Wilhelm Heine 1863 Book -- "Le Japon"
Heine, William (Wilhelm):
Le Japon. Voyage Autour Du Monde. Expédition du Commodore Perry, pendant les années 1853, 1854 et 1855. Faite d'après les ordres du gouvernement des États-Unis, ahead of the title: Voyage Autor du Monde, Bruxelles, 1863, large 8vo (6 3/4 x 10 in), frontispiece (tinted engraving on China paper). Two volumes bound into one with 304 pp + 5 full page tinted engravings on China paper and 315 pp + 5 full page tinted engravings on China paper. This is a translation from German into French by A. Rolland. Volume 1 covers the expedition from the departure to the first visit to Japan to deliver the President's letter to the Emperor. Volume 2 covers the return to Japan for the answer and then the return to the United States via the Hawaii. The set contains 11 full page tinted engravings (from Heine's paintings) on China paper with the following general subjects: Frontispiece, 1 Canton, 4 Liou-Kou (Okinawa), 3 Japan, 1 Hawaii and 1 Straits of Magellen).
Title Page -- Click Here.
Tinted Engravings #1 through #11 Full Page on China Paper
(Click on Picture for Expanded View)

Marché aux Poissons à Canton
Vue de Napa à Liou-Kiou
 Vol 1, Page 121
 Vol 1, Page 166
Tchan-di-choo-sah à Liou-Kiou
Schouy, capital de Liou-Kiou
(Perry at Shuri Castle Gate)
 Vol 1, Page 175
 Vol 1, Page 182
Marchè de Napha
Groupe de soldats japonais
 Vol 1, Page 202
 Vol 2, Page 22
Bain public à Simoda
Conférence du commodore Perry avce les commissaires japonais
 Vol 2, Page 34
 Vol 2, Page 72
Honoloulou dans I'île d'Ouahou
Dêtroit de la Neige
 Vol 2, Page 117
 Vol 2, Page 159
Collation. Full Title: Le Japon. Voyage Autour Du Monde. Expédition du Commodore Perry, pendant les années 1853, 1854 et 1855. Faite d'après les ordres du gouvernement des États-Unis.
Volume 1 --- Short Title (2 pages), Fronticepiece (tinted engraving) + Title Page + Preface (5 pages) + Humboldt Dedication/Comments (6 pages) + Introduction (14 pages) + Contents + Table Des Matieres (4 pages) with a total of 304 numbered pages and 5 unnumbered tinted engravings.
Volume 2 -- (no preliminary pages) + Contents (starts at page 6) + Table Des Matieres (3 pages) + Disposition Des Planches (placement of engravings) (1 page) with a total of 315 numbered pages and 5 unnumbered tinted engravings.
Tinted Engravings
Volume 1
(1) Canton (facing page 121)
(2) View de Napa a Liou-Kiou [View of Naha Harbor - Okinawa] (facing page 126)
(3) Tchan--di-coo-sah [Okinawa] (facing page 175)
(4) Shouy, capitale de Liou-Kiou [Perry at Shuri Gate - Okinawa] (facing page 182)
(5) Marche de Napa [Village near Naha - Okinawa] (facing page 202)
Volume 2
(6) Group de soldats Japoinais (facing page 22)
(7) Bain public a Simoda [Public Bathhouse scene] (facing page 34)
(8) Conference du commodore Perry avec les commissaires japonais [Perry's meeting with the Commissioners in Hokodata] (facing page 72)
(9) Honoloulu dans l'ile d'Ouahou [Honolulu with view of Diamondhead in background] (facing page 147)
(10) Snowy-sound (dêtroit de la niege) au dêtroit de Magellan (facing page 159)