Harper's New Monthly 1856
Articles on the Perry Expedition
 Regent of Loo-Choo
Harper's New Monthly Magazine:
Commodore Perry's Expedition to Japan, Harper's, New York, 1856, Volume XII, 441-466 pp (March, 1856) and 733-756 pp (May, 1856), 8vo - 16.5 x 25 cm (6 3/4 x 9 3/4 in), double column, 37 woodcut illustrations. The woodcut illustrations are of the scenes of Loo Choo & Japan and are generally the same found in the lithographs and test illustrations in the official Narrative of the expedition. The two monthly issues (paper wraps) are numbers LXX (March, March) and LXXII (May, 1856). To see the covers of the two monthly issues, click here.
The two Perry Expedition articles are contained in Volume XII which is a bound edition of Harper's New Monthly Magazine that covers the period from December, 1855 through May, 1856. These articles probably represent the first widespread distribution of information about the expedition and accounts of the visits to Lew Chew (Okinawa) and Japan.
The articles are not attributed to a specific writer. However, they are a chronological narrative of events and are written in the same style as you find the official Narrative and abbreviated version. I believe they were written by Hawks based upon his compilation of the various logs and journals that were maintained during the expedition.
You will find pages:
441-66 (Volume XII, Issue 72, March 1856) on-line (no illustrations) here.
733-56 (Volume XII, Issue 72, May 1856) on-line (no illustrations) here.
List of Illustrations (March 1856 Article):
Page Size
Misc (2) Approximate
441 Commodore Perry 1/2 page
443 Shanghae 3/4 page
Okinawa (11)
444 Tombs of Napa 1/8+ page
445 First Visit of Dignitaries 1/8 page
446 Regent of Loo-Choo and Attendants 1/4+ page
447 Street in Napa, Loo-Choo 1/2 page
448 Loo-Choo Merchant 1/4+ page
449 Peasant of Loo-Choo 3/4 page
450 Loo-Choans of Middle Class 1/4 page
451 Bridge and Causeway, Loo-Choo 1/3 page
452 Temple at Tumai 1/3 page
455 Castle of Na-ga-gus-ko 1/3 page
457 Dinner at the Regent's, Loo-Choo 1/3+ page
Bonin Island (2)
458 View of Bonin Islands 1/8+ page
459 Natural Cave, Bonin Islands 3/4 page
Japan (4)
461 Mouth of Bay of Yedo 1/4 page
461 Japanese Government Boat 1/8+ page
464 FirstLanding at Gorahama, Japan 1/3+ page
465 A Japanese Mackintosh 1/8 page
List of Illustrations (May 1856 Article):
Page Size
Japan (18) Approximate
734 The Bay of Jedo, Japan 1/3+ page
736 View of Yokuhama 1/4 page
737 Commissioners' Barges 2/3 page
738 Japanese Nobles 3/4 page
740 Japanese Wrestlers 1/3 page
744 Japanese Ladies 3/4 page
745 Village of Yokuhama 3/4 page
747 Japanese Household Utensils 1/8+ page
747 Boiling the Pot 1/4 page
748 Shrines and Candlesticks 1/8+ page
749 Buddhist Temple 2/3 page
750 Musical Instruments 1/4+ page
750 View of Hakodadi 1/2 page
752 Fishing at Hakodadi 2/3 page
753 Weaving 2/3 page
754 Blacksmith's Bellows 1/4 page
754 Praying Machine 1/3 page
755 American Burial Place 1/4 page
Various Illustrations
Temple at Tumai - Page 452 - 1/3 page
Landing at Gorahama - Page 464 - 1/3+ page
The Perry Expedition articles are only a small part of this volume (Volume XII). Here are a few of the many articles in the bound volume:
Adventures in the Gold Fields of Central America
A Nightly Scene in London by Charles Dickens
Conquest of Mexico by John S. C. Abbott
George Washington by John S. C. Abbott
How the Destruction of Trees Affects the Rains
Israel Putnam
Remembrances of the Mississippi by T. B. Thorpe
The "Gees" by Herman Melville (of Moby-Dick Fame)
The Juniata by T. Addison Richards
Volume XII is a profusely illustrated book of 864 pages. It is an excellent way to put the Perry Expedition in context with the current events of the day.