~~ Voyages de C.P. Thunberg, au Japon
Tome Quatrieme (Volume 4)
C.P. Thunberg, 1796

Thunberg, Carl Peter:
Voyages de C.P. Thunberg, au Japon: Par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance, les îles de la Sonde, &c., Traduits, rediges et augmentes de notes considerables sur la Religion, le Gouvernement, le Commerce, l'Industrie et les Langues de ces differentes contrées, particulierement sur le Javan et le Malai; Par L. Langles, Conservateur des Manuscrits orientaux de la Bibliotheque national, et professeur de Persan, de Tartar-Mantchou, &c. a la meme Bibliotheque; Et revus, quant a la partie d'Histoire naturelle, par J.B. Lamarck, Professeur d'Entomologie et d'Helmentologie au Museum national d'Histoire naturelle. Avec des Planches. Tome Quatrieme, Paris, Chez, Benoit Dandre, Libraire-Editeur, rue du Cimetiere-Andre-des-Arts, no. 15 and Chez, Garnery, Libraire, rue Serpente, no. 17, and Chez, Obre, Libraire, rue Traversiere-Honore, no. 847, 1796 (ANIV), large 12mo (5 1/4 x 8 in - 13 x 20.4 cm), French language translation of the original edition first published in Swedish, 19 leaves of copper engraved plates (5 fold out), xii, 462 pp.

The listing of plates indicates 20 plates (4 +8 +8). However, two of plates (Coins, plate I and II) are on a continuous sheet. The correct number of leaves is 19 which contain 20 numbered plates.

The complete set of four volumes contains an engraved frontis portrait (Volume 1) and twenty eight plates, five of which are folding. Volume 1 - 417 pages with 5 plates, Volume 2 - 430 pages with 4 plates, Volume 3, 445 pages with no plates and Volume 4, 462 pages with 19 plates. Volumes 1 & 2 are a travelogue to the Netherlands and from the Netherlands via the Cape of Good Hope to Japan. Volumes 3 & 4 deal with China and Japan and Nagasaki and Deshima. The majority of plates in the set are found in Volume 4. I have only confirmed the number of plates/leaves (20/19) in Volume 4. While the number of plates reported in book listings and library listings generally comes to 28 plates, the number of plates in each volume often varies between listings. I have seen 7 fold out plates reported but the norm appears to be 5.

Short Title Page

Title Page

Listing of Plates

Implements (4 plates) Plate 5. 4 figures Plate 6. 5 figures Plate 7. 5 figures Plate 8. 2 Figures Natural History, Fauna & Flora (8 plates, 5 of which fold out) Plate 1. "Marmotte Africaine" Plate 2. "Mus Capensis" Plate 3. "Mullus fasciatus" Plate 4. "Campanula Hispidula" (fold out) Plate 5. "Diosma tetragona" (fold out) Plate 6. "Echutes bispinusa" (fold out) Plate 7. "Lobelia Cardamines" (fold out) Plate 8. "Viola Capensis, Lobelia bifida Capensis, Lobelia Radicans Japonica" (fold out) Coins (7 plates) Plates 1 & 2.* Plate 3. Plate 4. Plate 5. Plate 6. Plate 7. Plate 8. *Plates 1 & 2 are printed on one sheet - 20 numbered plates but 19 leaves of plates.
Summary of Plates Implements (4 plates) Plate 5. 4 figures Plate 6. 5 figures Plate 7. 5 figures Plate 8. 2 Figures Natural History, Fauna & Flora (8 plates, 5 of which fold out) Plate 1. "Marmotte Africaine" Plate 2. "Mus Capensis" Plate 3. "Mullus fasciatus" Plate 4. "Campanula Hispidula" (fold out) Plate 5. "Diosma tetragona" (fold out) Plate 6. "Echutes bispinusa" (fold out) Plate 7. "Lobelia Cardamines" (fold out) Plate 8. "Viola Capensis, Lobelia bifida Capensis, Lobelia Radicans Japonica" (fold out) Coins (7 plates) Plate 1.* Plate 2.* Plate 3. Plate 4. Plate 5. Plate 6. Plate 7. Plate 8. *Printed on one sheet - 20 numbered plates but 19 leaves of plates.

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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs
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