Topicals F -P |
George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax) gbaxley@netmdc.com
On the WWW at: http://www.BaxleyStamps.com
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[Terms/Ordering Information]
Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Br Ant Terr 16-9 $24 1966 Churchill
Br Ant Terr 63a $8 1974 Churchill, S/S
Dubai 127-30 B/4 $12 1970 Charles Dickens
Dubai C25-7 $2 1964 Kennedy
Dubai C25i B/4 Var $30 1964 Kennedy,imperf block/4,
"22 November" overprint
Dubai C52-4i pairs $55 1964 Kennedy birthday overprint,
imperforate pairs, dbl
ovpt with one inverted
Falkland 344-7 B/4 $6 1982 Darwin, blocks/4
Grenada-Gren 421-6 $3 1981 Washington,paintings
Qatar 101-101H Sheet $100 1966 JFK, UN Anniversary, 101-101D +
101E-H (x4) + labels
Afars 356-7 $8 1971 DeGaulle
Andorra, Fr 159-60 $16 1964 Napoleon
Andorra, Fr 248 $1 1976 Thomas Jefferson
Belgium B606-10 $18 1957 Patton
Burkina Faso 346-50i $10 1975 Churchill, margin copy imperfs
Burundi B30a,33a p/i $6 1967 Chruchill, perf+imperf
Cameroun C95-6 Imp S/S $6 1967 Famous Person,Adenauer,imperf S/S
with set + D/S and label and
same design on thick card deluxe
Costa Rica C160-7 B/4 $12 1947 Roosevelt,blocks/4
Chad 330-4 D/S $10 1977 Simon Bolivar, deluxe sheets
Comoro 254-9 $8 1977 Famous People,Nobel Prize
winners, ML King etc
Congo DR 514-19 B/4 $12 1964 Kennedy,blocks/4
Congo DR C96-7 D/S $8 1970 Famous Person,Lenin,deluxe sheets
Dahomey C97-100 $4 1969 Napoleon Bonaparte
Ecuador 366-72,C57-63 $10 1938 Flags,Washington
Ethopia 178-80,C21-2 $10 1947 Roosevelt (FDR), Haile Selassie
France 682 B/4 $14 1952 Leonardo da Vinci,blocks/4
France 770 B/4 $20 1955 Jules Verne, blocks/4
Fr Poly 340 $3 1980 Famous Person,DeGaulle
Fr Poly 543-5 $13 1990 DeGaulle,map,S/S
Fr Poly 543 $4 1990 DeGaulle
Fr Poly 658 $6 1995 Pasteur
Fr Poly C54 $50 1969 Napoleon Bonaparte
Fr Poly C69 $6 1971 DeGaulle
Fr Poly C88 $36 1972 DeGaulle
Gabon 291 $3 1990 DeGaulle
Italy 377-86 B/4 $300 1937 Augustus Ceasar, blocks/4
Jordan 377 var $20 1961 Hammarskjoeld, overprint inverted
Jordan 457-62p&i $5 1964 Kennedy, perf & imperf sets
Jordan 462 footnote $5 1964 Kennedy, 100f imperf S/S
Jordon 510-13i $5 1965 Pope Paul VI & King Hussein
Malagasy 553-7 D/S $7 1976 Alexander Bell,deluxe sheets
Mauritania 289-90 CD/S $8 1971 Famous Person,DeGaulle,compound deluxe sheet
Mauritania 289-90 D/S $8 1971 Famous Person,DeGaulle,deluxe sheets
Mauritania C184A-B $14 1979 Giscard d 'Estaaing, African -
French Cooperation,foil stamps
Monaco 596i $35 1964 Kennedy, imperforate - bottom
margin copy "T.D.3-7" marking
Monaco 596i $30 1964 Kennedy, imperforate - margin copy
Monaco 596 D/S $115 1964 Kennedy, Deluxe Sheet, thin card stock
Monaco 596 S/S Perf $125 1964 Kennedy, S/S, perforate, gummed
Monaco C53-5 $20 1959 Prince Ranier & Princess Grace
New Caledonia C68 $12 1969 Napoleon in robes
New Caledonia C95 $5 1973 Moliere
New Caledonia C168 $5 1980 DeGaulle
Paraguay 836-43 + 2 S/S $35 1964 JF Kennedy, Van Braun, Space, set + perf and imperf S/S
2 S/S
Paraguay 836-43i $25 1964 JF Kennedy, Van Braun, Space, margin imperfs
Paraguay 887-94i $25 1964 JF Kennedy, Churchill, Space, bottom right margin imperfs
Paraguay 894a p/i $35 1964 JF Kennedy, Churchill, Space, perf and imperf S/S
Paraguay 1001a p/i $35 1966 JF Kennedy, Space, perf and imperf S/S
Paraguay Minkus 1534-5 $45 1967 JF Kennedy, Space, 2 S/S, both Muestra
Paraguay B16a S/S Folder $80 1964 Dec 11, Eucharistic Congress, S/S in booklet, No. 0160
Paraguay B19a S/S Folder $75 1964 Dec 12, Popes John XXIII & Paul VI, S/S in booklet, No 0175
$135 Above 2, as a unit
Paraguay C317 $20 1968 JF Kennedy, Space, S/S
Russia 540-5 o $12 1934 Lenin,used
Sharjah C7-12 $32 1964 "In Memoriam/John F. Kennedy/1917-1963" ovpt on 1st Air Mail Set
St P & Miq 417-8 $40 1971 DeGaulle
Togo C41 imp S/S $15 1964 Lincoln, Kennedy overprint, with silhoutte
Togo C41 imp S/S (2) $25 1964 Lincoln, Kennedy overprint, with & without silhoutte
Senegal C40 S/20 $7 1963 Kennedy,sheet/20
Wallis C46 $12 1973 DeGaulle
Wallis C72 $7 1977 DeGaulle memorial
Wallis C104 $7 1980 DeGaulle
Wallis C187 $6 1995 DeGaulle
Yugoslavia 355-7 B/4 $60 1952 Marshal Tito, blocks/4
Viet Nam, No 129-30 $15 1960 Ho Chi Minh S/Ss


