George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
On the WWW at:
Yugoslavia - Jugoslawien
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Yugoslavia - Trieste B
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Yugoslavia 138-9,40-1 $4 330-1, 1937 Entente
Yugoslavia 185-96 Prs $55 486-91 1945 Constitution, in pairs (6)
centering F
Yugoslavia 269-72 $24 583-6 1949 Trains
Yugoslavia 355-7 B/4 $60 693-5 1952 Marshal Tito, blocks/4
Yugoslavia 469-77 FDC $18 812-20 1957 Flowers, unaddr, first day cover
Yugoslavia 547-54 $8 900-7 1959 Sports
Yugoslavia 585-9 $1 1960 Theater
Yugoslavia 590-5 $2 1960 Famous People
Yugoslavia 611 $65 1961 500d S/S, imperf
Yugoslavia 672-9 $3 1962 Sports,athletes
Yugoslavia 681-6 $3 1962 Art treasures
Yugoslavia 695-700 $2 1963 Tourist attractions
Yugoslavia 704-6 $1 1963 Sports
Yugoslavia 707-10 $2 1963 Sculptures by Mestrovic
Yugoslavia 713-8 $2 1962 Art
Yugoslavia 719-23 $2 1963 Famous people
Yugoslavia 724-9 $2 1069-74 1964 Butterflies
Yugoslavia 740-5 $2 1964 Costumes
Yugoslavia 750-5 $2 1964 Art
Yugoslavia 786-9 $3 1965 Hydroelectrics
Yugoslavia 790-5 $2 1965 Famous people
Yugoslavia 803-8 $2 1966 Art
Yugoslavia 816-20 $1 1966 Stamp/stamp
Yugoslavia 822-5 $1 1966 Anniv of Natl Revolution
Yugoslavia 848-53 $2 1966 Coins
Yugoslavia 876-81 $2 1967 ITY
Yugoslavia 906-11 $3 1968 Medieval icons
Yugoslavia 900-3 $1 1968 Olympics
Yugoslavia 912-7 $2 1274-9 1968 Birds
Yugoslavia 918-23 $2 1968 Olympics
Yugoslavia 942-6 $2 1968 Paintings
Yugoslavia 965-70 $3 1969 Religion
Yugoslavia 973-6 $2 1973 Flowers
Yugoslavia 986-9 $1 1969 Horses
Yugoslavia 1003-4 $7 1361-2 1969 Europa
Yugoslavia 1011-16 $3 1970 Religion
Yugoslavia 1024-5 S/9 $4 1379-80 1970 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1052-3 S/9 $4 1416-7 1971 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1100-1 $2 1457-8 1972 Euorpa
Yugoslavia 1102-7 $2 1459-64 1972 Birds
Yugoslavia 1205-6 S/9 $9 1557-8 1974 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1214-5 S/9 $6 1565-6 1974 Space, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1216 S/9 $5 1567 1974 Soccer, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1233-4 S/9 $7 1585-6 1975 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1269-72 S/9 $9 1615-8 1975 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1233-4 S/9 $7 1585-6 1975 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1314-5 S/9 $5 1664-5 1976 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1333-4 S/9 $4 1684-5 1977 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1467-8 S/9 $12 1828-9 1980 Europa, sheets/9
Yugoslavia 1664-73 $4 2025-34 1984 Olympics, Sarajevo
Yugoslavia 1700-1 S/9 $18 2071-2 1984 Veterans Conference in
sheets of 9 with label
Yugoslavia B26-31 VLH $11 1932 Rowing championship, very lightly hinged
Yugoslavia B70-3 $8 362-5 1938 Sports
Yugoslavia B70-3 $8 362-5 1938 Sports
Yugoslavia B88-9 $3 379-80 1939 Knight
Yugoslavia B90-3 $5 385-8 1939 Ships, used
Yugoslavia C29 w tab $2 556 1948 Planes
Yugoslavia C58 $4 869 1958 Moon,atom
Yugoslavia C59-61 $4 960-1 1961-2 Plane, set + S/S
Yugoslavia C61 $2 Bl 9 1962 Sports, S/S
Yugoslavia C33a used $30 587A 1949 Train, used/cto, First Day, perforate, full gum
Yugoslavia C33a used $30 587B 1949 Train, used/cto, First Day, imperf, no gum
Yugoslavia C43 $88 Bl 5 1951 Plane,imperf S/S
Yugoslavia 1K5-10 $3 1943 Military Occupation

Yugoslavia-Trieste - B
Trieste - B
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Yugo-Trieste B 65,65a $8 83-4 1952 Sea life,set+S/S
Yugo-Trieste B 65a $7 84 1952 Sea life,S/S
Yugo-Trieste B C18-20 $22 57-9 1952 UPU air mails
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311