(Bilderbuch des Boshin-Kriges)


[Complete Title Page]

(Bilderbuch des Boshin-Krieges
Noguchi Shoichi und Tomioka Masanobu
Higashikuse Michimoto,
Grafen Yoshii Tomosane, Grafen
Toda Ujitomo, Viscount Hayashi Tomoyuki,
Viscount Kawada Kagetomo, Viscount Gojo Tameshige,
Baron Takasari Masakaze und Shijo Takatoshi.


Von P. Ehmann.
Mit Beihuelfe Von M. Kugo.
Gedrueckt und Herausgegeben.
Von Azuma Kenzaburo.
TOKIO, 1907
Verlag Von Hokunkai

An illustrated German/Japanese book about the Boshin Civil War of 1868 in Japan. This was the war that brought down the shogunate and led to the restoration of Emperor Meiji. Soft covers, 84 pages, 9.5 x 12 in (or 30 x 23.5 cm).

The book contains 38 numbered color plates depicting various scenes in detail from the Boshin Civil War with descriptions in German and Japanese. Each plate extends across two pages and there are two different images per page. There is no English text however the pictures themselves are excellent and the romanized Japanese names can be read easily.


Title Page

Miscellaneous Illustrations

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