~~ Unit 1909140701 ~~

Atlas of Japanese Vegetation
Edited by Miyoshi Manabu

Set XIII (1909) and Plates from Set II (1905)
Set XV (1914)
18 Collotype Plates in Total

Plate 85, Set XIII

Content. This unit contains Set XIII (1909) which consists of the wrapper/folder, the pamphlet and the collotype plates (numbers 86-92). The unit includes loose plates number 9-13 which are from Set II. The wrapper and pamphlet from Set II are not present, only the 5 collotype plates. The unit also contains Set XV (1914) with the wrapper/folder, the pamphlet and the collotype plates (numbers 102-7).

There is a total of 18 collotype plates in this unit.


  • Wrappers. The wrappers are in Poor condition. Both wrappers are completely severed at the spine. The wrapper for Set XV has a paste-on library index/summary page. You can see that here.

  • Pamphlets. The pamphlets (Set XIII & XV) are in Very Good condition. There is an oval library handstamp on the front cover of Set XV.

  • Collotype Plates. The plates are in Good to Very Good condition. They have moderate age toning but the paper remains pliable/flexible, not brittle. The image areas have areas of foxing. Some plates have areas of foxing in the margins and a few have heavy foxing on the back.

Miyoshi, Manabu (1861-1939) (editor):
Atlas of Japanese Vegetation: Phototype Reproductions of Photographs of Wild and Cultivated Plants as Well as the Plant-Landscapes of Japan, with Explanatory Text, edited by M. Miyoshi, D. Sci, Professor of Botany Science, College, Imperial University of Tokio,, 1905-1914, Tokyo, The Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha (Z.P. Maruya & Co., Ltd.), composed of 15 separately issued "Sets" numbered from I to XV, large 8vo, 107 black and white collotype plates and 15 pamphlets in the complete unit of 15 sets.

Each set consists of an outer folder/wrapper, a bilingual (Japanese and English) pamphlet with descriptive comments and collotype (phototype) plates.

Folders. The folders are thin pale green cardboard stock and measure 8 1/2 x 11 in (21 x 27.8 cm).

Pamphlets. The pamphlets have paper wraps and are string bound. They measure 7 1/2 x 10 1/4 in (19 x 26.4 cm). The text is printed in Japanese (reading from back to front) and English (reading front to back). A typical pamphlet is 16 to 20 pages of text and associated publication information. Each set has a general discussion of the subject of that set and then specific, plate by plate comments.

Plates. The plates are black and white collotype (phototype) printed. They measure 8 x 10 5/8 in (20.5 x 27 cm). I have noted that plates from earlier sets appear to be printed on thin paper and then tipped to heavy card stock. Plates from later sets are printed directly onto thick card stock. Plates from set XIII have lettering indicating they were printed in Germany. Each plate has an English descriptive caption at the top and a Japanese descriptive caption at the bottom. The plates are lettered indicating the photographer at the bottom left corner (ie "M. Miyoshi photo" or "G Nakahara photo" and the number of the plate in the right hand corner. The plates were printed using the high quality collotype printing process which produces much finer quality images than the half-tone process which was the usual process for reproducing images at this time.

Summary of Plates.

Total of 107 plates distributed throughout the 15 individual sets.

Set I - 1905,   "Cultivated and semi-cultivated plants." (8 plates, numbers 1-8) 
Set II - 1905, "Vegetation of Nikko I." (7 plates, numbers. 9-15) 
Set III - 1905, "Vegetation of Luchu I, (9 plates, numbers 16-24)
Set IV - 1905, "Cultivated and semi-cultivated plants II." (7 plates, numbers 25-31)
Set V - 1906, "Vegetation of Nikko II." (9 plates numbers 32-40)
Set VI - 1906, "Vegetation of Luchu II" (6 plates, numbers 41-46)
Set VII - 1907, "Vegetation of Shinano and its Vicinity I." (7 plates, numbers 47-53)
Set VIII - 1907, "Vegetation of Fuji." (9 plates, numbers 54-62)
Set IX - 1908, "Vegetation of Saghalin I." (6 plates, numbers 63-68)
Set X - 1908. "Vegetation of Saghalin II." (6 plates, numbers 69-74)
Set XI - 1908, "Vegetation of Formosa I." (5 plates, numbers 75-79)
Set XII - 1908, "Vegetation of Formosa II." (6 plates, numbers 80-5)
Set XIII - 1909, "Coast Vegetation of Middle Japan." (7 plates, numbers 86-92)
Set XIV - 1909, "Mountain Vegetation of Northern Japan." (9 plates, numbers 93-101)
Set XV - 1914, "Vegetation of Shinano and its Vicinity II." (6 plates, numbers 102-7)

Folder (Set XIII)

Folder (Set XV)

Pamphlet Cover (Set XIII)
English (front to back)

Japanese (back to front of Pamphlet for Set XIII

Pamphlet Cover (Set XV)
English (front to back)

Japanese (back to front of Pamphlet for Set XV

Summary of Plates in Japense (Set XIII)

Listing of All Sets in English (Set XV)



Plates from Set XIII (1909)

86.  Calystegia Soldanella, R. Br. Hiratuka, Sagami

87.  Carex Macrocephala, Willd. (Female Plant), Hiratsuka, Sagami

88.  Carex Macrocephala, Willd. (Male Plant), Hiratsuka, Sagami

89.  Machilus Thunbergii, Sieb. et Zucc.  Pittosporum Tobira, Arr.  Daito Kadzusa

90.  A Sea Side Thicket, Daito, Kadzusa

91.  Pinus Thunbergh, Parl. Calystegia Soldanella, R. Br., Daito, Dadzusa

92.  Rosa Rugosa, Thunb. Pinus Thunbergh, Parl., Ukedo, Iwaki

(collotypes printed in Germany, printed directly on thick card stock)

Plates from Set II (1905)

9.   Forest Vegetation Around the Water Fall, Hannya at Nikko

10.  Fagus Sylvatica, L. Var. Sieboldi, Maxim, Odaira at Nikko

11.  Quercus Grosser Rata, Bl. and Osmuda Cinnamonea, L. Akanuma, Nikko

12.  Larix Leptolepis, Gord, Akanuma, Nikko

13.  Forest of Conifers at Yumoto, Nikko

(collotypes tipped to thick card stock)

Plates from Set XV.

Vegetation of Shinano and its Vicinity II.

102.  Pterocarya rhoifolia, Seib. et Zucc.

103.  Ulmus campestris, Sm.var Laevis, Planch.

104.  Mountain Forest near Nunobiki.

105.  Group of Herbaceous Plants.

106.  Zelkowa serrata, Mak.

107.  Upper Part of the Mountain Forest of Nunobiki.

(collotypes printed directly on thick card stock)
The text portion of this 15 set publication can be found here.


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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs
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