Ogawa, K. (Kazumasa) (Collotypes):
Kokka, An Illustrated Monthly Journal of the Fine and Applied Arts of Japan and Other Eastern Countries,, 7 different issues (Volumes XVI~XVII, No 187, Dec 1905 // No 204, May 1907), Tokyo, The Kokka Publishing Company (Yazaemon-cho, Kyobashi-ku) - Tokyo Tsukiji Type Foundry, folio (10 1/2 x 15 in - 26.5 x 38 cm), silver decorated paper wraps, text in English. Seven different issues as outlined below. Each issue has 2 color woodblock plates and 4-6 black and white collotype plates. The two color illustrations are tipped in chromo-xylograph (color woodblocks) and each is protected with a descriptive tissue guard. The black and white plates are collotypes on medium stiff paper stock. The text pages are on the same medium stiff paper stock as the collotypes. The collotypes are credited to Kazumasu Ogawa and topographical work is credited to the Tokyo Tsukiji Type Foundry. Each issue is listed below along with the titles of the two color plates and the number of collotype plates. There are a total of 14 color woodblock plates and 35 black and white collotype plates and 26 black and white halftone text illustrations. One of each type plate from each issued is shown below. There is advertising at the back of each issue. In number 204 it is bound in at the back while in subsequent issues it is an insert at the back.
187, Volume XVI, December, 1905, - 7 plates - pages 157-184
2 Color woodblock plates
"A Warbler on a Willow-Branch" by a painter
of the Ming Dynasty
Landscapes by unknown painter
5 Collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
7 Text illustrations (half-tones)
(Last issue with advertisements bound in at back.
In subsequent issues, ads are 2-4 page inserts)
191, Volume XVI, April, 1906, - 7 plates - pages 269-300
2 Color woodblock plates
A Landscape attributed to Yen Tzu-Ping
Lions by Hotsu Sakai
5 Collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
3 Text illustrations (half-tones)
Page 300 "List of Buildings and Art Treasures under
the Special Protection of the State" (to be continued)
194, Volume XVII, July, 1906, - 6 plates - pages 357-382
2 Color woodblock plates
Tea-Jar by Ninsei Nonomura
"A Scene from a Life of Priest Honen" attributed
to Yoshimitsu Fujwara
4 Collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
4 Text illustrations (half-tones)
195, Volume XVII, August, 1906, - 8 plates - pages 383-409
2 Color woodblock plates
Portrait of Emperor Go-Shirakawa
"Dame Demon" by Zeshin Shibata
6 Collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
3 Text illustrations (half-tones)
197, Volume XVII, October, 1907, - 7 plates - pages 447-475
2 Color woodblock plates
"Cascades" by Keibun Matsumara
"Lady Oto-Gozen" by Korin Ogata
5 Collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
9 Text illustrations (half-tones)
(Prices raised from 2 yen per issue to 2.50 yen)
203, Volume XVII, April, 1907, - 7 plates - pages 677-699
2 Color woodblock plates
"An Arhat" by Hsi-chin-chiushih
A Bird in a Clump of Bamboos by Ryurikyo
5 Collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
204, Volume XVII, May, 1907, - 7 plates - pages 677-699
2 Color woodblock plates
A Landscape by Yu-Chien
(Chromoxylograph with collotype applied)
Illuminated Fan shaped Paper with sacred text,
Collection of the Shitenno-ji Temple, Osaka
5 Collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
Total Plates:
14 color woodblock plates
35 black and white collotype plates by Kazumasa Ogawa
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