Back Cover (horizotal orientation)
Condition. The book is in Very Good condition. The binding is solid. The tape spine covering is in fair condition and peeling back at the head and foot of the spine. The front and back covers have stain spots and the fore-edge of the front cover has waterstaining. There is pen writing on list of illustrations on the contents page (see here). Otherwise the book is free of markings. The Errata and Addenda pages (v-xii - 8 pages) appear to be of lesser quality paper and have significant age toning/browning (see here). This toning carries on to the first 3 text pages.
Bull, Earl Rankin:
Okinawa or Ryukyu "The Floating Dragon", 1958, Newark, Ohio, Self Published, 8vo (8 1/2 x 10 3/4 in), illustrated stiff paper wraps, bound with staples, reinforced tape spine, printed in typewriter type font, 60 illustrations, 243 numbered pages, errata & addenda (8 pp), illustrations (19 pp) and index (20 pp), plus misc pages for a total of 298 pp. This publication is an excellent resource on the history of Ryukyuan culture, politics, religion, education, handicrafts, industries and art. The author has a very detailed account of the Christian activities in Okinawa with information on Dr. Bernard Jean Bettelheim. In his book Okinawa, The History of an Island People, George Kerr notes that the American missionaries Earl R. Bull and Henry B. Schwartz resided on Okinawa in the period of 1905-1924 (at page 493). It appears the Bull may have remained longer, or perhaps returned. In May of 1926 he organized a memorial and dedication service for Dr. Bettelheim that was held on May 18. For information on that activity, click here.
I. Geography
II Resources
III History
IV People
VI Culture
VII Handicrafts
VIII Religion
IX Organized Groups
X Government
XI Public Welfare
XII Education
XIII Communication - Transportation
XIV Public Affairs
XV Industries - Crops
XVI Standards
Illustrations - Black and White (60 illustrations)
- The First War Cemetery
- Where Ernie Rested
- Marker for Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr.
- Naha Harbor
- Coat of Arms of Royalty
- Hidari Mitsu Tomoo, Momojana
- Itaradzichi Chochu, with "Hachimaki"
- Even Her Hairpin shows
- Tama-nchabu
- Sammo
- Stone funeral urns
- Earthware funeral urns (12-A & 12-B)
- Tattooing on Oshima
- " on Yaeyama
- " on Toku-no-shima
- " on Naha, Miyako & Oshima
- Kami-na-ku-baka
- Tattooing on Miyako
- Hosho Pond Bridge
- The Navy rings the score
- The Coronation
- Yin and Yang
- Three Surrender
- Shuri Castle Grounds
- Shuri Castle
- Ancestral Tablets of Kings
- Ancestral Tablets of the Princess and the concubines
- Nami-no-ue
- Loving Cup given Bettelheim by Perry
- Bernard Jean Bettelheim
- Bettelheim Monument, unveiled by Mayor of Chiban of Shure, aged 80
- Kadena Air Base Chapel
- Bettelheim's translation of John 4:14
- Bettelheim's Personal History
- Key to Ryukyuan-American Friendship Day
- Firing on Shuri church snipers
- Baptist Church, Naha, before 1945
- Bettelheim's grave, Brookfield, Mo
- Gibraltar of the Pacific
- Glendale Mobil Unit
- Inauguration Day, The University of Ryukyus
- The Ghost Castle
- Transporting sweet potatoes
- Dragon Boat Race
- Departure of a native junk
- Historical Marker at Unten
- A Home Rebuilt
- Homes of the Americans - Sukiran
- Native Seals
- U.S. Army Jeeps
- Sundial on Shuri Castle Grounds, before 1945
- Coins
- The King's Royal Dragon Robe made up form a Ch'ing dynasty Lung p'ao, tailored in local style. Date 17440-1760.
- Royal Hairpin and Magatama
- Wooden Funeral Urn, from Momojana
- Yomochi Bridge, Shuri Castle ground
- Marker of Shuri Castle
- Hananda Natural Bridge
- Shikiya Memorial Library
- "Teahouse of the August Moon"

Collation. Full Title: Okinawa or Ryukyu - "The Floating Dragon", Newark, Ohio, self-published, illustrated stiff paper wraps, Title Page & Copyright Notice (2 pages), Contents & Dedication to "Blanche" (2 pages), Introduction (i-ii - 2 pages), List of Illustrations (iii-iv - 2 pages), Errata & Addenda (v-xii - 8 pages), text (numbered pages 1~243 - the back of page 243 is blank), Illustrations (60 different on 19 pages) and Index (20 pages) for a total of 298 pages from title page to end.