~~ Notes sur le Japon, la Chine et L'Inde. 1858 - 1859 - 1860 ~~ by Baron Charles de Chassiron
Chassiron, Baron Charles (Gustave Martin) de:
Notes Sur Le Japon, La Chine, L'Inde 1858, 1859, 1860, Paris, Dentu & Ch. Reinwald, 1861, 8vo, text in French, 17 plates including two woodcut maps (Japan/Korea & Nord China), two large folding woodcut plans (Tokyo and Nagasaki), thirteen woodcut plates (three are folding), 356 pp. An account of the French diplomatic mission of Baron Gros to Japan in 1858. All plates are hand colored except for the two maps. The book is composed of two major sections. The first section is the visit to Japan (pages 1-186). The Japan section ("La Premiere Ambassade de France au Japan, 1858") starts in Shanghai on September 5, 1858 and ends in Japan on October 21, 1858. In addition to Chassiron's journal, the section contains "Documents Officiels" at pages 147-186. The map of Japan and Korea is in the preliminary portion of this section and the 15 woodcut plates follow after page 186. The visit to China ("Chine, Premiere Affaire, Du Pei-ho, Traite De Tien-Tsin, 1858") runs from page 187 to page 356 and includes a section titled "Missions Catholiques en Koree et Dans L'Inde Anglaise, 1859-1860-1861." The map of China is the only illustration in this section and it follows page 326.
On the back of the half title page is found this inscription.
"Paris. -- Imprimerie de Ad, Laine Ad. Harvard, Rue Jacob, 56"
The plates (except the Plan of Yeddo) are inscribed:

"Imp. Caillet, r. Jacob, 45." or "Imp. Caillet, 45 R. Jacob"
Title Page
Table of contents. To see the table of contents page, click here.
La premiere Amhassade de France au Japon 3
Conferences de Yeddo 149
Traite de Yeddo 165
Premiere Affaire du Pei-ho 187
Traite de Tien-Tsin 207
Deuxieme Affaire du Pei-ho. 237
Troisieme Affaire du Pei-ho (Conclusion) 263
Traite de Pe-king 281
La Grande Muraille de la Chine (exploration de 1858). 297
Extraits d'auteurs anciens ( a 1'appui) 309
Des Missions Catholiques en Koree et dans 1'Inde an-
glaise 327
Carte du Japon................. 20
Plan japonais de la ville de Yeddo (fac-simile) 184
Plan japonais de la ville de Nagha-saki (id) Ibid
Manuels populaires du Japon (id) Ibid
Carte du nord de la Chine. 327
#1 Plan Japonais de la Ville Yeddo (45.5 x 60 cm - 4 folds out, 1 fold down)
#2 Plan Japonais de la Ville Nagha-Saki (42 x 59.5 cm - 4 folds out, 1 fold down)
#3 Travaux De La Campagne (23 x 28.5 cm - 2 folds out)
#4 Moeurs De La Campagne (23 x 29 cm - 2 folds out)
#5 Charicatures (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#6 Charicatures (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#7 Charicatures (23 x 29 - 2 folds out)
#8 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#9 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#10 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#11 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#12 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#13 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#14 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
#15 Historie Naturelle (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
Japon and Koree - after page 20 (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
Nord de la China - after page 326 (23 x 13.5 cm - single page)
Sizes noted above are for the entire plate, not just the image area.