George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
On the WWW at:
Spain & Colonies - Spanien
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Regular Issues
Air Mail Issues & Officials
Spanish Colonies
Spanish Colonies - Covers
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[Terms/Ordering Information]
Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Spain - Regular Issues
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Spain Scott Ftn H $25 Mi 1a-f 1907 Scott footnote, set of 6
issued not postal
valid, hinged
Spain Scott Ftn o $25 Mi 1a-f 1907 Scott footnote, set of 6
issued not postally valid, used
Spain 386-402 (17) $30 1930 Goya, basic set no Cs or E
Spain 434,7,C50i $16 Mi 538,9,41i 1930 2c,5c,15c imperf,
lightly hinged
Spain 557-71,E15 (16) $30 1936-8 Nazareth School, some with ink offset on gum
Spain 804-13 $10
Spain 814 $11 Mi 1038 1954 Menedexy Pelayo, Stamp Day
Spain 839-41 $28 Mi 1065-7 1955 Communicatons
Spain 843 $6 Mi 1069 1955 Holy Family by Greco
Spain 844-7 $18 Mi 1084-7 1956 Anniversary of the civil war
Spain 848 $8 Mi 1088 1956 Ship
Spain 853-5 $10 Mi 1093-5 1956 Statistics
Spain 857-62 $28 Mi 1097-02 1956 Children of Hungary
Spain 877-8 $2 1956 Brussels Intl Expo
Spain 877a-8a $40 Mi Bl 13,14 1958 Brussels Intl Expo, S/S
Spain 931-6,C163-6 $25 Mi 1183-6 1960 Sports
Spain 945-52 $4 Mi 1193-1200 1960 Explorers, discovery Florida
Spain 983-6 $12 Mi 1235-8 1961 Velazques
Spain 983a-6a $24 Mi Bl 13-18 1961 Velazques S/S
Spain 983a-6a (x5) $100 Mi Bl 13-18 1961 Velazques S/S
Spain 983a-6a FDC $22 Mi Bl 13-18 1961 Velazques S/S, FDC each
on unaddressed cacheted,
first day cover cover
Spain 1013-20 $9 Mi 1269-76 1961 Builders of the World
Spain 1111-1114 $11 Mi 1322-5 1962 Paintings
Spain 1115-20 $5 Mi 1327-32 1962 Religion
Spain 1121-4 $7 Mi 1334-7 1962 Buildings
Spain 1159-68 $15 Mi 1384-93 1963 Religion
Spain 1187-94 $8 Mi 1418-25 1963 Builders of the World
Spain 1197-8,C175-6 $3 1963 Father Lully
Spain 1266-70 $1 1964 Sports
Spain 1313-4 $1 1965 Europa
Spain 1324-6 $1 1965 Monastery of Yuste
Spain 1337-46 $2 1966 Famous people
Spain 1365-72 $1 1966 Castles
Spain 1595-6 $5 1970 Bishop Rada
Spain 1624-9 $1 1970 Famous people
Spain 1639-41 $3 1970 Monastries
Spain 1671-4 $1 1971 Famous people
Spain 1675-6 $2 1971 Europa
Spain 1680-4 $2 1971 Birds,animals
Spain 1680-4 B/4 $5 1971 Birds,animals, blocks/4
Spain 1690-2 $3 1971 Commanders
Spain 1698-00 $1 1972 Famous people
Spain 1704-11 $4 Mi 1980-84 1972 Plants
Spain 1738-40 $3 1972 Monasteres
Spain 1744-6 $3 1973 Archiects
Spain 1752-3 $1 1973 Europa
Spain 1773-80 $2 1973 Paintings
Spain 1786-8 $1 1973 Monastery
Spain 1791-3 $1 1973 Maps
Spain 1801-3 $1 1974 Espana 75
Spain 1830-7 $2 1974 Famous people
Spain 1840-3 $1 1974 Ties with Latin America
Spain 1862-4 $1 1974 Monastery
Spain 1877-8 $15 1975 Goldsmiths, S/S, serial nos do not match
Spain 1891-6 $1 1975 Tourism
Spain 1897-01 $1 1975 Reptiles
Spain 1933-5 $2 1976 Navigator
Spain 1937-9 $1 1976 Road safety
Spain 1941-2 $2 1976 Euorpa
Spain 1989-93 $2 1976 Military
Spain 2020-24 $1 1977 Military
Spain 2031-5 $1 1977 Fish
Spain 2051-5 $1 1977 Military
Spain 2219 $3 Mi Bl 21 1980 Religion S/S
Spain 2275 $2 Mi Bl 24 1981 Posts
Spain B106b $15 Mi Bl 1 1936 Defenders of Madrid S/S,
wrinkle top right corner
Spain B153-8,B158a $10 1989 Produce, set + booklet
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Spain - Air Mail & Official Issues
Price Comments
Spain C137 $3 Mi 1009 1952 Encharistic Congress
Spain C146 $8 Mi 1056 1956 Quevedo, small natural gum inclusion
Spain C158 $20 Mi 1070 1956 Carbo, painter, small natural gum inclusion
Spain C163-6 $15 Mi 1183 1960 Sports
Spain C177-8 $3 Mi 1595-6 1966 Senca/Damasus I
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Spain - Covers/Aeros
Spain - Covers |
Country |
Date |
Cancel |
Price |
12 Oct 54 |
Madrid |
$6.00 |
No Pic |
Scott 814 FDC. Cacheted, small size, addressed, Michel 1038.
Spain |
12 Oct 54 |
Madrid |
$6.00 |
No Pic |
Scott 814 FDC. Cacheted, small size, addressed, Michel 1038. Different cachet.
Spain |
12 Oct 55 |
Madrid |
$5.00 |
No Pic |
Scott 836 FDC. Cacheted, small size, unaddressed, Michel 1062-4.
Spain |
24 Dic 55 |
Madrid |
$5.00 |
No Pic |
Scott 843 FDC. Cacheted, small size, unaddressed, Michel 1069.
Spain |
16 ABR 51 |
Madrid |
$7.00 |
Scott C131 FDC. Cacheted, small size, unaddressed, Michel 988.
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Spanish Colonies
Scott Price Year Comments
Fernando PO 215-23 $5 1964 Birds
Ifni 90-8 $7 1960 Birds
Ifni C48,C49 $30 1951-2 Dove, Ferdinand
Rio Muni 1-9 $4 1960 Boy reading
Spanish Guinea 326-30 $4 1953 Birds
Spanish Guinea C13 $13 1951 Queen
Spanish Guinea C13 LH $10 1951 " lightly hinged
Spanish Guinea C14 $16 1952 Ferninard
Spanish Morocco 173a,174a $35 1937 Scenes, both with control nos.
Spanish Morocco 280-91,E11 $40 1950 UPU
Spanish Sahara 91-102 $14 1959 Birds
Spanish Sahara 105-13 $6 1961 Birds
Spanish Sahara 118-25 $7 1962 Flowers
Spanish W Africa C1 $2 1949
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Spanish Colonies - Covers
Country |
Date |
Cancel |
Price |
Out of Stock |
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311