Meiji Era - Japan Views & Images (Price Lists):
    ~ Albumen Photos  :   Chromolithographs
    ~ Colored Albumen Photographs (from Brinkley Books)
    ~  K. Ogawa Flower Collotypes  :   K. Ogawa Collotypes (Other)
Carte de Visite & Cabinet Cards - Kazumasa Ogawa
    ~ Carte de Visite   :   Cabinet Cards  :  Stereoviews
    ~ Magic Lantern Glass Slides (K. Tamamura, T. Takagi & Others)
    ~  Trade Cards   :   Misc Collotype Post Cards

Miscellaneous Meiji Era Images

Magic Lantern Glass Slides
Chromolithographs, Audsley's Ornamental Arts of Japan
Chromolithographs, Photograveures & Woodcuts Anderson's Pictorial Arts of Japan


Stereoviews (Stereographs) - Albumen & Halftone


"Summer in Japan" Series, H.H. Bennett
William H. Metcalf Photographs

The sepia albumen print stereoviews that follow are from a 26 view series titled "Summer in Japan" published ca 1877 by H.H. Bennett of Kilbourn City, Wisconsin. The photographs were take by William H. Metcalf, an amateur photographer, during a trip to Japan in the summer of 1877. These early photographic images of Japan (stereograph or otherwise) published in the United States. For more information on the "Summer in Japan" series, click here.

While the images are the same, I have found the stereoviews with two different type captions at the bottom right. One type has the card number (no "No." however) followed immediately by the title. I call this Type A. The other type has the title with the card number (including "No.") at the far right. I call this Type B.


"Summer in Japan" Series, H.H. Bennett
William H. Metcalf Photographs

 #1877060101-329 -- $95.00 -- 329 Approach to Temple (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "329 Approach to A Temple" (Type A)
Condition: Fine

 #1877131048a-332 -- Sold -- 332 Gate of the Great Temple - Nikko (Type B)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "Gate of the Great Temple - Nikko 322" (Type B)
Condition: Fine

 #1877130327-332 -- Sold -- 332 Gate of the Great Temple - Nikko (Type B)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "Gate of the Great Temple - Nikko 322" (Type B)
Condition: Good+, waterstaing at bottom edge, imprint on back reads "Published for C.R. Chaplin & Son, Mohawk, N.Y....."

 #1877060101-333 -- Sold -- 333 Temple Grounds-Dai-Nichi-Do (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "333 Temple Grounds-Dai-Nichi-Do" (Type A)
Condition: Fine

 #1877130327-333 -- $95.00 -- 333 Temple Grounds-Dai-Nichi-Do (Type B)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "Temple Grounds-Dai-Nichi-Do 333" (Type B)
Condition: Good, stain on right image, imprint on back reads "Published for C.R. Chaplin & Son, Mohawk, N.Y....."

 #1877190512_334 -- $110.00 -- 334 Temple Grounds-Dai-Nichi-Do (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "334 Temple Grounds-Dai-Nichi-Do" (Type A)
Condition: Fine. Different image than 333.

 #1877190512_337 -- Sold -- 337 Approach to Temple (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "337 Approach to Temple" (Type A)
Condition: Fine. "The Treadwell Collection" handstamped on back. "BENNETT86DX" handwritten in ink on back.

 #1877190606-342a -- $110.00 -- 342 Tea House Court Yard (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "342 Tea House Court Yard" (Type A)
Condition: Very Good+

 #1877131048b-346 -- $95.00 -- 346 Bronze Buddha, Kamakura (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "346 Bronze Image of Buddha at Kammakura" (Type A)
Condition: Very Good+, small tears on upper right top edge

 #1877190606-346b -- $100.00 -- 346 Bronze Buddha, Kamakura (Type B)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "Bronge Image of Buddha at Kammakura 346" (Type B)
Condition: Very Good+

 #1877190606-351a -- $110.00 -- 351 Hakone--Mountain village (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "351 Hakone--Mountain village" (Type A)
Condition: Very Good+

 #1877190606-353a -- $110.00 -- 353 Village of Enoshima (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "353 Village of Enoshima" (Type A)
Condition: Very Good+

 #1877190606-354a -- $115.00 -- 354 Near Odowarra (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "354 Near Odowarra" (Type A)
Condition: Very Good+

 #1877130709a -- $105.00 -- 360 Rice Fields - newly plated (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "360 Rice Fields - newly planted" (Type A)
Condition: Fine. Man in the rickshaw believed to be Metcalf.

 #1877130709b -- $115.00 -- 361 English Hospital Grounds Yokohama (Type A)
Type: Albumen, Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 8 cm
Subject: "361 English Hospital Grounds Yokohama" (Type A)
Condition: Fine.


Wilhelm Burger Stereoviews & Photographs (Not Japan Only)

Wilhelm Burger (1844-1920), a professional photographer, accompanied the Austrian trade and diplomatic mission which traveled throughout the Far East in 1869~1870. Burger arrived in Japan with the mission in August/September of 1869 and stayed until March 1870 when he returned to Austria. The below stereoviews were made from photographs Burger took during that mission. For more information on these Wilhelm Burger stereoviews, click here. Very little information is available on these stereoviews. I would date them as ca 1874.

W. Burger - Japan View

Out of Stock.

W. Burger - Le Tour du Monde Views (1872 North Pole Expedition)

Out of Stock

W. Burger - Small Photos on Cards, Austrian Views (ca 1867 Austria)

 #060204h Wilhelm Burger -- $160.00 -- Austria Photos (Small) on Card, ca 1867
Type: Black & White/Sepia
Size: Card: 10.5 x 6 cm; Each Image: 10 x 5.4 cm
Subject: 6 different Austrian views (albumen photographs) on small cards. Three cards have W. Burger imprint on back. All have his name on front. 3 have been trimmed slightly.
Condition: Good+, ca 1867, right before the Far East Expedition.

W. Burger - Photographs on Cards, Jagd-Carroussel, 1880 (not Far East)

 #1880071118 Wilhelm Burger -- ~Sold~ -- Jagd-Carroussel, 1880, 19 Photos
Type: Black & White/Sepia
Size: Card: 11.1 x 16.5 cm
Subject: 19 different cards with numerous "Jadg-Carroussel, 1880" views contained in folding case. ca 1880.
Condition: Very Good+.


First Japanese Embassy Visit to US in June 1860

 #110104 George Stacy -- Sold -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.6 x 8.5 cm; Each Image: 7 x 7.3 cm
Subject: New York Street scene with Japanese Embassy Procession
Condition: Very Good
Note: All information in manuscript on reverse. Notations read "New York, Japanese Procession through Braodway, 322, SGM."


Geroge Rose/Rose's Stereoscopic Views (c1904)

Rob Oechsle discusses the George Rose's Japan related stereoviews in his "Index of Japan-Related Stereoview Photographers and Publishers" (see below at page 206). Each of these stereoviews have a series number and extensive descriptive caption on the front and a series number and one or two paragraph discussion on the back. The front indicates "Sold Only By George Rose, Publisher, Melbourne" and "Rose's Stereoscopic Views."

 #110107-1 George Rose -- $65.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 9.9 cm; Each Image: 7.5 x 9.4 cm, concave mount
Subject: No. 6158, Tame Deer in the Park of Temple, Japan (Nikko)
Condition: Good+, some staining across the top.
Note: Deer at Kasuga-no-Miya, Nara.

 #110107-2 George Rose -- $65.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 9.9 cm; Each Image: 7.5 x 9.4 cm, concave mount
Subject: No. 6159, Tea Plantation, Kyoto, Japan
Condition: Good+, some staining across the top.
Note: Workers picking tea.

 #110107-3 George Rose -- $75.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 9.9 cm; Each Image: 7.5 x 9.4 cm, concave mount
Subject: No. 6168, View of Hodaka-yama
Condition: Very Good.
Note: Two men in foreground (one in western attire) and Mount Hokaka in the background.


Strohmeyer & Wyman Stereoviews (1896)

Rob Oechsle discusses the Strohmeyer & Wyman Japan related stereoviews and Strohmeyer's trip to Japan in 1896 in his "Index of Japan-Related Stereoview Photographers and Publishers" (see below). Each of these stereoviews has the title on the front repeated on the back in 6 different languages. At the left is "Strohmeyer & Wyman Publishers, New York, NY" and at the right "Sold only by Underwood & Underwood, New York, London, Toronto-Canada, Ottawa -Kansas." Below the title under the right image is "Copyright 1896 by Strohmeyer & Wyman."

