Commodore Perry first arrived in Napha (Naha) harbor on May 26, 1853. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands commemorated the 100th anniversary of that event by issuing a set of stamps on May 29, 1953.
Scott Ryukyu Islands 27-28 (2004 Catalogue Value $15.25)
The first stamp in the set depicts Perry's meeting/reception with the Regent of Lew Chew at Shuri Castle. This occurred on June 6, 1853. This stamp is patterned after a lithograph in the official Narrative of the Expedition (See Below). The second stamps has Commodore Perry's portrait and shows his squadron anchored in Naha harbor. These two stamps were designed by the famous Okinawan artist, Shinzan Yamada who also produced a book with reproductions of his work to commemorate Commodore Perry's visit to Okianwa.
 Lithograph - "Reception at the Castle of Shui" Click on the Picture for More Information on the Lithograph
If this lithographs is currently in stock, you can purchase it on-line by clicking here and scroll down to lithograph #190.
The second stamp in this set features a portrait of Commodore Perry and the port of Naha with a large Ryukyuan junk in the foreground and Perry's squadron in the background.
The three government cancels depicted below were issued for use on covers prepared to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Perry's first visit to Okinawa.
Official Commemorative Cancel Issued for First Day Use with Scott 27-8
Official Cachets Issued for First Day Use with Scott 27-8
First Day Cover Canceled with the Official Commemorative Cancel and Illustrated with a Private Pictorial Cachet
You can order these stamps below (Mint, Never Hinged (MNH), Centered F-VF, No Faults:
$10.00 - Ryukyu 27-8, MNH (US Postage Included)
First Day Covers with singles and multiples are available, please ask for prices.