Ascension 262-5 $2 1980 Fish
Ascension 262-5 B/4 $6 1980 Fish, blocks/4
Bahamas 392-5 B/4 $10 1972 Fish, blocks/4
Bahrain 313 $25 1985 Fish, sheet of 10
Bermuda 292-5 B/4 $10 1972 Fish, blocks/4
Br Ind Ocean 16//33 (15) $39 1968-73 Fish,sea life, short 1970
issues (Scott 21,25,27)
Christmas Isl 22-33 $35 1968-70 Fish
Cocos 1-6 $30 1963 Scenes,ships,birds
Dominica 426a $3 1975 Fish,S/S
Fiji 536-9 $4 1985 Fish
Grenada 611 $2 1975 Fish,shark
Grenada-Gren 49 $1 1974 Fish,shark
Hong Kong 431-4 $17 1984 Fish
Hong Kong 431-4 B/4 $45 1984 Fish,corner margin,blocks/4
Hong Kong 474-7 $7 1986 Ships,fish
Hong Kong 502c o $24 1991 Fish,PhilaNippon, used
with 27 Nov 71 cxl
Hong Kong 687 $10 1993 Goldfish,S/S
Maldive 109-16 S/8 $75 1963 Fish, sheets of 8 each,
stamps in setenet pairs
Malawi 217-20 $2 1974 Fish
Montserrat 445-60 $16 1981 Fish, sea life
Montserrat O45-55 $10 1981 Fish, O.M.H.S Ovpts
New Zealand B105a $3 1979 Fish
St Vincent 407-25 $20 1975 Fish
St Vin - Gren 218-21s $5 1981 Fish
Sierra Leone 959-63 $8 1988 Fish,set + S/S
Sierra Leone 959-62 B/4,963 $16 1988 Fish,blocks of 4 + S/S
Sierra Leone 963 $4 1988 Fish,S/S
Sierra Leone 963 (x5) $18 1999 Fish,S/S (x5)
Singapore 115a $16 1970 Fish,flower,bird,S/S
Singapore 206-9 $10 1974 Fish
Singapore 206-9 FDC $15 1974 Fish, First Day Cover
Singapore 733-6 $3 1995 Fish
South Africa 408-23 $17 1974 Fish,birds,flowers
Tanzania 19-34 $20 1967-71 Fish
Tanzania 816-23 $6 1992 Fish,set+S/S
Tristan 1-12 $90 1952 KGVI,overprints,ships
Tristan 14-27 LH $55 1954-8 QEII,fish,sealife
Tristan 28-41 LH $38 1960 Fish,sealife
Tristan 28-38 B/4 $20 1960 Fish,block/4,up to 1/,short set
no 39-41 - high values
Tristan 302-5 $2 1982 Fish,shark
Uganda 159-62 $2 1977 Fish
Virgin Isls 284-300 $20 1975 Fish
FISH-Non British
Afars C58-9 $18 1970 Fish, gold foil
Ajman 1-18 $10 1964 Fish, animals, birds
Ajman 1-18i $16 1964 Fish, birds, animals, imperf margin copies
Algeria 902-5 $3 1989 Fish
Algeria 902-5 B/4 $10 1989 Fish
Burundi 186-201 $20 1967 Fish (no airs)
Burundi 449-54,C207-12 $65 1974 Fish, 12 blocks - 6 regular and 6 air
Burundi 449-54 $50 1974 Fish, 6 blocks/4
Burundi C46-54 $40 1967 Fish
Comoro 74-5 $8 1968 Fish
Comoro 74-5, C23-4 $20 1968 Fish
Comoro C18-9i $15 1966 Coral, military
Cuba 608-9,C185-91 $55 1958 Fish, butterfly
Cuba 1893-8 $6 1974 Fish, butterfly, shell
Fr Poly 199-202 $30 1962 Fish
Fr Poly 199-201i $30 1962 Fish, imperforate
Fr Poly 199-201i Pr $70 1962 Fish, imperforate, horiz pair with date tabs
Fr Poly 286 $5 1975 Fish
Fr Poly 491 $5 1988 Fish, map
Fr Poly 612-4 $4 1993 Fish, fising, boat
Fr Poly C217 $4 1986 Fish, marlin
Indonesia 810-12 $25 1971 Fish
Indonesia 834-6 $25 1972 Fish
Indonesia 959-61 $12 1975 Fish
Indonesia 1064-6 $5 1979 Fish, turtle
Ivory Coast 521B o $25 1977 Fish, 65f, useed, killer cancel (bars)
Iran 1697-1701 $4 1973 Fish
Iran 1697-1701 B/4 $13 1973 Fish
Laos 481-6 $3 1983 Fish
Laos 481-6 B/4 $10 1983 Fish
Lebanon C534-9 $20 1968 Fish
Morocco 150-2 TB Pr $8 1967 Fish, set in tete beche pairs
New Caledonia 307-10 $6 1959 Fish
New Caledonia C29-32 $28 1962 Fish, skin diving,surfing
New Caledonia C41-3 $18 1966 Fish
Philippines 1379-84 $8 1978 Fish
St P & Miq 419-22 $22 1972 Fish
St P& Miq 389-93 $15 1969 Fish, Sea Life
St P & Miq 592 $3 1993 Fish, strip of 4
Somali Coast 275-82 $20 1959 Fish
Somali Coast C43-8 $45 1966 Sea Life, no C42
Sharjah 1966 $85 Fish, new currency overprints in black on all 17 values, margin
copies Type I ("Dirham/Riyal" spelled out)
Sharjah 1966 $75 Fish, new currency overprints in black on all 17 values, mixed set
Type I ("Dirham/Riyal" spelled out) except 1R which is Type II/IIa
Sharjah 1966 $150 Fish, new currency overprints in black on all 17 values, as above
but top margin, vertical pair, Type I("Dirham/Riyal" spelled out)
Sharjah 1966 $95 Fish, new currency overprints in black on all 17 values, mixed set of
Type I, II & IIa overprints, all Type I except for 1 Dh,3 Dh &
1 Riyal - 5 Dh missing "r" in "Dirham"
Sharjah KF 1966 $75 Fish, Dependencies - Khor Fakkan, new currency overprints in red
on all 17 values Type I ("Dirham/Riyal" spelled out)
Sharjah 1966 Printer's waste, currency overprints, 1966 fish definitives
Click Here
Thailand 464-7 FDC $32 Fish
Thailand 501-8 $68 1968 Fish
Thailand 849-52 $5 1978 Fish
Umm Al Qiwain 1-18i $7 1964 Fish,animals,imperfs
Viet Nam, So 402-4 $20 1971 Fish
Viet Nam, So 402-4 B/4 $65 1971 Fish, blocks/4
Viet Nam, So 402-4 B/4 $60 1971 Fish, blocks/4
Viet Nam 2068-73 $4 1990 Fish,goldfish
Viet Nam 2236-42 $4 1991 Fish,sharks
Wallis 260a $12 1980 Fish,vert strip w/tabs
Wallis 260a (x2) $22 1980 Fish, 2 vert strips w/gutters
Wallis 260a D/S $35 1980 Fish
Wallis 223-8 $10 1979 Fish,fishing boat
Wallis C74-7i $18 1978 Fish,imperfs
Yugo-Trieste B 93-104 $20 1954 Fish, bird, insect, animal - STT Ovpt
Yugo-Trieste B 93-104 Pairs $36 1954 Fish, bird, insect,
animal, STTovpt, pair

Grenada-Gren 23 $2 1974 Flags
Kiribata 340A $8 1980 Flag, specimen
Kuwait 1150 $24 1991 Flags, birds,sheet of 42
Kuwait 1151 $15 1991 Flags, birds,S/S
Montserrat 421-7s S/S $30 1980 Flags, each stamp on specimen S/S,
each S/S-3 stamps + label
Nauru 114-7,7a $10 1974 Map, flags, building, UPU
Papua NG 341a,59a Bklts $18 1972,3 Flags, space, booklets
St Vincent 634A,Bs $3 1981 Flags, specimens
Singapore 77-9 $3 1967 Flags
Tonga 392-6,C209-12
C0117-9 $15 1955 Flags
Flags/Crests/Arms-non British
Andorra, Fr 143-53 $40 1961 Scenes,coat/arms
Andorra, Fr 457a $3 1995 Flags,gutter pair with tab
Andorra, Fr 458 $1 1995 Flag,Counsell D'Europa
Burundi 25-33 $4 1962 Flags,maps
Cambodia 18-37 $32 1954-5 Coat arms,elephants,arms
Cambodia 59-61 CDS $65 1957 Flags,admission to UPU
Compound Deluxe Sheet
Cambodia 62-4i $10 1957 Flags,Anniv of Buddha, imperfs
Cambodia 263-8i $15 1971 Coat arms,Khmer,imperfs
Cambodia 263-8 D/S $55 1971 Coat/arms,Khmer,deluxe sheets
Cambodia 306-8i $15 1972 Flag,Khmer,imperfs
Cambodia 306-8 D/S $45 1972 Flag,Khmer,deluxe sheets
Cambodia B5-7i $11 1957 Flags,Preah Stupa
Chad C56 $7 1969 Flags
Ecuador 366-72,C57-63 $10 1938 Flags, Washington
Egypt (YAR) 760-800 (41) $15 1969 Flages, maps
Estonia 209-10 $5 1991 Flags, maps
Finland B145-7 B/4 $12 1957 Flags, blocks/4
France B117-28 $25 1941 Arms of various cities
France B135-46 $35 1942 Arms of various cities
France B135-46 B/4 $100 1942 Arms of various cities, blocks/4
Fr Poly 210 $6 1964 Flag
Fr Poly C70 $6 1971 Flag, arms, military, soldier
Fr Poly C85 $7 1972 Flags, building
Fr So AT 76 $4 1977 Flags, cartoon character, polar exploration
Honduras C320-4 $4 1964 Flags,o vpt
Honduras C325-30 $6 1964 Flags, ovpt
Iran 2139 S/50 $12 1983 Flag, Take over of US Embassy
Ivory Coast 490-2 $25 1979 Flags, famous men,Scott
value in italics
Latvia 300-7 $10 1991 National crests
Peru C94-102 $12 1951 Flag,UPU ovpt
Reunion 288,9 D/S $10 1951-2 Coat/Arms
Reunion 305-9 $15 1954 Coat/arms,scenes
Reunion 305-9 B/4 $50 1954 Coat/arms,scenes
Russia 625-6 $10 1938 Flags
St P & Miq 447 $4 1976 Flag, Am Bicentennial
Syria CB5-8i LH $12 1955 Flag, imperfs
Thailand 1179-82 $2 1987 Flags
Togo C22-5 $8 1957 Flag, bird
United Nations Flags P/16 $100 1980-89 Flags of UN members, complete set
in panes of 16
United Nations Flags P/16 $75 1980-88 Flags of UN members, set less 1989 issue
in panes of 16
Viet Nam, So 327-30 $7 1968 Flags

