~~ Book 1863071207 ~~

Pines and Firs of Japan
Andrew Murray, F.L.S., 1861

Condition. The book is in Very Good condition. The spine is faded and bumped, particularly at the bottom. The corners are bumped. The front and back paste downs are broken (inner hinges cracked) however the binding remains solid. There is a large bookplate ("Cornelius J. Hauck Collection") and small bookseller's label ("C. Jeffrey Bookseller, High Street, Falkirk.") on the front paste. Pencil numbers written on the front paste down. There is light foxing to the first and last 3 pages. However, the remainder of the book is clean and bright.

Murray, Andrew Dickson:
The Pines and Firs of Japan. Illustrated by Upwards of Two Hundred Woodcuts. Reprinted (With Additions and Corrections) from the Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society, London, 1863, printed by Bradbury & Evans, 8vo (6 1/4 x 9 in - 15.5 x 23 cm), green cloth with title in gilt on front board, 224 numbered black and white woodcut text illustrations, index, 124 pp. At the time this work was prepared Andrew Murray was an Assistant Secretary to the Royal Horticultural Society. The work was based upon specimens provided by two British botanists who had recently returned from Japan, Robert Fortune and John G. Veitch. The author also drew information from works published by Kaempfer, Thunberg, Seibold and Zuccarini.

Murray characterizes the nature of this work this way.

Although thus essentially of a monographic character, I have not thought it desirable to load the text with a repetition of the characters of the genera (which are to be found in every systematic work), but have confined myself to the specific description of the speces recorded (Preface, at page 4).

Outline of Contents (no table of contents, my outline)

                         Coniferae of Japan
Title Page & Preface                            (Pages 1-4)
I.  Pines                                       (Pages 5-38 - Figures 1-68)

    Sec 1.  Leaves five in a sheath               5-17
            1.  Pinus Koraiensis                         5-11     Figs 1-12
            2.  Inus Parviflora                         11-17     Figs 13-29
    Sec 2.  Leaves three in a sheath (Taeda)     17-23 
            3.  Pinus Bugeana                           18-23     Figs 30-38
    Sec 3.  Leaves two in a sheath (Pinaster)    23-38
            4.  Pinus Massoniana                        23-32     Figs 39-54
            5.  Pinus Densiflora                        33-38     Figs 55-68

II. Spruce and Silver Firs (Abietinae) - Silver Firs (Piceinoe)
                                              (Pages 39-123 - Figures 69-224
    Sec 1.  Picea                                39-53
            6.  Abies (Picea) Veitchi                   39-48     Figs 69-83
            7.  Abies (Picea) Fortuni                   49-53     Figs 84-95
    Sec 2.  Peucoides                            53-84
            8.  Abies (Peucoides Firma)                 53-65     Figs 96-115
            9.  Abies Alcocquiana                       65-69     Figs 116-128
           10.  Abies Microsperma                       69-72     Figs 129-136
           11.  Abies Jezoensis                         72-77     Figs 137-147
           12.  Abies Polita                            77-84     Figs 148-158
    Sec 3. Hemlock Spruce                        84-89
           13.  Abies (Tsuga) Tsuga                     84-89     Figs 159-171
    Sec 4. Larches (Larix)                       89-123          
           14.  Larix Leptolepis                        89-93     Figs 172-177
           15.  Larix Japonica                          94-99     Figs 178-189
           16.  Abries Kempferi                       100-108     Figs 190-201
           17.  Sciadopitys Verticillata              109-115     Figs 202-215
           18.  Cunninghamia Sinensis (Liukiu moni)   116-123     Figs 216-224
    Index                                                 124

Title Page

Example of an Illustrated Page


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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs
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