 #070210 Strohmeyer & Wyman -- $45.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: Images at Nikko, title in 6 languages on back
Condition: Good, left image has vertical tears, 1896.
Note: It is quite likely that the person in western attire in this image is Strohmeyer.

 #070215-1 Strohmeyer & Wyman -- $22.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: Theatre Street, Osaka, Japan
Condition: Very Good - 1896.

 #070215-2 Strohmeyer & Wyman -- $22.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: Interior of Buddhist Temple, Omori, Japan
Condition: Good+ - 1896.

 #070215-3 Strohmeyer & Wyman -- $24.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: The Mikado's Castle, Osaka, Largest and Strongest in Japan
Condition: Very Good - 1896.

 #070215-4 Strohmeyer & Wyman -- $22.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: Pagoda, Ueno Park, Tokyo
Condition: Very Good - 1896.

 #070215-6 Strohmeyer & Wyman -- $22.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: A Buddhist Funeral, Kyoto, Japan
Condition: Good, fading - 1896.

 #070215-5 Strohmeyer & Wyman -- $22.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: A Vista in a Bamboo Grove, Kyoto, Japan
Condition: Very Good - 1896.


All Other Stereoviews - Japan Related

 #1905090710b Russia-Japan War (97), W.T. Ingersoll -- $225.00 -- Color Lithograph
Type: Lithograph (Color)
Size: Card: 7 x 3 1/2 in
Subject: W.T. Ingersoll, Russo-Japan War Stereoviews, copyright 1905, color lithograph (halftone), green cards, product code A8833, numbers 101//200, 97 different stereoviews of a 100 veiw series set (missing numbers 103, 105 and 141 and containing a second, but defective, number 111). Prominently featured in several of the views is Richard Barry (San Francisco Chronicle correspondent). The series also has views with Frederick Vickers who is described as "the Greatest of Living War Artists."
Condition: Good-Very Good but 9 with significant defects.

 #110107-4 American Stereoscopic Company (Roy Young) -- $20.00 -- Albumen
Type: Multi-color
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.5 x 8.0 cm, concave mount
Subject: "Amidst the charms of picturesque Japan"
Condition: Very Good - Lady with umbrella in harden setting, Copyright 1901, Roy Young.

 #110107-6 C. Bierstaadt -- $25.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.5 x 7.8 cm
Subject: "38. Shinto Temple, Nikko, Japan"
Condition: Very Good - view of temple with caption on image, Charles Bierstadt, Niagara, New York, c1885.

 #070215-7 B.W. Kilburn -- $35.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.6 x 7.7 cm
Subject: 5913 Japan
Condition: Good(-) - 1890. Per Rob Oechsle (see below at page 193), Americans dressed as Japanese in a parade in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

 #070215-8 European & American Views-- $15.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 6.8 x 7.4 cm
Subject: Japanese Kitchen inscribed, left image
Condition: Good - c1890. Per Rob Oechsle (see below at page 178), "not 3D" and pirates from unidentified albumen views.

 #061209 -- $30.00 -- #6043 View of Oami, Japan
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8.1 cm
Subject: Descriptive caption on front and text on back. Right image contains a much sharper view of the mountains in the background than the left.
Condition: Very Good, ca 1904

 #061115 Unknown -- $35.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.7 cm; Each Image: 7.7 x 8.1 cm
Subject: On Back - manuscript, "Simoda gawa, Tokyo"
Condition: Good, low contrast, ca 1890

 #060101 Underwood -- $30.00 -- 3 Color Stereoviews
Type: Color
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.8 x 8 cm
Subject: 3915 (tea), 3970,72 (iris garden)
Condition: Very Good, ca 1900

 #060101 Kilburn -- $25.00 -- 2 Monochrome Stereoviews
Type: Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.5 x 8 cm
Subject: 13983 (stream), 14015 (Nikko carvings)
Condition: Very Good, ca 1901

 #060101 Davis - Kilburn -- $15.00 -- 1 Monochrome Stereoview
Type: Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.4 x 7.8 cm
Subject: 14012 (Nikko cedars)
Condition: Very Good, ca 1901

 #060101 Keystone -- $15.00 -- 1 Color Halftone Stereoview
Type: Halftone (Color)
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.6 x 7.8 cm
Subject: 14809 (chrysanthemums)
Condition: Very Good, ca 1905

 #041102-15 Griffith & Griffith-- $35.00 -- 6 Color Halftone Stereoviews
Type: Halftone (Color)
Size: 7 x 3 1/2 in - 17.9 x 9 cm
Subject: Various Views with People
Condition: Very Good

 #1905060218 Kawin & Co. -- $30.00 -- 5 Color Halftone Stereoviews
Type: Halftone (Color)
Size: 7 x 3 1/2 in - 17.9 x 9 cm
Subject: "Worlds Series" - Various Japan Views
Condition: Very Good

 #110107-5 Universal Photo Art Co (G.H. Graves) -- $20.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.9 x 8.9 cm; Each Image: 7.5 x 8.0 cm, slightly concave mount
Subject: "166. Rugged surroundings of Fuji-yama, Japan"
Condition: Very Good but mount damage at lower right corner. Two men in western atire viewing Mt. Fuji. Copyright 1902, G.H. Graves.

 #110107-7 Underwood & Underwood - $15.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome/Sepia
Size: Card: 17.9 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.7 x 8.0 cm, slightly concave mount
Subject: "58. Dotombori or Theatre Street, Osaka, Japan"
Condition: Very Good+. Copyright 1890, Strohmeyer.


Other Stereoviews - 19th Century - Far East

 #070215-9 M.E. Wright- Excelsior -- $35.00 -- Albumen
Type: Monochrome
Size: Card: 17.8 x 9 cm; Each Image: 7.6 x 7.9 cm
Subject: In Old Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Condition: Very Good - c1890. "Excelsior Stereoscopic Tours / Hollingreave Road Burley" at left and "Excelsior Stereoscopic Tours / M.E. Wright Publisher" at right.




Magic Lantern Glass Slides
K. Tamamura, T. Takagi,
Futaba and Others


Some of the pictures below show vertical lines, usually at the mid-point of the glass slide. The lines are not on the glass slide. They were artificially caused by reflection of light off the scanner.



Bushido Spirit

 #11032219 -- $25.00 -- No. 6, Bushido Spirit
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Bushido Spirit, No. 6" in manuscript in white.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in From Peace to Strife, An Incident of the Bushido Spirit, "Bushido" the Soul of Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1904.


 #11031410 -- $25.00 -- No. 11, Bushido Spirit
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Bushido Spirit, No. 11" in manuscript in white.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in From Peace to Strife, An Incident of the Bushido Spirit, "Bushido" the Soul of Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1904.




The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage

 #120503_91-109 -- $275 -- No. 1 through 19, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (complete set)
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" on most but not all
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Good+. These imagse are found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906. Each glass slide has an inventory number written on a white tape affixed at the top right.


 #170114m1-17 -- $200 -- No. 1 // 19 (17, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (short 2)
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage" lettering and numbers in manuscript, no Tamamura/Takagi designation.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura/T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. These imagse are found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906. The complete set is 19 images. This unit has 17 of the 19 and is missing No. 17 & 18.


 #11034102 -- Sold -- No. 1, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 1" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906.


 #11034103 -- $15.00 -- No. 3, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 3" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906.


 #11034104 -- $15.00 -- No. 5, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 5" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906.


 #11034105 -- $20.00 -- No. 6, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 6" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906.


 #11034106 -- $15.00 -- No. 8, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 8" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906.


 #11034107 -- $15.00 -- No. 9, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 9" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906.


 #11034108 -- $15.00 -- No. 14, The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage, by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 14" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1906.




Girls' Pastimes in Japan

 #11032209 -- Sold -- No. 2, Girls's Pastimes in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: " Girls's Pastimes in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 2" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Girls' Pastimes in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1917 and previously published to K. Tamamura.


 #11032210 -- Sold -- No. 11, Girls's Pastimes in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: " Girls's Pastimes in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 11" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Girls' Pastimes in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1917 and previously published to K. Tamamura.


