~~ Famous Castles and Temples in (of) Japan ~~
by K. Ogawa
Edition with 35 Plates (Type A) - 1895
Edition with 35 Plates (Type B) - 1898
Edition with 37 Plates (Type B) - 1898

35 (Types A & B) Plate and 37 Plate Editions.
Ogawa, Kazumasa:
Famous Castles and Temples in (of) Japan by K. Ogawa, Tokyo, large 4to (10 3/8 x 14 3/4 in - 26.4 x 37.4 cm), decorated green silk cloth over thin boards, two blue or red cord ties, paste on title with black lettering and gilt decoration, gilt speckled treatment inside the covers and on the facing free pages, all edges gilt, tissue guards between the plates, title page, 35 or 37 hand tinted collotype plates, all plates are printed on one side only, Japanese language colophon, no text preface pages. Each plate has an English language descriptive caption copperplate printed on the plate directly below the image.
I have personally examined this book with 35 plates and 37 plates. There are two different versions of the 35 plate book. I call these Type A and Type B.
- Type A, 35 plate edition (1895). Title page only indicates only K. Ogawa. The title is "...in Japan" versus "...of Japan." The 35 hand tinted collotype plates have captions but they are not numbered. The tissue guards are bound in, not loose. There is no listing of plates. This edition has colophon slip bound in after the last plate. The Japanese language colophon gives Meiji 28 (1895) as the printing and publication date. This edition appears to be the first edition published. Except for one plate, this book has the same plates as found in the Type B, 35 plate edition. The sequence of the plates is very different (see below). A separate page devoted only to the Type A, 35 plate (1895) edition is here.
- Type B, 35 plate edition and 37 plate edition (1898). Title page indicates "K. Ogawa, Photographer," and Kelly and Walsh, Yokohama, HongKong, Shanghai and Singapore, Sole Agents. The title is "...of Japan" versus "...in Japan." The 35 or 37 hand tinted collotype plates all have numbered captions printed below the image and are protected by loose tissue guards. The Japanese language colophon is printed to page and has a printing and publication date of Meiji 31 (1898). The books contain a list of plates (Nos. 1-35 or 1-37). All plates are the same and in the same sequence with two additional plates found at the rear of the 37 plate book.
This page shows all the plates from the 1898 editions. To see the plates in the 1895 edition (Type A, 35 plate edition), click here.
I have seen this book listed with a date of 1895 and with 36 plates. Wenckstern references the book as undated and with 36 plates. However, I have only examined editions of this book with 35 or 37 plates.
Title Page - 35 Plate (Type A) Edition.
Title Page (Same in 35 Plate (Type B) Edition and 37 Plate Edition.
1. The Inner Moat Around the Castle, Tokyo
2. Double Bridge of Inner Moat, Tokyo
This plate is not in the Type A 35 plate edition (1895)
3. Choku-gaku-mon, Shiba Park, Tokyo
4. Temple Gate, Shiba, Tokyo
5. Tomb of Iyeshige (14th Shogun), Shiba Park, Tokyo
6. Pagoda at Asakusa Park, Tokyo
7. Pagoda at Uyeno Park, Tokyo
8. Inner Moat Around the Castle, Tokyo
9. Kintai-bashi (or Shoroban-bashi), Su-o
10. Interior Shrine of Iyemitsu (Haiden), Nikko
11. Wood Carvings at Nikko Temple
12. Inside of Temple Honjido, Nikko
13. Wood Carvings of God of Wind and Thunder, Nikko
14. Side View Door or Haiden, Shrine of Iyemitsu, Nikko
15. Detail of Wood Carvings of Angels at Nikko
16. Interior Haiden (Oainona), Nikko
17. Shinto Priests and Musicians at Nikko
18. Castle of Sendai
19. The Daibutsu at Kamakura
20. Temple of Hachiman, Kamakura
21. Stage for the Sacred Kagura Dance at Mitake Temple
22. Inside of Minobu Buddhist Temple, Koshu
23. Castle of Nagoya
24. The Shishinden, an old Imperial Palace, Kioto
25. Inside Temple Chion-in, Kioto
26. Castle Nijo, Kioto
27. Temple of Kiyomizu, Kioto
28. The Ho-o-do (Phoenix Hall), Uji
29. The Castle, Osaka
30. Pagoda at Temple Horuji, Nara
31. Kondo at Horuji Temple, Nara
32. Castle of Himeji, Harima
33. Itsukushima (or Miyajima), Aka
34. The Castle, Kumamoto
35. The Castle, Kagoshima
Additional Plates in the 37 Plate Edition.
36. The Buddhist Temple "Hongwanji" Kioto
37. Hiwun-Kaku in Hongwanji, Kioto
Plate in 35 Plate (Type A) Edition, not found in the other two editions.