Ascension 321-2 $2 1982 Flowers, ovptd
Ascension 321-2 B/4 $6 1982 Flowers, ovpt blocks/4
Ascension 323-7 $3 1983 Flowers
Ascension 323-7 B/4 $10 1983 Flowers, blocks/4
Australia 434-9 $12 1968 Flowers
Australia 852a,b Panes $6 1982 Flowers,booklet panes
Barbados 396-411 $40 1974-7 Orchids
Barbados 408b-11b (4) $50 1975 Orchids $1-$10, wmk 373
Barbuda 266-83 $14 1977 QEII,definitives,Sea life,flowers
Bermuda 255-71 $35 1970 Flower,definitives
Bermuda 255-71 B/4 $125 1970 Flowers,definitives,corner B/4
Bermuda 259b-67a B/4 $60 " wmk upright, 5c,6c,12c,20c - all 4 in blocks/4
Bermuda 259b-63a B/4 $35 " wmk upright, 5c,6c,12c - all 4 in blocks/4
Bermuda 288-91 B/4 $8 1971 Flowers, ovpt'd, blocks/4
Bermuda 322-8 $22 1975 Flowers, definitives
Burundi C27-35 $20 1967 Flowers, overprinted
Cayman 478-81 $3 1981 Flowers
Cook B1-7 $3 1968 Flowers w/ Hurricane Relief Surcharge
Dominica 485-91 $12 1976 Flowers, birds
Dominica 491a $7 1976 Flowers, birds

Falkland Isls 1L53-8 B/4 $8 1981 Flowers,plants,upper right margin
Grenada 262-7 $1 1968 Flowers,Kennedy
Grenada 462-5 $2 1972 Flowers,overpirnts
Grenada-Gren 58 $1 1975 Flowers
Guyana 334-5,334a-5a $7 1981 Flowers, Royal Wedding
Guyana 334-5 GP, $15 1981 Flowers, Royal Wedding ovpts,
324a-5a GP gutter pairs,black-red
Hong Kong 245-6 $25 1968 Flower, coat of arms
Hong Kong 245-6 B/6 $100 1968 Flower, coat of arms,blocks/6
Hong Kong 373-5 GP $10 1981 Flowers, Diana, gutter pairs,two sets
Hong Kong 373-5 GP (x5) 4$0 1981 Flowers, Diana, 5 gutter pairs,ten sets
Hong Kong 451-6 B/4 $70 1985 Flowers,corner margin,blocks/4
Hong Kong 526a $14 1988 Flowers, trees, S/S
Hong Kong 724 S/S $6 1995 Flowers, Singapore 95,S/S
Malawi 327-41 $20 1979 Flowers
Malaysian States 13 sets $45 1965 Flowers, 1c-20c, all 13 states
Montserrat 435-40 B/4 $6 1980 Flowers, ovpts, blocks/4
New Zealand 500-3 $3 1972 Flowers
New Hebrides 171-4 $3 1973 Flowers
Papua NG 228-31 $3 1967 Flowers
Papua NG 287-90 $2 1969 Flowers, orchids
Pitcairn 130-4 $10 1973 Flowers, orchids
St Chris Nevis 393-6 GP $4 1980 Flowers, gutter pairs
St Helena 244-56 $18 1971 Flowers, scenes
St Vincent 803-6 GP $5 1985 Flowers, orchids, horiz
gutter pairs
St Vin-Gren 239-42 GP $4 1982 Flowers, cactus, gutter pairs
St Vin-Gren 241,2s $5 1982 Flowers, cactus, specimen, hi values
St Vin-Gren-Beq 194-201 $2 1985 Flowers, in pairs
Singapore 112-5 $8 1970 Flowers, orchid, birds
Singapore 115a $16 1970 Flower,orchid,bird,fish, S/S
Singapore 717bi $35 1995 Orchids,monkey,Singapore95
Singapore 717c Variety $190 1995 Orchid,fish, Singapore 95, S/S
Perf, Changed Color, folder, #6984/9000
Singapore 616b $4 1992 Flowers,orchids, S/S
South Africa 254-66 $42 1961 Flowers,animals,birds
South Africa 408-23 $17 1974 Fish,birds,flowers
South Africa 475-91 B/4 $24 1977 Flowers, plants, blocks/4
South W Africa 343-58 $22 1973 Flowers, plants
Tanzania 315-8 $2 1886 Flowers, set without S/S
Tanzania 315-8a $3 1986 Flowers, set+S/S
Trinidad & Tob 99-102 $7 1960 Flowers, bird
Turks & Caicos 507-11 $6 1982 Butterflies, flowers, set+S/S
Turks & Caicos 790-805 $32 1990 Flowers
Uganda 612-9 $8 1988 Flowers,orchids
FLOWERS-Non British
Afars 376-8 $4 1974 Flowers, fruits
Afghanistan C25a $2 1962 Flower, orchid, sports,fruit
Argentina 1519//26 S/100 $75 1985-8 Flowers, part set in sheets of 100, folded at middle
perfs, 1519 (5c), 1523 (50c), 1524 (1a), 1526 (5a)
catalogue value (2009) over $1200.00
Benin 506-8i Pairs $6 1981 Flowers, imperf horiz pairs
Bulgaria 2830-5 $2 1986 Flowers
Bulgaria 3075-80 $3 1985 Flowers, roses
Bulgaria 3140-5 $3 1986 Flowers, orchids
Bulgaria 3300-5 $3 1988 Flowers
Burkina Faso 111//117 Cvr $12 1964 Flowers, 50c, 1.5f, 2f, 6f, 1964 folded letter
cover to Guatemala
Burundi C27-35 $8 1967 Flowers, overprinted
Burundi 141-56,C17-25 $26 1966 Flowers
Burundi 159-73,C35-35 $45 1967 Flowers, overprints
Burundi 411-21,C168-74 $20 1972 Flowers
Burundi 633-8,C289-94 $15 1986 Flowers, regulars & airs (12 total) - complete
Cambodia 91-3 $3 1961 Flowers
Cambodia 93a $5 1961 Flowers, S/S
Cambodia 231-3,31a $15 1970 Flowers
Cambodia 231a $12 1970 Flowers, 3r, characters reversed
Cambodia 259-62 $3 1971 Flowers
Cambodia 259-62i $15 1971 Flowers, imperfs
Cambodia 386-92 $7 1983 Flowers, butterflies
Cambodia 511-7 B/4 $16 1984 Flowers, corner blocks
Cameroun 441-3,C70-2 $3 1966 Flowers
Cameroun 599-601 $1 1975 Flowers
Cameroun C119-21 $3 1969 Flowers
Cameroun C119-21i $4 1969 Flowers, imperf
Cameroun J34-49 $3 1963 Flowers, tete beche, se-tenant
Cent Afr Rep 67-72 $2 1966 Flowers, orchids
Cent Afr Rep 184-8 $1 1973 Flowers
China (PRC) 2045-7 $3 1986 Flowers
China (PRC) 2048 $12 1986 Flowers
Columbia C491a $20 1967 Orchids
Comoro 45 $3 1959 Flower
Congo C2-4 $7 1961 Flowers
Congo C8-9 $4 1963 Flowers
Comoro C26-8 $16 1964 Flowers, orchids
Congo DR 323-8 (no 324) $12 1960 Flowers, overprints
Comoro 96-8,C37-8 $2 1971 Flowers
Comoro C37-8 $5 1971 Flowers
Comoro C37-8 D/S $22 1971 Flowers/plants, deluxe sheets
Columbia 420-5 $2 1962 Flowers
Columbia 768-9,C489-91 $2 1967 Flower, butterfly
Cuba 648-662 $34 1960 Flowers,music, 3 B/4 +3
Djibouti 558-60i S/3 $7 1983 Flowers,imperf vertical strip/3
Ecuador C508-10,10a p&i $12 1972 Flowers,orchids,S/S perf & imperf
Ethopia 434-8 $3 1965 Flowers
France 715 7 1954 Flower & perfume
Fr India 143-56 $6 1942 Flowers
Fr Poly 192 $3 1959 Flower
Fr Poly 192 B/4 $10 1959 Flower
Fr Poly 196-7 $24 1962 Flower
Fr Poly 196-7i $26 1962 Flowers, imperf
Fr Poly 196-8 $30 1962 Flower, map, boat
Fr Poly 241-2 $12 1968 Flowers
Fr Poly 245-6 $4 1969 Flowers
Fr Poly 264-6 $6 1971 Flowers
Fr Poly 400-2 $2 1984 Flower garlands
Fr Poly 530-1 $2 1989 Flowers, orchids
Fr Poly C168 $10 1979 Flower, child, IYC
Fr So AT 54-6 $14 1972-4 Flowers
Gabon 176-8 D/S $10 1964 Flowers, deluxe sheets
Gabon J34-45i Pairs $8 1962 Flowers, fruits, imperf horiz pairs
Germany B542-5 $2 1977 Flowers
Germany (East) 1522-7 $3 1974 Flowers
Germany (East) 1670-5 $3 1975 Flowers
Germany (East) 1729-34 $3 1976 Flowers
Germany (East) 1729-34 o $3 1976 Flowers, priced in italics in Scott
Guinea 422-32,C86-7 $6 1966 Flowers
Guinea-Bissau 787-94 $6 1989 Flowers,lilies
Hungary 1202a $20 1958 S/S w 4 stamps, flowers
Hungary B233bi $12 1963 Flowers,S/S,imperf
Indonesia 1378 $30 1988 Flower, S/S
Iran 2553-66(14) $25 1993-5 Flowers,complete set
Iran 2553-66(14) B/4 $85 1993-5 Flowers,complete set in
Iraq 805-8 $3 1977 Flowers
Ivory Coast 183,5i $5 1962 Flowers,1962 issues,imperf
Isreal 62-4 w tabs $16 1962 Flowers
Isreal 73 b/4 w tabs $7 1953 Flowers,block/4, two with tabs
Kyrgzstan 39a,b $4 1994 Flowers, S/S and strip
Laos 216-8 $3 1971 Flowers, orchids
Laos 230-2,C89 $7 1972 Flowers, orchids
Laos 796-96F $3 1987 Flowers, orchids,no S/S
Laos 796-96F B/4 $10 1987 Flowers, orchids,blocks/4
Laos 1292-5 $3 1996 Flowers
Laos 1292-5 B/4 $10 1996 Flowers, blocks/4
Lebanon C658-69 $28 1973 Flowers,fruit
Lebanon C758-87 $85 1978 Flower, fruits, etc, overprinted
Lebanon C758-87 B/4 $300 1978 Flower, fruits, etc, overprinted
Lebanon C782-7 $25 1978 " last 6, high values
Lebanon C658-69 $28 1973 Flowers
Lebanon C758-87 $85 1978 Flower, fruits,etc, overprinted
Lebanon C758-87 B/4 $300 1978 Flower, fruits, etc, overprinted
Lebanon C782-7 $25 1978 " last 6, high values
Lithuania 425-6 $3 1992 Flowers
Luxembourg 310-13 $7 1956 Flowers
Luxembourg 310-13 B/4 $20 1956 Flowers, blocks/4
Libya 1052 $10 1983 Flowers, set in a complete sheet/16
Moldova 98-104 $6 1993 Flowers,set+S/S
Macau 707-10 $3 1993 Flowers
Monaco 438-48 $12 1959 Flowers
New Caledonia 304-5 $6 1958 Flowers
New Caledonia 330-7 $22 1964-5 Flowers
New Caledonia 483-5 D/S $35 1983 Flowers, deluxe sheets
New Caledonia 741-6 $6 1996 Flowers, orchids
New Caledonia C170-1 $2 1981 Flowers
New Hebrides,Fr 190-3 $3 1973 Flowers, orchids
Paraguay 1531 $4 1973 Flowers
Paraguay 1531 $4 1974 Flowers
Portugal 1789-92 $3 1989 Flowers, wild flowers
Portugal Madra 90-3 $3 1983 Flowers
Romania 1925-30 $2 1967 Flowers
Ruanda 114-32 $30 1953 Flowers
Rwanda 298-05 $5 1969 Plants, medicinal, flowers
St P & Miq 360-1 $9 1962 Flowers, no air mail
St P & Miq 360-1,C24 $18 1962 Flowers w/ air mail
St P & Miq 400-3 $8 1970 Flowers
St P & Miq 588 $1 1993 Flower, insect
Saudi Arabia 1115a-7a $45 1990 Flowers, 3 panes of 21 ea
Somali Coast 306-8 $7 1966 Flowers
Spanish Sahara 118-25 $7 1962 Flowers
Thailand 477-84 $60 1967 Flowers, orchids
Thailand 477-84 FDC $32 1Apr67 Flowers
Thailand 648-51 $11 1973 Flowers, water lilies-lotus
Thailand 707-10 $6 1974 Flowers, orchids
Thailand 710a $24 1974 Flowers, orchids,S/S
Thailand 717a $32 1974 Flowers, orchids,S/S
Thailand 748a $28 1975 Flowers, orchids,S/S
Thailand 890-3 $4 1979 Flowers
Thailand 994-7 $3 1982 Flowers
Thailand 1157-60 $3 1986 Flowers, orchids
Thailand 1157-60 B/4 $12 1986 Flowers, orchids,blocks/4
Thailand 1160a $60 1986 Flowers,orchids, S/S
Thailand 1192-5 $2 1987 Floral garlands
Thailand 1444a-5a (4) $15 1992 Orchids - Pacific Orchid
Conf,orchids, perf and
imperf of each
Thailand 1510a p&i $3 1992 Flowers, perf & imperf
Thailand 1556a $1 1993 Flowers, perforate
Thailand 1587a $1 1994 Flowers, perforate
Venzuela 804-11,C794-803 $25 1962 Flowers
Viet Nam, So 490-2 B/4 $14 1974 Flowers,orchids,blocks/4
Wallis 210-13 $7 1978 Flowers
Wallis 210-3i $22 1978 Flowers, imperforate
Wallis 283-6 S/5 $75 1982 Flowers, orchids, 5 imperfs
strips-sheet format
Wallis 231-3 D/S $15 1979 Flowers, deluxe sheets
Wallis 235-7 D/S $35 1979 Flowers, deluxe sheets
Wallis 240-1 $6 1979 Flowers
Wallis 279-81 D/S $24 1982 Flowers,deluxe sheets
Wallis 331-2i $7 1986 Flowers, imperforate
Wallis 392i $10 1990 Flowers, orchids
Wallis C47-53 $11 1973 Flowers
Wallis C131i B/4 $16 1984 Flowers, block/4 with plate #
Yeman (YAR) ?? $8 1964 Flowers, perf and imperf sets
Yugoslavia 469-77 FDC $18 1957 Flowers,unaddr,first day cover
Yugo-Trieste B 93-104 $24 1954 Fish, animal, insect
Yugo-Trieste B 93-104 PR $46 1954 Fish, animal, insect, horiz pairs