 #11032211 -- Sold -- No. 15, Girls's Pastimes in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: " Girls's Pastimes in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 15" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Girls' Pastimes in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1917 and previously published to K. Tamamura.


 #11032212 -- Sold -- No. 21, Girls's Pastimes in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: " Girls's Pastimes in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 21" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Girls' Pastimes in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1917 and previously published to K. Tamamura.


 #11032213 -- Sold -- No. 22, Girls's Pastimes in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: " Girls's Pastimes in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 22" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Girls' Pastimes in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1917 and previously published to K. Tamamura.


 #11032214 -- Sold -- No. 24, Girls's Pastimes in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: " Girls's Pastimes in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 24" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Girls' Pastimes in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1917 and previously published to K. Tamamura.



The Chrysanthemums in Japan


Military Accomplishments of Japan

 #11032218 -- Sold -- Fencing
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Fencing" in silver
Photograph Studio: No studio markings
Condition: Very Good. This image is very similar (not identical however) to images in Military Accomplishments of Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1907.



The New Year in Japan

 #11032217 -- $20.00 -- No. 3, The New Year in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The New Year in Japan by Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 2" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The New Year in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1906.




The Rice in Japan


 #11040311 -- $20.00 -- No. 1, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 1" printed in silver. Slightly different picture than found in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r1 -- $15.00 -- No. 1, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 1" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good-. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r2 -- $15.00 -- No. 2, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 2" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good-. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #11032215 -- $20.00 -- No. 3, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 3" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe or T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r4 -- $18.00 -- No. 4, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 4" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good-. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r5 -- $18.00 -- No. 5, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 5" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r6 -- $15.00 -- No. 6, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 6" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good-. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r8 -- $18.00 -- No. 8, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 8" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r9 -- $18.00 -- No. 9, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 9" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #11032216 -- $20.00 -- No. 12, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 12" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe or T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r13 -- $18.00 -- No. 13, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 13" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r15 -- $18.00 -- No. 15, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 15" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r16 -- $18.00 -- No. 16, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 16" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #11040312 -- $20.00 -- No. 17, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 17" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r18 -- $18.00 -- No. 18, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 18" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r19 -- $18.00 -- No. 19, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 19" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.


 #170114r20 -- $18.00 -- No. 20, The Rice in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: "The Rice in Japan, No. 20" in manuscript in white, neither Tamamura or Takagi stated. Same image as in the book.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. The Rice in Japan was published by T. Takagi in 1907.




School Life in Young Japan

 #11031405 -- Sold -- No. 3, School Life in Young Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The School Life of Young Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" printed in silver, "No. 3" in manuscript in white.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The School Life of Young Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1907.


 #11031404 -- Sold -- No. 11, School Life in Young Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The School Life of Young Japan, No. 11" in manuscript in white.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The School Life of Young Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1907.


 #11040309 -- $20.00 -- No. 12, School Life in Young Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The School Life of Young Japan, No. 12" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The School Life of Young Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1907.




The Silk in Japan

Out of Stock


Snap-Shots of Out-Door Life in Japan

 #11032220 -- Sold -- No. 6, Snap-Shots of Out-Door Life in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Snap-Shots of Out-Door Life in Japan, No. 6" in manuscript in white.
Photograph Studio: Studio not identified on the mount but T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Snap-Shots of Out-Door Life in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1913.


 #11040308 -- Sold -- No. 23, Snap-Shots of Out-Door Life in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Snap-Shots of Out-Door Life in Japan" and "No. 23" in manuscript.
Photograph Studio: Studio not identified on the mount but T. Takagi
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Snap-Shots of Out-Door Life in Japan (here), published by T. Takagi in 1913.




The Japanese Tea House

 #11034101 -- Sold -- No. 11, The Japanese Tea House
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Japanese Tea House" and "No. 11" in manuscript. Not attribution to Tamamura or Takagi.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Japanese Tea-House (The Social Restaurant) (here), published by K. Tamamura, 1906. The book is reported but I have not examined a copy.




The Tea in Japan

 #11032201 -- Sold -- No. 1, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 1" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #12082422 -- Sold -- No. 2, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Takagi, Kobe" and "No. 2" in silver.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #11032202 -- $15.00 -- No. 4, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 4" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #11032203 -- Sold -- No. 9, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 9" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #11032204 -- Sold -- No. 10, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 10" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #11032205 -- Sold -- No. 11, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 11" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #11032207 -- Sold -- No. 13, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 13" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #11032208 -- Sold -- No. 14, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Tamamura, Kobe" and "No. 14" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.


 #12082422 -- $15.00 -- No. 15, The Tea in Japan
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "The Tea in Japan, By Takagi, Kobe" and "No. 15" in silver.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Tea in Japan (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1908.




Three Mischievous Children

 #11034109 -- Sold -- No. 3, Three Mischievous Children
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Three Mischievous Children" and "No. 3" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Three Mischievous Children (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1909. The book was advertised for sale by Tamamura but I have not examined a copy.


 #11034110 -- Sold -- No. 6, Three Mischievous Children
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Three Mischievous Children" and "No. 6" printed in silver
Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in Three Mischievous Children (here), published by K. Tamamura, c1909. The book was advertised for sale by Tamamura but I have not examined a copy.




Transformation of Mother Earth From Nature to Art

 #11040306 -- Sold -- No 15, Transformation of Mother Earth
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Transformation of Mother Earth from Nature to Art" and "No. 15" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good. This image is found in The Transformation of Mother Earth from Nature to Art (here), published by K. Tamamura in 1907.



Miscellaneous T. Takagi Magic Lantern Glass Slides

 #12082404 --$20.00 -- Stable at Nikko
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Takagi, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Stable at Nikko."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082421 --$20.00 -- Sacred Bridge at Nikko
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Takagi, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Sacred bridge at Nikko."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082429 --$20.00 -- Midzuya at Nikko Temple
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Takagi, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Midzuya (Fountain) at Nikko Temple."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082439 --$20.00 -- Pine Trees at Karasaki
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Takagi, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "The famous pine tree at Karasaki."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082440 --$24.00 -- Miyamima
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Takagi, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Miyajima."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082442 --$20.00 -- Bull-Cart
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Takagi, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Bull-cart."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #11040301 -- Sold -- Women Behind Bars, Yoshiwara
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Yoshiwara girls by T. Takagi, Kobe" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #11032223 -- $20.00 -- Rangoon
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Rangoo" in white in manuscript, white corner insert "By T.Takagi, Kobe."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #11032224 -- $20.00 -- Rangoon
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Rangoo" in white in manuscript, white corner insert "By T.Takagi, Kobe."
Photograph Studio: T. Takagi, Kobe
Condition: Very Good.



Magic Lantern Glass Slides, Futaba & Co., Kobe

 #12082436 -- ~Sold~ -- Farmer in Straw Rain Coat
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba & Co., Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Farmer in straw rain coat."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082405 --$20.00 -- Mt Fuji #1
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba & Co., Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Fujiyama from Motosu Lake."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082412 --$20.00 -- Yomeinon Gate, Nikko
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Yomeimon gate at Nikko."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082416 --$24.00 -- Cherry Dance, Kyoto
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba & Co., Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "The Cherry Dance at Kyoto."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082417 --$20.00 -- Nunobiki Waterfall, Kobe
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba, Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Nunobiki water-fall, Kobe."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082419 --$20.00 -- Wood Carvings at Nikko
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba & Co., Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Wood carvings at Nikko."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082437 --$28.00 -- A Farmer at Work
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba & Co., Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Farmer at work."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.


 #12082441 --$28.00 -- Farmers at Work
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Futaba & Co., Kobe" in silver in corner. Caption in silver reads "Farmers at work."
Photograph Studio: Futaba & Co., Kobe
Condition: Very Good.



Magic Lantern Glass Slides, T. Enami

 #13051804 -- $35.00 -- 337. Miyajima Temple and Pagoda
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. Caption label reads "337. Miyajima temple and pagoda."
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Very Good


 #13052504 -- $30.00 -- Kinegawa Hot Spring, Nikko
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. Caption. "Kinegawa Hot Spring Place near Nikko."
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Very Good


 #13051802 -- $35.00 -- Heian Shrine, Kyoto
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. Caption label reads "Heian shrine, Kyoto."
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Very Good


 #13042503 -- $35.00 -- Interior of Room with Pools
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. No caption label.
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Very Good


 #13042504 -- $25.00 -- Mr. and Mrs. Yamanaka
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. Caption label reads: "Mr & Mrs Yamanaka."
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Good, very faded


 #13042507 -- $30.00 -- Workers on the Hakone Road
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. Caption label reads: "Coolies fexing the road, Hakone."
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Good+


 #13051201 -- $15.00 -- Lotus Pond of Macao
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. Caption label reads: "Corridor of the Sumer Palace, Peking, China."
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Fair, faded.


