~~ Book 1904050829 ~~
Coins of Japan
by Neil Gordon Munro, 1st Edition, 1904
Condition. The book is in Good condition. It has been rebound with the original boards retained, new front and back end papers, and the original spine laid back down. The corners are bumped. There is a 1940 gift inscription on the title page. On a couple of pages there are ink annotations in the margins. The short title page is not present. The plate depicting Mr. Muramatsu is not present. The handcolored collotype plate of "Primitive Treasure" is detached and has major damage in the margins of the cardboard to which it is tipped (the collotype plate itself is undamages).
Munro, Neil Gordon:
Coins of Japan, Yokohama, Box of Curios Printing and Publishing Company, 1904 (Meiji 37), large 12mo (5 1/4 x 8 in - 13.5 x 20 cm), gilt decorated green cloth, color woodcut frontispiece, 281 pp. A detailed and well illustrated study of Japanese coins from ancient coins to the then current (Meiji era) coins. Also includes experimental and ornamental coins. Contains 65 plates in addition to the frontispiece. Plates include 25 tissue guard protected color lithographs (gold or silver metallic tints), 1 black and white lithograph, 1 hand colored collotype on card stock (primitive treasure), 1 black and white collotype (Luchu coins), 36 black and white halftone plates and 262 text illustrations. The plate tissue guards (very thin transparent rice type paper) contain descriptive text. The hand colored collotype plate (between pages 6 & 7) is tipped to a very low quality card stock page. This plate is normally found in various states of deterioration (the card not the tipped on collotype) and often detached from the binding. Includes early currency, coins and experimental and ornamental coins. The coins of the Ryukyu Islands (Luchu) are covered on pages 157-65 and illustrated with 9 figures and one plate (black and white collotype). The plate shows "Hatome Sen - Luchu Islands." The book often found the author's inscription on the title page. Occasionally it is found with notations in the margins made by Munro. Many of the notations comment on the scarcity (number of an item know to exist). Some believe that Munro owned the material and the book was basically an unpriced sales catalogue. The key early Western work in the field of Japanese numismatics.
The hand colored collotype plate (between pages 6 & 7) is tipped to a very low quality card stock page. The card browns and becomes brittle. This plate is normally found with the card in various states of deterioration (the card not the tipped on collotype) and often completely detached from the binding.
The first plate in the book, which follows the introduction, is of "Mr. Muramatsu, Japanese Antiquary and Coin Expert."
Binding on the 1904 Edition. The original state book binding format used in this book was not durable. The signatures are stitched together to form the actual text block. The text block is then glued directly to the spine and also affixed by the inner hinges. If the inner hinges crack, the cover will easily pull away from the text block.
It is my experience that in normal use, the inner hinges are invariably broken and, more often than not, the text block is pulled away from the spine and often separated from the boards and spine. Often the block has been re glued to the spine but this will not be obvious until it separates again. These are an unfortunate consequence of the binding technique employed in the production of the book.
Binding of This Book. This book has been rebound with the original spine laid back down and original boards retained. The new binding is much more functional that the original state which is described above.
Title page:

Back of the title page reads:
Copyright 1904
All rights reserved.
Stereotyped, Printed and Lithographed by the
Box of Curios Printing and Publishing Company
Yokohama, Japan.
Frontispiece (Color Woodblock)
Title Page
Preface iii-iv
Contents v-vi
Intro vii-xx Introduction
Chapter I 1-21 Prehistoric & Protohistoric
Chapter II 22-78 Antique Coins
Chapter III 79-99 Mediaeval Coins
Chapter IV 100-154 From Tensho to Meiji
Chapter V 155-186 Provincial Coins
Chapter VI 186-209 Gold and Silver Currency
210-214 Meiji Currency
Chapter VII 215-248 Experimental & Ornamental Coins
A-G 249-269
Index 270-281
Corrigenda 1 Unnumbered Page
Color woodcut frontispiece
65 full page plates
- 25 tissue guard protected lithographs in gold or silver
- 1 black and white lithograph
- 1 handcolored collotype
- 1 black and white collotype
- 37 black and white halftone
65 plates in total
Summary of Illustrations - Book 1904050829
Examples of Illustrations
Collotype (handcolored & tipped to card)
(Between pages 6 & 7)

"Plate 1, Primitive Treasure" - Detached
Lithograph (in gold)
Lithograph (in gold)
Halftone (black and white)
Colophon at Rear

Printed: Meiji 37 (1904).9.9
Distributed: Meiji 37 (1904).9.15