~~ Recent Seismological Investigations in Japan ~~
by Baron Dairoku Kikuchi, 1904
Kikuchi, Baron Dairoku:
Recent Seismological Investigations in Japan, Tokyo, Tokyo Printing Company, c1904, 8vo, paper wraps, stated as "For Private Circulation Only," 54 figures which are primarily charts, graphs and drawings but also including 12 black and white collotype plates with a total of 15 images, 4 lithograph maps in color (3) or outlined in color (1), 120 numbered pages + a 16 page (i-xvi) bibliography. A tipped in note advises that this address was prepared for delivery by Baron Kikuchi at the Congress of Arts and Science of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis. This exposition was part of the 1904 World's Fair held in St. Louis. The note also indicates that the Baron was unable to attend and personally give the address. The address deals with the scientific investigation of seismological activities in Japan from prehistoric times until the present (latest event noted was in 1903). The work is extensively illustrated with plates that include maps, charts (many fold out), drawings and reproductions of photographs by the high quality collotype printing process. It includes photographs and information on the great earthquakes in Japan of 1891 and 1894.
To see the tipped in note at the front of the book, click here.
The table of contents for the book is here.
The book has several images from the great earthquake of 1891. A least one of the images [see below - "Figure 41, Nagaragawa Bridge (1891 earthquake)"] was previously published by W. K. Burton and John Milne in their book The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891, published in 1891 and 1892. For more information on that book (1892 2nd ed), click here.
Maps (4)
- Color map of Japan, lithograph
- Figure 12, Color map of Japan, showing the distribution of earthquakes, lithograph

- Map of Japan outlined in color, distribution of tsunamis, lithograph
- Color map of Japan, showing distribution of earthquakes, 1885-90, lithograph
Collotype Plates (12 plates - all black and white)
- Figure 18, Omori's Horizontal Pendulum Seismogrph (2 images)
- Figure 22, Ewing-Gray-Milne Seismograph and Tanakadate's Strong Mostion Seismograph (2 images)
- Figure 39, Nagoya Spinning Mill (1891 earthquake)

- Figure 40, Nagoya Castle (1891 earthquake)

- Figure 41, Nagaragawa Bridge (1891 earthquake)

- Figure 42, Biwajima (1891 earthquake)

- Figures 43 & 44, Sakata Primary School & Yamagata Primary School (both 1894 earthquake)
- Figures 45 & 46, A Temple in Sakata & A Rustic Bridge (both 1894 earthquake)

- Figure 48, Model of a Farmer's Cottage
- Figure 49, Model of an Ordinary Dwelling House

- Figure 50, Model of a Public Building

- Figures 52 & 53, Deflectograph & Horizontal Tremor Recorder