 #11033901 -- Sold -- View of Building, Malaysia?
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. No caption. Non-Japan view of building.
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Good+. Tape at bottom left.


 #11033902 -- Sold -- View of People, Malaysia?
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "T. Enami, 29 Bentendori, Yokohama, Japan" label. No caption. Non-Japan view of people.
Photograph Studio: T. Enami
Condition: Good+. Bottom tape missing. Tape at bottom left.



Miscellaneous Magic Lantern Glass Slides

 #12082448 --$16.00 -- Temple of Peace, Kyoto
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 10 cm - 3 1/4 x 4 in
Title/Subject: Caption in silver reads "Temple of Peace, Kyoto."
Photograph Studio: Unstated
Condition: Very Good.


 #11040313 -- $18.00 -- Western Man Stating in Pines #1
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: Not stated - a Westerner stating in the pines.
Photograph Studio: Unknown.
Condition: Very Good.


 #11040314 -- $18.00 -- Western Man Stating in Pines #1
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: Not stated - a Westerner stating in the pines.
Photograph Studio: Unknown.
Condition: Very Good.


 #11040315 -- $18.00 -- Small Shrine Type Structure
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: Not stated - a small shrine type structure among the flowers.
Photograph Studio: Unknown.
Condition: Very Good.


 #11034115-- $15.00 -- Nikko, Iyeyasu Tomb
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Tomb of Iyeyasu at Nikko" in manuscript
Photograph Studio: Unknown
Condition: Very Good.


 #11034116-- $15.00 -- Nikko, Yomemon Gate
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Yomemon Gate at Nikko" in manuscript
Photograph Studio: Unknown
Condition: Very Good.


 #11034122-- $15.00 -- Japanese Parlor
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "A Japanese Parlour" in manuscript
Photograph Studio: Unknown Condition: Very Good.


 #11034123-- $12.00 -- Japanese Children
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Lightly Hand Tinted?
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject:Not captions. Japanese children in foreground. Western lady in background.
Photograph Studio: Unknown
Condition: Very Good. White label (blank however) on back.


 #11032221 -- $18.00 -- Asamayama
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Asamayama, ..aba & Co, Kobe" printed in silver.
Photograph Studio: Incomplete studio name.
Condition: Very Good.


 #11032228 -- Sold -- Geisha Girl
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8.2 x 10 cm - 3 1/2 x 4 in
Title/Subject: "Geisha Girl" in manuscript in white.
Photograph Studio: Studio unknown.
Condition: Very Good.




Silk Production/Processing

 #170114s2 -- $18.00 -- Working on the Silk Worms
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Silk Production. "Working on the Silk Worms".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good


 #170114s1 -- $18.00 -- Feeding Silk Worms
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Silk Production. "Feeding Silk Worms".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good


 #170114s3 -- $18.00 -- The Silk Worms are Making Cocooons
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Silk Production. "The Silk Worms are Making Cocoons".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good


 #170114s4 -- $20.00 -- Taking Silk off the Cocoons
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Silk Production. "Taking Silk off the Cocoons".
Photograph Studio: Takagi. Image found in The Silk in Japan.
Condition: Very Good




Tea Production/Processing - Studio Unknown

 #170114t7 -- $18.00 -- Tea Plantation
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in (square image area)
Title/Subject: Tea Production. "Tea Plantation".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good


 #170114t1 -- $15.00 -- Picking Tea
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Tea Production. "Picking Tea".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good-.


 #170114t2 -- $15.00 -- Weighing Tea
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Tea Production. "Weighing Tea".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good.


 #170114t3 -- $15.00 -- Firing Tea
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Tea Production. "Firing Tea".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good.


 #170114t6 -- $15.00 -- Firing Tea
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Tea Production. "Firing Tea".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good.


 #170114t4 -- $15.00 -- Assorting Tea Leaves
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Tea Production. "Assorting Tea Leaves".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good.


 #170114t5 -- $15.00 -- Dusting Tea Leaves
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Tea Production. "Dusting Tea Leaves".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good.




Rice Production/Processing - Studio Unknown

 #170114r21 -- $15.00 -- Rice Planting
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Rice Production. "Rice Planting".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good


 #170114r22 -- $15.00 -- Rice Carts
Type: Gelatin on Glass (Slide), Hand Tinted
Slide Size: 8 x 8 cm - 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
Title/Subject: Rice Production. "Rice Carts".
Photograph Studio: Studio Unknown
Condition: Very Good






 #1882_Audsley_8-2 -- $45.00 -- "Section VIII, Plate II" - Audsley *
Type: Chromolithograph (Multi-Color)
Size: 16 x 11 in - 40 x 28 cm
Subject: Carving
Condition: Fine



* 1882~5 - Ornamental Arts of Japan, Audsley

Audsley, George Ashdown:
The Ornamental Arts of Japan, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, London, 1882-5, generally bound into two (2) volumes, elephant folio, 30 x 41 cm. Eight sections: 1) Drawings, 41 pp, 16 color plates, 4 b/w plates, 2) Embroidery, 12 pp, 9 color plates, 3) Textiles, 25 pp, 11 color plates 2 plates in "heliogravure," 4) Lacquer, 44 pp, 10 color plates, 3 plates in "heliogravure," 5) Incrusted work, 8 pp, 6 color plates, 3 plates in "heliogravure," 6) Metal Work, 30 pp, 4 color plates, 13 plates in "heliogravure," 7) Cloisonne enamel, 32 pp, 10 color plates, 3 plates in "heliogravure," 8) Modelling and carving, 29 pp, 6 color plates, 2 plates in "heliogravure," 9) Heraldry, 27 pp, 2 plates containing 48 flags in color. Also has a preface and introduction (V+V) and 10 page index. Of the 100+ plates, the 70+ color plates are primarily chromolithographs printed by Lemercier & Cie., Paris.



The following plates (chromolithographs, photogravures and woodcuts) are from a folio format (US Edition) of The Pictorial Arts of Japan by William Anderson. These plates were issued loose and have not been extracted from a bound volume. Each plate has the accompanying descriptive page. For more information on the basic book, click here.



Plates Associated with Part II, Pictorial Arts of Japan by William Anderson


 #188605061003 -- $40.00 -- Bronze images of Devas (2), Part II, Plate 3

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Bronze images of Devas (2)
Sun and moon devas

Condition: Fine


 #188605061005 -- $40.00 -- Ancient Wood Carvings (2), Part II, Plate 5

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

1) Dhritarachtra
2) Demon lamp-supporter

Condition: Fine


 #188605061006 -- $40.00 -- Artifacts (3), Part II, Plate 6

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

1) Wooden mask for theatrical performances (11th century)
2 & 4) Ancient mirror & Ancient reliquary

Condition: Fine


 #188605061011 -- $25.00 -- Art, Part II, Plate 11 & 12

Type: Wood engravings (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Each plate with a scene from Nocturnal Journey
the of Demon Legion

Condition: Fine


 #188605061013 -- $55.00 -- Art, Part II, Plate 13

Type: Chromolithograph

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Japanese Knight Errant before the Demon Robber from a painting of the Tosa School (17th Century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061021 -- $15.00 -- Art, Part II, Plate 21

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Hotei and "Three Laughers"

Condition: Fine


 #188605061030 -- $45.00 -- Art, Part II, Plate 30

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Monkeys by Mori Sosen (1817)
Dead Carp by Maruyama Okio (1775)
Landscape by Nagasawa Roshiu (1810)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061036 -- $55.00 -- Art, Part II, Plate 36

Type: Chromolithograph - "Imp. Lemercier & Cie Paris"

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Goblin Flight by Hokusai (19th Century)
The Frogs' Holiday by Hokusai (19th Century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061045 -- $55.00 -- Art, Part II, Plate 45

Type: Chromolithograph

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Shoki and the Demons by Shibata Zeshin (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061053 -- $40.00 -- Art, Part II, Plate 53