1. Entrance to Imperial Place, Tokyo
Colophon - 35 Plate (Type A) Edition:
Printed: Meiji 28 (1895).9.18
Published: Meiji 28 (1885).9.23
Address on Far Left in Colophon:
Ogawa Shashin Seihanjo (Seihan Sho)
[Ogawa Photoengraving Company/Factory]
(1894-1913) - 13 Hiyoshi-cho, Tokyo
Colophon - Same in the 35 (Type B) and 37 Plate Editions:
Printed: Meiji 31 (1898).10.27
Published: Meiji 31 (1898).10.30
There is no Listing of Plates in the 35 plate (Type A) edition.
Listing of Plates (after the title page) - 35 Plate Edition (Type B).
Listing of Plates (after the title page) - 37 Plate Edition.
Listing of Plates without Pictures.
Type A, 35 Plate Edition (captions do not have numbers)
Numbers in brackets [ ] are the corresponding plates in the Type B edition.
1. Entrance to Imperial Place, Tokyo *
2. The Inner Moat around the Castle, Tokyo [1]
3. The Inner Moat around the Castle, Tokyo [8]
4. Choku-gaku-mon, Shiba Park, Tokyo [3]
5. Temple Gate, Shiba, Tokyo [4]
6. Tomb of Iyeshige (14th Shogun), Shiba Park, Tokyo [5]
7. Shinto Priests and Musicians at Nikko [17]
8. Pagoda at Asakusa Park, Tokyo [6]
9. Castle Nijo, Kioto [26]
10. Interior Shrine of Iyemitsu (Haiden), Nikko [10]
11. Inside of Minobu Buddhist Temple, Koshu [22]
12. Kondo at Horuji Temple, Nara [31]
13. Pagoda at Temple Horuji, Nara [30]
14. Side View Door or Haiden, Shrine of Iyemitsu, Nikko [14]
15. The Daibutsu at Kamakura [19]
16. Inside of Temple Honjido, Nikko [12]
17. Kintai-bashi (or Shoroban-bashi), Su-o [9]
18. Pagoda at Uyeno Park, Tokyo [7]
19. The Castle, Kagoshima [35]
20. Wood Carvings at Nikko Temple [11]
21. The Castle, Osaka [29]
22. The Ho-o-do (Phoenix Hall), Uji [28]
23. Temple of Kiyomizu, Kioto [27]
24. Interior Haiden (Oainona), Niko [16]
25. Inside Temple Chion-in, Kioto [25]
26. Castle of Sendai [18]
27. The Shishinden, an old Imperial Palace, Kioto [24]
28. Wood Carvings of God of Wind and Thunder, Nikko [13]
29. Detail of Wood Carvings of Angels at Nikko [15]
30. Castle of Nagoya [23]
31. Temple of Hachiman, Kamakura [20]
32. Stage for the Sacred Kagura Dance at Mitake Temple [21]
33. The Castle, Kumamoto [34]
34. Castle of Himeji, Harima [32]
35. Itsukushima (or Miyajima), Aki. [33]
* This plate is not in the 35 plate (Type B) 1898 edition or 37 plate (1898) edition.
Type B, 35 Plate Edition and 37 Plate Editions
1. The Inner Moat Around the Castle, Tokyo
2. Double Bridge of Inner Moat, Tokyo *
3. Choku-gaku-mon, Shiba Park, Tokyo
4. Temple Gate, Shiba, Tokyo
5. Tomb of Iyeshige (14th Shogun), Shiba Park, Tokyo
6. Pagoda at Asakusa Park, Tokyo
7. Pagoda at Uyeno Park, Tokyo
8. Inner Moat Around the Castle, Tokyo
9. Kintai-bashi (or Shoroban-bashi), Su-o
10. Interior Shrine of Iyemitsu (Haiden), Nikko
11. Wood Carvings at Nikko Temple
12. Inside of Temple Honjido, Nikko
13. Wood Carvings of God of Wind and Thunder, Nikko
14. Side View Door or Haiden, Shrine of Iyemitsu, Nikko
15. Detail of Wood Carvings of Angels at Nikko
16. Interior Haiden (Oainona), Nikko
17. Shinto Priests and Musicians at Nikko
18. Castle of Sendai
19. The Daibutsu at Kamakura
20. Temple of Hachiman, Kamakura
21. Stage for the Sacred Kagura Dance at Mitake Temple
22. Inside of Minobu Buddhist Temple, Koshu
23. Castle of Nagoya
24. The Shishinden, an old Imperial Palace, Kioto
25. Inside Temple Chion-in, Kioto
26. Castle Ninko, Kioto
27. Temple of Kiyomizu, Kioto
28. The Ho-o-do (Phoenix Hall), Uji
29. The Castle, Osaka
30. Pagoda at Temple Horuji, Nara
31. Kondo at Horuji Temple, Nara
32. Castle of Himeji, Harima
33. Itsukushima (or Miyajima), Aka
34. The Castle, Kumamoto
35. The Castle, Kagoshima
* This plate is not in the 35 plate (Type A) 1895 edition.
Additional Plates in the 37 Plate Edition.
36. The Buddhist Temple "Hongwanji" Kioto
37. Hiwun-Kaku in Hongwanji, Kioto