The Chrysanthemum, A Monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East Bound Volumes I and II
Volume I

Volume II
Various Contributors:
The Chrysanthemum, A Monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East, Volume I and II, 1881-2, Yokohama, small 8vo (5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in - 14 x 21.5 cm), green blindstamped cloth with gilt decoration (a chrysanthemum) on front cover and gilt lettering on spine, a monthly publication, text in English and occasional Japanese characters shown for translation purposes. This periodical presents significant information on Meiji era Japan seen through the eyes of Westerners. Many of the articles have a religious orientation and several of the contributors were important missionaries and medical missionaries in Japan. Each volume contains the 12 monthly issues for that year. The issues are bound in without the soft covers. At the front of each volume there is a consolidated index of the articles.
Volume I, January to December, 1881, twelve monthly issues, Yokohama, published by Kelly & Co., No. 28 Main Street, printed by First Branch Office of Kokubunsha, No. 12, Takekawacho, (near Shinbashi) Tokio, 507 pp.
Volume II, January to December, 1882, twelve monthly issues, Yokohama, published and printed by Meiklejohn and Co. Printers, No. 16 Water Street, 576 pp.
Regarding this publication Wenckstern states:
Chrysanthemum. A monthly magazine for Japan and the Far East. Yokohama. [Only 3 volumes published].
Vol. I 507 pp. with tables, 8vo, 1881 ($ 3.50).
Vol. II 576 pp. with plates, 8vo, 1882.
Vol. III which bears the title "Chrysanthemum and Phoenix" parts 1-6 [all published] 302 pp. large 8vo. 1883.
I have seen Volume II reported with a 16 page supplement by Henry Faulds titled "In Die Malo" or "Does death end all?" This Volume II does not have the supplement or is it listed in the index.
Volume I (January- December, 1881)
Volume I - Title Page
Volume I - Index & Listing of Illustrations

Click here to see the entire index (4 pages)
Volume I - Illustrations.
Japanese Wolf (plate before page 66)
Aryan Symbols (text illustration, page 84)
Senkintan (text illustration, page 181)
Go-rin (text illustration, page 240)
The Biwa (text illustration, page 472)
Volume I - Key Articles.
Volume I, No. 3, March 1881, The Earthquake of December 23, 1880, J. Milne, pages 73-9
Volume I: No. 9, September 1881, A Vocabulary of Aino Words by W. Dening, pages 333-7
I: No 11, November 1881, " " pages 431-436
I: No 12, December 1881 " " pages 487-92 (Example here)
Volume I: No 12, December, 1881, Musical Score "Dies Ire" words by Rev. N. Brown,
Music by E.C.H. (fold-out) before Volume I: No. 12
Volume I - Charts and Tables.
Volume I, No. 7, July 1881, fold out (1 1/4 folds up) Table of English Terms Used in the
'Authorized Version' to Translate Certain Greek Words.
Compiled from Young's Bible Concordance
Volume I, No 11, November 1881, fold out (3 1/4 folds out), untitled table on writing Japanese
in Roman characters.
Volume I - Okinawa (Loochoo, Riu-Kiu) Related Articles.
Volume I: No. 4, April 1881, Spelling of Riu-Kiu, no author stated, pages 132-4.
(Article here)
Volume I: No. 8, August 1881,Notes Regarding the Principality of Loochoo -- A lecture given before the Foreign
and Colonial Section of the Society of Arts on the 31st of July 1881, by Gubbins, J.A.
(Article here)
Volume I: No. 12, December 1881, Miyako Shima in the Liu-Kiu, no author stated, pages 471-2.
(Article here)
Volume II (January- December, 1882)
Volume II - Title Page
Volume II - Index & Listing of Illustrations