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Waterfall by Ishibashi Richo (19th century)

Condition: Fine, upper left corner
has 1 1/2 inch clipped area



Plates Associated with Part III, Pictorial Arts of Japan by William Anderson

 #188605061007 -- $40.00 -- Armour, Part III, Plate 7

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Armour of Yoshitsune (2 items) (12th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061015 -- $15.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 15

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Cock by Oguri Sotan
Chinese Priest on Mule by Shiutoku (15th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061025 -- $15.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 25

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Swallow and Willow-tree by Kano Tanyu
Pheasant and Bamboo by Kano Tsunenobu (17th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061033 -- $40.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 33

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Peacock and Pine Tree by Saikiorio Yusei (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061035 -- $15.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 35

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Ancient Japanese Heros (2)
from drawings by Kikuchi Yosai (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061042 -- $40.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 42

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Fish by Mori Sosen
Hen & Chickens by Hoitsu (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061047 -- $40.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 47

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Hawk and Wild Goose from a stencil picture (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061048 -- $40.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 48

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Chinese Landscape from a relief in plaster by Kando after a drawing by Tachibana Morikuni (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061049-- $40.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 49

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Modern wood carvings

Condition: Fine


 #188605061051-- $55.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 51

Type: Chromolithograph

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

A Spring Morning on the River Yodo from a painting on silk by Shiwogawa Bunrin (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061061-- $60.00 -- Art, Part III, Plate 61

Type: Chromolithograph

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Falcon from a painting by Itaya Keishic (18th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061072 -- $15.00 -- Chinese Art, Part III, Plate 72

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

The Physician and the Genius from a picture by Li Lung-Yen (11th century?)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061073 -- $15.00 -- Chinese Art, Part III, Plate 73

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Dove and Falcon (2) after Emperor Hwei Tsung (12th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061078 -- $10.00 -- Chinese Art, Part III, Plate 78

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Boy and Puppy from a picture by Ktu-Yiu
Birds and Peonies from a picture by Wang Lieh-Pun
(16th century)

Condition: Fine, plate has been severed



Plates Associated with Part IV, Pictorial Arts of Japan by William Anderson

 #188605061043-- $40.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 43

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

The Rishi Li T'ieh Kwai from a painting by Kano Motonobu (16th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061050 -- $15.00 -- Chinese Art, Part IV, Plate 50

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Chinese landscape from a painting by Kano Motonobu (16th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061054-- $40.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 54

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Snow Scene - Temple of Kiyomidzu from a painting by Chikudo Ganki (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061056 -- $15.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 56

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Day and Night Scenes in Yedo from a woodcut by Keisai Yeisen (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061058-- $55.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 58

Type: Chromolithograph

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

The Cherry Blossoms of Mikawa from a painting by Ota Kinkin (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061060-- $40.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 60

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Tortoises of Kiyomidzu from a painting by Tonan Yoshinawo (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061063 -- $15.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 63

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Crane from a painting by Kano Yeino
Crane and Young from a painting by Ishiyama Moroka (17th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061064-- $40.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 64

Type: Photogravure (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Cock from a painting by Rantokusai Shundo (18th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061066-- $60.00 -- Art, Part IV, Plate 60

Type: Chromolithograph

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Tiger From Life from a painting by Kiuho Toyei (19th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061069 -- $15.00 -- Chinese Art, Part IV, Plate 69

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Horses by an unknown artist (8th century)
Crane from a picture by Han-Kan (12th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061077 -- $15.00 -- Chinese Art, Part IV, Plate 77

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Squirrel and vine from a picture by Wan Yuen-Chang (15th century)
Bird from a picture by Wan Chin (16th century)

Condition: Fine


 #188605061080 -- $15.00 -- Chinese Art, Part IV, Plate 80

Type: Wood engraving (black and white)

Plate Size: 28.7 x 41 cm

Bird from a picture by Shin Ts'ao (18th century)
Crow from a picture by Ch'an Nan-Ping (18th century)

Condition: Fine



1886 - Pictorial Arts of Japan by Anderson

Anderson, William:
The Pictorial Arts of Japan. With A Brief Historical Sketch of The Associated Arts, and Some Remarks Upon The Pictorial Art Of the Chinese and Koreans, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, (also Boston & New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Company), printed in London by Gilbert and Rivington, 1886, folio (29 x 41 cm), all edges gilt, 4 sections/volumes, blue/green gilt decorative cloth, eighty plates (with tissue guards with descriptive text) including 16 chromolithograph plates and 64 black and white plates (wood engravings and photogravures) as well as 146 black and white text illustrations, 276 pages of text. Each plate has a guard which is printed with a subdued line illustration on one side and descriptive text and illustrations on the reverse. The photogravures are on thick card stock paper with the image area recessed. Wood engravings are on thin card stock paper. The chromolithographs are on thick card stock paper and sometimes bear the inscription "Imp. Lemercier & Cie, Paris" or "Wilhelm Greve" of Berlin.

The set is divided into four parts and an index with continuous pagination throughout. Each part is separated by a section title which is not included in the pagination.

  • Part I - General History (pages 1-68)
  • Part II - General History Concluded & Applications of Pictorial Art (pages 69-139)
  • Part III - Applications Concluded, Technique & Characteristics (pages 140-205)
  • Part IV - Characteristics Concluded, Chinese Art & Korean Art (pages 206 - 270)
  • Index (pages 271-276).

Generally found bound in one volume. The rich variety of illustration media - chromolithographs (16 plates), photogravures and wood engravings - makes this a very attractive book. Unfortunately, frequently found with the 16 chromolithographs removed.

The four parts were also issued in an unbound loose (folio) format in folding cases (30 x 42 cm). The folding are green with decoration in black and red with lettering gilt on the front cover and gilt lettering on the spine. To see the folding case, click here. In this format the text pages are double fold. The section dividers are single sheet and the single sheet plates and plate guards are loose at the back. Also included in each part is a single sheet the table of contents. To see the table of contents pages for parts II-IV, click here.

  • 1886, Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, The Cambridge Press, Cambridge, 1st US edition. I have confirmed the US edition was issued unbound in loose folio format (see above).

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This is an on-line order form. Just click on the box by the item you wish to order and fill out the two information fields below. We will get right back to you regarding the order. Our reply will indicate availability and provide a link to each photograph ordered.

All prices are net. No discounts are offered on albumen photographs.

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Key Photograph Reference Works
(Mostly Meiji Era Related)

Note 1a.
Bennett, Terry:
Old Japanese Photographs Collectors' Data Guide, London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 2006, © Terry Bennett, 8vo, navy blue cloth with gilt title on spine, dust jacket, 308 pp. A must for the person interested in Meiji era photography and photographers. This work will, no doubt, become a standard reference for the collector and student of early photography in Japan. The book spans the period from the importation of the first camera into Japan (1848) through the death of the Emperor Meiji in 1912. It includes sections with old and new articles on photography in Japan, important research data (including Masonic photographers in Japan), numerically sequenced listings, by photograph studio, of over 4,000 photographs (numbers and captions are provided in the listings), a comprehensive index of Japan related stereoview photographers and publishers (350+) during the period of 1859-1912 by Rob Oechsle and reprints of photograph studio advertisements found in publications of the period. The index of stereoview photographers and publishers is supplemented in the research data section of the book with detailed numerical/caption lists of Japan related stereoviews in 13 different sets. ISBN: 0955085241.
Available, Purchase Here

Note 1b.
Bennett, Terry:
Photography in Japan 1853-1912, Singapore, Tokyo, Rutland, Vermont, Tuttle Publishing, 2006, © Terry Bennett, 4to (9 1/2 x 12 3/8 in - 24 x 31.3 cm), gold colored hard covers with white lettering on front and spine, illustrated dust jacket, numerous color reproductions, 320 pp. The definitive English language history of photography in Japan through the end of the Meiji era (1912). The book presents the photo-history of Japan from early photographic experiments and the recording of the first photographic images (1850s), to the establishment of studios by Westerners in newly opened Japan (1860s), to the emergence of major competition by Japanese photographs (1870s), to the decline of Western studios (1880s), to the domination by Japanese studios (1890s) and finally to the full control by Japanese studios (1900s). In this context, Terry Bennett discusses the key photographers and photographic entrepreneurs and presents an amazing amount of biographical information. Reproductions of stunning photographs, many in color, supplement the biographies of the key actors. The book contains reproductions of approximately 400 images (primarily photographs) and the publisher asserts that over 50% are published for the first time in this book. Here you will find biographies of the well know photographers as well the much lesser know individuals who played important roles in the development of photography in Japan. This book will, no doubt, become a cornerstone in the research/reference library of those interested in photography in Meiji era Japan. It is a companion book to "Old Japanese Photographs Collector's Data Guide" by Bennett which was also released in November 2006. That book provides a wealth of detailed information on specific Japanese souvenir albums and attributing photographs to key studios. That book also provides a vast amount of information on attributing Japan related stereoviews to photographs/publishers. These two books are indispensable companions. ISBN: 0804836337.

