George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
On the WWW at:
New Caledonia - Nouvelle-Caledonie
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Perforate Issues
Imperforate Issues
Deluxe Sheets
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
New Caledonia - Perforate Issues
Scott Price Year Comments
New Caledonia 6a H $10 1884 5c on 40c, inverted surcharge, hinged
New Caledonia 7a $21 1883 Inverted surcharge, bottom margin copy
New Caledonia 12,12a LH $20 1891-2 10c on 30c, horiz pair, lightly hinged
New Caledonia 13a o $20 1891-2 10c on 40c, inverted overprint, used
New Caledonia 60 B/6 $30 1900 5 on 4, block/6
New Caledonia 60 B/6 $40 1900 5 on 4, right margin block/6
New Caledonia 60 B/9 $55 1900 5 on 4, block/9, top row of surcharges dropped down
New Caledonia 119 B/4 $10 1912 5 on 30c, block/4
New Caledonia 182-207 $150 1933 Overprints, complete set of 26 stamps,
appear to be NH but some may be VLH
New Caledonia 215-6 $2 1939 NY World's Fair
New Caledonia 219 $4 1941 3c France Libre
New Caledonia 295 $4 1952 Military Medal
New Caledonia 296-9 $22 1953 Ships
New Caledonia 304-5 $6 1958 Flower
New Caledonia 306 $2 1958 Human Rights
New Caledonia 307-10 $8 1959 Fish
New Caledonia 311-17 $12 1960 Communication
New Caledonia 317a $5 1960 Communication, S/S
New Caledonia 318-20 $2 1962 Canoes
New Caledonia 321 $2 1962 Map
New Caledonia 322 $7 1962 Wind,map
New Caledonia 323 $2 1963 Freedom from hungar
New Caledonia 323 D/S $16 1963 Freedom from hungar, deluxe sheet
New Caledonia 324-7 $6 1963 Sports
New Caledonia 324-7 B/4 $22 1963 Sports
New Caledonia 328 $5 1963 Red Cross
New Caledonia 329 $6 1963 Human Rights
New Caledonia 329 D/S $15 1963 Human Rights, deluxe sheet
New Caledonia 329 D/P $90 1963 Human Rights, sunken die proof, w seal & signed
New Caledonia 330-7 $22 1964-5 Flowers
New Caledonia 330-7 (x5) $100 1964-5 Flowers, five sets
New Caledonia 331 D/P $18 1964 Flowers, 2f, sunken die proof
New Caledonia 332 D/P $18 1964 Flowers, 3f, sunken die proof
New Caledonia 331,332 D/P $34 1964 2f & 3f, sunden die proofs on thick card stock

New Caledonia 336 $4 1964 Flower, short set
New Caledonia 338-40 $6 1964-5 Sealife
New Caledonia 341 $5 1964 Stamp on Stamp
New Caledonia 342 $8 1965 Free French
New Caledonia 347 $2 1966 UNESCO
New Caledonia 348-51 $12 1966 Sports
New Caledonia 351a $20 1966 Sports
New Caledonia 353-4 $3 1967 Fish hatcher, stadium
New Caledonia 355 $3 1967 ITY
New Caledonia 356,C85 $10 1967 Stamp Day
New Calendonia 357-60,C51-3 $48 1967 Butterflies, regulars and airs
New Caledonia 360 $3 1967 15fr, short set
New Caledonia 360 B/4 $18 1967 15fr, short set, B/4
New Caledonia 361-6 $22 1967 Birds
New Caledonia 361-3,C49A FD $28 1968 Birds, 1f,2f,3f,50f, First Day Covers, issued May 14, 1968
New Caledonia 364-6 FD $22 1967 Birds, 4f,5f,10f, First Day Covers, issued Dec 16, 1967
New Caledonia 369 $2 1968 Human Rights
New Caledonaia 370,C58-60 $32 1968 Shells with airs
New Caledonia 371 $7 1968 Racing
New Caledonia 372-3,C64 $7 1969 Animals, cattle
New Caledonia 372-3 $5 1969 Animals, cattle, no air
New Caledonia 379 $3 1969 ILO
New Caledonia 380-1 $17 1970 Birds, 15fr & 30fr
New Caledonia 382 $1 1970 UPU Headquarters
New Caledonia 382 (x15) $10 1970 UPU Headquarters x10
New Caledonia 383-6,C73-6 $50 1970 Shells, regulars & airs