Grenada 241-5 $2 1967 Fruits, Expo 67 ovpt
Grenada 241-5 B/4 $8 1967 Fruits, Expo 67 ovpt,block/4
Papua NG 139-46 o $30 1958-60 Fruits, used
Uganda 133-46 $10 1975 Fruits, vegetables
FRUIT-Non British
Algeria 250-2 $5 1954 Fruit,oranges
Bulgaria 1020-5i $5 1958 Vegetables
Cambodia 111a $3 1962 Fruits,S/S
Cambodia 112-4 $2 1962 Fruits
China (ROC) 1414-7 $45 1964 Fruit
Hungary 1607-14i $12 1964 Fruits, imperf
Laos 174-7 $2 1968 Fruits
Lebanon C658-69 $28 1973 Fruit,flowers
Mauritania 239-43 D/S $12 1967 Fruits,5 deluxe sheets
Moldova 225-8 $5 1997 Grapes, wine
Portugal Madera 153-6 $3 1991 Fruits, subtropical
Thailand 881-4 $10 1979 Fruits
Thailand 1531-41 B/4 $8 1993 Fruits, mushrooms
Wallis 392i $7 1990 Flowers
Wallis 471-3 $3 1995 Fruits

Fr Poly 275-6 $14 1974 Golf, lady golfer & golf course
Fr Poly C77a $125 1971 Water sports, golf, archery,S/S
New Caledonia 724 $2 1995 Golf, So Pacific Games

