Notes on Ancient Stone Implements, &c., of Japan by T. Kanda, 1884
Kanda Takahira
Kanda N. (translator):
Notes on Ancient Stone Implements, &c., of Japan by T. Kanda, Ex-Governor of Hiogo, Member of Genroin (Senate), Member of Gakushikwaiin. Translated by N. Kanda, B.A. With 24 Lithographic Plates, and a Map of Japan, Tokyo, printed by Kokubunsha, 1884, large 8vo (7 1/4 x 10 3/4 in - 18.5 x 27.3 cm), card wraps, all text in English, preface, list of contents, 8 pages of discussion, 24 fold-out lithographic plates and a fold-out map at the front. The 24 fold-out plates measure 14 x 10 3/4 in (34 x 27.3 cm). The map is titled "Map of Japan Indicating the places mentioned in this work" and it measures 13 1/4 x 10 3/4 in (30.7 x 27.3 cm). The map and 24 plates are printed on the same thin paper as the rest of the book. Each plate is preceded by a one or two page discussion. The objects illustrated on the plates are numbered and the discussion describes, by the number, the items depicted. The preface by T. Kanda is dated December 1, 1884.
The book (less the map and 24 plates) is recorded here.
Wenckstern describes this work as a two volume set in these terms:
Kanda, T. Notes an ancient stone implements etc. of Japan. Japanese text with English translation by N. Kanda, 8 pp. with 24 plates and a map of Japan, 2 vols., large 8vo., Tokio, 1884. (50 sen). (Wenckstern, Volume II, at page 333)
I have not been able to confirm this work as a two volume set. Since this book has no Japanese text and is a stated translation, the other volume is probably the same book but with Japanese text.
Title Page
Examples of the plates.
Titles of all 24 plates.
*Plate I. Yanone-Ishi or Arrow-Heads
Plate II. Tengu-no-Meshiagi or Rice-spoons of the Tengu
Plate III. Hoko-ishi or Spear-heads, Fundon-ishi or Pound-stones &c.
Plate IV. Raifu or Thunder-bolts
*Plate V. Raifu or Thunder-bolts
Plate VI. Raifu or Thunder-bolts and Seikikio or Stone-saws
Plate VII. Raitsu or Thunder-clubs
Plate VIII. Raitsu or Thunder-clubs
Plate IX. Raitsu or Thunder-clubs
*Plate X. Sekiken or Stone-daggers, Sekito or Stone-swords, &c.
Plate XI. Raiko or Thunder-pestles and Miscellaneous Objects
Plate XII. Sekito or Stone-swords and Miscellaneous Objects
Plate XIII. Miscellaneous Objects
Plate XIV. Sekikento or Stone Dagger-heads
*Plate XV. Sekikento or Stone Dagger-heads
Plate XVI. Sekikento or Stone Dagger-heads
Plate XVII. Magatama or Curved-jewels and Kudatama or Tube-jewels
Plate XVIII. Kitsune-no-Kuwa or Fox-hoes
Plate XIX. Sharinseki or Wheel-stones; Kwanseki or Ring-stones, &c.
*Plate XX. Miscellaneous Objects
Plate XXI. Miscellaneous Objects
Plate XXII. Miscellaneous Objects
Plate XXIII. Objects Made for Burial
*Plate XXIV. Objects Made for Burial
* Image of this plate is above.
Close-up of Lithographic Image