The Old Navy, 1779-1860,
Prints and Watercolors
Portfolios I and II


Portfolio Cases - I & II

National Archives:
The Old Navy, 1779-1860, Prints and Watercolors Reproduced from the Collection of Franklin Delano Rossevelt at Hyde Park, Portfolios I and II, National Archives Trust Fund Board, National Archives and Records Service, General Service Administration, Wasington, 1970. Each Portfolio comes in a heavy stock cover/envelope folder. The Portfolio I cover is orange and the Portfolio II cover is blue.

Each Portfolio has an introduction page (listing contents) and 10 reproductions of prints and watercolors from the naval collection of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Each print is 14 x 11 in. including margins, on heavy stock, in color. Prints are in vertical and horizontal format. One the back of each print information regarding the subject, type of art and source of the print is provided.

Portfolio 1 (1779-1815) deals with the United States Navy from the period of the Revolutionary War through the War of 1812. It contains the following prints:

1. The engagement of the Serapis by the Bon Homme Richard under the command of John Paul Jones, 1779
2. John Paul Jones
3. The American merchant ship Planter in action against a French national privateer, 1799
4. The Capture of the US frigate Philadelphia by Tripolitan gunboats, 1803
5. Commodore Preble's squadron engaging the gunboats and forts of Tripoli, 1804
6. The blowing p of the fireship Intrepid commanded by Captain Somers in the harbor of Tripoli, 1804
7. The action between the United States and the H.B.M. frigate Macedonian, 1812
8. Commonder O.H. Perry's victory on Lake Erie, 1813
9. The capture of H.M.S. Cyane and H.M.S Levant by the U.S. frigate Constitution, 1815
10. A British frigate pursuing an American Schooner.
Portfolio 2 (1816-1860) deals with the United States Navy in peacetime after the War of 1812, during the Mexican War, and through the period of the opening of Japan just prior to the U.S. Civil War. It contains the following 10 prints:

1. U.S.S. North Carolina, 1825
2. U.S. Frigate Macedonian off Boston, 1818
3. U.S. Frigate Macedonian in distress, 1818
4. Captain Ingraham, vindicating American honor at Smyrna, Turkey, 1853
5. The Dale begins operations in Mexican waters at La Paz, Lower California, 1847
6. The U.S. naval expedition under Commodore M.C. Perry ascending the Tuspan River, 1847
7. The U.S. steamers Scorpion, Spitfire, Vixen and Scourge with 40 barges in tow crossing the bar at the mouth of the Tabasco River, 1847
8. The naval expedition under Commodore M.C. Perry ascending the Tabasco River at Devil's Bend, 1847
9. A U.S. steam frigate in a Japanese harbor, 1860
10. An American steamship
Portfolio II, Examples of Prints

Portfolio II, #8

Portfolio II, #9

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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs