George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
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Stamps (Perf, Imperf, Proof, FDC)
Postal Stationery
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Nepal Stamps
Scott Price Year Comments
Nepal 53-9 Short Set $25 1949 Short 2p,4p
Nepal 102 S/32 $75 1958 6p yellow, sheet of 32 (4x8), perfed 10.9 horizontally
& 11.9 vertically, no gum, bottom right corner stamps
canceled to order. "Lovely Bond - Made in Sweden" watermark
Nepal 395 Dbl Perfs ~Sold~ 1981 IAH, R1.75, pair with double perfs
Nepal 416i Pr $50 1983 King Biendra's 38th Birthday, imperforate vertical pair
Nepal 417-9i Pr $75 1983 Mt Cho-oyu set 3, imperforate vertical pairs
Nepal 417-9i B/4 $125 1983 Mt Cho-oyu set 3, imperforate blocks/4
Nepal 446 S/100 Error ~Sold~ 1986 Arcitectural Artifacts, 10p, Lumbini Fort, full sheet/100
dry print, top 2 rows unprinted, 3rd row ca 5% printed,
4th row ca 75% printed, bottom 6 rows normal
Nepal 446 B/20 Error ~Sold~ 1986 Architectural Artifacts, 10p, Lumbini Fort, block/20
dry print, bottom 4 pairs unprinted, next pair ca 50% printed,
top 5 pairs normal
Nepal 536 Pr Variety $55 1994 Birthplace of Lord Buddha, 20p, vertical pair, imperf between
Nepal Variety FDC ~Sold~ 2012 Visit Lumbini Year 2012, official Philatelic Bureau First Day
Cover made with imperforate simulated black perforation proof
Nepal Proofs 2013 Beginning with the Fossils of Nepal and continuing to the Rara Lake,
Magu issue (final 2013 issue) simulated black perforation proof
stamps exist for all 30 stamps (information is here).
Nepal Proofs FDC 2013 Above stamps on Official signed first day covers (information is here).
Nepal Museum Cards $50 2013 Fossils of Nepal, Natural History Museum Cards, each stamp FD (31 Dec 2013)
and special Natural History Museum commemorative cancel (18 May 2014),
signed by Dr. Ramesh Shrestha, Chief, Natural History Museum
Nepal B/12 Variety $300 2013 Kathmandu World Heritage Property, Swayambhu Monument Zone, B/12, Missing Black
Nepal B/15 Variety $185 2013 Kathmandu World Heritage Property, Bauddhanath Monument Zone, block/15, variety,
vertical perfs shifted right 1cm (10mm), horizontal perfs normal
Nepal B/8 Variety $40 2013 Shankar Koirala, Rs 3, plate number blocks/8 (3),
plate nos. 05752, 05753 (handwritten) and 05754
Nepal B/8 Variety $50 2013 Golden Jubilee of Nepal Red Cross, Rs 50, plate number block/8
with double perforations in top margin, granite paper,
strange vertical perfs at top, printed in Latvia
Nepal B/8 Variety ~Sold~ 2013 Ramhari Sharman, Rs 3, plate number blocks/8, one block
has wider margins and inverted plate number, granite paper,
printed in India
Nepal S/20 Variety $85 2013 Baglamukhi Temple, Rs 1, plate number sheets/20, granite paper
one sheet with large plate number and richer color, one normal sheet
Nepal B/4 Variety ~Sold~ 2013 Ivory Window, Hanumandhoka Palace, Rs 5, granite paper
B/4 perf shift + normal B/4
Nepal B/8 Variety $40 2013 Kakre Bihar, Surkhet, Rs 5, plate number block with plate
number (03235) near middle of stamp
Nepal B/8 Variety $25 2013 Kakre Bihar, Surkhet, Rs 5, plate number block with plate
number (03266) on right of stamp
Nepal B/8 Variety $20 2013 Kakre Bihar, Surkhet, Rs 5, plate number block with plate
number (03125) on right of stamp
Nepal B/8 Variety $20 2013 Kakre Bihar, Surkhet, Rs 5, plate number block with plate
number (03108) on right of stamp
Nepal Pair Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Rishikesh Temple, completely imperforate left bottom corner pair
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Rishikesh Temple, completely imperforate letft margin pair,
used on registered cover, receiving cancel present, Price on Request
Nepal B/6 imp Var POR 2014 Narayanhti Palace Museum, completely imperforate left bottom corner block/6,
Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Narayanhti Palace Museum, completely imperforate right margin pair,
used on registered cover, receiving cancel present, Price on Request
Nepal S/5 Error $200 2014 Mt Cho-Oyu Diamond Jubilee Celebration, horiz S/5, major shift in
the printing of "Nepal." One stamp does not have the word and the
others have it in the wrong position.