Click here to see the entire index (4 pages)
Volume II - Illustrations.
Stork and Rising Sun (frontisplate)
Japanese Audiophone (pages 13 & 16)
Scenes from the "Hakkenden" (opposite page 193)
(double page, both with small fold-out - lithograph)
Tea-Rooms, diagrams (pages 195,196)
Aino Implements, Utensils and Clothing (opposite page 480)
(2 plates printed on thick paper both fold-out, lithograph)
Notes found in Volume II, No. 11, November 1892, pages 507-8)
Aino Images and Other Articles. -- Aino Bow and Arrow --
Aino Lute -- An Aino Grave (opposite page 528)
(3 plates printed on thick paper all fold-out, lithograph)
Notes found in Volume II, No. 11, November 1892, page 529
Position of Guests, etc., for Ceremony of"Usu-cha" (opposite page 544)
Tear-Room and Garden (opposite page 544) (fold-out)
Map of Korea (opposite page 561)
Volume II - Key Articles.
Volume II, No. 1, January 1882, The Legend of Amida Buddha, J.W. Gordon, pages 3-10
Volume II, No. 1, January 1882, The Japanese Audiphone or Otacoustic Fan, S. Tsuda, pages 10-17
Volume II: No. 1, January 1882, A Vocabulary of Terms (religious), pages 31-3
II: No. 2, February 1882 " " pages 84-6
II: No. 4 April 1882 " " page 185
II: No. 5 May 1882 " " page 228-30
II: No. 6 June 1882 " " page 277-81
II: No. 7 July 1882 " " page 323-6
II: No. 8 September 1882 " " page 417-9
II: No. 10 October 1882 " " page 463-5
II: No. 12 December 1882 " " page 567-70
Volume II: No. 3, March 1882, Antsuru and the Fox, Sato Shigemichi, pages 97-100
Volume II: No. 3, March 1882, Buddhist Archaeology, Henry Faults, pages 115-119
Volume II: No. 4, April 1882, Mr. Palgrave on Shinto, G.M. Meachan, pages 145-60
Volume II: No. 5, May 1882, Tea-Drinking in Japan, J.M. Dixon, pages 193-201
Volume II: No. 5, May 1882, The Rokuninso, A Japanese Play, translated from the "Kiogen", pages 201-207
Volume II: No. 5, May 1882, The Translation of the Scriptures, W. Dening, pages 207-13
Volume II: No. 6, June 1882, Earthquakes and Water, B.J., pages 241-4
Volume II: No. 6, June 1882, Afraid of the Light, Frank S. Dobbins, pages 257-9
Volume II: No. 6, June 1882, The "Kojiki", resume of a paper by Basil H. Chamberlain, pages 260-72
Volume II: No. 7, July 1882, A Note on Earthquake Motion, John Milne, pages 289-97
Volume II: No. 7, July 1882, Ink-Stained, translated from the "Kiogen," pages 297-304
Volume II: No. 7, July 1882, Chivalry of Old Japan, Shinichi, pages 305-8
Volume II: No. 8, August 1882, A Catechism for Fuji-Worshipers, Founder of Shishi no Han, pages 336-44
Volume II: No. 8, August 1882, The Emperor Yuriaku and the Old Woman Akaiko, Chamberlain's translation
of "Kojiki", pages 351-2
Volume II: No. 8, August 1882, Pinioned, translated from the "Kiogen," pages 353-61
Volume II: No. 9, September 1882, Translation, W. Dening, pages 384-90
Volume II: No. 9, September 1882, Pere Sidotti in Japan, from the Seiyo-kibun, pages 390-399
Volume II: No. 9, September 1882, Ornithological Notes (birds of SE Coast of Yezo), T.W. Blakiston, pages 424-8
Volume II: No. 10, October 1882, A Storm on Fujiyama from a Lady's Note-book, pages 433-6
Volume II: No. 10, October 1882, A Visit to Poronal J.M. Dixon, pages 436-40
Volume II: No. 10, October 1882, Music for Japanese Hymns Carles, pages 440-3
Volume II: No. 10, October 1882, Ornithological Notes (the black-chinned Martin), T.W. Blakiston, pages 471-4
Volume II: No. 11, November 1882, Is "Jigoku" Hell M.L. Gordon, pages 481-5
Volume II: No. 11, November 1882, The "Wa-Ran-Ji-I" (Dutch Dictionary), Dr. Verbeck, pages 485-90
Volume II: No. 11, November 1882, Etiquette in Japan John C. Berry, pages 499-506
Volume II: No. 11, November 1882, Ornithological Notes (thrushes), T.W. Blakiston, pages 521-525
Volume II: No. 12, December 1882, Etiquette in Japan John C. Berry, pages 529-546
Volume II: No. 12, December 1882, Explanation of Tea-Room Garden inserted between 544-545
Volume II: No. 12, December 1882, Korea "by Spectator," pages 546-60
Volume II: No. 12, December 1882, how to Learn the Spoken Japanese Dr. Verbeck, pages 560-66
Volume II - Charts or Tables
No Charts or Tables.
Volume II, No. 5, May 1882, Japanese text document on folded page
Volume II - Okinawa (Loochoo, Riu-Kiu) Related Articles.
Volume I and II - Contributors Include:
- John C. Berry
- T.W. Blakiston
- Prof. D. Brauns
- Nathan Brown
- Basil H. Chamberlain
- R. Davidson
- W. Dening
- Prof. James Main Dixon
- Frank S. Dobbins
- C.S. Eby
- Rev. M.L. Gordon
- J.W. Gordon
- Takahashi Goro
- Thomas Gray
- John T. Gulick
- Rev. M.C. Harris
- Rev William Imbrie
- Rev. Geo. W. Knox
- Rev. Uyemura Masashisa
- G.M. Meachan
- J. Milne
- Ernest M. Satow
- Sato Shigemichi
- David Thompson
- S. Tsuda
- G.F. Verbeck
- Rev. H. Waddell
- F.B.H.