~~ Book 1945110407 ~~

Nansei Shoto
(Ryukyu Islands - Loochoo Islands)
A Pocket Guide

Condition. The book is in Good+ condition. The covers are lightly soiled. There are stain spots on the fore edge of the front and back covers. The book is accompanied by an insert Annex (see below).

US Government:
Nansei Shoto (Ryukyu Island - Loochoo Islands), A Pocket Guide, US Government, ca 1945 (pre-invasion - April 1, 1945), pamphlet, 2 maps, 9 illustrations (most cartoon type drawings), 4 1/4 x 5 1/4 in, paper wraps, staple bound, 39 pp (2 blank for "Notes"). Reproduced by 30th engineer Base Top BN. USAFCPBC. No. 5356. This is obviously a pocket guide prepared for troops about to engage in the Nansei Shoto (Okinawa) campaign of WWII. Loaded with basic information and guidance to include an "English into Japanese" section with such terms as "Cease fire!," "If you resist you will be shot!," and "Shut up!." A typical government undertaking. Everything the American GI would need to know for the pending invasion of Okinawa. For more information, click here. While it is rather hard to understand, I have seen this book with a "Top Secret" handstamp on the front cover. An inset "Annex to Information Booklet - Nansei Shoto" found in one copy of this book makes a little more sense. That mimeographed half sheet states "Top Secret (To be reduced to Restricted on L-Day)." That document was dated February 24, 1945 and dealt with the danger, actually lack thereof, of snake bites. To see the insert, click here.

Opens with the following comment:

There's no use giving you a sightseer's guide to the Nansei Shoto, because after the navy and air forces have blasted the way for a landing on those islands, they just won't look the same. (p 3)

A very accurate description for what was in store for Naha in prepartion for the April 1, 1945 landing on Okinawa.


2 Maps

Illustrated section on "here's the score on snakes." including the great advice that if snake bitten "...get hold of a medic in a hurry."

Regarding the ladies the guide advises:

The average Okinawa girl will be insulted if you touch her. Or she may take you more seriously than you expect. Either way, you're in a jam, and a mistake might bring the head man of the village around looking for you. There would be a lot of explaining to do. Just consider the girl Off Limits and you'll avoid a headache. (p 14)

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