Chrysanthemum, A Monthly Magazine
for Japan and the Far East
Vol 1, No 4, April, 1881

Gordon, M.L.
Dixon, James Main
Knox, George W.
Waddell, H.
Imbrie, Wm.
et al:
Chrysanthemum, A monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East, Volume I, No. 4, April 1881, Yokohama, Kelly and Co, 1881, large 12mo (5 1/2 x 8 1/2 - in the unbound periodical format), paper wraps, pages 109-156 (47 pp). While issued as a monthly periodical, individual (not bound into a volume) copies are seldom seen. The front cover has a table of contents. Inside the front cover and the back of the rear cover are "Japan-Lastest Books" price lists for Kelly and Co. Inside the back cover are the "Terms of Subscription..." and a listing of the contents of issue No. 2 (February) and No. 3 (March).


Table of Contents



Shinshiu Buddist Doctrine of Amita, Buddha snd the Theism of the Old Testament (Rev M.L. Gordon, M.D.)

A Simplification of the English Verb (Prof. James Main Dixon, M.A.)

Shin-Gaku Michi: -- A Sceptic's Objection Silenced (Rev. Geo. W. Knox)

Festival of Kuwan-Butsu-Ye, or the Washing of the Holy Child Shaka

Rendering into Japanese some Theological and Psychological Terms (Rev. H. Waddell, B.A.)

Notes and Queries:

Suspended Coffins, -- The Howo or Phoenix, -- The Plough in Japan, -- Spelling of Riu-Kiu, -- The Japanese Wolf, --Japanese Day Fireworks, -- Big bells

Koyeki Mondo (Continued) (Rev. Wm. Inbrie)

Notices of Books, etc.

Antediluvian Genealogies; (Lenormant), -- Edenic Period of Man (McWhorter), -- Patriarchal Dynasties (Crawford), -- Wild Coasts of Nipon (St. John), -- Labour in Japan (Van Buren), Rikugo-Zasshi etc., -- New Publications, -- Magazine Articles, etc.

Voices from the West

Scinece, Literature and Art



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