Available, Purchase Here

Note 2.
Bennett, Terry:
Early Japanese Images, Rutland, Vermont, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1996, black cloth, dust jacket, 8vo (7 3/4 in x 10 1/2 in), 138+ photographs, bibliography, appendix of photographic terms, listing of 1,000 early photographs showing title, number and in most cases attributed to a specific photographer, 168 pp. Covers the early days of photography in Japan from 1853, when Commodore Perry visited, to the end of the Meiji era in 1912. Includes commentary and examples of the work of Eliphalet Brown, Jr., Felice Beato, Baron Raimund von Stillfried-Rateniz, Adolfo Farsari, Renjo Shimooka, Hikoma Ueno, Kimbei Kusakabe, Kozaburo Tamamura, Kazumasa Ogawa, Kuichi Uchida. The listing of early Japanese photographs is an invaluable resource in identifying 19th century photographs which often had a caption and number but no indication of the photographer. ISBN: 0804820295 (hardback), ISBN: 0804820333 (softback)

Note 3.
Bennett, Terry
Cortazzi, Hugh:
Japan: Caught in Time, New York, 1995, Weatherhill, black cloth, 159 pp. Extensive coverage of 122 color and black and white photographs. These photographs are in the collection of a Russian botanist (Grigoryev) whose travels took him to Japan in 1879. Many of the photographs are attributed to the Western and Japanese photographers including von Stillfried, Usui, Suzuki, Beato. Photographs are presented in sections as follows: The Treaty Ports: Yokohama and Hakodate, Street Life, Domestic Life, Costumes and Portraits, Farming and Handicrafts and Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines. A excellent resource. In addition to the photographs, the book provides historical background on Japan and history of photography in early Japan.

Note 4.
The Nagasaki University has a database which contains hundreds of old Japanese photographs. To visit the database, click here.

Note 5a.
Worswick, Clark
Morris, Jan (Introduction):
Japan: Photographs 1854-1905, New York, 1979, A Pennwick/Knopf, black cloth, large 8vo (11 1/4 x 9 1/4 in), oblong format, 117 full page plates, introductory essay by Jan Morris, notes, bibliography, sources of pictures, 151 pp. An excellent photographic reference which covers the most of the Japanese photographers/photographic work during the period from 1854-1905. Photographs are the highlight of this book. There are 117+ plates (all full page, man reproduced in color) reproducing albumen photographs, collotypes, and stereoscopic prints from this period. Several of the items reproduced were hand colored or tinted. Most plates contain a single photograph but a few have two. Includes the works of Kusakabe Kimbei, Isshin Ogawa, (aka, Kazuma/Kazumasa Ogawa), K. Tamamura, Baron von Stillfried, A. Le Bas, Felix Beato, Herbert Ponting, H.C. White and Farsari. Includes technical descriptions of photographic processes in use and an index of commercial and amateur photographers in Japan. (Also issued in softcover format).

Note 5b.
Japan Photographers Association
Dower, John W. (Introduction):
A Century of Japanese Photography, New York, Pantheon Books, 1980, horizontal 8vo, black cloth with dark black lettering on front board and silver lettering on the spine, first American edition of book previously published (Nihon Shashin Shi, 1840-1945) in Japan, 514 halftone illustrations, some in color, photo illustrated slip case, 385 pp. The illustrations all have captions generally range from one to four images per page. A few of the images are in color. The illustrations include an early and seldom seen black and white photographic image of the "Shureinomon gate in Okinawa" by Mitsumara Riso, 1901 (illustration 105). ISBN 0394512324
Available, Purchase Here

Note 6.
Beato, Felice (Photographs)
Von Stillfried, Baron Raimund (Photographs)
Edel, Chantal (Introduction)
Coverdale, Linda (Translator)
Once Upon a Time. Visions of Old Japan From the Photos of Beato and Stillfried and the Words of Pierre Loti, 1986, Friendly Press, first English language edition, 112 pp. Photographs by Felice Beato and Baron Raimund von Stillfried and the words of Pierre Loti. Introduction by Chantal Edel. Translated by Linda Coverdale. Originally published in French by Les Editions Arthaud, Paris, 1984. Reproductions of 72 photographs (most color) from the collection of the Societe de Geographie in Paris. While most of the photographs have numbers in white on the image, only a few have contain descriptive captions on the image. Descriptive captions are provided by Chantal Edel and the photographs are attributed to Felice Beato or Baron von Stillfried). Several of the plates span from one page to the adjoining page. Excellent resource on these high quality hand colored albumen souvenir photographs produced in Japan during the late 1800s. Contains the famous Felice Beato "Execution" photograph. ISBN 0914919075 (apparently same for 1st French edition as well as this US edition.
Available, Purchase Here

Note 7.
Tucker, Anne Wikes
Friis-Hansen, Dana
Ryuichi, Kaneko
Joe, Takeba:
The History of Japanese Photography, New Haven, CT, and London, Yale University Press in association with The Houston Museum of Fine, 2003, red cloth with black lettering on spine, dust jacket, 4to (12 x 9 3/4 in), 405 pp. A comprehensive and profusely illustrated (200+ color and black and white plates and numerous text illustrations) survey of 150 years of photography in Japan. Includes essays by Iizawa Kotaro and Kinoshita Naoyuki. Traces the development of photography in Japan starting in the 1850s. The history of Japanese photography is placed in the context of the interaction of Japanese and Western photographers and other art forms. The best illustrated and document review of Japanese photography I have read. I consider this the keystone of a Meiji era photography reference library. ISBN: 0300099258. Other edition. London edition, 432 pp.
Available, Purchase Here

Note 8.
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography:
The Advent of Photography in Japan, published jointly by the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo and the Hakodate Museum of Art, Hokkaido, 1997, 184 pages, soft covers in thick wraps (no hardcover issued), 4to (9 x 11 3/4 in). This book served as a guide for exhibits in Tokyo and Hakodate by the same title held in 1997. Bilingual text in English (some) and Japanese (all). All images that are reproduced in the book have Japanese and English descriptive titles. Most, but not all, of the text has an English version of the Japanese text. This book is an exceptional study of early photography in Japan. It is divided into three sections: 1) between the arrival of the camera obscura and the daguerreotype; 2) the arrival of photography in Japan; and finally 3) works during the 1860s-70s by three key artists/photographers (Renjo Shimooka, Kakoku Shima, and Matsusaburo Yokoyama). The book is beautifully printed and generously illustrated with 228 numbered and titled color images. Many of the numbers have sub-numbers so the total number of images is approximately 280+. Images include: daguerreotypes, albumen photographs, early cameras, photographic chemical kits, artwork pertaining to early photography, the camera obsucra and paintings to be viewed with a camera obscura. A excellent book containing seldom seen images. Perhaps one of the best illustrated and most comprehensive books on early Japanese photography.

Note 9.
March, Philipp (editor)
Delank, Claudia (editor):
The Adventure of Japanese Photography, 1860-1890, Heidelberg, Kehrer Verlag, 2002, 4to, pictorial boards, 128 pp. The book contains 22 pages of English text and foodnotes followed by 90 full page plates reproducing hand colored albumen photographs. Each plate is footnoted and, where known, the photographer given. The book covers a wide range of photographs including rare albumen photographs of flowers.

