~~ Book 1863071207 ~~
Pines and Firs of Japan ![]() Murray characterizes the nature of this work this way.
Although thus essentially of a monographic character, I have not thought it desirable to load the text with a repetition of the characters of the genera (which are to be found in every systematic work), but have confined myself to the specific description of the speces recorded (Preface, at page 4). Coniferae of Japan Title Page & Preface (Pages 1-4) I. Pines (Pages 5-38 - Figures 1-68) Sec 1. Leaves five in a sheath 5-17 1. Pinus Koraiensis 5-11 Figs 1-12 2. Inus Parviflora 11-17 Figs 13-29 Sec 2. Leaves three in a sheath (Taeda) 17-23 3. Pinus Bugeana 18-23 Figs 30-38 Sec 3. Leaves two in a sheath (Pinaster) 23-38 4. Pinus Massoniana 23-32 Figs 39-54 5. Pinus Densiflora 33-38 Figs 55-68 II. Spruce and Silver Firs (Abietinae) - Silver Firs (Piceinoe) (Pages 39-123 - Figures 69-224 Sec 1. Picea 39-53 6. Abies (Picea) Veitchi 39-48 Figs 69-83 7. Abies (Picea) Fortuni 49-53 Figs 84-95 Sec 2. Peucoides 53-84 8. Abies (Peucoides Firma) 53-65 Figs 96-115 9. Abies Alcocquiana 65-69 Figs 116-128 10. Abies Microsperma 69-72 Figs 129-136 11. Abies Jezoensis 72-77 Figs 137-147 12. Abies Polita 77-84 Figs 148-158 Sec 3. Hemlock Spruce 84-89 13. Abies (Tsuga) Tsuga 84-89 Figs 159-171 Sec 4. Larches (Larix) 89-123 14. Larix Leptolepis 89-93 Figs 172-177 15. Larix Japonica 94-99 Figs 178-189 16. Abries Kempferi 100-108 Figs 190-201 17. Sciadopitys Verticillata 109-115 Figs 202-215 18. Cunninghamia Sinensis (Liukiu moni) 116-123 Figs 216-224 Index 124Title Page