Nepal B/6 imp Var POR 2014 Mt Cho-Oyu Diamond Jubilee Celebration, completely imperforate left bottom
corner block/6, Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Mt Cho-Oyu Diamond Jubilee Celebration, completely imperforate right margin pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request
Nepal S/5 Error $125 2014 Mt Cho-Oyu Diamond Jubilee Celebration, horiz S/5, perforations misaligned
Nepal B/8 imp Var POR 2014 Nepal Scout Diamond Jubilee, completely imperforate left bottom
corner block/8, Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Nepal Scout Diamond Jubilee, completely imperforate pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Nepal Scout Diamond Jubilee, completely imperforate pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request
Nepal B/6 imp Var ~Sold~ 2014 Manakamana Cable Car, completely imperforate right bottom
corner block/6, Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Manakamana Cable Car, completely imperforate right margin pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request #1
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Manakamana Cable Car, completely imperforate right margin pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request #3
Nepal Proof Sheets $350 2014 Nepal Jaycees Golden Jubilee Year - 2014, 3 proof sheets (thin gum, thick gum
and no gum) and 1 as issued sheet
Nepal Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Nepal Jaycees Golden Jubilee Year, plate number block/10, with plate
number 23360 printed on first stamp - top row
Nepal Variety $45 2014 Nepal Jaycees Golden Jubilee Year, plate number blocks/10 (3), plate
nos 02659 & 61 pinted, plate no 02660 handwritten
Nepal Variety B/10x2 + $275 2014 Nepal Jaycees Golden Jubilee Year in B/10 (2x5) with gutter and
4/5 of B.P Koirala Centennial stamp (2x1) at right of gutter
Nepal Pair Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Premier Bahadur Kansakar, completely imperforate left bottom corner pair
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Premier Bahadur Kansakar, completely imperforate letft margin pair,
used on registered cover, receiving cancel present, Price on Request
Nepal Pair Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Kumari Ghar, completely imperforate left bottom corner pair
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Kumari Ghar, completely imperforate letft margin pair,
used on registered cover, receiving cancel present, Price on Request
Nepal Pair Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Shiv Parbati Temple, completely imperforate left bottom corner pair
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Shiv Parbati Temple, completely imperforate letft margin pair,
used on registered cover, receiving cancel present, Price on Request
Nepal S/S Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Birthplace of Lord Buddha, S/S without plate number,
regular S/S with plate #032010 included for reference
Nepal S/S Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Birthplace of Lord Buddha, S/S, preprinting paper fold, plate #030249
"p" in "Nepal" slightly outside stamp image area, perfs slightly
Nepal S/S Variety $50 2014 Birthplace of Lord Buddha, S/S, preprinting paper fold, plate #030250
perfs slightly misregistered
Nepal S/S Variety $45 2014 Birthplace of Lord Buddha, S/S, preprinting paper fold, plate #030342
perfs slightly misregistered
Nepal S/S Variety $45 2014 Birthplace of Lord Buddha, S/S, preprinting paper fold, plate #030375
perfs slightly misregistered
Nepal Pair Variety $150 2014 Natural History Museum, completely imperforate left bottom corner pair
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Natural History Museum, completely imperforate letft margin pair,
used on registered cover, receiving cancel present, Price on Request
Nepal Variety $55 2014 National History Museum, block/10 pre-printing paper fold #1
Nepal Variety $45 2014 National History Museum, strip/5, pre-printing paper fold #2
Nepal Variety $40 2014 National History Museum, strip/5, pre-printing paper fold #3
Nepal Moth S/Si Error $125 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Acherontia Lachesis), imperforate (error)
perf included, plate # may vary from pic
Nepal Moth S/Si Error $125 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Acherontia Lachesis), imperforate (error),
used, same day delivery cover, Kathmandu 15.4.31
Nepal Moth S/S Var ~Sold~ 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Acherontia Lachesis), no plate number on front,
plate number on gum side
Nepal Moth S/S Var $85 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Acherontia Lachesis), misperfed down and left,
plate number 61969, small edge nick at bottom right of center
Nepal Moth S/S Var $35 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Acherontia Lachesis), misperforated, plate number
may vary from one in pic, small edge nick at bottom right of center
Nepal Moth S/S Var $125 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Brahmaea Wallichii), imperforate (error),
plate number 200138
Nepal Moth S/S Var $125 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Brahmaea Wallichii), imperforate (error),
plate number 200139
Nepal Moth S/S Var $125 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Brahmaea Wallichii), imperforate (error),
plate number 200140
Nepal Moth S/S Var ~Sold~ 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Brahmaea Wallichii), missing plate number,
sheet with plate number included
Nepal Moth S/S Var $65 2014 Moths of Nepal" S/S (Brahmaea Wallichii), plate number (542790) shifted
to far right, part of "0" missing, next (normal) S/S (542791) included
Nepal Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Paragliding, sheet/40, top half of sheet has "Nepal" and Nepalese writing in
white, same inscriptions on bottom half become increasingly yellow
Nepal Variety $40 2014 Paragliding, block/10, pre-printing paper fold, plate #24782
Nepal Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Paragliding, plate number blocks/10 (3), plate nos. 15525,27 normal,
plate no 15526 handwritten plate number and plate number misprinted
near top of third stamp bottom row
Nepal Variety $40 2014 Paragliding, block/10, pre-printing paper fold, plate #24782
Nepal Variety $45 2014 Paragliding, block/10, pre-printing paper fold, plate #24783
Nepal Variety ~Sold~ 2014 Paragliding, block/10, pre-printing paper fold, plate #24875
Nepal B/6 imp Var POR 2014 ICC World Twenty 20, completely imperforate right top
corner block/6, Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 ICC World Twenty 20, completely imperforate right margin pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request
Nepal Pair Variety ~Sold~ 2014 FCHV Program, completely imperforate left bottom corner pair
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 FCHV Program, completely imperforate left margin pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request
Nepal B/6 imp Var POR 2014 Sochi, completely imperforate left bottom
corner block/6, Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Sochi, completely imperforate left margin pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request
Nepal B/6 imp Var POR 2014 Tenzing - Hillary Everest Marathon, completely imperforate right bottom
corner block/6, Price on Request
Nepal PR imp Var o POR 2014 Tenzing - Hillary Everest Marathon, completely imperforate right margin pair,
used on registered cover, Price on Request
Nepal B/10 Variety $65 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, block of 10 with extra yellow printing primarily
on bottom row of stamps, gum blemishes
Nepal S/5 Variety $40 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, stip/5 with machine impression on 3 stamps
Nepal B/10 Variety $40 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, block of 10 with control number (21616)
and printing date (21-08-2014) which is normally not found
Nepal B/10 Variety $40 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, block of 10 with control number (21617)
and printing date (21-08-2014) which is normally not found
Nepal B/10 Variety $40 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, block of 10 with control number (21618)
and printing date (21-08-2014) which is normally not found
Nepal B/10 Variety $40 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, block of 10 with control number (21657)
control number dropped down and on 2nd stamp
Nepal B/10 Variety $40 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, block of 10 with control number (21658)
control number dropped down and on 2nd stamp
Nepal B/10 Variety $40 2014 B.P. Koirala, Rs 10, block of 10 with control number (21659)
control number dropped down and on 2nd stamp
Nepal B/10 Variety $60 2014 Cricket, Rs 2, blocks of 10, plate numbers 24784, 24785 & 24786,
plate number on 24785 inverted at bottom right, others at top left
Nepal B/10 Variety $55 2014 Narayanhiti Palace Museum, plate number bock/10, plate
number printed slightly into the image area of stamp.
Nepal Pr Variety $30 2014 Narayanhiti Palace Museum, misperfed vertical pair,
phosperous underprint "NEPAL" with very bright "E" & "L"
Nepal O1-11 $6 1959 Officials
Nepal Covers
Scott Price Year Comments
Nepal 106 Cvr/FD? $6 1959 Small,Mt Everest cachet,unaddresd,106 only
Nepal 116+ Cvr $6 1949 Small,UPU cachet,unaddrsd,
Nepal 119+ Cvr $6 1049 Small,UPU cachet,unaddrsd,119,110,104
Nepal 120 FDC $5 1959 Small,cachet,unaddressed,FDC,
opening Parliament
Nepal C1 Cvr $8 1958 Small,addressed,Bird over Kathmandu
Nepal Postal Stationery
H&G = Higgins & Gage World Postal Stationery Catalog
K = Kessler's Catalogue of Aerogrammes
Price Year Comments
Post Cards
Out of Stock
Nepal H&G FG5 & FG6 $7 1960 10p & 1r
Specialized Aerogrammes
Nepal 1973 $20 1.25a x2, light and dark printing
Nepal 1973 ~Sold~ 1.25a x2, one with very light stamp imprint
Nepal 1973 $25 1.25a x2, one with tail of plane broken
Nepal 1975 $20 15p x2, one with printing very light
Nepal 1977 ~Sold~ 25p x1, pre-printing paper fold, damaged
Nepal 1977 ~Sold~ 25p x2, paper and color varieties, faded & bright
Nepal 1982 $15 30p x2, paper & color variety
Nepal 1986 ~Sold~ 50p x1, pre-printing paper fold
Nepal 1986 $30 50p, x2, paper and color varieties
Nepal 1986 ~Sold~ 50p x1, image of aerogramme off-set on back
Nepal 1986 ~Sold~ 50p x1, miscut
Nepal 1986 $20 50p x2, one with stamp imprint disturbed
Nepal 1986 ~Sold~ 50p x4, various color varieties
Out of Stock
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311
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