Note 10.
Sharf, Frederic A.
Dobson, Sebastian
Morse, Anne Nishimura:
Art and Artifice, Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era, Boston, Museum of Fine Art, 2004, horizontal 8vo (8 1/4 x 10 1/4 in), blue cloth with paste on title and accompanying decorated slipcase with paste on title (hardback version), blue string page marker, numerous plates and text illustrations - most in color, 95 pp. The book is constructed to resemble a 19th century Japan tourist photograph/collotype album. Starts with a discussion by Sharf on tourist travel to Japan which began flourishing in the 1870s and 1880s. His focus is on Yokohama which was the traveler's point of arrival. Next Sebastian Dobson discusses the "Yokohama Shashin" (Yokohama photographs) trade. Discussed in this section are noted photographers such as Felice Beato, Baron Raimund von Stillfried-Ratenicz, Uchida Kuichi, Kusakabe Kimbei, Adolfo Farsari (Sargent, Farsari and Company), Tong Cheong, the Japan Photographic Association (Farsari & Kozaburo Tamamura partnership), David Welsh (Yokohama Photographic Company) and Kozaburo Tamamura. A discussion by Anne N. Morse considers the ("meisho-e" - famous scenic places) genre of images captured in Meiji era photographs and art. These sections are followed by an exceptional section with reproductions of 39 color plates. In a list that follows technical information (where know) for each plate is provided (photographer, subject of image, date, type of print and size in cm). Issued in softcover also. ISBN: 0-87846-683-5 (slipcased hardcover) and 0-87846-682-7 (softcover - published 2003). The softcover version has two Japanese style ornamental string ties. These are not found on the hardcover version.
Available, Slipcased Hardcover Version or Softcover, Purchase Here

Note 11.
Rosenberg, Gert:
Wilhelm Burger, Ein Welt-und Forschungsreisender mit der Kamera, 1844-1920, Wien and Munchen, Christian Brandstatter, German language, 1984, 4to, hardbound, illustrated dust jacket, 229 illustrations black and white duotone (halftone), 192 pp. Pages 44-177 contain plates reproducing W. Burger's photographs. Each plate contains one or more images and descriptive titles in German. The book contains 57 plates (pages 88-144) showing 64 different images taken by Burger while he was in Japan. The book contains numerous halftone text illustrations. Included in this book is the famous "Hinrichtungsplatz in Jedo" image showing the severed head of a criminal placed on public display. The book is an excellent resource for Burger's style of photography and composition of images. Burger arrived in Japan in September of 1869 with the Austria-Hungary diplomatic mission and stayed until March 1870 when he returned to Austria. During this short period he created a excellent portfolio of Japanese images. This book also contains images Burger took on the expedition prior to arrival in Japan as well as after. There are numerous images of Siam (Thailand) and China (including Hong Kong) and Vietnam as well as other examples of Burger's work. Wilhelm Burger was a noted official "Expedition Photographer." The major expeditions traced in this book are the K.K. Mission nach Ost-Asien und South America (Sept 1868-Mar 1870) which included stops in Gibraltar (Nov 1868), Singapore/Borneo (Apr 1869), Siam (April-May 1869), Vietnam (May 1869), China (Jun-Sep 1869), Japan (Nagasaki, Yokohama, Osaka, Kamakura, Tokio - 27 Sep 1869-Mar 1870) the Austro-Hungarian North Pole Expedition (Jun 1872-1874) and expeditions to Samothrace (1876) and Asia Minor (1881). Rosenberg notes that Burger produced a series of "Stereophotographhien" on his return to Europe from the Asian expedition (page 30). ISBN 3854471076.
Available, Purchase Here

Note 12.
Various Authors:
Image, Journal of Photography and Motion Pictures of the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Volume 34, Nos 1-2, Rochester, NY, 1991, 4to, softcover, 62 pp.

a. The J. B. Millet Company's Japan: Described and Illustrated by Denise Bethel, pages 3-15. An excellent and seldom seen discussion regarding these books. The author's focus is on the Mikado edition, a deluxe edition of the set. Contains an extensive discussion of Kazumasa (Isshin) Ogawa.

b. The Far East, A Magazine on the Orient for European Eyes, by Stephen White, pages 39-47. The only article I am aware of that deals with Reddie Black's Far East. This monthly photograph illustrated (tipped in albumen photos) magazine was published between 1870 and 1878. The publication is rare and so are detailed discussions of it.

Available, Purchase Here

Note 13.
Winkel, Margarita:
Souvenirs from Japan, Japanese photography at the turn of the century, London, Bamboo Publishing Ltd, 1991, oblong 8vo (8 1/2 x 9 3/4 in - 22.5 x 26 cm), 171 pictures (including front and back cover - approximately 1/3 in color), 160 pp. Preface by Professor Willem R. van Gulik. A comprehensive illustrated review of photography in Japan in the 19th century. The author discusses various facets of photography in 19th century Japan (methods, noted photographers & subjects) with a focus on how these were applied in the "Souvenir" photographs produced for sale to foreigners and export out of Japan. The discussion is supplemented with 171 reproductions of these "albumen" photographs (many of which were hand colored) from the renowned collection of R. Shilling. ISBN: 1870076583 (paperback) and 1870076184 (cloth).

Note 14.
Palmquist, Peter E. (editor)
Erickson, Bruce T. (article on E. Brown):
The Daguerreian Annual, 1990, Official Yearbook of the Daguerreian Society, Eureka, California, The Daguerreian Society, 1990, 4to, soft covers, edition limited to 1,000 copies, numerous black and white illustrations, 202 pp. Eliphalet M. Brown, Jr., An Early Expedition Photographer by Bruce T. Erickson, pages 145-156. Probably the only extensive discussion of Brown's professional life as an artist, daguerreotypist and member of the Perry Expedition to Japan. The article discusses the very few original daguerreotypes taken by Brown during the Expedition which are confirmed to still be in existence. An excellent resource with much information on Eliphalet M. Brown and his work that has not been previously reported.
Available, Purchase Here.

Note 15.
Crombie, Isobel
Gartlan, Luke (essay):
Shashin: Nineteenth Century Japanese Studio Photography, Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, 2004, oblong 8vo, paper wraps, 20 numbered pages of text with 8 illustrations followed by 49 pages each containing a single numbered plate, 51 plates (2 before the text and 49 numbered plates after the text) of photographs in color where the original was colored. This is the exhibition catalogue for an exhibition held between February 8, 2005 and May 22, 2005 at the National Gallery of Victoria. The book is organized into three sections. First are the the "Bijin-Ga - Pictures of Beautiful Women" photographs (plates 1 ~ 19). Next are the photographs of samurai, sumo wrestlers and priests (plates 20 ~ 29). The final section contains photographs of customs and costumes (plates 30 ~ 49). Above each numbered plate is the technical information on the photograph which includes the photographer where that has been determined. Below each plate is a discussion of the image in the photograph. A well executed and illustrated study of studio photography for souvenir photography trade of the late 19th century in Japan. To see the cover, click here.

Note 16.
Bennett, Terry:
Old Japan Catalogue, London, 12mo/large 8vo, paper wraps. Each catalogue carries a sequential number. The subtitles varied over the years and include "Antiquarian Books" (No. 6, 1983), "Photographers" (No. 8), "Photographs, Prints, Books, and Manuscripts" (No. 9) and "Old and Rare Photographs" (No. 33, 2005). The company has been in business since 1982 and publishes a catalogue approximately every year. The earliest catalogue I have seen is No. 6 (1983). Old Japan is the preeminent dealer in old Japanese photographs. Each catalogue generally presents 100+ choice items from the firm's stock. The items are well illustrated and presented with in depth discussion. In recent years the emphasis has been on albumen photographs (individually, in groups and in albums). Attribution of these images to particular photographers is complicated and the descriptions give very useful and important information in this regards. The catalogues are an invaluable reference resource for those interested in these items. The focus is on images from the 1860's through the first two decades of the 20th century. Material is presented in numbered lots. Most catalogues do not carry the price in the text. In that case the lot prices are provided by means of an insert or price on request on extremely rare items. Unfortunately, the inserts are often missing when catalogues are obtained in the after-market. Earlier catalogues do not carry dates in the text of the catalogue but it no doubt was included with the price insert. The Old Japan web site is here and I highly recommend it.

