun's Helmet (Iron) Twelfth Century
  5. Nakajima, Nagasaki
  6. The Graves of the "Forty-seven Ronin"

Volume 4 (268 pp - 1902). Manners and Customs of the Tokugawa Era, The Tokugawa Court, Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Classes in Tokugawa Times, Personal Liberty, Justice Slavery and Checks on Vice, Philospophy, Education, Customs and Costumes, Meiji or the Era of "Enlightened Government," and Appendix. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece. A Dancing Girl
  2. Boat Bridge on the Nakasendo
  3. Fujiyama from Numigawa
  4. Oji Tea House, Tokyo
  5. Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
  6. Bronze Lantern from Korea and Candelabrum from Holland (b&w)

Volume 5 (260 pp - 1902). Financial and Economical Conditions, Japan's Foreign Politics, Steps of Progess, Creed and Caste, Religion and Rites, Superstitions, and Appendix. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece. Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto
  2. Raking a Rice Field
  3. Threshing Grain
  4. Buddhist Priests
  5. Wooden Bridge at Iwakuni
  6. A Japanese Cemetery

Volume 6 (301 pp - 1902). Festivals, Observances and Pastimes, Observations and Pastimes (cont), The History of Commerce in Japan, The History of Commerce in Japan (cont), Appendix (included listing of Emperors of Japan 660 BC - 1867), "War Appendix" (not counted in numbered text pages of 301) and Index. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece. Danjuro
  2. Boys Playing Kotoro
  3. A "No" Dancer in Costume
  4. A Japanese Interior
  5. Wayside Resting Place
  6. Nimon Iyemitsu Temple at Nikko

Volume 7 (396 pp - 1902). Pictorial and Applied Arts. Japanese Pictorial Art, Japanese Applied Art, Japanese Appplied Art (cont), Bronze-Casting, Architectural Sculpture and Decoration, etc., Various Applications of Art, Sculupture on Sword-Furniture, Sculupture on Sword-Furniture (cont), Sculupture on Sword-Furniture (cont), Special Subjects, Appendix & Index. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece. The Goddess of Fortune (Benzaiten)
  2. Group of Monkeys
  3. Wooden Statue of Manjusri
  4. Eleven-Faced Kwannon in Shrine, Fourteenth Century
  5. Sword Guards Plate
  6. Modern Ivory Statuettes

Volume 8 (450 pp - 1902). Keramic Art (Japan). Early Wares, Wares of Hizen, Wares of Satsuma (Kagoshima Prefecture), Wares of Kyoto, Wares of Kaga (Ishikawa Prefecture), Wares of Owari or Bishiu, and Mino, Miscellaneous Wares, Modern Developments of Japanese Keramics, Appendix (30 pages - in addition to the 450 text pages), Index. (6 tissue guarded plates)

  1. Frontispiece. Bowl of Faience (Kenzan)
  2. Hirado Ware
  3. Tea jar, Water Vessel, Takaton Ware
  4. Shuntai-Yaki Vase, E-Hagi Faience, E-Garatsu
  5. Awaji Faience
  6. Maiko Ware, Akahada Ware


  • China (4 Volumes)
  • China

    Volumes 9-12

    Volume 9 (426 pp - 1902). Keramic Art (China). Chinese Porcelain and Pottery, Early Wares of China, Wares of the "Sung" (960-1279) Dynasty, The Celadon, Sung and Yuan Wares (cont), Porcelain Decorated Under the Glaze, Porcelain Decorated Over the Glaze, Porcelain Decorated Over the Glaze (cont), Monochromatic Glazes, Monochromatic Warec (cont), Polychromatic Glazes. Transutation of Flambe Glazes, Chinese Pottery, Chinese Porcelain in the West, Manufacturing Process, Index. (6 tissue guarded plates)

    1. Frontispiece. Vase of Kang-Hsi - Kwang-Yao - Transmutation Ware, Vase of Kang-Hsi - Coral-Red Porcelain, Vase of Kang-Hsi - Craquelle Porcelain with Superimposed Transmutation Glaze
    2. Sacrifical Jar (Copied from an Old Bronze) of White Ting-Yao
    3. Vase (Copied from Ancinet Bronze) of Ju-Yao Celadon
    4. Vase (Copied from Ancinet Bronze) of Ju-Yao Celadon
    5. Vermilion-Ink Box of Cheng-Hwa, Soft Paste Porcelain
    6. Vase (Height, 14 inches) of Kang-Hsi, Eggshell Ting Yao

    Volume 10 (273 pp - 1902). The Features of the Country, Administration, Finance, Foreign Trade and Intercourse: Early Period, Preconventional Period of Foreign Intercourse and Trade, Prevonventional Period (cont) and Appendix. (6 tissue guarded plates)

    1. Frontispiece. Old Arched Bridge in Western China on the Border of Thibet
    2. Ordinary Method of Carrying Baggage
    3. View of Great Wall of China
    4. Street Scene in Shanghai
    5. A Canal in Ningpo
    6. An Old Paved Mountain Pass Intended for Foot Passengers Only

    Volume 11 (285 pp - 1902). Preconventional Period of Foreign Intercourse and Trade, the Propaganda and Chinese Religions, The Propaganda and Chinese Religions (cont), The Propaganda and Chinese Religions (cont), Conventional Period, Education, Literati, Secret Societies, and Rebellions, The Secon War and the Events Preceding It and Appendix. (6 tissue guarded plates)

    1. Frontispiece. Chinese Children in a Garden
    2. A Portion of the Street Leading to the Ming Tomb
    3. Buddhist Monument
    4. The Bubbling Fountain Monastery
    5. Tower of the Great Bell Temple
    6. The Watch Tower in Examination Grounds - Furnace for Burning Paper in Examination Grounds

    Volume 12 (292 pp - 1902). Canton and Peking at Last, The Treaty and the Taipings, The Sequel of Conquest, China's Education, The Closing Episodes, Today, Appendix (w List of Emperors of China Hia Dynasty to Manchu/Tatsing Dynasty (2208 B.C. ~ 1875)), Index. (6 tissue guarded plates)

    1. A Picturesque Far
    2. Footbridge in the Grounds of the Emperor's Palace
    3. The Imperial Ancestral Temple
    4. A Popular Tea-House in the Old Part of Shanghai
    5. A Chinese Carpenter
    6. A Chinese Tea-House
    7. A Group of Chinese Officials (b&w)

    Pages/Plates/Maps (Total 7,666 pp, 144 plates, 1 map):

      Japan (2,477 pp - 48 plates - 1 map)
    • Volume 1 - 260 pp, 6 plates, 1 Map
    • Volume 2 - 286 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 3 - 256 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 4 - 268 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 5 - 260 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 6 - 301 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 7 - 396 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 8 - 450 pp, 6 plates

      China (1,276 pp, 24 plates)

    • Volume 9 - 426 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 10 - 273 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 11 - 285 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 12 - 292 pp, 6 plates

      Other Countries (3913 pp, 72 plates)

    • Volume 13 (Korea) - 326 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 14 (Manchuria) - 320 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 15 (Philippines) - 324 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 16 (Thailand) - 330 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 17 (Burma) - 327 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 18 (Afganistan) - 323 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 19 (India) - 326 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 20 (Persia) - 323 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 21 (Turkey) - 324 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 22 (Russia to 1877 - #1) - 332 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 23 (Russia to 1877 - #2) - 334 pp, 6 plates
    • Volume 24 (Russia of To-Day) - 324 pp, 6 plates

  • Korea (Volume 13) by Angus Hamilton, Major Herbert H. Autin and Viscount Masatake Terauchi (1910)
  • Manchuria (Volume 14) by Alexander Hosie (1910)
  • Philippines (Volume 15) by Campbell Dauncey, Hon. William Howard Taft & Hon. Theodore Roosevelt (1910)
  • Siam (Volume 16) by P.A. Thompson (1910)
  • Burma (Volume 17) by R. Talbot Kelly (1910)
  • Afghanistan (Volume 18) by Angus Hamilton (1910)
  • India (Volume 19) by J.D. Rees (1910)
  • Persia (Volume 20 ) by F.B. Bradley-Brit (1910)
  • Turkey (Volume 21) by E.F. Knight (1910)
  • Russia (Volumes 22, 23) by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (Vol 22 & 23 Russia, Its History and Condition to 1877 - #1 & #2) and Luigi Villari (Vol 24 - Russia of To-Day - #3) (1910)

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    Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs
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