Broughton, William R.:
Voyage de découvertes dans la partie Septentrionale de l'Océan Pacifique, fait par le capitaine W. R. Broughton, commandant la corvette de S.M.B. la Providence et sa conserve, pendant les années 1795, 1796, 1797 et 1798; dans lequel il a parcouru et visité la côte d'Asie, depuis le 35e degré nord, jusqu'au 52e; l'île d'Insu, ordinairement appelé..., Paris, Dentu, French language, 2 volumes, 243 pp and 338 pages, with 7 maps and plates (6 of which are fold-out). This is the narrative of the voyage performed in his Majesty's Sloop Providence. The book contains panoramic sketches of Okinawa which may well be the first published western illustrations of Okinawa.


Title Page

Listing of Plates (From the 1804 English Language Edition)

  1. A general Chart of the Japanefe Iflands, and N.E. Coaft of Afia
  2. Charts of Thefan Harbour, Napachan Roads, Endermo Harbour, &c. (Title on Chart (multichart illustration): Sketch of Napachan Roads, Island of Lieuchieux
  3. A Man and Woman of Volcano Bay
  4. Japanefe Boats
  5. View of Port and Cape Nambu, and Ifland to the South of the Entrance of Jeddo &c.
  6. View of Nipon, Volcano Bay, Endermo Harbour, &c.
  7. Chart of Great Lieuchieux (Title on the Chart: Chart from the South Point of Formoso to Great Lieuchieux, including the Islands of Madjicosemah)
  8. Panoramic View of the Harbour of Napakaan (Title on the Chart: Panoramic Sketch of the Bay, Town and Entrance of the Harbour of Napachan on the Island of Likeo or Loochoo)
  9. View of the Ifland of Koomefang, Entrance of the Harbour of F. Choufan, &c., &c.



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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs