Perry Monument, Kurihama, Japan [Site Index]
- For views of the monument on dedication day (July 14, 1901), Rear Admiral Frederick Rodgers, and the Admiral's Calling Card Book, click here (#1901081139).
- For views of the monument on or about dedication day (July 14, 1901) and the U.S.S. New York, click here (#1902060413).
- For other views of the monument on dedication day (July 14, 1901), click here (#1901081127).
- For views of the monument over the years, click here.
- For views of the monument and the monument park as of December, 2008, click here.
~~ Item No. 1901081139 ~~
Calling Cards (240+)
Admiral Rodgers and Dedication of the M.C. Perry Monument (#1901081139)
Albumen Photographs (5)
Calling Cards
Paper Lantern
This is a unit composed of:
- Five albumen photographs. Three relating to the dedication of the M. C. Perry monument in Kurihama, Japan on July 14, 1901 and two photographs of Rear Admiral Rodgers.
- 240+ calling cards (100+ are Japan related) with accompanying binder from Admiral Frederick Rodger's records.
- A paper lantern commemorating the M.C. Perry monument.
Calling Cards
Rear Admiral Rodgers
March 1901 - July 1902
Calling Card of the Prime Minister of Japan
Calling Card Binder Open
Outside of Calling Card Binder
Condition. The binder is in fair condition. It has significant wear. The individual pages are in Good to Very Good condition. They have age toning and the glue used to affix the calling cards has left some damage.
General Comment. This is a binder and the contents which contains calling cards from Rear Admiral Frederick Rodgers (Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Force on Asiatic Station) visit to the Far East aboard his Flagship, the U.S.S. New York, during the period from ca March 1901 through July of 1902. During this time Admiral Rodgers participated in the dedication of the Monument to his grandfather, Commodore Matthew C. Perry at Kurihama, Japan on July 14, 1901. He also participated in Naval support activities of American military actions in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War.
Admiral Rodgers would keep calling cards (meishi) he received at the various ports the U.S.S. New York called in. He maintained these cards by gluing them to standard letter size (8 x 10 inch) ruled writing paper. These pages were kept in a four post "Sissons Magic Standard" binder. They were maintained in chronological order with the first page of cards from that call generally dated and identified by location.
The cards from the Japan portion of the voyage were in three major sections.
- Kobe, Japan, June 29, 1901
- Yokohama, Japan, July 7 1901 to July 27, 1901
- Yokohama, Japan, July 13 1902
During the period from June 29 though July 26, 1901, Admiral Perry participated in the dedication ceremony of the monument commemorating Commodore Matthew C. Perry's first landing in Japan on July 14, 1853. This ceremony took place in Kurihama, Japan (near Yokohama) on July 14, 1901. The calling cards from this period include many high ranking officials (civilian and military) of the Japanese government to include General Vicomte Katsura, President du Conseil des Ministres (The Prime Minister of Japan).
A Page by Page Record of the Calling Cards
Port of NY (not dated) 3 pages - 20 cards (Pages 1, 2 & 3)
Hampton Roads, Va (not dated) 1 page - 1 card (Page 4)
Gibraltar, March 22, 1901, 1 page (front & back) - 10 cards (Page 5a & 5b)
Gibraltar, March 22 & 23 1901, 1 page - 2 cards (Page 6)
Gibraltar, March 23, 1901, 1 page - 1 card (Page 7)
Gibraltar, March 23, 1901 & Tangier Morocco, March 28, 1901,
1 page - 3 cards Gibraltar, 1 card Tangier (Page 8)
Algiers, Algeria, March 30, 1901, 1 page, 2 cards (Page 9)
Algiers, Algeria, March 31, 1901, 1 page, 6 cards (Page 10)
Port Said, Egypt, April 13, 1901 and Port Twefik, Perin Island April 17 & April 22, 1901,
1 page, 3 cards (Page 11)
Colombo, Ceylon, May 1, 1901, 1 page, 6 cards (Page 12)
Singapore, SS, May 13, 1901, 1 page, 4 cards (Page 13)
Singapore, SS, May 15, 1901, 1 page, 2 cards (Page 14)
Cavite, PI, May 20, 1891 (1901?), 5 pages, 33 cards (8 marked "Manila") (Pages 15, 16,
17, 18 & 19)
Kobe, Japan, June 29, 1901, 5 pages - 22 cards
(Kobe, Page 20 - 6 cards + 1 loose card)
Mr. Hunter Sharp, US Vice and Deputy Consul, Kobe, Japan
Robert H. Hall, Brigadier General, United States Army
Samuel L. Lyon, Consul of the United States of America, Osaka & Hiogo, Japan
Mrs. Samuel L. Lyon
Captain Edward H. Bayly, R.N., H.M.S. "Aurora
Lieut Commdr C.F. Corbett, R.N. H.M.S. Redpole
Lt.Col (Major) A.C. Kelton, U.S. Marine Corps (loose on the page)
(Kobe, Page 21 - 3 cards)
Mr. John Stewart Harper
Mr. Lyndsay van Resselaer, Kobe
The Ward Room Officers of H.M.S. Aurora
(Kobe, Page 22 - 5 cards)
J.S. Kawah (manuscript "Committee of the Beiyeu Kejo-Kwai")
Mr. Yonejiroh Ito, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Yokohama
T. Kuroma, Inspector-Chief of Police Kanagawa Ken
Vice Admiral G. Yamamoto, Minister of Marine
Commander S. Yoko, H.I.J.M.S. "Fuji"
(Kobe, Page 23 - 3 cards)
General Vicomte Katsura, President du Conseil des Ministres
Baron Takatomi Senge, Governor of Tokyo Fu
D. Aoki, Director of Posts and Telegraphs, Yokohama
(Kobe, Page 24 - 4 cards)
Dr Gary B. Perl
Mr. Lindsay van Rensselaer, Kobe
J.E. Bissell
Albert Lenoir Key, Lieutenant United States Navy
Yokohama, Japan, July 7 1901 to July 27, 1901, 13 pages - 68 cards
(Yokohama, Page 25 - 4 cards)
Mr. E.C. Bellows, Consul General of the United States of America, Yokohama, Japan
B. Chandler Harrard
Commandant Ed. Oldam, Croiseur "Friant"
George Hawthorne Scidmore, Deputy Counsel General of the United States of America
(Yokohama, Page 26 - 8 cards)
M.N. Wyckoff
Mrs. M.N. Wyckoff
Mr. Louis E. Sperry
Mrs. Frederick Morgan Steele/Miss Elizabeth Livingston Steele
Dr. Rudolf Teusler/Mrs. Rudolf Teusler, 13 Tsukiji
Rev. Allan Worthington Cooke, 53 Tsukiui
Dr. A. Gillmore Smith, 66 Awacho, Yokohama
Mr. D.H. Blake
(Yokohama, Page 27 - 7 cards)
Captain S. Fjichi, Imperial Japanese Navy, H.I.J.M.S. "Kongo"
C.A. Lera, Ministre du Mexique au Japon
Z. Ishida, Head of Sanitary Lic., Kanagawa Police
K. Kawada, Private Secretary to the Governor, Kanagawakencho
The Ward Room Officers, H.I.J.M.S. "Kongo"
Mr. Ransford L. Miller, Interpreter to the Legation of the United States
Leon van de Polder, Secretaire et Interprete de la Legation des Pays-Bas au Japon
(Yokohama, Page 28 - 4 cards)
Le Lieutenant General Baron Kodama, Ministre de la Guerre
T. Yegi, Councillor of Kanagawa Ken
G. Dubail, Ministre Plenipoteiare de la Republique Francaise
Admiral, Viscount Y. Ito, Chief of the Naval Commanding Department
(Yokohama, Page 29 - 10 cards)
Reverend William Imbrie
Hannosuke Sawada, Committee of the "Bei-yu-kyo-kai"
Mr. C Keith marshall Martin, 265 Bluff (address handwritten)
Mr. John Mackintosh Ferguson, Second Secretary of the United State Legation
Mr. N.W. M. Ivor, 62 Bluff (address handwritten)
Mr. Frederick Morgan Steele, Chicago
Ino C. Ballagh, Meiji Gakuin Shirokane, Tokyo
Mr. Edwin Dun, Manager, International Oil Co., Ltd, "Grand Hotel" written in manuscript
Captain S. Ijichi, Imperial Japanese Navy, H.I.J.M.S. "Kongo"
Giovanni Casella, Capitano di Vascello, Commandante della R.N. "Ella"
(Yokohama, Page 30 - 6 cards)
Mr. Robert Edwin Whitney
Captain Assheton G. Curzon Howe, R.N.
Le Marechal Marquis Oyama, Chef d' Etat - Major General
Mr. Timothy L. O'Leary, Passed Assistant Paymaster, U.S. Navy, 238 Bluff (address handwritten)
Le Baron Y. Sannomiya, Grand Maitre des Ceremonies, de la Majeste l' Empereur
Burger, Korvetten Kapian, Kommandant L.M.L. Jaguar
(Yokohama, Page 31 - 5 cards)
Mr. Everett Welles Frazar, #10 Bluff, Yokohama (address handwritten)
Mr. Huntington Wilson, First Secretary of Legation of the United States
Vice-Admiral Yamamoto, Minister of Marine, requests the honor of Admiral Rodgers' Company
at dinner on Tuesday, the 16th July at 7 o'clock, Kasumagasiki, R.S.V.P.
Commander W.H. Nicholson, Royal Navy, H.M.S. "Phoenix" Naval Military Club
Lieut. Comder K. Usui, H.I.J.M.S.. "Soko"
(Yokohama, Page 32 - 4 cards)
A. Sakaya, Councillor of Kanagawa Ken
Le de la Barrera, Envoy Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire de L.M. le Roi Espagne
Y. K(?)meda, Mayor of Yokohama City
Tasuk Yegi, Councillor of Kanagawa Ken
(Yokohama, Page 33 - 3 cards)
F. Watanabe
Le Marquis G. de Nembrini Gonzaga, Prefecture Imperiale de Kanagawa
Captain Y. Enouye, H.I.M.N.
(Yokohama, Page 34 - 4 cards)
Mrs. William Imbrie
Miss Wyckoff
Mrs. Robert Edwin Whitney
Miss Schereschewsky
(Yokohama, Page 35 - 5 cards)
Sone Arasuke, Ministre des Finances et des Affaires Etrangeres
Kohey Sufu, Governor of Kanagawa Ken
E. Graf Arco Valley, Kaiserlich, Deutscher Gesandter, 14 Nagata-cho
Vice Admiral H. Togo, Commander in Chief
Commander K. Wada, H.I.J.M.S "Amagi"
(Yokohama, Page 36 - 4 cards)
General Vicomte Katsura, President du Conseil des Ministres (2nd card, see Kobe)
Jonkheer H. Testa, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire de L.M. la
Reine des Pays Bas
Alfred E. Buck, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United
State of America
Le Marechal Marquis Oyama, Chief d Etat-Major General (second card)
(Yokohama, Page 37 - 4 cards)
Le Lieutenant-General Baron Kodama, Ministre de la Guerre
M. Komatsu
T. Rinoiye, Secretary of Kanagawa Ken
Alexandre Jsnolsky, Envoye Extraordinaire et Ministre, Plenipotentiaire
de L.M.l Empereur de Russie
Cavite PI, August 27, 1901, - 2 pages - 7 cards
(Cavite, Page 38 - 4 cards)
Rear Admiral George C. Remey, United States Navy, Commander in Chief
Asiatic Station
Major Randolph Dickins, United States Marine Corps, Navy Yard
Lieutenant John H. Shipley, United States Navy, Flag Lieutenant to
Commander-in-Chief Asiatic Station
Major General and Mrs. Chaffee at Home, First Monday evenings each
month, nine to eleven o'clock
(Cavite, Page 39 - 3 cards)
Lieutenant Commander Cowles, United States Navy
Luis Marinas y de Lavaggi, Consul General de Espana, Manila
Captain George Omen Squire, Signal Corps, United States Army,
Cable Ship Burnside
Zamboanga PI & Lloilo, PI, Nov. 27, 1901 & Dec 7, 1901, - 1 page - 3 cards (Page 40)
(Zamboanga, 2 cards)
George W. Adair, Surgeon, U.S.A.
Captain Alexander M. Davis, United States Army
(Iloilo, 1 card)
Robert Houston Noble, United States Army
Cavite PI, Jan 1st 1902, - 6 pages - 31 cards
(Cavite, Page 41 - 3 cards)
Mariano Trias
Ricardo Summers, Consul of Liberia, Manila
Wardroom Officers, U.S.S. Princeton
(Cavite, Page 42 - 2 cards)
Col J.H. Page et al "A Happy New Year" 3rd US Infantry
Theodoruc Porter, Commander U.S. Navy
(Cavite, Page 43 - 6 cards)
Major Harry L. Rees, Paymaster, U.S.A.
Jose Rosales, Compa. Gral de Cabacos, de Filipas
Dr. Ralph W. Plummer, United States Navy
F.J. Moses, Captain, U.S.M.C.
Mr. J. R. Twentyman
A. Malvehy, Consul for Chile
(Cavite, Page 44 - 8 cards)
Commander D.D.U. Stuart, U.S. Navy
Dr. Holton C. Curl, United States Navy
John Wills Grenslade, United States Navy
Lieutenant John J. Knapp, United States Navy
Mr. Robert Henry Wood, Consul for Denmark, Manila
Rev. John P. Chidwick, U.S. Flagship New York
Mr. Powers-Symington, United States Navy
Henry Bertrand price, U.S. Navy
(Cavite, Page 45 - 6 cards)
Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, Manila
Captain Frank DeWitte Ramsey, Ninth Infantry, United States Army
Commander Selfridge, United States Navy, Commandg U.S.S Princeton
The Ward Room Officers, U.S.S. Don Juan de Austria
Mr. Amos H. Martin, 19th Infantry, United States Army
Mr. John Fletcher Hatch, United States Navy
(Cavite, Page 46 - 6 cards)
Lieutenant C. B. Price, United States Navy
Walter J. Leans, Lieutenant, United States Navy
Daniel Earmshaw, Jr.
Wilbur G. Biggs, United States Navy
Ensign Charles E. Courtney, United States Navy
Cosme de Churruca, Acting Consul for Mexico
Cavite PI, Jan 7. 1902, - Page 47 - 2 cards
A. Tarassoff, Captain Imperial Russian Navy, Battleship "Sissoi Veliki"
Captain C.P. Lah, I.C. Navy, H.I.C.M.S "Hai Chi"
Yokohama, Japan, July 13 1902, 4 pages - 19 cards
(Yokohama, Page 48 - 4 cards)
Vice-Admiral R. Geissler, Chef des Kreuxer-Geschwaders, L.M.L. Furst Bismarch
Friedrich, Kapitan zur Lee, Kommandant L.M.L. "Furst Bismarck"
Korrettenkapitan Bachmann, Chef des Stabes des Kreuzergeschnaders (sp)
Hssmann, Lietnatn & Sec, S.M.S. Fiorst Bismarck (sp)
(Yokohama, Page 49 - 5 cards)
Le Marquis Saionji, President du Conseil Prive
H. Minakami, Director of Imperial Customs, Yokohama
J. Tsukuda, Chief Inspector of Customs, Yokohama
Captain H. Sanji, H.I.J.M.S. "Yasaoma" (sp)
Le Baron A.d Anethan, Envoye Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire
de la Majeste le Roi des Belges
(Yokohama, Page 50 - 6 cards)
Mr. Kahe Otani, Chairman Chamber of Commerce, Yokohama
Hiranuma Seuzo (sp)
Hidei Fukuoka. LL.B.M.I. (Yale), Docteur en Sciences Politiques et Administratives,
Professor of International Law, in the School of Foreign Languages of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Koishikawa, Kanatomicho, 59
M. Saito, Assistant-mayor of Yokohama
Geo. E. H. Harmon, Medical Inspector, U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Hospital,
Yokohama, 99 Bluff
Mr. John Lindsley, No. 118B Yamate cho
(Yokohama, Page 51 - 4 cards)
Rt. Rev. S.I.J. Schereschewsky
Mrs. S.I.J. Schereschewsky
Y. Takagi, Assistant Mayor of Yokohama City
Lieutenant Commander K. Oguri, I.J. Navy, Private Secretary to the minister of marine
Loose at the rear of the binder are 45+ calling cards and miscellaneous paper items. Only
three of these items appear to be related to Japan - 6 items, click here.
I have assigned the pages in the binder numbers. However, these numbers are not actually on the pages.