New Caledonia 390 $3 1971 ITU
New Caledonia 391-2,C82-3 B/4 $50 1971 Sports
New Caledonia 391-2 $3 1971 Sports
New Caledonia 395-6 $8 1972 Shells
New Caledonia 395-6,C89-90 $30 1972 Shells
New Caledonia 402a $85 1973 Mask, booklet pane, folded once along perfs
New Caledonia 413-5 $2 1976 Birds
New Caledonia 416 $2 1976 Arts festival
New Caledonia 420 $2 1976 Nature
New Caledonia 421 $1 1976 South Pacific Conference
New Caledonia 425-6 $8 1977 Flowers, orchids
New Caledonia 436 $1 1978 Sea life
New Caledonia 441 $1 1978 Map
New Caledonia 463-65 $2 1981 Sea life
New Caledonia 474-5 $1 1982 Fish, sea life
New Caledonia 495-7,521-2 $6 1984-5 Shells, two set
New Caledonia 518 Bklt $20 1986 Bird, 40f strip/10, booklet
New Caledonia 527a $3 1985 Bird
New Caledonia 543-4 $2 1986 Orchids
New Caledonia 549 $2 1986 Flowers
New Caledonia 575 $5 1988 Maps
New Caledonia 598 x10 Bklt $20 1990 Unexploded booklet, pane/10 of 40f, lilac rose Kagu,
Scott A179a (Kagu bent over/looking down)
New Caledonia 599 x10 Bklt $20 1990 Unexploded booklet, pane/10 of 50f red Kagu
Scott A179a (Kagu bent over/looking down)
New Caledonia 601 $2 1988 Pasteur Institute
New Caledonia 604 $4 1988 Medicine
New Caledonia 617-8 $4 1989 Landscapes
New Caledonia 619 $1 1989 Carving
New Caledonia 620 $5 1989 Ship,Hobe-Cat
New Caledonia 621,2 $3 1989
New Caledonia 636 $5 1990 Meeting Center of Pacific
New Caledonia 640-1 $10 1990 Paintings
New Caledonia 704a Bklt $40 1994 Frigate Nivose, booklet with 4 panes of 704a
New Caledonia 657 $3 1991 Ships
New Caledonia 709 $12 1995 DeGaulle, gold embossed
New Caledonia 713 $1 1995 CFP
New Caledonia 714-6 $4 1995 Natl Assembly,UN,military
New Caledonia 718-23,23a $9 1995 Birds
New Caledonia 724 $2 1995 Golf, So Pacific Games
New Caledonia 730 $1 1995 Sculpture
New Caledonia 879a $35 2001 Kagu type 100f, booklet pane/10
New Caledonia 919a $20 2003 Pane/10 nondenominated but 70f red Kagu, Scott A364 type,
self adhesive, backing is booklet cover
New Caledonia 5f Bklt $20 Complete self-adhesive bklt, 5f x 16
New Caledonia 55f Bklt $35 Complete self-adhesive bklt, 55f x 16
New Caledonia Booklet $25 2007 L'Aquarium, Fish, 1100f (2 panes of 550f), complete booklet
New Caledonia Booklet $20 2007 Post boxes, 750f, complete booklet
New Caledonia B10-12 $4 1941 Ships
New Caledonia B10-12 B/4 $16 1941 Ships
New Caledonia B13 $3 1944 Red Cross
New Caledonia B14 $3 1950 Tropical medicine
New Caledonia C7-13 $5 1942 Planes
New Caledonia C21-3 $21 1948 Plane,Maps
New Caledonia C24 $4 1949 UPU
New Caledonia C25 $5 1954 Liberation issue
New Caledonia C27 $22 1959 Plane over Bourail
New Caledonia C28 $6 1959 Dam
New Caledonia C29-32 $28 1962 Fish, skin diving, surfing
New Caledonia C31 $7 1962 Snorkling, 25f fish
New Caledonia C33 $22 1962 Space, Telstar
New Caledonia C36-7 $11 1964 Sea Life, coral
New Caledonia C38 $13 1964 Sports, Greco-Roman wrestling
New Caledonia C39 $3 1965 Space, Nimbus satallite
New Caledonia C40 $9 1965 ITU, space
New Caledonia C41-3 $18 1966 Fish
New Caledonia C46 $2 1966 Space, D-1 satellite
New Caledonia C49A $16 1968 Birds
New Caledonia C51-2 LH $10 1968 Butterflies, 1968 issues, 19f,29fr, lightly hinged
New Caledonia C54 $6 1967 Mining
New Caledonia C56 $12 1967 Sports
New Caledonia C58-60 $30 1968 Shells
New Caledonia C61 $6 1968 Dancers
New Caledonia C63 $25 1969 Concorde
New Caledonia C64 $3 1969 Cowboy and cattle
New Caledonia C65 $25 1969 Shell, black murex
New Caledonia C68 $12 1969 Napoleon in robes
New Caledonia C70-1 $28 1970 Birds
New Caledonia C72 $7 1970 Planes
New Caledonia C73-6 $35 1970 Shells
New Caledonia C78-9 $6 1970 Train, Mt Fuji
New Caledonia C77 $4 1970 Bicycilist
New Caledonia C81 $5 1971 Map,Broche
New Caledonia C82-3 $8 1971 Sports, pole vault, archery
New Caledonia C85 $5 1971 1st Flight to New Cal
New Caledonia C86 $4 1972 Olympics, Winter Games
New Caledonia C87 $2 1972 South Pacific Commission
New Caledonia C88 $3 1972 St Mark's Basilica
New Caledonia C91 $9 1972 Planes
New Caledonia C92 $2 1972 Round House
New Caledonia C95 $5 1973 Moliere
New Caledonia C96-8 $6 1973 Forests
New Caledonia C99 $15 1973 Plane, Concorde
New Caledonia C102-3 $4 1973 Museum
New Caledonia C106 $2 1973 Coach
New Caledonia C110 $2 1974 Scientific Center
New Caledonia C119 $4 1974 UPU
New Caledonia C120 $3 1974 Space
New Caledonia C121 $2 1975 Hotel Chateau-Royal
New Caledonia C126 $5 1975 Globe/flower, stamp/stamp
New Caledonia C127-8 $3 1975 Sports
New Caledonia C131 $2 1976 Military
New Caledonia C132 $2 1976 Sports, runners
New Caledonia C133 $2 1976 Cartoon bird
New Caledonia C134-5 $8 1976 City Hall
New Caledonia C150 $2 1979 Space
New Caledonia C151 $2 1979 Chamber of Commerce
New Caledonia C152 $2 1979 IYC
New Caledonia C155 $3 1979 Port-de-France
New Caledonia C156 $3 1979 Nature
New Caledonia C159 $3 1979 Stamp/stamp,Hill
New Caledonia C160 $2 1980 Boat
New Caledonia C161 $3 1980 Rotary Int'l
New Caledonia C168 $5 1980 DeGaulle
New Caledonia C170-1 $2 1981 Flowers
New Caledonia C172-3 $5 1981 Space
New Caledonia C186 $2 1982 Bird
New Caledonia C187-8 $1 1983 Minerals
New Caledonia C188B-C $2 1983 Planes
New Caledonia C193-4 $8 1984 Fish
New Caledonia C205 $2 1985 PAX
New Caledonia C234 Bklt $10 1992 Ships, World Columbian Expo '92
New Caledonia C255 $2 1993 Planes, jet engine
New Caledonia C258 $2 1994 Planes, self adhesive
New Caledonia C261 $2 1994 Carving
New Caledonia C265 $7 1994 Masons
New Caledonia C270 $2 1995 Map,ships
New Caledonia C271 $10 1995 South Pacific Conference
New Caledonia J42-50 $10 1983 Bats, postage dues, bottom right margin copies except J49 (40f)
New Caledonia Q1-3,4-6 $6 1926-30 Parcel post issues
New Caledonia Q4-6 $3 1930 Parcel post issue
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New Caledonia - Imperforate Issues
Scott Price Year Comments
New Cal-Imperf 302i B/4 $14 1955 Coffee plant, imperf, block/4
New Cal-Imperf 402i TC S/5(x5) $65 1973 Trial color strips/5 (x5)
25 stamps total Tchamba mask, imperf
New Cal-Imperf 437i Pr $14 1978 Vertical pair with bottom margin, turtle, imperf
New Cal-Imperf 450i Date $12 1979 Rodeo,imperf w/ date tab
New Cal-Imperf 555-6i Pr $16 1987 Butterflies, imperf, vert pairs
New Cal Imperf C47i $10 1966 Port-de-France, imperforate
New Cal-Imperf C48-9i $30 1966 Birds,1966, imperf
New Cal-Imperf C48-9i Date $30 1966 Birds,1966, imperf, bottom margin copies with date
New Cal Imperf C50i $18 1967 Sailboats, imperf with date tab
New Cal Imperf C55i $12 1967 Lifu Island, bottom right corner, imperf
New Cal Imperf C55i $10 1967 Lifu Island, bottom margin, imperf
New Cal-Imperf C62i B/6 $40 1969 Plane, upper right block/6, imperf
New Cal Imperf C92i B/4 $25 1972 Round house, upper left top corner bock/4, imperf
New Cal Imperf C92i B/4 $25 1972 Round house, botton right corner bock/4, imperf
New Cal Imperf C92i B/4 $30 1972 Round house, bottom left block/4 with date, imperf
New Cal-Imperf C129i S/10 $175 1976 Concorde - Paris to Rio, sheet/10
New Cal Imperf C134-5i $20 1976 City Hall
New Cal-Imperf C160i TC S/5 $20 1980 Boat,trial color strip/5,imperf
New Cal Imperf C161i $20 1980 Rotary, imperforate, "15.1.80" date tab
New Cal-Imperf C204i B/4 $12 1985 International Air Services Anniv, upper right corner block/4
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New Caledonia - Deluxe Sheets
Scott Price Year Comments
New Cal D/S 306 D/S $20 1958 Human Rights
New Cal D/S 369 D/S $20 1968 Human Rights
New Cal D/S 401 D/S $10 1972 JCI
New Cal D/S 402 D/S $10 1973 Tchamba mask
New Cal D/S 406 D/S $10 1974 Nature protection
New Cal D/S 407 D/S $10 1975 Tree
New Cal D/S 418-9 D/S $15 1976 Music pavilion
New Cal D/S 421 D/S $10 1976 South Pacific Conference
New Cal D/S 429 D/S $10 1977 Jr Econ Chambers Congress
New Cal D/S 445 D/S $10 1979 House
New Cal D/S 446 D/S $10 1979 Escoffier
New Cal D/S 474-5 D/S $24 1982 Trees
New Cal D/S 476-7 D/S $22 1982 Ships
New Cal D/S 478 D/S $10 1982 Tree, traditional house
New Cal D/S 481 D/S $10 1982 Ship, sail boat
New Cal D/S 482 D/S $10 1982 Library
New Cal D/S 483-5 D/S $35 1983 Flowers
New Cal D/S 492 D/S $10 1983 Nature protection
New Cal D/S 493-4 $16 1983 Birds of prey
New Cal D/S 528-9 D/S $30 1985 Pacific Arts Festival
New Cal D/S 547-8 D/S $12 1986 Landscapes
New Cal D/S 557-8 D/S $16 1987 Sail boats
New Cal D/S 559 D/S $10 1987 Town Hall
New Cal D/S 560-1 D/S $14 1987 Sea Shells
New Cal D/S 563 D/S $10 1987 Soroptimist Convention
New Cal D/S C72 D/S $25 1970 Plane,globe
New Cal D/S C92 D/S $16 1972 Round House
New Cal D/S C94 D/S $10 1972 Noumea PO
New Cal D/S C100 D/S $16 1973 Ship
New Cal D/S C102-3 D/S $16 1973 Artifacts
New Cal D/S C106 D/S $12 1973 Carriage & horses
New Cal D/S C107-9 D/S $16 1974 Trees, landscape
New Cal D/S C110 D/S $10 1974 Scientific Center, Noumea
New Cal D/S C121 D/S $10 1975 Hotel Royal
New Cal D/S C130 D/S $12 1976 Telephone, Alexander Graham Bell
New Cal D/S C139-40 D/S $14 1977 Airport
New Cal D/S C144 D/S $22 1978 "Le Carnaval sous la Mer"
New Cal D/S C145 D/S $14 1978 Hare & Tortoise
New Cal D/S C151 D/S $12 1979 Ships
New Cal D/S C157 D/S $10 1979 Map
New Cal D/S C158 D/S $10 1979 Orstom Center
New Cal D/S C159 D/S $16 1979 Stamp/Stamp,Hill
New Cal D/S C166 D/S $10 1980 Kiwanis
New Cal D/S C169 D/S $12 1980 Coral
New Cal D/S C170-1 D/S $22 1981 Flowers
New Cal D/S C175-6 D/S $22 1981 Flowers
New Cal D/S C178 D/S $14 1981 Old Noumea Latin Quarter
New Cal D/S C182 D/S $14 1982 Plane
New Cal D/S C184 D/S $16 1982 Octupus,rat
New Cal D/S C188B-C D/S $24 1983 Planes
New Cal D/S C190 D/S $10 1983 Trees, house, Oueholle Tribe
New Cal D/S C201 D/S $12 1984 Army Day
New Cal D/S C209 D/S $12 1986 Plane
New Cal D/S C210 D/S $16 1986 Stamp/Stamp
New Cal D/S C246 D/S $16 1993 Malabou
New Cal D/S C261 D/S $12 1994 Pottery
New Cal D/S C262,3 D/S $36 1994 PhilaKorea 1994, single and S/S
New Cal D/S C266-7 D/S $18 1994 Cattle Herding, island
New Cal D/S C268 D/S $12 1994 Tiebaghi Mine