~~ Book Published by T. Hasegawa ~~
Blueten und Schwerter Lieder Nachdichtunsen
Volume One of a Three Volume Set
Hasegawa, T. (Publisher)
Schneider, Manfred (translation):
Blueten und Schwerter Lieder Nachdichtunsen, Japanischer Lieder von Manfred Schneider, Buchschmuck von Japanischen Kunstlern, Volume I, Verlag von T. Hasegawa, Tokyo (17 Kami Negishi), Taisho 3 (1914), large 16mo (5 x 7 1/8 in - 12.5 x 18 cm), crepe over padded board covers, contents printed on hosho paper (high quality paper) pages, 32 pp. The page count of 32 does not include the blank front free page. This is volume one from the three volume set of "Blueten und Schwerter" ("Sword and Blossom") poems. The first "Blutenlieder" (Blossom song) is "Schnee" (Snow) and the first "Schwertlieder" (Sword song) is "Warten" (Waiting). The volume number is not actually stated in the book.
This German language version of Volume I the Sword and Blossom poems does not have the "Post Scriptum" found in the English language version.
Binding format. The binding format for these books is not one that was typically employed by Hasegawa. The pages are joined to the binding at the middle. This allows for a seamless panoramic views of the prints when a page/plate is opened. The resulting outside edges were normally (but not always) lightly glued to the outside edge of the next page/plate. Other Hasegawa folded page books were bound with the page/plate folded and the open edges joined to the binding at the spine.
All Pages in This Book.

Close-up of Colophon

Taisho 3 (1914).8.1
Comparison of English Language Version (bottom) with
German Language Version (top picture)

1st Printing (1907)
2nd Printing (1909)

1st Printing (1907)
2nd Printing (1909)
Close-up of Colophon - Blueten und Schwerter

Taisho 3 (1914).8.1
Close-up of Colophon, 1st Printing (1907), English Language Version

Meiji 40 (1907).11.10
Close-up of Colophon, 2nd Printing (1909), English Language Version

Meiji 42 (1909).2.1