This page explains how BaxleyStamps.com will handle information we learn about you from your visit to our web site. The information we receive depends upon what you do when visiting our site.
BaxleyStamps.com respects the privacy of the users who visit the pages within this domain. Absolutely no effort is made to identify individuals without their knowledge. We do not attempt to obtain your email address and will not receive your email address, or other personal information, unless you knowingly provide it by completing an on-site form or send us an email. These forms are discussed below. If you visit our site to view information: We collect and store only the following information about you:
BaxleyStamps uses the information collected regarding domain name, IP address, and date and time of visit to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of our site and to help us make our site more useful to visitors. This information is collected solely for statistical purposes and is not used to identify individuals.
You may identify yourself to BaxleyStamps.com by:
We use personally identifying information we receive from any source only to respond to your requests and administer the site. BaxleyStamps does not share your personally identifying information with anyone. We do not generate a bulk email list which includes your information and we do not contact you unless you indicate you desire that. There are forms on site which you can complete (subscribe) in order to have your email address placed on the various eMail lists you will see on the subscribe/unsubscribe form. These are low volume emails that pertain only to the list(s) you subscribe to. The only information received by BaxleyStamps is your email address. That information is not shared with others and is used only for the purpose of generating periodic email sendings to list subscribers. You can unsubscribe from a list by using the same form that you used to subscribe. In the event the list becomes obsolete, or is discontinued, all data pertaining to your subscription will be deleted. No personally identifying information from you is received unless you actually subscribe in order to take part in the eMail Sale. The information that you provide when you subscribe is safeguarded and shared only with individuals with a legitimate need for that information in the process of administering the email sale and putting buyers and sellers into contact regarding specific items. Here is a listing of examples (not intend to include all possible uses of personal information) of how your information might be shared.
Please note that it is possible to register using your email address as a username. The registration process will take out the "@" but people may figure your email address out. If you register your username as your email address, you must realize that we have have no control over how third parties who visit the site and view you email address may use that personal information. If you are concerned about that, do not register using an email address. When you are a bidder on a lot and place a successful bid, your username will be shown in the bid history. Your username will remain in the bid history even if you are subsequently outbid. In summary, BaxleyStamps.com we will not obtain personally identifying information about you when you visit our site, unless you choose to provide such information to us. This information will only be used in the normal course of business to satisfy the purpose for which it was provided. Except as might be required by law, we do not share any information we receive with any outside parties. If you have any questions about these policies please contact George.