Note 17.
Boyd, Torin
Izakura, Naomi:
Portraits in Sepia from the Japanese carte de visite collection of Torin Boyd and Naomi Izakura (Sepia: Iro no Shozo), Tokyo, Asahi Sonorama in conjunction with the JCII Camera Museum, 4to, October 2000, 328 pp. Photography and photographers in Japan from the late 1840s through the end of the Meiji era (1912). Over 200 items pictured. Text in Japanese and English. Comprehensive index with biographical information on over 1,000 Japanese and non-Japanese photographers. Bound in at the back is a color insert with examples to use in identifying the various types of prints (salted paper print, albumen print, printing out paper - collodion or gelatin, matte collodian printing out paper with gold tint, gelatin developing out of paper, and collotype) (ISBN 4257035986)

Note 18.
Morse, E.S.
Ohara, Tetsuo (Editor):
Peabody Museum of Salem, E.S. Morse Collection/Photography, Tokyo, Shogakukan, 4to (9 x 12 in), 1983, cloth, Japanese text, one page "Message" in English, illustrated dust jacket, 300 illustrations/figures with captions in Japanese and English, 211 pp. Numerous (14) contributing authors listed in addition to the editor. E.S. Morse arrived in Japan in June of 1877 and remained there for two years. Morse was a zoologist and his primary reason for going to Japan was the search for mollusks and brachiopods. While in Japan he amassed huge collections of shells and pottery. He also collected photographs and those are the subject of this collection housed in the Peabody Museum of Salem. In addition to his initial two year stay, Morse returned to Japan at least two more times for short visits. The photographs reproduced in this book span the period from the 1870s through the 1910s with the bulk dated to ca. 1880-1890. The images are primarily of Japanese engaged in the everyday activities. Very few of the images are of scenery or the sites normally visited by the tourist. When a photograph was hand colored, it is reproduced in color in the book. The book contains wonderful color reproductions of images from glass slides (lantern slides) and the majority of the images (color and black and white) appear to have be reproduced from that format. A strong focus of Morse's attention is people engaged in arts and crafts. Illustrative of this are two black and white photographs of weaving on Okinawa which are dated ca. 1900. To see the cover, click here. ISBN 4095630116
Available, Purchase Here.

Note 19.
Banta, Melissa (editor)
Taylor, Susan (editor):
A Timely Encounter, Nineteenth-Century Photographs of Japan, Cambridge, Mass, published by the Peabody Museum Press for the Wellesley College Museum, 1988, 8vo, paper wraps, 71 pp. This is an exhibition catalogue for "An exhibition of photographs from the collection of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology and the Wellesley College Museum." The catalogue reproduces 62 items (frontispiece plus 61 numbered images) with most being photographs, some in color. Many of the photographs are attributed to Stillfried and Anderson Co. based upon the studio imprint. The images cover the period from the 1850s to through the 1880s. ISBN: 0873658108. To see the cover, click, here.
Available, Purchase Here.

Note 20.
Edel, Chantal:
Fin de Siecle, Japon, France, Edition Arthaud, 2000, 4to, hard covers, numerous color reproductions of 19th century colored albumen photographs, text in French, 112 pp. Photographs of Japan at the end of the 19th century. This book reproduces fine quality albumen photographs of Japan held by the Societe de Geographie, Paris. Over 70 different albumen photographs are presented and the majority are attributed to Felice Beato or Baron Raimund von Stillfried. ISBN: 2700312805. To see the cover, click, here.

Note 21.
F. Beato Bakumatsu Nihon Shashin-shu, Yokohama, Yokohama Kaiko Shiryokan (Yokohama Archives of History), 1987, 8vo, text in Japanese English captions for almost all illustrations, stiff wraps, 199 pp. The book is composed of two parts. The major portion, pages 1-168, deals with F. Beato's photographic work in Japan. This portion contains 237 illustrations which primarily reproduce Beato's photographs. Four of the photographs are reproduced in color and some foldout. There are also two maps in color on a foldout page (front and back). The second part (pages 169-199) deals with other photographers and individuals to include William Saunders, Charles Parker, Charles Wirgman, Raimund Stillfried, K. Tamamura and others. This portion of the book is illustrated with 52 small images which are placed at the top of each page. Here you find reproductions of photographs, advertisements and illustrations from periodicals. At least two editions were published, both of these in 1987.

Note 22.
Felice Beato in Japan: Photographien Zum Ende Der Feudalzeit 1863-1873, Heidelbert, Edition Braus, 1991, 4to, text in German, paper wraps, 207 pp. Approximately 140 illustrations from Beato's photographs. A catalogue of a 1991 German exhibition of Beato's work.

Note 23.
For a comprehensive illustrated discussion of T. Enami's life and work, visit Rob Oechsle's outstanding web site at While Enami's work is found in the large albumen photographs, it is in the small format image (like stereoviews) where he concentrated his efforts.

Note 24.
Fulton, Marianne
Stapp, William F.
Condax, Philip L.:
Souvenirs of Asia: Photography in the Far East, 1840-1920, published in Volume 37, Nos. 3-4 (Fall/Winter, 1994) of Image, the Journal of Photography and Motion Pictures of George Eastman House, New York, 1994, 8vo, stiff wraps, 62 pp. This issue serves as a catalogue for an exhibition of the same name by the George Eastman House, International Museum of Photography and Film, held at Photokina 1994 in Cologne, Germany. The four major sections in this issue are: Section 1. "Souvenirs of Asia, Photography in the Far East (1840-1920)" by William F. Stapp (pages 2-53 with 28 figures/illustrations of which 4 are in color). This section is broken into the following three major parts: a - India (pages 4-16), b - China and Southeast Asia (pages 16-23) and c - Japan (pages 23-34). These parts are opened with and Introduction (page 1) by Marianne Fulton and followed by Endnotes (pages 35-38), Biographies of Photographers (pages 39-44) and an Exhibition Checklist (pages 45-53); Section 2. "From the Collections" by Philip L. Condax (pages 54-58 with five figures in text); Section 3 "Recent Acquisitions, Daido Moriyama" (pages 58-60 with 3 figures), Daido Moriyama Chronology (page 61), and Section 4. "Museum Staff" (page 62). The checklist has a total of 110 items on exhibit and provides details on each of them. The "From the Collections" portion of the issued deals with the equipment, materials and processes used to produce photographic images. To see the front cover, click here.

Note 25.
Ozawa Takeshi:
Bakumatsu: Shashin no jidai, Tokyo, Chikuma Shobo, 1994, large 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 3/4 in), hard covers, illustrated dust jacket, 312 numbered images in color and black and white on plates and as text illustrations, all text in Japanese, 308 pp. This book is an exceptionally well illustrated history of photography in Japan during the closing years of the Tokugawa era (1850s-1860s). Many of the plates span two adjoining pages and four plates fold out to present panoramic photographs. The book contains an appendix which is a facsimile of an early (1854) Japanese book on the technical aspects of photography. Many early, rare and seldom seen photographs are reproduced. This includes one of the daguerreotypes taken by E. Brown in Japan during the Perry Expedition to Japan (1853-4). ISBN: 4480856528.
Available, Purchase Here.

Note 26.
Gartlan, Luke (Guest Editor):
History of Photography, Volume 33, Number 2, issue titled Photography in Nineteenth-Century Japan, United Kingdom, May 2009, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 4to, color and black and white text illustrations, illustrated stiff wraps, numbered pages 109-232. This volume is a compendium of 7 articles/essays on photography in 19th century Japan. They deal with 1) photography during Prussian Expedition to Japan, 1860-61, by Sebastian Dobson (pages 112-131), 2) photographic studio practices reflected in the "Tomishige Archive" by Karen Fraser (pages 132-144), 3) the role of Samuel Cocking in Japanese photography by Luke Gartlan (pages 145-164), 4) photographs of the Emperor and Imperial family by Mikiko Hirayama (pages 165-184), 5) photographs of Ogasawara Islands during the Japanese Expedition there in 1875-76 by David R. Odo (pages 185-208), 6) Kusababe Kimbei's photographs with images of women by Mio Wakita (pages 209-223) and 7) a bibliography for the period 2000-2008 by Sebastian Dobson and Luke Gartlan (pages 224-232). These articles are introduced by an editorial by Luke Gartlan (pages 109-11). Samuel Cocking was an English entrepreneur who arrived in Japan in early 1869. He was an amateur photographer and a part of his business included the import, manufacture and sale of photographic supplies and equipment. In his article Gartlan traces Cockings key role in the development of photography in 19th century Japan. To see the front cover here. ISBN: 03087298(2009)33:2;1R

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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs