Sproston Journal

1940, 1st Edition
1st Edition (1940)
Sproston, John Glendy (Journal Writer)
Kraus, S.J. (Introductory Note)
Sakanishi Shio (Editor):
A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston, U.S.N., Tokyo, Sophia University, printed by Kyodo Insatsu Kabushiki Kaisha, 1940, large 8vo (19 x 26 cm - 7 1/2 x 10 1/4 in), red cloth, front cover blind stamped border, title in gilt on front board and spine, 19 black and white halftone plates (designated "Figures") on glossy paper, xii, 122 pp. The book begins with "A brief note on our Early American-Japanese Relations Series" (pages i-iii) written by Dr. J.B. Kraus. The illustrations are sketches (some with manuscript annotations) by Sproston. A personal narrative of the Perry Expedition as recorded by a Midshipman on the Macedonian. Sproston recorded his journeys ashore and interactions of the Americans and Japanese. The journal starts in February 1854 in Yedo Bay (Perry's return to Japan to conclude the treaty - 2nd visit). It continues on to the mission to survey trip to Hakodade (via Shimoda) (May, 1854) and then the return to Shimoda (June, 1854). Next the journal recounts the visit to Formosa (July, 1854) then on to Manila (August, 1854). The book is an excellent means of viewing this portion of the expedition from the perspective of a junior Naval officer. There is a Japanese language colophon at the rear indicating printing and publication in Showa 15 (1940). The colophon notes a paper cover edition selling for $2.25 and a bound in cloth edition selling for $2.75.
The paper used in the production of this book was low quality and I have only seen it in aged to tan condition, much like newspaper type paper. The glossy plates are better quality but they also take on the tan from the adjacent text pages. Tan, aged paper, appears to be a normal and unavoidable condition with this edition.
This book is part of the "Monumenta Nipponica Monographs Edited by Sophia University Series on Early American-Japanese Relations (Documents connected with Commodore Perry's Expedition)."
Second Edition (1968)
Edited by Shio Sakanishi, foreword by George Alexaneder Lensen, Sophia University in Cooperation with Charles E. Tuttle Company, 128 pp, 1 foldout plate in color and 19 black and white plates, 17.7 x 26.4 cm (6 3/4 10 1/2 in (8vo), blue decorative design boards (hardboard-cardboard type) and off-white cloth spine with title printed in gold, issued with dust jacket.
Covers - 1940, 1st Edition -- Click Here.
Covers & Dust Jacket - 1968, 2nd Edition -- Click Here.
Title Page (with illustration) 1940, 1st Edition -- Click Here.
Listing of Illustrations (1st and 2nd Editions)
First Landing of Americans in Japan (color-folding)
(2nd Edition only)
1. House of Reception in Kanagawa
2. Private Audience Room
3. Official Barge of the Shogun
4. Japanese Wrestlers Pic
5. American Squadron in Shimoda Pic
6. Horton's Canoe
7. Port Lloyd, Peel Island
8. Pleasant Bay with Goat Island in Distance
9. Pilot's Residence
10. St. Peter's Island
11. Seven Islands of Izu
12. Harbor of Hakodate
13. Jogenji Temple
14. Ko-jima no Seto Channel
15. Broughton's Rock
16. Shimoda Bay
17. Eating Pineapples in a Shed
18. Military Camp in Keelung Formasa
19. A Mandarin
Table of Contents
Private Journal
American Anchorage, Yedo Bay
Visit to Shimoda
Description of Hakodade
Return to Simoda
Description of Coal Field in Formosa
History of Formosa
At Anchor, Harbor of Manila
Visit to Manila--Galla Day
American Ships at Anchor in the Harbour of Manila
Manila Cigars
The illustrations vary greatly in size. The illustrations are "sketch" art and not the same professional type drawings by Heine found in the Narrative of the Expedition. Many of the illustrations are in reverse (negative type) format with black being the background and the drawing in white.
Collation (1940 - 1st Edition). Full Title: A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston, U.S.N. List of Monumenta Nipponica Monographs 2 pp + Title Page 1 pp + Journal Writers Title Page 1 p, List of Illustrations 1 p, Contents 1p, Note (i-iii) 3 p, Introduction (Editor's Note) (vii-x) 4 pp, Biographical Note (xi-xii) 2 pp, Journal (1-104), Appendix (105-117), Index (118-122), Printers imprint 1 p. Total pages numbered is 122 pp.
Collation (1968 - 2nd Edition). Full Title: A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston, U.S.N. Title Page - 2 pp + Forward by George Alexandar Lensen - 2 pp, Contents - 2pp, List of Illustrations - 1 p, Editor's Introductory Note - 3 pp, Biographical Note - 3 pp, Journal Title Page - 1p, Foldout Color Picture ("First Landing of Americans in Japan, under Commodore M.C. Perry at Core-hama July 14th, 1953") Journal (pages 1-110), Appendix (pages 111-122), Bibliography (pages 123-4, Index (pages 125-128). Total pages numbered is 128 pp.