Dominica 1650a $4 1994 Beetles
Falkland 387-401 $12 1984 Insects
Great Britain 1098-1102 $3 1985 Insects,bee
Papua NG 164-6 $7 1962 Insect, mosquito, WHO
St Helena 364-7 $2 1982 Insects, dragon fly
St Helena 386-9 $2 1985 Insects
INSECTS-Non British
Afghanistan 593 S/S p&i $6 1962 Insect, mosquito, perf & imperf S/S
Afghanistan 1404-10 $7 1996 Insects
Algeria 1033-4 $2 1995 Bees
Algeria 1033-4 B/4 $7 1995 Bees, blocks/4
Bhutan 101Ch $16 1969 Insects, 3d S/S
Cent Af Rep J1-12 Pairs $2 1962 Insects, se-tenant pairs
Chad 299,300 DS $10 1974 Insects, beetle & spider, deluxe sheets
Congo,PR 1075-8 + SS( ) $10 1992 Insects, bee, set + SS
Congo,PR 1075-8 + SS(x4) $35 1992 Insects, bee, blocks/4 + SS x4
Finland B126-8 $4 1954 Insects, butterfly, flower
Fr So AT 46-51 $38 1972 Insects, issued in two units
Guinea C31 S/S $15 1962 Mosquito, bird, elephant
Guinea C30-1 Pair Var $15 1962 Pairs of 50f & 100f, imperf vert, mosquito
Hungary 1461ai $18 1962 Mosquito, malaria eradication,
imperf S/S of 4
Indonesia B223-5 $28 1970 Insects
Laos 1243-6 $5 1995 Insects, singles
Laos 1243-6 T/4 $18 1995 Insects, blocks/4
Libya 218-9 imp S/S $4 1962 Mosquito, imperf S/S, one
stamp on each S/S,Scott note
Mauritania C14-5 ovpt $15 1962 Mosquito,bird,100f,200f ovpt w/
anti-malaria overprint,Scott note
Poland 2813-18 $2 1987 Insects, bees, bee keeping
Portugal 1029-40 $12 1961 Insects, bee
St P & Miq 588 $1 1993 Insect, flower
Switzerland B217-21 $10 1952 Moth, insects
Switzerland B227-31 B/4 $35 1953 Moth, insects, blocks/4
Switzerland B232-6 B/4 $35 1954 Moth, insects, blocks/4
Switzerland B247-51 B/4 $30 1955 Moth, insects, blocks/4
Switzerland B267-71 $5 1957 Insects,moths
Thailand 1323-6 $3 1989 Insects, dragonflies
Thailand 1323-6 B/4 $8 1989 Dragonflies, blocks/4
Thailand 1323-6 I-B/4 $10 1989 Dragonflies, printing bureau blocks/4 (lower right corner)
Thailand 1323-6 B/4+ $10 1989 Dragonflies, plate # blocks/4 (upper right corner)
Thailand 1326a $30 1989 Dragonflies, a Beautiful S/S, perforate
Togo 1706-11 B/10 $30 1996 Insects, blocks/10 (2 across x 5 down)

Cent Afr Rep 33 D/S $10 1963 Law (scales),UNESCO,
human rights,deluxe sheet
Chad 95 D/S $10 1963 Law (scales),UNESCO,
human rights,deluxe sheet

Australia C3 Pair $25 1931 Map, plane, vertical pair
Australia C3 B/4 $40 1931 Map, plane
Australia C5 B/4 $28 1937 Map, plane
Australia C8 B/4 $6 1958 Globe, plane
Australia CO1 $28 1931 Plane, official
Aus Ant Terr L1-5 $16 1957-9 Maps,penguins
Aus Ant Terr L4 B/4 $8 1957 Maps,the 1957 issue,block/4
Bermuda 380-4 B/4 $8 1979 Maps, blocks/4
Br Ant Terr 39-42 $35 1971 Map, penguins
Br Ant Terr 39-42 B/4 o $55 1971 Map, penguins, map, used, blocks/4
Cocos 1989 S/S $35 1989 Imperf, no gum, $2 map

Falkland 318-23 $2 1981 Maps
Falkland 318-23 B/4 $7 1981 Maps, blocks/4
Maldives 607-12 B/4 $10 1975 Map, ship,coral
Norfolk 42 $24 1960 Map, QEII
St Lucia 274A $5 1973 Map, $10 valued
St Lucia C1 singles/SS $30 1967 Map, singles (perf & imperf) and imperf S/S
St Lucia C1 singles/SS $30 1967 Map, singles (perf & imperf) and imperf S/S used
Sierra Leone 257-63,C14-20 $4 1964 Maps, lion
Singapore 215-7 $3 1974 Maps
Singapore 491-4 $2 1986 Maps
MAPS-Non British
Afars C53 $20 1968 Map, aerial
Austria 608 $10 1955 Map, UN
Austria 608 B/4 $25 1955 Map, UN,block/4
Burundi 34-9 $3 1962 Map, overprints
Comoro C30-1 $5 1970 Map, Japan
Comoro C32-6i $15 1971 Ocean, map, imperfs
Fezzan/Ghad 1N1-15 B/4 $38 1946 Map, animal, military
Fr Poly 491 $5 1988 Map, fish
Fr Poly 491 w Tab $7 1988 Map
Fr Poly 534-7 $45 1990 Maps, sea life, Scott price for 535 in italics
Fr Poly 534-7 GP $90 1990 " gutter pairs (2 sets)
Fr Poly 534-7 GP (x2) $175 1990 " gutter pairs x2 in block (4 sets)
Fr Poly 534-7 S/10 $350 1990 " sheets of 10 each (5 gutter pairs>
Fr Poly 544 $3 1990 Map
Fr Poly C31 $9 1964 Map, Free French
Fr Poly C39 $13 1965 Map, radio
Fr Poly C199 $4 1983 Maps, ship
Fr So AT 45 $21 1971 Map, Antartic Treaty
Fr So AT 94 $4 1981 Map
Fr So AT 193 $7 1993 Map, ship
FSAT C1-2 $52 1956 Penguins
Fr So AT C1-2 B/4 $190 1956 Map, penguins, blocks/4
Fr So AT C1-2 o $35 1956 Maps, Penguins,used
Fr So AT C19-23 $155 1969-74 Maps, sea life
Fr So AT C100-1 $4 1988 Maps
Gabon C57 D/S $7 1967 Map, scouts, map,100f value, deluxe sheet
Hungary 2239a $10 1973 Map, Europa, S/S, Mi Bl 99
Hungary 2239a x5 $40 1973 Map, Europa, S/S,
5 copies, Mi Bl 99
Hungary 2239ai $125 1973 Map, Europa, Imperf S/S, Mi Bl 99
Hungary 2268i $75 1974 Map, Europa, Imperf S/S, MI B103
Hungary C362i $50 1975 Europa S/S,map, w folder,
Mi Bl 113
Hungary C362i o $50 1975 Europa S/S,map, used, Mi Bl 113,
hinge remnants
Iceland C15-20 $75 1934 Maps,planes
Macau 383-90 B/4 $55 1956 Maps, blocks/4, light tropical
stains on gum
Monaco 245-6,C30-3 $14 1949-50 Globe,UPU,pigeon
Monaco 245-6,C30-3i $38 1949-50 Globe,UPU,pigeon,imperfs
Monaco 245-6,C30-3 $150 1949-50 Globe,UPU, ea on perf and imperf,
Perf&Imperf gummed S/S (4) LH S/S,
S/S a total of 4 S/S - 2 perf &
2 imperf, lightly hinged
Monaco 245-6,C30-3 DS $135 1949-50 Globe,UPU, each on separate deluxe sheet
Monaco 245-6,C30-3 $135 1949-50 Globe,UPU, on 2 CD/S, compound D/S
Monaco 312-20 $14 1954 Coat/arms
New Caledonia 321 $2 1962 Map
New Caledonia 322 $7 1962 Wind, map
New Caledonia 575 $5 1988 Maps
New Caledonia C81 $5 1971 Map
Russia C34-5 LH $32 1932 Map, planes, lightly hinged
Russia C34-5 o $16 1932 Planes, map, used
IMG SRC="pic.jpg" WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="12">
Ryukyu 18 $70 1952 Bird, dove, map, typical gum creases
Ryukyu 18 $65 1952 Map, bird, dove, offset on back
St P & Miq C25 $75 1962 Maps, ship, submarine
St P & Miq C28 $8 1964 Maps, plane
St P & Miq C47-9 $55 1970 Maps, ships, explorers
Somali Coast C25 D/S $8 1962 Map, ship
Syria 288-92 B/4 $16 1943 Map, block/4
Syria 293-7 B/4 $18 1943 Map, black border, block/4
Syria C99-106i $45 1943 Maps, imperfs
Thailand 436-9 $16 1965 Map,UPU
Thailand 431-4 $25 1965 Maps, Letter Writing Week
Thailand 431-4 FDC $16 3Oct65 Letter writing
Thailand 436-9 FDC $10 1Nov65 Maps
Thailand 452-5 $14 1966 Maps
Wallis C36 $3 1971 Map, ship, ovpt
Wallis C78-9 $30 1978 Maps

Japan 589-90 $18 1953 Karate,rugby,vert pair
Japan 589-90 (x2) $36 1953 Karate, rugby,horiz pair (x2)
Russia 6084a-86a $4 1992 Martial arts,judo,handball,
fencing, sheets of 8
Ryukyu 104 S/20 $50 1962 Martial arts,kendo sheet/20
Ryukyu 125-7 S/20 $20 1964-5 Martial arts, sheet set
Ryukyu 126 S/20 w Var $12 1964-5 " broken "c" var pos 11
Ryukyu 125-7+126 Var $28 1964-5 " both above as one unit, S/20
Ryukyu 125-7 (Mihon) $175 1964-5 Karate, 125 & 126 w/inscriptions, specimens
Ryukyu 125-7 (Mihon) $135 1964-5 Karate, specimens
Ryukyu 125-7 FD $25 1964-5 " First Day with Color Metal
Engraved cachet
Thailand 442-9 $60 1966 Sports, Asian Games
Thailand 442-9 $70 1967 Kickboxing, cudgel fighting, etc. each with
Government Printing Bureau, Tokyo inscription
Thailand 460-3 $40 1967 Kickboxing, cudgel fighting, etc.
Thailand 733-6 $15 1975 Thai kick boxing

Hong Kong 505-8 $12 1987 Medicine,nurse
Austria B142-5 $9 1936 Medicine
Austria B152-5 $6 1937 Nursing
Burkina Faso 368-9,C212-4i $10 1975 Schweitzer, margin copy imperfs
Belgian Congo B40-2 $2 1957 Nurse
Fr Comm Ceuvres Soc $125 1950 7 of 10 countires in imperf
Ceuvres Soc margin blocks of 4. Cameroun,
Eq africa, Fr L'Inde, New Cal,
Somali Coast, SP&Miq, Togo -
no Oceanie, Madag & Af Occid.
Ceuvres Sociales FOM $50 1950 10 countries (complete), imperf singles
France 656 D/S $30 1951 Veterinary medicine, deluxe sheet
France 865-8 B/4 $8 1958 French physicians, blocks/4
France B64-5 $6 1937-9 Public health work
France B64-5 B/4 $22 1937-9 Public health work, block/4
France B76 $7 1938 Curie
France B76 B/4 $50 1938 Curie, block/4
France B78 $10 1938 Nurse
France B78 B/4 $45 1938 Nurse, block/4
France B101-2 $13 1940 Doctor/nurse
Fr Poly B14 $6 1950 Tropical medicine
Fr Poly C191 $3 1982 Medicine
Italy 522 $30 1949 Medicine
Lebanon 167-8 $25 1943 Medical Conference Ovpts
New Caledonia 604 $4 1988 Medicine
New Caledonia B14 $32 1950 Tropical medicine
Ruanda-Urundi B3//11 (no B6) $20 1930 Medicine,short B6 (6c+30c)
St P & Miq B14 $10 1950 Tropical medicine
Somali Coast B2 $4 1938 Medicine, Curie
Venzuela 384-7 $60 1943 Nurse, 387 has owners mark on gum
Wallis 278 D/S $35 1982 Scientist, TB,deluxe sheet
Wallis C25 $3 1966 Medicine

Falkland 188-91 B/4 $30 1970 QEII, military
Falkland 375-8 $2 1983 Ships, military, planes
Falkland 375-8 B/4 $6 1983 Military
Gibraltar 234-7 $4 1970 Military, uniforms, flags
Gibraltar 241-72 in pairs $18 1971 Fort,scenes
Grenada 373-8 $5 1970 Military, WWII
St Helena 273-6 $6 1973 Weapons, uniform(headgear)
St Kitts 68,70,2,4 $3 1983 Military, uniforms,specimens
St Vincent 330-2 $4 1972 Military, uniforms
MILITARY-Non British
Burkina Faso 365-7,C209-10 $3 1975 Military
Burkina Faso 403-4,C21-3 $4 1976 Military
Cameroun C1-7 $2 1946 Planes
Cent Af Rep C139-43 $4 1976 Military
Comoro 39 $38 1954 Military,medal
Comoro 165-70 $10 1976 Military
Comoro C4 $20 1954 Military,Liberation CD
Comoro C8-9 $10 1963 Military,medals
Comoro C13 $15 1964 Military,medals
Comoro C59 $8 1974 Military,medal
Comoro C59 B/4 $30 1974 Military
Comoro C59i $10 1974 Military, medal, imperf
Comoro C59i Pr $20 1974 Military, medal, imperf vert pair w/ control number
Dahomey B12-14 $6 1941 Military,blocks/4
Finland B39-42 $4 1940 Military
France B71-2 B/4 $40 1938 Soldier ,right corner date block/4
France B82 $8 1939 Army Engineer
Fr Community CD101 B/4 $170 1950 Military Medal common design,
12 colonies, blocks of 4 for each
Fr Guinea B12-14 B/4 $5 1941 Military,blocks/4
Fr India C14-6i $21 1949 Bird,plane, imperforate
Fr India C18 $3 1954 Liberation issue
Fr Poly 179 $7 1952 Military medal
Fr Poly B11-12A B/4 $22 1941 Military, ships
Fr Poly C70 $6 1971 Military, soldier, flag, arms
Germany 481-3 $8 1937 Military
Germany 481-3 Pair $15 1937 Military,pair
Guinea-Bissau 803-10 $6 1989 Military, paintings
Iran 2073-82 $7 1981 Military, definitives
Mauritania 487-90 $4 1981 Military, American Revolution
Mauritania B13-5 B/4 $4 1941 Military, blocks/4
Mongolia 83 $40 1945 Marshal Kharloin Choibalsan
Portugal 761-75 (16) $32 1953-6 Mounted knight
Senegal B13-5 B/4 $4 1941 Military, blocks/4
Tunisia 312-4 $30 1957 Military
Venezuela 802-3,C779-84 $15 1961 Battle of Carabobo
Viet Nam, No 17-9 $24 1954-6 Dien Bien Phu
Viet Nam, So 197-200i Pairs $25 1962 Military, strategic villages
Viet Nam, So 514-6 $60 1975 Military, overprints
Viet Nam, So 514-6 B/4 $155 1975 Military, overprints, some tropical staining
Viet Nam, So M2 B/4 $8 1961 Soldier, block/4
Wallis B6-8 B/4 $28 1941 Military, ovpts,blocks/4

Grenada 872 $2 1978 Music,Beethoven,S/S
Ireland 103-4 $6 1939 Harp,Washington
Singapore 107-11 $55 1969 Musical instruments
MUSIC-Non British
Algeria 341-3 $7 1965 Musicians
sheet/12 w labels
Bulgaria 1650-5 $3 1967 Paintings
Bulgaria 1762-71 $5 1969 Paintings
Bulgaria 1798-06 $3 1969 Paintings
China (ROC) 1600-3 $4 1969 Musical instruments
Cuba 648-662 $34 1960 Music,flowers, 3 B/4 +3
France 309-10 $12 1936 Composer, Lisle
France 309-10 B/4 $40 1936 Lisle, composer,blocks/4
France 857-63 $5 1957 Mozart, potraits
France 857-63 B/4 $16 1957 Potraits, Mozart, blocks/4
Fr Poly 182-90 $16 1958 Music, sea, dress
Fr Ploly 566 DS $14 1991 Painting, "Oranges" by Gauguin,
deluxe sheet
Fr Poly C44 $6 1966 Musical instrument,dancing
Germany-East 96-7 B/4 $11 1952 Beethoven
Germany-East B17-20 o $12 1950 Music, used
Greenland 242-9 $40 1991-2 Composer-music, famous people
Guinea-Bissau 655-62 $3 1985 Music, composers,instruments
Guinea-Bissau 834-40 $4 1989 Musical instruments
Laos 34-6,C24-6 $8 1957 Musical instruments
Ryukyu 132s $30 1965 Musical instrument, samisen, mihon-specimen
Thailand 1009-16 $7 1982 Musical instruments,
Scott value in italics

