Condition. This is Volume 1 only of a two volume set. The book is in Very Good condition. The bottom right corner is bumped. There is evidence of waterstaining on the inside back cover but not anywhere else in the books. The plates are clean and free of faults. The folding case is in Good condition with splitting along some seams and the two clasps missing.
Masaki, Naohiko (Preface/Editor):
One Hundred Masterpieces of Japanese Pictorial Art Selected by Members of the Faculty of the Tokyo Fine Art School, Shimbi Shoin (13 Shinsakana-Cho, Kyobashi-Ku), 1909, first edition, Volume 1 only of a 2 volume set, folio (19 1/2 x 13 1/2 in - 49.5 x 34 cm), silk covered boards, blue string tied, spine covered in decorated silk, detailed table of plates, 50 plates in color and monochrome, pictorial cloth boards, black on bronze, paper labels on front covers, clasped chitsu case for each volume. Introduction of 23 pages, 50 plates (6 in color). The color plates are color woodcuts and are tipped in. The monochrome plates are black and white collotypes printed directly onto the page. Maohiko Masaki, the editor/preface writer, was the Director of the Tokyo Fine Arts School at the time of publication. In Volume 1 there is a 2 page preface, a three page table of plates and 23 text pages (11 Chapters) discussing the various periods (593~1867) of the art reproduced in the plates. Each plate is on thick, high quality, paper stock and protected by a descriptive tissue guard. The non-plate/tissue guard pages are double (folded over uncut) pages.
The set was republished in 1913 and that edition has approximately twice as many color plates.
Title Page, Volume 1.
Picture of the folding case is here.
Details of Contents
- Preface (2 pages)
- List of Plates [Table with Plate Number, Subject, Artist, School, Period and Source]
- Chapter I. The Oharida Period. With Empress Suiko's Regin (593-628), as its Middle Point.
- Chapter II. The Asuka Period. From Emperor Jomei To Emperor Mommu (629-707).
- Chapter III. Nara Period. From Empress Gemmyo to Emperor Konin (708-781).
- Chapter IV. Heian Ocho Period. After Emperor Kwammu Till Emperor Koko (782-888), Inclusive.
- Chapter V. Fujiwara Period. From Emperor Uda to Emperor Konoye (889-1155), Inclusive.
- Chapter VI. Heike Period. From Emperor Go-Shirakawa to Emperor Antoku (1156-1185), Inclusive.
- Chapter VII. Kamakura Period. From Emperor Go-Taba to Emperor Go-Daigo (1186-1333), Inclusive.
- Chapter VIII. Ashikaga Period. From Emperor Go-Daigo to Emperor Ogimachi (1334-1572), Inclusive.
- Chapter IX. Ashikaga Period. Section II.
- Chapter X. Toyotomi Period. Between Tensho and Keicho (1573-1602).
- Chapter XI. Tokugawa Period. From Genna Keio (1603-1867), Inclusive.
(Chapters I~XI are on numbered pages 1-23)
~~Plates, Volume 1~~
* = Color (6) - ** = Folding (2)
Subject Artist
1. Mitsuda Paintings on the Portable
Shrine, Tamamushi Zushi .................. Unknown
2. Portrait of Prince Regent Shotoku ......... Unknown *
3. Wall-Painting of Kondo .................... Unknown
4. Sri-devi .................................. Unknown *
5. Ryumyo Bosatsu ............................ Kobo Daishi *
6. Aka Fudo Myo-o ............................ Said to be by Chisho Daishi
7. Kwannon and Seishi ........................ Unknown
8. Amitabha and Bodhisattva coming to meet
the Spirits of the Blessed ............... Yeshin Sozu **
9. Sakyamuni preaching after His Resurrection Unknown
10. Amitabha and Bodhisattva coming to meet
Tamenari the Spirits of the Blessed ...... Unknown
11. Fugen Bosatsu ............................. Unknown
12. Landscape ................................. Unknown
13. Sakyamuni's Entrance into Nirvana ......... Unknown
14 Caricatures ............................... Toba Sojo
15. Shigisan Engic ............................ Said to be by Toba Sojo
16. Kujaku Myo-o .............................. Unknown
17. Fan-Paper, on which are Pictures and over
them Passages from a Sutra are written ... Unknown *
18. Frontispiece to a Sutra-roll .............. Unknown
19. Picture-roll illustrating Genji Monogatari. Said to be by Fujiwara Takayoshi
20. Picture-roll relating to Tomono Dainagon .. Said to be by Tosa Mitsunaga
21. Portrait of Minamotono Yoritomo ........... Fujiwara Takanobu
22. Portrait of the Poet, Yamabe-no Akahito ... Fujiwara Nobuzane
23. Kitano Tenjin Engi ........................ Said to be by Fujiwara Nobuzane
24. Picture-roll illustrating the Diary of
Murasaki Shikibu ......................... Said to be by Fujiwara Nobuzane *
25. Heiji Monogatari .......................... Said to be by Sumiyoshi Keion
26. Saigyo Monogatari ......................... Said to be by Tosa tsunetaka
27. Ippen Shonin Eden ......................... En-i
28. Honen Shonin Engi ......................... Said to be by Tosa Kunitaka
29. Seiryu Gongen ............................. Unknown *
30. Gatten .................................... Takuma Shoga
31. Kasuga Gongen Kenki ....................... Takashina Takakane
32. The Panoramic Record of the Battles of
the Later Three Years .................... Korehisa
33. Yuzu Nembutsu Engi ........................ Tosa Yukihide
34. Portrait of Shoichi Kokushi ............... Mincho
35. Kanzan .................................... Kao
36. Kitano Tenjin Engi ........................ Tosa Mitsunobu
37. A Man catching a Catfish with a Gourd ..... Josetsu
38. Landscape ................................. Shubun
39. Spring Landscape .......................... Oguri Sotan
40. Rinzai .................................... Soga Jasoku
41. Mio-no Matsubara .......................... Noami
42. Waterfall ................................. Geiami **
43. Landscape ................................. Soami
44. Landscape ................................. Kei-Shoki
45. Landscape ................................. Sesshu
46. Landscape ................................. Shugetsu
47. Shu Moshuku admiring Lotus-Flowers ........ Kano Masanobu
48. Landscape ................................. Kano Motonobu
49. Hotei ..................................... Kano Yukinobu
50. Wintry Landscape .......................... Sesson
Printed: Meiji 42 (1909).12.1
Distributed: Meiji 42 (1909).12.5