~~ Guide-Books, Excursions
Pan-Pacific Science Congress, 1926 ~~

National Research Council, Department of Education, Tokyo:
Guide-Books, Excursions, Pan-Pacific Science Congress, 1926, 24 pamphlets, ca 1926, 16mo (5 3/4 x 7 3/4 in - 14.5 x 19.5 cm), illustrated paper wraps, staple bound, 92 black and white halftone plates (10 foldout), 29 maps (many in color and folding), cardboard case, total of 471 pages. This is a guide book series prepared expressly for participants in the 3rd Pan Pacific Science Congress held in Tokyo from October 30 through November 11, 1926. Each pamphlet discusses a specific topic/area and lists a tour date. The earliest date listed is October 18-25 and the latest is November 11-15, 1926. The emphasis of the guide books is on the unique geology and flora of the areas but historical and cultural aspects are also covered. There are numerous diagrams small maps and plans and charts in the text and, occasionally, halftone text illustrations. The set was issued in a cardboard case with a closing flap. The back cover of the case has a listing of 24 excursion guides. One guide is listed - "(C-4) Lake Districts around Mt. Fuji" - but is not present. However, one unlisted guide - "(D) Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Kobe" - is present. This set is seldom offered as a complete unit. The only time I have seen it offered as a complete set, only 24 pamphlets were noted. I suspect the Kyoto guide was substituted for the Fuji guide.

Listing of Excursion Guides (Per Cardboard Case).

  1. (A-l) The Ainu
  2. (A-2) Geology of the Ikushunbets Coal-Mining Districts
  3. (B-l) Nikko
  4. (B-2) Hakone
  5. (C-l) Ashio Copper Mine
  6. (C-2) Hitachi Copper Mine
  7. (C-3) Iwaki Radio Station
  8. (C-3) Sendai and Matsushima

  9. (C-4) The Lake Districts around Mt. Fuji

  10. (C-5) Kamakura and Enoshima
  11. (C-6) Fossil Localities in the Environs of Kioroshi
  12. (C-7) Kasori Shell-Heaps
  13. (C-8) Chicbibu
  14. (C-9) Hundred Caves at Yoshimi
  15. (C-10) The Misaki Marine Biological Station
  16. (E-l) Beppu, the Hot-Spring City
  17. (E-1) Unzen Volcanoes
  18. (E-l,2,3,4) Miyajima
  19. (E-2) Besshi Copper Mine and Yashima
  20. (E-3) Geology of the Miike Coal Field
  21. (E-4) Aso Volcano
  22. (E-4) Kuma-gawa
  23. (E-5) Aosbina
  24. (E-4,5) Sakura-jima Volcano
  25. (D) Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Kobe

Summary of Contents.



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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs
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