Grenada 1046-9 $4 1981 Paintings,Picasso
Hong Kong 478-81 $6 1986 Paintings
Hong Kong 486-9 $15 1987 Paintings of Hong Kong
Singapore 153-6 $11 1972 Paintings,monkeys
Algeria 344-7 $15 1966 Egyptian art,wall paintings
Algeria 365-8 $15 1967 Egyptian art,wall paintings
Algeria 428-9 $3 1969 Paintings
Algeria 591-4 $5 1977 Mosaics
Andorra, Fr 185-7 S/10 $12 1968 Frescos, Religion, sheets/10
Andorra, Fr 192-4 S/10 $14 1969 Frescos, Religion, sheets/10
Andorra,Sp 84-5 $2 1974 Paintings
Belgium B249 $2 1939 Hans Memling painting
Belgium B586-8 $8 1956 Mozart
Burkina Faso 227-30 D/S $10 1970 Paintings,deluxe sheets
Burkina Faso 372-4, C220-1i $12 1975 Picasso, margin copy imperfs
Burkina Faso C70-2 $5 1969 Paintings,Upper Volta
Burundi 217a p/i $6 1967 Paintings,perf+imperf
Burundi 233-5i $4 1968 Paintings,imperf
Burundi 225a p/i $5 1967 Paintings,perf+imperf
Cent Af Rep C323-5 $3 1986 Paintings,religion
Chad 205-10 $1 1969 Paintings
Comoro 561-6 $6 1982 Paintings by Norman Rockwell
Dahomey C89-92 $2 1968 Paintings,religion
France 1359-62 $5 1973 Paintings
Fr Poly 336a $8 1980 Arts Festival,S/S
Fr Poly 646 $18 1994 Painting,Gauguin
Fr Poly 549-51 $16 1990 Paintings
Fr Poly C21 $40 1953 Painting,Gauguin
Fr Poly C21 VLH $25 1953 Painting, Gauguin, very lightly hinged
French Poly C24-7 $55 1958 Paintings by Gauguin
Fr Poly C24-7 Hinged $25 1958 Paintings, Gauguin
Fr Poly C34-6 $35 1965 Paintings, Gauguin
Fr Poly C34-6 FDC $28 1965 Gauguin, FDCs, all issued different days
Fr Poly C34-6 FDC $35 1965 Gauguin, FDCs, each on maximum card, C34 x2
Fr Poly C38 $15 1965 Painting, flowers
Fr Poly C48 $26 1968 Painting, Gauguin
Fr Poly C54 $50 1969 Painting, Napoleon Bonaparte
Fr Poly C54 B/4 $155 1969 Painting, Napoleon Bonaparte,block of 4
French Poly C63-7 $65 1970 Paintings by Polynesian artists
Fr Poly C78-82 $65 1971 Paintings by Polyneisan artists
French Poly C89-93 $60 1972 Paintings by Polynesian artists
Fr Poly C98 $18 1973 Painting, Gauguin
Fr Poly C100-4 $60 1973 Paintings
Fr Poly C137 $7 1976 Painting
Fr Poly C159 $8 1978 Painting
Fr Poly C169 $12 1979 Painting
Fr Poly C177 $5 1980 Painting, Matisse
Fr Poly C178 $12 1980 Painting, Gauguin
Fr Poly C187-90 $6 1981 Paintings
Fr Poly C194-7 $7 1982 Paintings
Fr Poly C194-7 B/4 $25 1982 Paintings
Fr Poly C194-7 S/10 $55 1982 Paintigs in sheet of 10
Fr Poly C201 $2 1983 Bangkok '83
Fr Poly C202-5 $5 1983 Paintings
Fr Poly C202-5 B/4 $14 1983 Paintings
Fr Poly C208 $7 1984 Painting, Gauguin
Fr Poly C212 $9 1985 Painting
Fr Poly C227 $10 1987 Painting
Gabon C112-4i $8 1971 Paintings, Napoleon, imperfs
Guinea-Bissau 481-8 $3 1983 Paintings, Raphel, religion
Guinea-Bissau 553-60 $3 1984 Paintings, religion
Guinea-Bissau 672-9 $3 1985 Paintings, religion
Guinea-Bissau 803-10 $6 1989 Paintings, military
Guinea-Bissau 865-71 $2 1989 Paintings, religion,C hristmas
Mali C51-2 $2 1967 Horses, paintings
New Caledonia 640-1 $10 1990 Paintings
Niger C76-7 $2 1967 Paintings, religion
Mauritania C58 $8 1966 Painting, "Raft of Medusa"
Mauritania C81-3 $4 1969 Paintings
Spain 843 $7 1955 Painting, Holy Family by Greco
Wallis 346 $5 1986 Painting
Wallis C55 $12 1974 Paintings
Wallis C132 $3 1983 Painting
Wallis C136 $3 1985 Painting, Ausipex
Wallis C140 $8 1985 Paintings
Wallis C140 GP $14 1985 Paintings, gutter pair
Wallis C140 Sheet/10 $75 1985 Paintings 5 gutter pairs,
total of 10 stamps

The Stealth Fighter |  | |  |
The Concorde |
Australia 470a $4 1969 Planes, automobile
Australia C3 Pair $25 1931 Plane,map ,vertical pair
Australia C3 B/4 $40 1931 Plane, map
Australia C5 B/4 $28 1937 Plane, map
Aust Ant Terr L23-34 $7 1973 Planes,sea life
Barbuda 398 $3 1979 Plane, S/S
Bermuda 318-21 B/4 $14 1975 Planes, blocks/4
Falkland 180-3 B/4 $10 1969 Sea Planes
Falkland 276-7 B/4 $12 1978 Sea Planes
Falkland 287-90 $3 1979 Planes
Falkland 287-90 B/4 $10 1979 Planes, blocks/4
Falkland 375-8 $2 1983 Planes, military, ships
Gilbert & El 79-81 $2 1964 Planes, boat, bird
Grenada 755 $3 1976 Plane, S/S
Grenada-Gren 188 $4 1976 Plane, S/S
Hong Kong 423-6 B/4 $26 1984 Planes, corner margin, blocks/4
Indonesia 445-9 B/4 $4 1958 Planes,blocks/4
Kiribati 360-4s $6 1980 Plane,buildings,specimens
Montserrat 472-5 $2 1981 Planes
Montserrat 472-5 B/4 $6 1981 Planes, blocks/4
New Zealand 875a Ovpt $10 1987 Planes,S/S ovptd CAPEX '87
New Zealand 875a Ovpt (x5) $40 1987 Planes,5 copies,S/S ovptd CAPEX '87
New Zealand 794a $3 1984 Plane,helo,dogs,seal
Norfolk 256-70 $10 1980-1 Planes
Papua NG 359-64 $4 1973 Planes,computer,telecom,
Papua NG C10-15 LH $30 1938-41 KGVI,planes, lighty hinged
St Lucia 504-15 $13 1980 Planes, QE Liner
Tokelau 91-6 $2 1983 Planes,boats
PLANES-Non British
Afars C56 LH $10 1969 Concorde
Ajman S&G 135-48 $10 Animals,ships,planes
Algeria C11 $11 1953 Plane,1953 issue
Andorra, Fr C8 $3 1964 Plane w date tab
Angola C7 Ovpt LH $20 New York Intl Expo ovpt, lightly hinged
Austria Ballon Post $50 1953 Mint and cto envelopes
Belgium 251-3 LH $20 1932 Balloon,very lightly hinged
Bulgaria 1378 Sh/12 $10 1964 Mail,plane,space
sheet/12 w labels
Bulgaria C1-4 $14 1927-8 Plane surcharge
Burkina Faso 395-7,C234-6i $10 1975 Zeppelins, margin copy imperfs
Burkina Faso C51 $3 1968 Plane
Burundi 467ai,C206ai $20 1974 Plane,mail men,flags,map 2 imperf S/S
Cambodia 812-8,19 $5 1987 Planes
Cambodia C59-62 $24 1986 Plane,ruins
Cameroun C30 $7 1953 Plane,local scene
Cent Africa 297-301 D/S $12 1977 Planes,concorde,deluxe sheets
Cent Africa 302 DS $8 1977 Planes,concorde,deluxe sheet
China C1-5 H $90 1921 Flying Jenny over Great Wall,
flag on tail of plane,hinged
China (ROC) C70-2 $10 1960 Planes
China (ROC) C73-5 $14 1960 Planes
China (ROC) C76-7 $5 1967 Planes
Comoro C29 $14 1969 Concorde
Cuba C19-21i $10 1936 Planes,imperf
Cuba C122-6, $65 1955 Planes,Stamp/Stamp
C126a mint/o
Cuba C126a $30 1955 Planes, S/S
Fezzan/Ghad 2NC1-2 $12 1948 Planes
Fezzan/Ghad 2NC1-2 B/4 $40 1948 Planes block/4
France C5-6 H $18 1930-1 Notre Dame, plane, hinged, original gum
France C5 $25 1930 Notre Dame,plane
France C5 LH $12 1930 Notre Dame,plane,lightly hinged
France C7 $22 1934 Plane
France C7 B/4 $90 1934 Plane,block/4
France C8-13 H $85 1936 Planes, hinged, short C14
France C16 $20 1936 Plane
France C17 o $60 1936 Plane, used
France C29-32 $210 1954 Jet fighters
France C37-40 $15 1960 Planes
Fr Eq AF C15 $8 1940-1 50fr on 2.5f, plane
Fr Eq AF C16 $45 1940-1 10fr on 2.5f, plane
Fr Guiana C18-20 $32 1947 Birds, planes
Fr India C14-6 $15 1949 Plane, bird
Fr Morocco C42-5 $5 1952 Planes
Fr Morocco C47-50 $4 1954 Planes
Fr Morocco C51-5 $10 1954-5 Estuary of Bou Regreg, plane
Fr Morocco C53-5 $8 1955 Plane
Fr Morocco CB36-9 $3 1950 Plane,map
Fr Morocco CB39a $12 1949 Planes
Fr Poly C1,C2 $4 1934,41 Plane,unoverprinted and overprinted
Fr Poly C3-9 $7 1942 Plane
Fr Poly C28 $2 1960 Plane
Fr Poly C50 $45 1969 Concorde,plane
Fr Poly C96 $15 1973 Plane,Air France
Fr Poly C97 $7 1973 Plane,DC10
Fr Poly C121 $14 1975 Plane
Fr Poly C127 $12 1976 Concorde
Fr Poly C172-6 $12 1979 Planes
Fr Poly C172-6i $16 1979 Planes,imperf
Egypt N33-6 $4 1963-4 Planes,space
Greece C1-4 $25 1926 Planes,gum bubbles
Greece C71-3 $78 1954 Torchbearer,plane,sports
Greenland 78-85 $3 1971-7 Planes,helo
Guinea 201-2,C34-6 $20 1960 Planes,Olympics overprint
Guinea C52 Variety o $9 1963 Plane,overprinted double,used
Hungary C67a $17 1949 Plane,sheet/4
Hungary C191-200 $20 1958 Planes,imperf
Iceland C4-8 H $90 1930 Bull,dragon,plane
hinged to lightly hinged
C8 has black paper on gum
Iceland C15-20 $75 1934 Planes,maps
Iran C86-8 $5 1969 Planes,overprint
Iran C91-6 $10 1974 Planes,Shaw,Mosque
Iraq C32-3 $2 1969 Planes,bi-plane
Iraq 439-42 $2 1967 Planes,airport
Kuwait 435-8 $4 1969 Planes
Laos B6-8i S/4 i $28 1967 Plane, imperf sheets/4
Laos 657-664 $9 1985 Planes
Laos 1284-8 $4 1996 Planes
Laos 1284-8 B/4 $14 1996 Planes,blocks/4
Latakia C2-11(10) $45 1931-33 Air post overprints, no C1
Lebanon 462 $20 1974 Cedar
Liechtenstein C1-6o $70 1930 Planes
Liechtenstein C14 $48 1935 Plane, surcharge
Liechtenstein C15-6 $90 1936 Zeppelin
Luxembourg C7-15 $5 1946 Planes
Luxembourg C7-15 B/4 $14 1946 Planes in Blocks/4
Maldives 266-73 $5 1968 Planes/Zepps
Maldives 266-73 S/10 $35 1968 Planes/Zepps each in Sheet/10
Madagascar C84 $3 1967 Plane,bi-plane
Moldova C1-8 $7 1993 Plane,Concorde
Monaco 371-90,C49-50 $55 1956 Planes,trains,baloons,cars,tete beche
pairs, 380/90 paper adheres
Monaco 565-79 $8 1964 Planes
New Caledonia C7-13 $5 1942 Planes
New Caledonia C14 $1 1946 Victory
New Caledonia C21-3 $20 1948 Plane,maps
New Caledonia C27 $22 1959 Plane over Bourail
New Caledonia C63 $25 1969 Concorde
New Caledonia C72 D/S $25 1970 Plane,globe,deluxe sheet
New Caledonia C91 $9 1972 Planes
New Caledonia C182 D/S $14 1982 Plane,deluxe sheet
New Caledonia C188B-C D/S $24 1983 Planes,deluxe sheets
New Caledonia C209 D/S $12 1986 Plane,deluxe sheet
New Caledonia C258 $2 1994 Planes,self adhesive
Niger C185i $8 1972 Plane,concorde,imperf
Portugal 1052-5 $3 1969 Planes
Reunion C18-21 B/4 $5 1944 Planes,blocks/4
Reunion C32-4 $20 1947 Planes over Reunion
Reunion C46-7 $30 1957-8 Planes,helicopter
Russia 678-86 o/cto $6 1936 Planes,used,canceled to order
Russia B6a LH $20 1914 Perf 13.5, lightly hinged
Russia C10-11 $14 1927 Planes
Russia C12a-13a o/cto $20 1927 Graf Zeppelin, perf 10.5 used,
canceled to order, full gum
Russia C26-8 o/cto $15 1932 Zeppelin, North Pole, used,
canceled to order, full gum
Russia C34-5 LH $32 1932 Planes, map, lightly hinged
Russia C34-5 o $16 1932 Planes, map, used
Russia C37-9 o $12 1933 Balloons
Russia C50-3 LH $50 1934 Balloons, lightly hinged
Russia C53-7 o $15 1934 Zepplins, used
Russia C50-2 Faults $40 1934 Baloon,C50-2 face scrapes,C53 ok
Russia C69-75 o/cto $30 1937 Planes,used,canceled to order
St P & Miq C15-7 $24 1947 Planes,ships
St P & Miq C21-2 $50 1957 Plane, dog
St P & Miq C28 $10 1964 Plane,maps
San Marino C127a $15 1963-4 Plane, 500l, sheet/4
San Marino C127a,28 $35 1963-5 Plane, 500l & 1000l, sheets/4
Saudi Arabia 277-81 $13 1963 Planes
Saudi Arabia 680-1 $20 1975 Plane
Saudi Arabia 680-1 Pr $35 1975 Plane, vertical pairs
Somali Coast C1-7 $10 1944 Planes
Somali Coast C21 D/S $10 1958 Plane,animals
Syria C196-7i LH $6 1955 Plane,globe,imperfs,lightly hinged
Ukraine 167-8 $2 1993 Planes
Viet Nam, So 420a,24a $25 1972 Planes, 2 blocks of 4
Wallis C10 $2 1949 Plane,ovptd
Wallis C31-5 $18 1969 Plants
Wallis C60 $3 1976 Plane
Wallis C73 $20 1977 Concorde,overprinted
Wallis C99 $3 1980 Plane,concorde
Wallis C102 $3 1980 Plane
Wallis C157 $14 1988 Plane
Yemen 17-21 ovpt B/4 $35 1958 Ovpt "Air Mail 1958" blocks/4
Yemen C3-9 $3 1951 Planes
Yugoslavia C43 $88 1951 Plane,imperf S/S

Kiribati 365-8s $6 1981 Plants
Malaysia 230-3 $4 1981 Trees,rain trees
Pitcairn 110-13 $9 1970 Plants
St Vincent 619-26s $6 1981 Plants,specimen
South Africa 475-91 $7 1977 Flowers,plants
South Africa 475-91 B/4 $24 1977 Flowers,plants,blocks/4
Afars 376-8 $4 1974 Plants
Bulgaria 1183-90i $5 1961 Mushrooms
Cambodia 2122-9 x4 $22 2001 Cactus, set - 5 singles and S/S
singles in B/4 + 4 S/S
Dahomey 262-3,C102i $3 1969 Plants,imperf
Fr Poly 449-51 $2 1987 Medicinal plants
Fr So AT C59 $3 1979 Plants,trees
Gabon C61-2 D/S $8 1967 Plants,trees,deluxe sheets
Guinea-Bissau 765-71 $8 1988 Plants,mushrooms
Iraq 694-5 $8 1973 Trees,overprints
Lebanon 462 $20 1974 Cedar
Libya B55-60 $22 1936 Tripoli Fair,trees
Mauritania 225-9 D/S $12 1967 Plants,trees,deluxe sheets
Port Col CD47 9 stamps $28 1958 Medicinal plants, 8
countries 9 stamps
Rwanda 298-05 $5 1969 Plants,medicinal,flowers
Spain 1704-11 $5 1972 Plants
Thailand 1069-72 $3 1984 Plants
Thailand 1534a $3 1993 Mushrooms, perforate
Togo 1999 Mushrooms $18 1999 Mushrooms, blocks/4 + 4 S/S
United Nations 522-3 ++ $35 1988 Forest Survival, panes 12 (6 pairs)
UN 522-3, UN Swtz 165-6, UN Aust 80-1
Viet Nam, So 55-8 B/4 $12 1957 Bamboo,blocks/4
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311