George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
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[Terms/Ordering Information]
All Stamps are MNH, F-VF Minimum, Unless Otherwise Noted. Prices are in whole dollars. For example 10 means $10.00 US.
DISCOUNTS: Over $100-5%, Over $300-10%. Discounts are based upon the order actually filled. There is no discount on items noted as "Net." However, they do figure into the total in determing the discount that will apply on other material ordered at the same time.
Note Regarding International Postage. For stamps and other philatelic material, purchases under $350 are probably not practical under international shipping rates. For information on postage to destinations outside the United States (excluding US Military Postal System), click here.
JSDA code: R=Regular (definitive) Issue,
S=Special (commemorative) Issue, N=New Year Issue,
P=National Park Issue A=Airmail Issue
Scott Price JSDA # Date Comments/Series
85-6 $125 S1-2 1894 Wedding Anniversary, Meiji Emperor,
2s & 5s w light brown gum
2s & 5s perf 12x12
85-6 $115 S1-2 1894 Wedding Anniversary, Meiji Emperor,
2s w brown crackly gum, 5s w light brown gum
2s & 5s perf 12x12, very clean faces
85-6 $100 S1-2 1894 Wedding Anniversary, Meiji Emperor,
2s w brown crackly gum, 5s w light brown gum
2s perf 12x12, 5s perf 13x13
85-6 $40 S1-2 1894 Wedding Anniversary, Meiji Emperor,
toned brown gum, both perf 12x12
85-6 $30 S1-2 1894 Wedding Anniversary, Meiji Emperor,
5s large hinge remenant, both perf 12x12,
85 B/4 NH/H $165 S1 1894 Wedding Anniversary, Meiji Emperor, 2s, block/4,
perf 12x12, top left stamp hinge remnant, top right
stamp natural gum inclusion, otherwise mint, never hinged
86 OG (x2) $30 S2 1894 Wedding Anniversary, Meiji Emperor, 5s, mint, original
gum, perf 13 x 13 and perf 12 x 12, one stamp
with face damage
87-90 HR $110 S3-6 1896 Sino-Japanese War, original gum, hinged with paper
hinge still attached, all perfed 12 x 12
87 & 90 H $30 S3 & 6 1896 Sino-Japanese War, 2s & 5s, hinge remnant
88 x2 o on piece $16 S4 1896 Sino-Japanese War, 5s, two on cut piece, Yokohama, Japan
with date inverted, reads "86" but is actually "98"
right stamp is creased
99 Bklt Pane/6 $75 BP4 1907 4s Chrysanthemum series in booklet pane of six #1
99 Bklt Pane/6 $75 BP4 1907 4s Chrysanthemum series in booklet pane of six #2
99 Bklt Pane/6 $70 BP4 1907 4s Chrysanthemum series in booklet pane of six #3
99 Bklt Pane/6 $70 BP4 1907 4s Chrysanthemum series in booklet pane of six #4
109 HR $20 S7 1900 Wedding of Crown Prince, hinge remnant,
perf 12 x 12
111-12 LH $70 S9-10 1906 1 1/2s & 3s, Military Review, lightly hinged,
paper adheres to gum side of 1 1/2s. perf 12
111 $35 S9 1906 1 1/2s Military Review, light creasing at top
perf 12
112 Pr $225 S10 1906 3s Military Review, vertical pair with left selvage
perf 12.5 x 12.5 (JSCA C10a), perforation written
in pencil in selvage of bottom stamp
129 B/4 $12 R110 1914 1 1/2s, Old Die, Green, Granite Paper, Wmk 141,
block/4, centered down
130 B/8 $65 R110 1914 2s, Old Die, Green, Granite Paper, Wmk 141, block/8
damage at right on 2 left stamps
133a Horiz Strip/3 $75 R141 1930 5s, New Die (small die), Wmk 141 (W1),
horizontal strip/3 with right margin
155-58 H $30 S18-21 1919 Peace, hinged, hinge remnant on 155 - #1
179-83 mixed $48 R128-36 1923 Earthquake emergency series, 179 is mint,
others used, 185 private perfs, others imperf
186x8,187x7 o $25 S135-6 1923 Earthquake emergency series, used, 10s - 186 (x8),
20s - 187 (x7)
193 DG $22 S41 1925 20s, Wedding Anniv, bottom margin, disturbed gum
193 $35 S41 1925 20s, Wedding Anniv - Phoenix, single
perf 13 x 13 1/2, 5 available
193 S/5 ~Sold~ S41 1925 20s, Wedding Anniv - Phoenix, strip/5
perf 13 x 13 1/2
194 S/8 $30 D150 1926 2s green, granite paper, wmk 147, Nagoya Castle, strip/8
194 S/7 $25 D150 1926 2s green, granite paper, wmk 147, Nagoya Castle, strip/7
194 x5 cover $125 D150 1926 2s green x5 on cover to US from from Tatsuo Saito, a noted
Japanese actor and director, contents and photo present.
198-201 NH/H $150 S41-4 1927 UPU Anniversary, 200 hinged & disturbed gum,
198 hinge remnant, 201 & 199 never hinged
198-201 $125 S41-4 1927 UPU Anniversary, 198 disturbed gum, 201 rounded corner
198-201 HH $70 S41-4 1927 UPU Anniversary, heavily hinged with hinge remnants
198 B/6 + B/4 $25 S41 1927 UPU Anniv, 1 1/2s, Baron Maejima, B/6 + B/4
198 x16 $35 S41 197 UPU Anniv, 1 1/2s, Baron Maejima, B/16, 2 stamps hinged
198 x10 $22 S41 1927 UPU Anniv, 1 1/2s, Baron Maejima, 10 singles
199 x7 $22 S42 1927 UPU Anniv, 3s, Baron Maejima, 7 singles
200 VLH $55 S43 1927 UPU Anniversary, 6s, very lightly hinged,
natural paper inclusion at upper left
200 HR $28 S43 1927 UPU Anniversary, 6s, hinge remnant
201 LH $28 S43 1927 UPU Anniversary, 10s, lightly hinged
201 HR $20 S43 1927 UPU Anniversary, 10s, hinge remnant
202-5 $12 S46-9 1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito
202-5 o $14 S46-9 1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, cto with
commemorative cancels, on cut piece
202-5 B/12 $110 S46-9 1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, block/12, wrinkles
202 B/25 $40 S46 1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, 1 1/2s, block/25,
gum wrinkles, upper left block 25 (5 x 5)
202 B/20 $35 S46 1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, 1 1/2s, block/20,
gum wrinkles, upper right block 20 (4 x 5)
202 B/10 $20 S46 1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, 1 1/2s, block/10,
gum wrinkles, bottom margin block 10 (2 x 5)
203 B/25 $45 S47 1928 Enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, 3s, block/25,
gum wrinkles, upper left block 25 (5 x 5)
203 B/25 $45 S47 1928 As above, 3s, block/25, gum wrinkles,
upper right block 25 (5 x 5)
203 B/20 $35 S47 1928 As above, 3s, block/20, gum wrinkles,
bottom left block 25 (5 x 4)
206-7 $7 S50-1 1929 Ise Shrine
206-7 B/4 $12 S50-1 1929 Ise Shrine, block/4
206-7 B/12 $70 S50-1 1929 Ise Shrine, left margin block/12, 2 across x 6 down
208-9 $8 S52-3 1930 Map of Japanese Empire
210-11 $6 S54-5 1930 Meiji Shrine
210-11 B/4 $18 S54-5 1930 Meiji Shrine, block/4
214-7 B/4 $135 S57-60 1934 International Red Cross, blocks 4, 3 with inscriptions
214-7 cto/cvr $26 S57-60 1934 International Red Cross, canceled to order on cover
214-7 cto on piece $24 S57-60 1934 International Red Cross, canceled to order on piece
214-7 cto on piece $22 S57-60 1934 International Red Cross, canceled to order on piece
218 S/20 $25 S61 1935 Manchukuo Emperor Vist, 1 1/2s, sheet of 20
222 $14 N1 1935 NY, Mt Fuji
222a edge faults $375 N2 1935 NY, Mr Fuji,right and left margins with
edge faults (puckering)
222a LH $400 N2 1935 NY, Mt Fuji, light hinged in top margin,
discoloration at bottom right on gum side,
corner crease at bottom left, approx 5 stamps
with faint gum stains/toning
223-6 $40 P1-4 1936 Fuji-Hakone
226 B/4 One Damaged $75 P4 1936 10 sen, block/4, bottom right
stamp with gum damage
230-3 B/4 $90 S66-71 Diet Building, blocks of 4
Comm PC $20 CP1 1936 Diet Building Opening Commemorative PC, with
folder and note, related to 230-3, above
234 $6 N2 1936 NY, Wedding Rocks
234 B/15 $75 N2 1936 NY, Wedding Rocks, block/15 (5 across x 3 down)
256 $9 N4 1937 NY Decoration
257-75 (19) $55 R181-99 1937-40 1st Showa Series, complete set of 19
259a Bklt $40 1941 Complete booklet, 1 pane of 2s x 20
259a Bklt $95 1941 Complete booklet, 2 panes of 2s x 20
261a Bklt $20 1941 Complete booklet, pane of 4s x 20
261a $15 1941 Booklet pane, 4s x 20
266 B/9 $30 1938 10s block/9
280-3 $24 P5-8 1938 Nikko
280-3 $28 P5-8 1938 Nikko, 10y (282) & 20y (283) inscription singles
283a w folder $60 P9 1938 Nikko, S/S with folder, nicked on top edge, Park I
283a w folder $75 P9 1938 Nikko, S/S with folder, folder has park cancel on front
283a w/o folder $35 P9 1938 Nikko, "S/S without folder, Park I
283a w folder cto $60 P9 1938 Nikko, S/S with folder, co with 14(1939).2.26 commemorative
cancel, edge wrinkles, Park I
285-8 $25 P10-13 1939 Daisen and Setonaikai Park
285-8 B/4 DG $75 P10-13 1939 Daisen and Setonaikai Park, blocks/4,
lightly stained & disturbed gum
288a w folder $42 P14 1939 Daisen and Setonaikai Park, S/S
w/ folder, clean & fresh, Park II
288a w folder x5 $200 P14 1939 " as above, x5
288a w folder x10 POR P14 1939 " as above, x10, price on request
288a w/o folder $35 P14 1939 Daisen, ", S/S without folder folder
293 S/4 $100 P18 1939 Mt Aso, 20s, vert strip/4 with inscription
293a w folder $100 P19 1939 Aso Natl Park, S/S, w/ folder, Park III
293a w/o folder $75 P19 1939 Aso Natl Park, S/S, no folder,
crease at bottom left, Park III
295-8 B/4 $95 S75-8 1939 Red Cross, block/4
295-8 B/4 H/LH $55 S75-8 1939 Red Cross, block/4, top stamps hinged,
bottom stamps never hinged
295-8 LH $15 S75-8 1939 Red Cross, lightly hinged
297-8 Pr $25 S75-8 1939 Red Cross, 10s & 20s, horiz pairs
299-302 $8 S79-82 1940 Founding of Japan
Scott Price JSDA # Date Comments/Series
303-6 $20 P20-3 1940 Daisetsuzan Natl Park
306a w folder $265 P20-3 1940 Daisetsuzan Natl Park, S/S with folder, Park IV,
pristine - folder and sheet Post Office fresh
306a w folder $225 P20-3 1940 Daisetsuzan Natl Park, S/S with folder, Park IV
306a w folder LH $135 P20-3 1940 Daisetsuzan Natl Park, S/S with folder,
lightly hinged, Park IV
308-11 $30 P25-8 1940 Kirshima Natl Park
313-4 $2 S83-4 1940 Edict on Education
315-8 $28 P30-3 1941 Daiton & Nitaka-Arisan
318a,323a w folder $250 P38A&B 1941 Daiton & Nitaka-Arisan & Tsugtika and Taroko,
S/S with folder, Park VIa & VIb
318a w folder LH $80 P38A 1941 Daiton & Nitaka-Arisan, S/S with folder
lightly hinged, Park VIa
323a w folder $135 P38B 1941 Tsugtika and Taroko, #1, Park VIb
323a wo folder $115 P38B 1941 Tsugtika and Taroko, #2, Park VIb
323a wo folder $80 P38B 1941 Tsugtika and Taroko, bottom right corner creased,
other corners wrinkled, #2, Park VIb
318a LH & 323a NH $185 P38A,B 1941 As above, both S/S came in one folder
337 IB/10 +B10 $18 R216 1942 Torri of Yasukuni Shrine, 17s gray violet,
bottom inscription block/10 + bottom blcok/10,
very clean gum
343-6 $6 S87-90 1942 Founding of Manchukuo
343-6 B/4 $18 S87-90 1942 Founding of Manchukuo, blocks/4
347 $3 S91 1942 Train
349-50 $7 S95-6 1944 Kwantung Shrine
349-50 B/4 $30 S95-6 1944 Kwantung Shrine, blocks/4
349-50 B/20 $90 S95-6 1944 Kwantung Shrine, blocks/20, 4x5
358a cto fd $12 S117 1947 Philatelic Exhibition in Sapporo, cancel to order first day
365 B/4 $6 R241 1946 Geese, 1.30s, imperf, wmk 257 (JSDA W3), block/4 (5 available)
365 B/6 $8 R241 1946 Geese, 1.30s, imperf, wmk 257 (JSDA W3), block/6 (5 available)
367a $15 S108 1947 Philatelic Exhibition Kyoto
367a o $24 S108 1947 Philatelic Exhibition Kyoto, cto first day with commem cxl
373,4 $4 R248a,9 1946-7 30s,perf&roulette
375-8 $14 S97-100 1946 Anniv of Postal Service
375-8 Pair $26 S97-100 1946 " horizontal pairs
375-8 FD cto $22 S97-100 1946 " cto FD commem cxl on card stock piece
378a $80 S101 1946 Anniv of Postal Service, S/S
380-1 $1 S102-3 1947 New Constitution, singles
380-1 FD on piece $10 S102-3 1947 " set canceled on descriptive sheet
381a $7 S104 1947 New Constitution, imperf S/S, normal,
1y & 50s are basically level across top
381a minor var $15 S104 1947 New Constitution, imperf S/S, minor variety,
50s is slightly (1.5mm) lower than 1y
Above 2 as unit $20 S104 1947 as above, normal and minor variety
382-3 $5 S106-7 1947 Reopening of foreign trade
382-3 B/4 $20 S106-7 1947 " blocks/4
382-3 FD $10 S106-7 1947 Reopening of foreign trade, cto First Day on card
385a $110 S105 1947 S/S of 15, never folded, minor staining dots and
wrinkling in upper right corner
385a $100 S105 1947 S/S of 15, never folded, wrinkling at right edge
385a $85 S105 1947 S/S of 15, never folded, wrinkling overall, chips at top right
385a $70 S105 1947 S/S of 15, never folded, wrinkling at right edge,
lightly hinged in margin
385a $65 S105 1947 S/S of 15, folded
385a H $60 S105 1947 S/S of 15, folded, hinged
394 $4 S109 1947 Ex Con day
394 B/4 $18 S109 1947 Ex Con day, block/4
394 B/4 w insc $20 S109 1947 Ex Con day, block/4 with margin inscription
395 $3 S115 1947 Philatelic Week, S/S
395 (x10) $20 S115 1947 Philatelic Week, S/S, per 10
395 cto fd $8 S115 1947 Philatelic Week, S/S, cancel to order first day
395 o $8 S115 1947 Philatelic Week, S/S, 47.11.8 Tokyo cancels
396 $10 S110 1947 Railroad, 75th Anniv, S/S
396 $15 S110 1947 Railroad, 75th Anniv, S/S, cancel to order first day
397-400 $25 S111-4 1947 Sports, singles
400a $34 S111-4 1947 Sports, 2nd Natl Meet, top left margin block/4
400a $30 S111-4 1947 Sports, 2nd Natl Meet, block/4
401 $10 S118 1948 Osaka Phil Exh, S/S
401 cto $16 S118 1948 Osaka Phil Exh, S/S, cto First Day
402 LH $8 S119 1948 Nagoya Phil Exh, S/S, lightly
hinged, no gum as issued
402 cto fd $12 S119 1948 Nagoya Phil Exh, S/S, cancel to order first day
403 B/4 $3 S120 1948 Stylized tree,block/4
403 B/6 w FD cxl $10 S120 1948 Block of 6, cto with First Day
commemorative cancel
403 S/30 $40 S120 1948 Stylized tree, complete sheet/30 (3x10)
with marginal inscriptions, horizontal
perfs extend thru right margin
403 S/30 o $45 S120 1948 Stylized tree, complete sheet/30 (3x10)
with marginal inscriptions, horizontal
perfs extend thru left margin, full
gum, canceled to order with CC (FD?)
406 S/30 $50 S124 1948 Educational system, complete sheet/30 (3x10)
with decorative marginal inscriptions,
horizontal perfs extend thru left margin
406 B/6 w FD cxl $10 S124 1948 Educational system, block of 6, cto
with First Day commemorative cancel
407 $50 S121 1948 Philatelic Exhibit, Mishima, ovpt, S/S
407 $42 S121 1948 Philatelic Exhibit, Mishima,
ovpt, S/S, small corner crease UR
407 LH $36 S121 1948 " Exhibit, Mishima, lightly hinged, S/S
408 $15 S122 1948 Centenary of Hokusai, S/S
409 $8 S123 1948 Tokyo Phil Exh,S/S
409 o $10 S123 1948 Tokyo Phil Exh,S/S, cto FD with commemorative cancel
410 $10 S125 1948 Aomori Phil Exh,S/S
410 LH $8 S125 1948 Aomori Phil Exh,S/S, lightly hinged
411 $12 S126 1948 Fukushima Phil Exh,S/S
412 S/30 $95 S127 1948 Horse Race Law, complete sheet/30 with 2 tabs
and marginal inscriptions, light creasing and
minor gum disturbance (probably from removal
of glassine)
412 + Tab $10 S127 1948 Horse Race Law, inscription single with label
412 B/7 + Tab $20 S127 1948 Horse Race Law, block 8 (7 stamps - 1 label)
412 B/11 + Tab $25 S127 1948 Horse Race Law, block 12 (11 stamps - 1 label)
415 $24 S130 1948 Kumamoto Comm Exh, S/S
415 LH $18 S130 1948 As above, lightly hinged
415 cto FD $18 S122 1948 Kumamoto Comm Exh,S/S, cto FD comm cxl
no gum as issued, hinged
416 B/4 $8 S129 1948 Alchol monoply, block/4
417-21 $20 S135-8+ 1948 3rd Natl Athletic Meet (4) + swimmer (S128)
421a $26 S135-8 1948 " block/4, runner in upper right position
421a $26 S135-8 1948 " block/4, basball players in upper right position
421a x2 $45 S135-8 1948 " block/8 with 2 B/4, natural gum inclusions
422 $50 S140 1948 Lady Looking Back, Philatelic Week
422 LH $25 S140 1948 Lady Looking Back, Philatelic Week, lightly hinged
422 $50 S140 1948 Lady Looking Back, Philatelic Week
422a used/cto/FD $50 S140 1948 Lady Looking Back, Philatelic Week canceled to order
on special sheet, first day
422a x2 ~Sold~ S140 1948 Lady Looking Back, Sheet/5 x2, clean, horizontal perfs
extend through left margin on one & right margin on other
above two sheets/5 as a unit
423 $25 S141 1948 Kanazawa & Takaoka Expo, S/S
423 LH $20 S141 1948 Kanazawa & Takaoka Expo, S/S, lightly hinged
424 $3 NY5 1948 Girl with toy
424 B/4 $10 NY5 1948 Girl with toy, block/4
425-7,30 B/4 $75 R264-6,9 1948-9 2y, 3y, 5y, 8y watermark 257, blocks/4
432 $8 R271 1948 Watermarked 16y - mountain
432 B/4 $30 R271 1948 Watermarked 16y - mountain, Block/4
432 & 442 For information on these two very similar stamps, click here.
432x10, 442x12 $200 R271 1949.1 Regular (definitive) (432) in block/10 (2 across x 5 down)
S152 1949.4 Commemorative (442) in block/12 (3 across x 4 down)
433 B/4 $75 R272 1949 20y, planting trees, wmk 257, block/4
433 LH $12 R272 1949 " lightly hinged
434s $60 R273 1949 30y, postman, wmk 257, specimen/mihon
437 $20 S134 1948 Nagano Commo Exhibit, S/S
438 $20 S139 1948 Shikou Stamp Exhibit, S/S
437 & 438 $36 both above S/S as a unit
439-41 $70 S148-50 1949 Philatelic Exhibit
439-41 B/4, $275 S148-50 1949 Philatelic Exhibit, 439-41 B/4 with selvage
442 B/6 S152 442 B/6 with top selvage
439-42 + 432 $75 1949 Philatelic Exhibit + 16y definitive (432)
439 B/6 $100 S150 1949 Philatelic Exhibit, Takamatsu, block/6, gum creases, off-center
441 $20 S149 1949 10y, Matsuyama
441 B/4 $68 S149 1949 10y, Matsuyama, block/4
441 B/6 $100 S149 1949 10y, Matsuyama, block/6
441 Insc $22 S149 1949 " with inscription
442 Inscription ~Sold~ S152 1949 Peace Exhibition in Nagano, inscription single
442 top margim $15 S152 1949 Peace Exhibition in Nagano, top sheet margin
with partial legend
442 S/4 $30 S152 1949 Peace Exhibition in Nagano, vertical strip/4
442 B/6 $45 S152 1949 Block/6, top margin with sheet inscription
folded at perfs between horiz pair at right
442 B/8 $60 S152 1949 Peace Exhibition in Nagano, block/8
442 S/20 $175 S152 1949 Peace Exhibition in Nagano, sheet/20
444-5 $4 S142-3 1949 Sports
446-7 $3 S144-5 1949 Beppu Bay
448 pr $3 S147 1949 Foreign Trade Fair, imperf pair
448 B/8 + 448a B/4 $18 S147 1949 " imperf block/8 + perf 13 b/4
448b $40 S147 1949 " imperf sheet/20
448b $35 S147 1949 " imperf sheet/20, gum blemish bottom margin
449 $5 S151 1949 Afforestation
450-3 $22 P39-42 1949 Yoshino Kumano Natl Park
453a w folder $24 P43 1949 Yoshino-Kumano, S/S with Folder, no gum as issued, Park VII
453a w/o folder $16 P43 1949 Yoshino-Kumano, S/S without Folder, no gum as issued, Park VII
453a CTO FD w Folder $25 P43 1949 Yoshino-Kumano, S/S without Folder, no gum as issued, canceled
to order with First Day commemorative cancel 24(1949).4.10
455 $3 S153 1949 Children's Day, Smiling Boy
456 $170 S154 1949 Children's Day, Smiling Boy, imperf #1
456 $125 S154 1949 Children's Day, Smiling Boy, imperf, gum toning #2
456 $135 S154 1949 Children's Day, Smiling Boy, imperf,
topical stains on gum #3
456 LH $110 S154 1949 Children's Day, Smiling Boy, imperf,
lightly hinged, diagnoal creases
456 (-) 3 stamps $50 S154a 1949 Children's Day, Smiling Boy, imperf,
upper left corner strip of 3
457 $70 S155 1949 Telecommunications S/S, #1
457 $65 S155 1949 Telecommunications S/S, normal creases, #2
457 $40 S155 1949 Telecommunications S/S, dry gum,
tropical stains on gum, #3
457 VLH $44 S155 1949 Telecommunications S/S, very lightly
hinged in margin
457 o Single $38 S155 1949 Telecommunications, used single from S/S
458 $3 S156 1949 Communications
459 $3 S157 1949 Observatory
460-3 $15 P44-7 1949 Fuji-Hakone (2nd issue)
463 B/4 w Inscrip $22 P47 1949 " 24y block/4 with inscription
463a w folder $30 P48 1949 Fuji-Hakone, S/S with Folder
463a w/o folder $25 P48 1949 Fuji-Hakone, S/S, no folder
463a LH $22 P48 1949 Fuji-Hakone, S/S, lightly hinged, no Folder - #1
463a LH $20 P48 1949 Fuji-Hakone, S/S, lightly hinged, no Folder - #2
465-6 $6 S158-9 1949 Hiroshima, Nagasaki
467 $4 S161 1949 Boy Scout
469 Ins & Tab $15 S160 1949 Diver, inscription single with tab right
469 B/7 + Tab $20 S160 1949 Diver, block 8 (7 stamps - 1 label)
469-73 $16 S160-72a 1949 Sports, five stamps, singles
469, 473a $20 S169-72 1949 Sports, Block/4 + single
469, 473a x5 $90 S169-72 1949 As above, x5, 5 singles, 5 blocks/4
473a x2 $40 S169-72 1949 As above but block/8 with 2 blocks/4
474-7 $16 S163-6 1949 UPU
474-7 Insc $25 S163-6 1949 UPU, inscription singles, paper adheres on gum
475 B/7 w/ UPU Tab $20 S164 1949 UPU, 8y block of 7 + UPU label, natural gum creases
folded along perfs
475a $3 S167 1949 UPU S/S
475a (x5) $12 S167 1949 UPU S/S, x5
475a (x10) $22 S167 1949 UPU S/S, x10
479 $68 S173 1949 Flying Geese
479 F+ $30 S173 1949 Flying Geese, off-center to left
479 LH $40 S173 1949 Flying Geese
479 o $20 S173 1949 Flying Geese, used
479a VLH ~Sold~ S173 1949 Flying Geese, sheet of 5, very lightly hinged in margin,
2 colorless indentaions in bottom margin
479a ~Sold~ S173 1949 Flying Geese, sheet of 5, 2 stamps with
disturbed gum spots
480-97 $130 S174-91 1949-52 Cultural leaders
480-97 Ins $175 S174-91 1949-52 Cultural leaders, inscription single set,
never hinged but most with gum flaws
480-97 LH $60 S174-91 1949-52 Cultural leaders, lightly hinged
480 type II JSDA & JSCA list type I and II for this stamp, type II is priced
10 times higher than type I. To see the differences, click here.
480 type II ~Sold~ S174a 1949 Dr. Noguchi, type II
498 $5 N6 1950 Tiger, NY
498a $100 N7 1950 Tiger, NY, S/S
499 B/8 $20 S192 1950 Microphone, Anniv of Broadcastin,
Top margin block/8
Scott Price JSDA # Date Comments/Series
501-4 $22 P49-52 1950 Akan National Park
501-4 B/4 $65 P49-52 1950 Akan, blocks/4, 501-3 light gum disturbances
504a w Folder $30 P53 1950 Akan, S/S, with folder, Park IX
504a w/o Folder $25 P53 1950 Akan, S/S, no folder, Park IX
504a LH w/o folder $20 P53 1950 Akan, S/S, lightly hinged, no folder. Park IX
505-8 $45 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet
505-8 S/20 $375 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, sheet of 20,
4 Blocks/4 and inscription strip of 4
505-8 Pairs $75 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, in pairs
508a $65 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, strip/4
508b LH $80 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, block/4,
lightly hinged
508b H $55 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, block/4, hinged
508b $75 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, block/4, folded
at perfs between top and bottom rows
508b $70 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, block/4, 2 stamps with natural
gum inclusions which show on face also
508b $65 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, block/4, 1 pulled perf
508b o $60 S194-7 1950 Sports, 5th Natl Meet, used, lightly hinged, no thins
509a $5 D348 1951 Pagoda, S/S
509a o $18 D348 1951 Pagoda, S/S canceled first day
510a $10 1951 Hisoka Maejima, S/S of 4
510a cto fd $10 1951 Hisoka Maejima, S/S of 4, cancel to order first day
513 B/6 $18 D282a 1952 5y Cock, block6, unwatermarked
514 B/4 $15 R283 1951 6y lady, block/4 unwatermarked
514 $6 R283 1951 6y lady, unwatermarked
516 B/4 $65 R286 1951 10y oo Kannon, unwatermarked, block/6
517a $40 R287a 1950 14y Himeji Castle, S/S
517a $25 R287a 1950 14y Himeji Castle, S/S, brown gum, paper inclusion
518 H $16 R288 1951 20y Tree Planting, unwatermarked, hinged
519a $24 R289a 1950 24y Phoenix Hall, S/S
519a LH $18 R289a 1950 24y Phoenix Hall, S/S, lightly hinged
519a o $28 R289a 1950 24y Phoenix Hall, S/S, used, canceled 3.11.25 (19500,
first day was 1.11.25 (1950)
521 F-VF $70 R290 1951 50y Nyoirin Goddess, no watermark, Fine-Very Fine centering,
natural gum inclusion
521 VLH $60 R290 1951 50y Nyoirin Goddess, very lightly hinged
521A $225 R292 1952 Occupational Series, no watermark, 100y, gum discolored
at top - perhaps ink bleed-through from front
521A $125 R292 1952 Occupational Series, no watermark, 100y,
hinged with hinge remnant
521c $115 R291a 1951 50y Kannon S/S with "oo", small
natural gum inclusion top middle
522 $3 N8 1951 New Year stamp, girl and rabbit, perf 12, most common perf
522 Pr $7 N8 1951 New Year stamp, girl and rabbit, perf 12, pair
522 B9 $22 N8 1951 New Year stamp, girl and rabbit, perf 12, block/9
522 x2 $10 N8 1951 New Year stamp, girl and rabbit, perf 13.5 & 12
522 w Tab at Top $12 N8 1951 New Year stamp, girl and rabbit, with tab at top, perf 13.5
522 w Tab at Left $12 N8 1951 New Year stamp, girl and rabbit, with tab at top, perf 13.5
natural gum creases
522a $36 N8 1951 New Year stamp, girl and rabbit, S/S, typical creases
523-40 B/4 $500 S199-16 1951 Tourist Places Series in blocks of 4, 9 sets - 18 stamps (x4),
+ 578-9 B/4 + 578-8 Block/4
523-40, 78-9 (20) ~Sold~ S199-18 1951 Tourist Places Series, 10 sets, 537 pulled
perf bottom left 578-9 not in pic but included
523-40, 78-9 (20) H $125 S199-18 1951 Tourist Places Series, 10 sets, hinged, mostly LH
523-40 (18) H $115 S199-16 1951 Tourist Places Series, 9 sets, hinged, mostly LH
525-6 VLH $65 S201-2 1951 Mt Fuji
525-6 VLH $50 S201-2 1951 Mt Fuji, very lightly hinged
526 LH $28 S202 1951 Mt Fuji, 24y, lightly hinged
526 o $20 1951 Mt Fuji, used on cut piece (not cover) also 524,, 475, 477,
cut piece, not a cover
527-8 IB/4 $38 S203-4 Scenic Places, Hakone, inscription blocks/4
528 B/4 $23 S204 1951 Scenic Places, Hakone, 24y, block/4
529-30 $15 S205-6 1951 Scenic Places, Akame Shiju-Hattaki
529-30 B/4 $45 S205-6 1951 Scenic Places, Akame Shiju-Hattaki, blocks/4
529-30 IB/4 $50 S205-6 1951 Scenic Places, Akame Shiju-Hattaki, inscription blocks/4
535 Sheet/20 $50 S211 1951 Scenic Places, Oura Catholic Churcj, 8y, sheet/20,
stains in bootom and bottom left margin, 3 stamps
with stains on gum
537 Sheet/20 $60 S213 1951 Scenic Places, Marunuma, 8y, sheet/20, stains in
top & side margins - front & back, perf separation
in 1st column, stamps ok
537-8 IB/4 $30 S213-4 1951 Scenic Places, Shosenkyo Gorge, inscription blocks/4
539 Sheet/20 $70 S215 1951 Scenic Places, Shosenkyo, 8y, sheet/20, stains in
upper right margin - front & back, stamps ok
539 B/8 $40 S215 1951 Scenic Places, Shosenkyo, 8y, B/8 (4x4),
541 $16 S219 1951 Child
541 Insc $18 S219 1951 " inscription
541 B/4 NH/H $35 S219 1951 " block of 4, top stamps lightly hinged
bottom stamps never hinged
541 LH $10 S219 1951 " lightly hinged
542-5 $20 P54-7 1951 Towada Park
545a w Folder $45 P58 1951 Towada Park, S/S, with folder, Park X
545a w/o Folder $35 P58 1951 Towada Park, S/S, without folder, Park X
545a o $35 P58 1951 Towada Park, S/S, cto with First Day commem cxl
full gum, lightly hinged, no folder, Park X
550a $6 S223-4 1951 Sports, horiz setenet pair,
shot put & hockey
550a x2 $14 S223-4 1951 Sports, horiz setenet 2 pairs in block/4 stamps
550a x4 $30 S223-4 1951 Sports, horiz setenet 4 pairs in block/4 stamps,
top of sheet
549-50 Sheet 20 $75 S223-4 1951 Shot put & Hockey, sheet 20
horiz pairs (x10)
551 $6 N10 1952 NY, Mask
551 B/4 Date $28 N10 1952 NY, Mask, block/4 with date tab
551 B/4 NH/H $20 N10 1952 NY, Mask, block/4 with date tab, top stamps
lightly hinged, bottom stamps never hinged
551 B/6 $50 N10 1952 NY, Mask, margin block/6 with date tab & inscription,
bottom left corner, perf separation on left 2 stamps
551 Sheet/20 $100 N10 1952 NY, Mask, sheet of 20
551a $60 N11 1952 NY, Mask, S/S, nice
551a $55 N11 1952 NY, Mask, S/S, gum creases
551a o $45 N11 1952 NY, Mask, S/S, used, 27(1952).8.16
551a Mihon $55 N11 1952 NY, Mask, S/S, gum creases,
Specimen (Mihon)
551a Creases $45 N11 1952 NY, Mask, S/S, gum creases and
crease lower right corner
551a H $40 N11 1952 NY, Mask, S/S, hinged
552-3 $12 S225-6 1952 UPU
552 B/4 $16 S225 1952 " 5 yen value in block/4
554-5 $10 S227-8 1952 Red Cross
554-5 S/20 $145 S227-8 1952 Red Cross, sheets/20
556-60 $13 1952 1y,4y,8y,35y,50y
556 $8 R305 1952 35y,fish
561-4 $34 P59-2 1952 Chubu Sangaku, Natl Park
561-4 B/4 NH/LH $70 P59-2 1952 Chubu Sangaku, blocks/4, top stamps lightly hinged,
bottom never hinged, gum creases
562 B/6 $65 P60 1952 Kurobe Valley, 10s, block/6
562 B/4 $35 P60 1952 Kurobe Valley, 10s, block/4
562 S/3 $24 P60 1952 Kurobe Valley, 10s, horizontal strip/3
564a w folder $60 P63 1952 Chubu Sagaku Natl Park, S/S w folder, Park XI
564a w/o folder $40 P63 1952 Chubu Sagaku Natl Park, S/S no folder, Park XI
564as $100 P64 1952 Chubu Sagaku Natl Park, S/S w folder, Park XI,
S/S and folder w mihon mark
565 $12 S229 1952 Tokyo University
568a $15 S230-1 1952 Wrestling,hiking,horizontal
setenet pair
569-72 $15 P64-7 1952 Bandai-Ashi Natl Park
569 S/20 $25 P64 1952 Bandai-Ashi Natl Park, 5y, sheet/20
571 B/9 $25 P66 1952 Bandai-Ashi Natl Park, 14y, B/9 (3x3)
572a w Folder $55 P68 1952 Bandai-Ashi Natl Park, S/S, with folder, Psrk XII
572a w/o Folder $40 P68 1952 Bandai-Ashi Natl Park, S/S, no folder, Psrk XII
573-5 FD $20 S232-4 1952 Return of Crown Prince, unaddressed FD
575a $60 S235 1952 Heir Apparent, S/S with new issue glassine
575a $40 S235 1952 Heir Apparent, S/S without new issue glassine
575a cto FD $90 S235 1952 Heir Apparent, S/S with new issue glassine, canceled to
order on first day of issue (1952.12.23)
576 $5 N12 1953 NY, Doll
576 Pr $12 N12 1953 NY, Doll, bottom margin horiz pair with "1953" in margin
576 B/4 $22 N12 1953 NY, Doll, lower left corner block w/ "1953" in margin #1
576 B/4 $24 N12 1953 NY, Doll, lower left corner block w/ "1953" in margin #2
576 B/4 NH/H $18 N12 1953 NY, Doll, w/ "1953" in margin, top stamps
lightly hinged, bottom stamps never hinged
576 B/4 2 tabs $28 N12 1953 NY, Doll, block/4 from S/S with 2 tabs
576a $38 N12 1953 NY, Doll, S/S, typical creasing
576a LH $30 N12 1953 NY, Doll, S/S, lightly hinged
576as Mihon $55 N12 1953 NY, Doll, S/S, specimen (mihon)
577 $5 S236 1953 Electric light
580b Booklet $70 Bklt 23 1954 Kannon unexploded booklet, no perf seperation
580b Pane $20 Bklt 23 1954 Kannon, pane removed from booklet, spilt along center perfs
580 w right tab $8 1954 Kannon, stamp with tab, minor perf seperation
581-2 $6 P69-70 1953 Shikotsu-Toya Park
582a w Folder $26 P71 1953 Shitotsu-Toya Park, S/S with folder, Park XIII
582a w/o Folder $20 P71 1953 Shitotsu-Toya Park, S/S without folder
584 $20 R310 1953 Fishing with birds
585-6 $4 P72-3 1953 Ise Shima
585-6 S/20 $70 P72-3 1953 Ise Shima, sheets/20
586a w Folder $17 P74 1953 Ise Shima S/S with folder, Park XIV
586a w/o Folder $12 P74 1953 Ise Shima S/S without folder
587-8 $6 S237-8 1953 Crown Prince's Return
587-8 FD $10 S237-8 1953 Crown Prince's Return. cto first day on PPC
589-9 $8 S239-40 1953 Judo, rugby
590a $14 S239-40 1953 Judo, rugby, inscription pair
590a $12 S239-40 1953 Judo, rugby, vert pair
590a S/10 $70 S239-40 1953 Judo, rugby, sheet with 10 pairs, folded
along perfs, 6 stamps gum toned
591 $6 S241 1953 Tokyo Observatory
592-3 $5 P75-6 1953 Unzen Park
593a w Folder $16 P77 1953 Unzen Park S/S with folder, Park XV
593a w/o Folder $10 P77 1953 Unzen Park S/S with folder
594 $4 N14 1953 NY, horse
594 B/4 Date $25 N14 1953 NY, horse, block of 4 with Date
594a $30 N15 1953 NY, hourse, S/S, wrinkling in margin only
594a $25 N15 1953 NY, hourse, S/S, typical wrinkling
594as Mihon $45 N15 1953 NY, horse, S/S, specimen (mihon)
595 $4 S242 1953 Ice skating
601a w Folder $15 P80 1954 Jo-Shin-Estsu Kogen, S/S w Folder
601a w/o Folder $10 P80 1954 Jo-Shin-Estsu Kogen, S/S without Folder
601a o $16 P80 1953 Jo-Shin-Estsu Kogen S/S, cto Commem Cxl (x2), 29(1954).6.25,
first day cancel, lightly hinged, no gum as issued, no folder
603a $6 S245-6 1954 Sports,9th Athletic Meet, horiz pair
603a with date $8 S245-6 1954 " horiz pair with date (1954 in bottom margin)
603a (x2) $10 S245-6 1954 " two pairs in block/4 format
603a (x2) w date $15 S245-6 1954 " two pairs in block/4 format, with date
603a S/10 $60 S245-6 1954 " sheet of 20 with 10 pairs, minor perf separations
603a S/10 $55 S245-6 1954 " sheet of 20 with 10 pairs, vertical fold
606a S/S $25 N17 1954-5 Daruma Doll NY, S/S
606a S/S LH $20 N17 1954-5 Daruma Doll NY, S/S, lightly hinged
608a w Folder $16 P83 1955 Chichibu-Tama S/S with Folder
608a o $16 P84 1955 Chichibu-Tama S/S cto Commem Cxl, 30(1955).3.1, first day
cancel, lightly hinged, no gum as issued, no folder
609 $55 R311 1955 500y Bridge & Iris
611a Bklt $30 Bklt 24 1959 Complete Unexploded Booklet
611a Bklt x5 $130 Bklt 24 1959 Complete Unexploded Booklet, x5
611b Bklt $30 Bklt 25 1963 Complete Unexploded Booklet
611c Bklt $20 Bklt 28 1965 Complete Unexploded Booklet, 5 panes of 4 each
612-3 B/6 $16 P84-5 1955 Rikuchu Coast,block/6
613a w Folder $15 P86 1955 Rikuchu Coast S/S w/folder
616 $7 S253 1955 Philatelic Week
616 Ins $10 S253 1955 Philatelic Week, inscription single, pos 9,
no "dot" variety
616 Ins B/4 $25 S253 1955 Philatelic Week, inscription block/4, pos.9
no "dot" variety
616 Var Ins ~Sold~ S253 1955 Philatelic Week, JSCA C252a - variety,
pos. 9 (inscription), "dots" on woman's chin
617a S/S $20 N19 1955-6 Kokeshi Doll NY,S/S
617a S/S LH $15 N19 1955-6 Kokeshi Doll NY,S/S, lightly hinged
621-2 $15 R308,9 1956 55y-sea,75y-butterfly
623 B/9 $35 R301 1956 14y castle,1st yen unit series
625a w Folder $14 P90 1956 Saikai S/S with Folder,lighthouse
625a o x4 $50 P90 1956 Saikai S/S cto 4 diff Comm Cxl, 56.10.1, first day
cancels, lightly hinged, no gum as issued, no folder
628a S/10 $18 R259-60 1956 Sports,long jump,volley ball
in sheet of 10 pairs
630 $6 S261 1956 Philatelic Week, Ebizo Ichikawa
630 Sheet/10 $65 S261 1956 " (Kabuki actor), sheet of 10
636-36A $35 R303-4 1957-9 24 & 30y,castles, 1st yen unit series
636-36A LH $20 R303-4 1957-9 " lightly hinged
636 $12 R303 1957 " 24y only
636A $20 R304 1959 " 30y only
636 B/4 $45 R303 1957 " 24y in Block/4
644a S/S (x10) $40 N23 1957 Cat, NY, S/S
672 $13 R312 1959 10y Kannon (redrawn), coil
672 pair $22 R312 1959 10y Kannon (redrawn), coil pair
679 B/4 $20 1959 Hiroshige, letter writing week, block/4
683a (x10 in sheet) $12 S302-3 1959 Sports, sheet of 20 with 10 pairs
693-4 (x20 in sheet) $12 S312-3 1960 Japan/US Treaty, sheet setbn
693-4,703 $15 S312-4 1960 Japan/US Treaty,set+S/S
703 $14 S314 1960 Japan/US Treaty, S/S
704 $10 S321 1960 Night Snow at Kamabara, letter writing week
704 $12 S321 1960 " date in margin
704 B/4 $25 S321 1960 " block/4
712-23 B/4 $15 S328-39 1961 Flowers, blocks/4
725 Bklt $20 BK27 1964 Unexploded booklet of 5 panes of 4 each
726 $4 R324 1961 10y sakura blossoms, coil single
726 $7 R324 1961 10y sakura blossoms, coil pair
726 $12 R324 1961 10y sakura blossoms, coil strip/3
735 B/4 $15 1961 Letter writing weekHiroshige, block/4
746-54 $35 R314-5 1961-5 2nd yen unit series
746-54, 725 B/4 $145 R314-23 1961-5 2nd yen unit series, blocks/4
752 $18 R321 1962 90y Wind God
802-3 Sh 20 $5 S402-3 1963 Sports, sheet 20 - 10 setenent pairs
825s $10 S423 1963 Olympics,S/S w folder, specimen
879A-91A (19) $35 1966-9 1st Nippon series + 500y
881d Bklt $10 B31 1967 Flowers with blue numerial "15"
898a Var o $75 1966 Sports, pre-printing paper fold on left (shooting)
stamp, makes that stamp significantly wider, used
914b Bklt $45 B34 1968 Duck, flowers w/ white numerial "15"- 68.3.1 printing
914b Bklts x5 $150 B34 1968 As above x5, post office fresh
914b Bklts x10 $275 B34 1968 As above x10, post office fresh
914b Bklt FDC $40 B34 1968 Duck, flowers w/ white numerial "15"- 68.3.1 printing, pane
pane and bklt cover present but not tied to first day cover
914e Bklt $40 B33 1967 Flowers with white numerial "15"
956-9,59A&B (6) $7 R514A-5A 1967 Postal code system, set of 6 in singles
958a Bklt Ty 1 $50 Bklt 35 1968 Complete booklet, postal codes, Type 1
958a Bklt x5 Ty 1 $225 Bklt 35 1968 " as above, x5 booklets, Type 1
958a Bklt Ty 2 $50 Bklt 35 1968 Complete booklet, postal codes, Type 2
958a Bklt x5 Ty 2 $225 Bklt 35 1968 " as above, x5 booklets, Type 2
1067-87 $32 R353//379a 18 stamps
1067-87a $42 R353//379a 18 stamps & 1 S/S
1071//1087s $18 R357//379 9 specimen (mihon) stamps
1081-7 $20 200y-1000y defins, face=2600y
1087a $14 R389a 1975 1,000y S/S
1244-53 (7) $16 1976-9 50y-350y definitives
1244-57 (10) $20 1976-9 Definitives,face=1200y+
1244a Bklt $4 Booklet
1307a x25 $70 1977 National Safety Week sheet of 25 which
contains 25 B/4 of 1307a
1422-35 (14) $35 1980-2 Definitives,face=2500y+
1585 $8 R901 1984 eMail stamp, face=500y
1678a Bklt $10 S1080 1986 Lotter prize, bklt pane of 5 each,
unexploded booklet
1678 S/S $40 S1081 1986 Lottery prize, S/S, bird
1656 $8 R902 1985 eMail stamp, face=500y
1681a-1699a $12 S1083-01 1986 Insects, 10 pairs
1711a-29a (10) $15 S1119/46 1987 Bushido Series of 10 imperforate S/S
2154-73 (21) $40 1992-4 Definitve set of 15 + 3 coils + 4 die cuts, all singles
2405s, 9a, 10-21 $15 S1480-95 1994-5 Postal History Series, face = 1,00y
Trial Stamps S/20 ~Sold~ --- 1987 Bureau of Printing, Ministry of Finance,
"Self-Adhesive Trial Stamp" sheet 20 in
descriptive folder, upper right corner bent
1796/8 S/S $6 S1238 1988 Lottery prize S/S, fox
Z69a S/47 Prefectural $75 Z23 1990 Prefectural Flowers, sheet of 47 + 3 labels
2475-85 $40 1995-8 Definives
Souvenir Cards (10) $50 S2-11 1961-3 JSDA listed, complete set of 10
each with folder
Souvenir Cards $10 S2//11 1961-3 Individual numbers from above set available,
$10 for each card (with folder)
Kitte Bunka Kai Card $45 1974 Card and folder, commemorates 30th Anniv of KBK,
RP Alexander note "1500" copies by Choyokai of the
Printing Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Finance."
ASDA Show S/S 1988 $5 S29 1988 Private S/S issued for 1988
ASDA show
B1-3 $6 S72-4 1937 Plane over mountains
B1-3 B/4 $24 S72-4 1937 " block/4, nice gum
B1-3 x25 $65 S72-4 1937 " blocks, one is B/10 + B/15, other 2 blocks of 25
(5x5), lightly disturbed gum.
B1-3 FD $30 S72-4 1937 First Day on JSDA Comm PC 2 (FD also)
hinge marks on back
B1-3 Cvr $30 S72-4 1937 Cover (not FD), 1937.6.7, uncanceled definitives,
colorless paper clip indention at left
B1-3 Cvrs (3) $25 S72-4 1937 Covers (3) (not FD), 1937.6.2, 2nd day of issue,
3 unaddressed covers
B4-5 $4 S85-5 1942 Fall of Singapore ovpt
B4-5 B/4 $12 S85-5 1942 Fall of Singapore ovpt,block/4
B4-5 B/6 $16 S85-5 1942 Fall of Singapore ovpt,block/4
B4-5 B/12 $20 S85-5 1942 Fall of Singapore ovpt,block/8
B6-7 $4 S92-3 1942 Pearl Harbor
B9-10 $18 S131-2 1948 Red Cross
B9-10 B/4 $55 S131-2 1948 Red Cross, blocks/4, bottom margin
B9-10 B/4 $45 S131-2 1948 Red Cross, blocks/4
B11 $20 S133 1949 Red Cross S/S, imperf
B11 o $20 S133 1949 Red Cross S/S, imperf, canceled to order
with first day commemorative cancel
B14-31 (20) $5 R348-67 1961-4 Olympics,singles
B14a-31a (6 S/S) $18 R368-73 1964 Olympics all six S/S
B14a-31a (6 S/S) x3 $50 R368-73 1964 Olympics all six S/S, 3 sets of 6 each
Scott Price JSDA # Date Comments/Series
C3-7 H/NH $65 A1-5 1929-34 C3 (hinged), others NH, C5 (16 1/2s) pulled perf -
bottom right corner, priced on condition
C3-7 H $45 A1-5 1929-34 Hinged, some with hinge remnants
C6 B/4 $160 A4 1929 Never Hinged block/4
C7 PR $110 A5 1929 Never Hinged horizontal pair w partial inscription
C8 DG $875 1934 Lightly disturbed gum along top, 2 perfs seperated
C9-13 $125 A6-10 1950 Pheasants, all never hinged
C9-13 $115 A6-10 1950 Pheasants, all never hinged, C12 (103y) &
C13 (144y) have slightly dry gum
C9-13 LH $105 A6-10 1950 Pheasants, lightly hinged, C11 (59y) is
the white paper variety (JSCA A8a)
C9-13 LH/HH $85 A6-10 1950 Pheasants, hinged set, C13 heavy hinge,
C9-12 lightly hinged
C9-10//12-13 (4) $120 A6//10 1950 16y, 34y, 103y, 144y (4), no 59y (C11)
C9 LH $22 A6 1950 16y, lightly hinged
C13 VF H $22 A13 1950 144y, VF, hinged
C13 F $20 A13 1950 144y, Fine, centered high
couple of toned perfs
C17 IB/6 NH $95 A14 1951 Plane over pagoda, 30y inscripton block/6
natural gum creases
C19 NH $165 A16 1952 55y, plane over Fuji, oo
C20 NH $100 A17 1952 75y, plane over Fuji, oo
C25-38 (11) H $185 A22-32 1952-62 Underlined oo omitted, hinged,
some with gum blemishes, 2 complete sets
C30 $55 A27 1952 55y, plane over Fuji
C30 VLH $45 A27 1952 55y, plane over Fuji, very lightly hinged
C33 F+ $65 A29 1952 80y, plane over Fuji, centering Fine +,
centered high
C33 VLH $75 A29 1952 80y, plane over Fuji, very lightly hinged
C33 LH $70 A29 1952 80y, plane over Fuji, lightly hinged
C38 LH $25 A29 1952 160y, plane over Fuji, lightly hinged
C39-42 $18 A33-36 1953 Great Buddha
C43 $14 A37 1953 30y coil, single
C43 Vert Pair $38 A37 1953 30y coil, vertical pair
C43 Vert Pair LH/NH $25 A37 1953 30y coil, vertical pair, top stamp very LH, bottom NH
C43 LH $16 A37 1961 30y coil, lightly hinged
C43 H $10 A37 1961 30y coil, heavily hinged
Imperal Japanese Seals
Telegraph Seal B/10 $25 Imperial Japanese Telegraphs seal, Shimomura 8 or 9 perf 11,
block/10 (5x2), rough condition, minor perf separation
Out of Stock
Offices in China
OC2 x8 $40 1901 Office in China on 1/2s x8, 7 MNH
OC6 o $30 1900 Office in China on 2s, used on cut piece,
Tongku I.J.P.O 28 March 01
Australia M1-7 $185 1946-7 JSCA O1-7, BCOF set
Azad Hind
JSCA 1-9 $35 1943 Imperfs, lacks no. 10
JSCA 1 B/4, 2 B/4 $65 1943 Imperfs, 1 & 2 are bottom corner B/4,
+ 2 B/10 I 2 B/10 - 2x5 vertical block no margins
JSCA 4-9 P/I $35 1943 Perforate and Imperforate, hinged
some with off-set on gum
JSCA 1, 3-9 P/I $25 1943 Perforate and Imperforate
Burma 2N3 Used $8 1942 5c Surcharge on 1a Stamp
Burma 2N38-40 B/4 $50 1943 1c, 3c & 5c in blocks/4
Burma 2N38-40 $25 1943 1c, 3c & 5c, various combinations of
hyphen-hole and pin-hole perfs
Burma 3N31 x3 imp H $75 1943 2c, imperf x3, hinge remnants,
JSCA 2B41c (not priced)
Burunei 17 H $45 1942 $1, hinged, war gum (dark brown)
Malaya Occupation $20 1943 JSCA 9M1//10(7 stamps), includes 9M10 - 70c
Manchukuo 116-9 $10 1937 Completion of Natl Capitol
Manchukuo C1,C3 $20 1936 18f, 38f 1936 airmails
Sumatra JSCA 15S2-10i $40 1943-4 Imperforate singles, no gum, lightly hinged
Mihons/Specimens = ("s")
Japanese Mihons Priced Under $10, click here.
49s Syll? H-Part OG $30 R40 1875 Foreign paper, new color 30s, wrinkled
partial original gum (almost no gum), as is
87s NG HR $20 S5 1896 2s, Gen Yoshihisa - Sino Japan War
no gum, hinge remnant
152s Toned DG $15 S15 1916 1 1/2s, Heir Apparent, full gum
tone spot, disturbed gum areas
424s DG $15 NY5 1948 Girl with toy, dark spots on gum
434s $60 R273 1949 30y, postman, wmk 257, #1
434s $55 R273 1949 30y, postman, wmk 257, #2
434s $45 R273 1949 30y, postman, wmk 257, tropical staining on gum, #3
444-5s LH $15 S142-3 1949 Sports, lightly hinged
458s $16 S156 1949 Communications
459s $16 S157 1949 Observatory
469s Ins & Tab LH $28 S160 1949 Diver, inscription single with tab right, lightly hinged
501-4s H $20 P49-52 1950 Akan Park, hinged with remnants
523-4s $18 S199-200 1951 Zaho-San
525-6s $35 S201-2 1951 Mt Fuji
525-6s $25 S201-2 1951 Mt Fuji, disturbed gum, 525 scraped, 526 corner damage
529-30s $20 S205-6 1951 Akame Shiju-Hattaki
531-2s $20 S207-8 1951 Wakanora Tomogashima
533-4s $15 S209-10 1951 Ujigwa, gum glaze on 533
537-8s $20 S213-40 1951 Sugenuma-Marunuma
544-5s $20 P56-7 1951 14y & 24y, Towada Park, part set
551as $55 N11 1952 NY, Mask, S/S, gum creases
552-3s h $22 S225-6 1952 UPU, hinge remenants
554-5s h $18 S227-8 1952 Red Cross, mount/hinge remenants
564as $100 P64 1952 Park XI with mihon marked folder
576as $55 N12 1953 NY, Sambaso Doll, S/S #1
576as $50 N12 1952 NY, Sambaso Doll, S/S #2
577s $15 S236 1953 Electric light, #2
594as $45 N15 1953 NY, horse, S/S
600-1s $20 1953 Jo-Shin-Estsu Kogen
611cs x5 (Bklt) $35 Bklt 26 1964 5s Duck, 5 panes of 4, unexploded
638s $8 S267 1957 Atomic reactor
647s $8 S275 1958 Opening of the Ports, "Simmons" handstamp
667-70s $15 S290-3 1959 Wedding of Crown Prince
679s $10 S300 1959 Letter Writing, "Kuwana" by Hiroshige
680s $10 S301 1959 IATA
683as (x4) $15 S302-3 1959 Sports, block of 8 stamps
"Ozaki" handstamp on all on gum side
685s B/4 $12 N26 1959 NY - Rat, block/4, "Ozaki"
handstamp on all on gum side
688-90s $10 S308-10 1960 Miyajima
703s $18 S314 1960 Visit of Prince & Princes to US, S/S
703s $20 S314 1960 Visit of Prince & Princes to US, S/S with
Ozaki certificate but not handstamp on gum
704s $13 S321 1960 Philatelic Week
704s LH $10 S321 1960 Philatelic Week, lightly hinged
712-23s $15 S328-39 1961 Flower, Simmons handstamp on gum
712-23s B/4 $60 S328-339 1961 Flowers, blocks/4, "Ozaki"
handstamp on all on gum side
725s $10 D316 1961 Definitve, cherry blossom
725cs x5 Booklet $35 Bklt 29 1964 JSDA Booklet B29 (1964) unexploded booklet
5 panes of 4 stamps each, all stamps with
mihon mark (stamps and front cover)
725cs x5 Booklet x5 $135 Bklt 29 1964 As above but 5 unexploded mihon booklets
730s $10 D343 1961 Rotary
756,62s $10 S376-7 1962 Folklore
768s Inscp B/4 $10 S382-339 1961 Wakato Bridge, inscription block/4, "
"Ozaki" handstamp on all on gum side
763s $10 S381 1962 Boy Scouts
763s S/4 $35 S381 1962 Boy Scouts, strip of 4
788-92As $10 S391-6 1963 Birds
794s $10 S398 1963 Girl Scouts
800s $10 S400 1963 "Great Wave" by Hokusai
806-9s $10 P108-9 1964 Ise Shima Park
879A- 891As $55 S327//50 1966-9 19 stamps, complete per Scott
957as,8as $15 S513A-14B 1968 Zip code, vertical pairs
1071//1087s $22 R357//79 9 specimen (mihon) stamps
1074,1074-87s NH/LH $50 D353//79 1971-75 Definitives, short 1067-9 (3y,5y,10y)
1071-2 (10y,25y), 70y,80y,90y lightly hinged
others never hinged
1129s $10 S618 1972 Kendo
1244-53s $45 D368//79 1976-9 Definitives, 4th Nippon, 50y,60y,140y,
150y,200y,250y,350y (7) complete per Scott
1307as $12 S764-7 1977 Safety week in block/4
1422-35s (14) + 1630 $50 D381//407 1980-84 Definitives,Flora & Art series, complete per
Scott (14) + 1984 300y
1432s B/4 $22 D403 1981 Definitive, 310y - block/4
B9-10s $25 S131-2 1948 Red Cross
Mihon Year Groups (all different, no definitives)
1974 (35) $22 35 mihion stamps, all different
1975 (37) $24 37 mihion stamps, all different
1976 (25) $18 25 mihion stamps, all different
1977 (41) $25 41 mihion stamps, all different
1978 (28) $20 28 mihion stamps, all different
1979 (29) $20 29 mihion stamps, all different
B Nos (20) 1963-74 $12 20 mihion stamps, all different
B14a-31as(6 S/S) $38 R368-73 1964 Olympics all six S/S, each stamp mihon
B12-13s B/4 $20 S348-51 1961 Olympics, 1st, blocks/4
B15-31s $18 S351-67 1962-4 Olympics, 2nd-6th issues, no 1st issue (B12-14)
C14s-C18s H $35 A11-18 1951 Complete set, lightly hinged or hinge remnant
C14s,15s,C18s Cvr $25 A11,12,15 1951 15y, 20y,40y mihons, affixed to cacheted
first flight envelope, not canceled
C25s $10 A22 1962 15y
Mihon Postal Stationery
1957-9 NY Cards (6) $40 6 different New Year mihon lottery cards
3 Yen CRE - Mihon $15 3 yen cash remittance envelope
designated mihon
Japanese Mihons Priced Under $10, click here.
Postal Stationery
JPS = Japan Philatelic Society, "Sakura Catalogue"
H&G = Higgins & Gage, Catalogue of Postal Stationery of the World
Postal Cards (Domesitic Rates)
JPS PC6 Syl 3 $60 1s card, syllable 3, VG condition, hinge remnants
JPS PC6 Syl 6 $65 1s card, syllable 6, VG condition, hinge mark
JPS PC6s Syl 10 $100 1s card, syllable 10, mihon/specimen, VG condition+
JPS PC6s Syl 18 $35 1s card, syllable 18, Good condition, hinge remnants
JPS PC6s Syl 20 $40 1s card, syllable 20, Good condition, hinge remnants
& paper adheres
JPS PC9 $14 1/2s card, mint
JPS PC9s $18 1/2s card, mihon/specimen, mint
JPS PC10 $22 1s card, mint
JPS PC10 $20 1s card, mint, hinge mark on back
JPS PC10 x2 $40 1s card, mint, x2
JPS PC11 $12 5r card, mint, age toned
JPS PC13 Mihon $20 1s double card (message/reply), mihon/specimen, toned, creases
JPS PC14 Mihon $18 1s card, mihon/specimen, scraped areas back
JPS PC16 $22 1s card, toned area on back, No. 1
JPS PC16 $22 1s card, toned area on back, No. 2
JPS PC17 $200 1s + 1s double card (message/reply)
JPS PC17 & PC21 $240 1s + 1s and 1 1/2 + 1 1/2 double cards (message/reply) (2)
JPS PC20 $12 1 1/2 card, mint
JPS PC20 x2 $20 1 1/2 card, mint, 2 cards
JPS PC21 $55 1 1/2c double card (message/reply), no. 1
JPS PC21 $50 1 1/2c double card (message/reply), no. 2
JPS PC24 $45 1 1/2 double card (message/reply), hinge
remnants on back of message card
JPS PC26 $45 1 1/2 double card (message/reply), No. 1
JPS PC26 $45 1 1/2 double card (message/reply), No. 2
JPS PC26 $50 1 1/2 double card (message/reply), No. 3
JPS PC30 $45 1 1/2 double card (message/reply), hinge
remnants on back of message card
JPS PC31 $15 1 1/2s single card with 10(1935).10.30
commemorative cxl
JPS PC32,4,6 $55 1 1/2 double cards (message/reply), hinge
remnants on back of message card (3)
JPS PC34 $20 2y double card (message reply), inscriptions at foot
of cards, no lines over 2nd character from left at top
JPS PC35 $15 2s single card with Taihoku, Taiwan 13(1938).2.18
commemorative cxl
JPS PC50 + o $10 2y +12y 26(1951).11.6 to US
JPS PC50A & 52 o $15 2y+3y & 5y, tied by Yokohama 1.12.51 cxls
JPS PC51 x3 $30 2y double card (message reply) x3
JPS PC53 x2 $30 2y double card (message reply) x2
JPS PC60 $30 7y double card (message reply), mihon, writing
Foreign Mail Cards
JPS FC1 $35 3s card, heavy toning and staining
JPS FC2 $85 5s card, light foxing
JPS FC3 $75 6s card, light foxing, edge discoloration
JPS FC4 x2 $40 2s cards, buff card stock
JPS FC5 o $12 3s card, to Germany "via America", horizontal crease
JPS FC6 $45 2s double card, thin white card stock, (message/reply)
JPS FC6 cto $45 2s double card, thin white card stock, (message/reply)
both cards cto with domestic cxl (16(1883??).7.7
JPS FC7 $65 3s double card (message/reply), VF
JPS FC7 $55 3s double card (message/reply), F-VF
JPS FC8 $30 2s thick card stock, VF
JPS FC8 $25 2s thick card stock, F-VF
JPS FC8 o $10 2s thick card stock 1894 use to USA
JPS FC8 o $10 2s thick card stock 1898 use to USA
JPS FC8 o $15 2s thick card stock 1900 use to USA, hinge removed top back
JPS FC9 $25 3s card, thick card stock
JPS FC9 o CTO $10 Nagasaki 23 Nov 95, addressed no msg
JPS FC10 $70 2s double card (message/reply), thick white to buff card, VF
JPS FC10 $40 2s double card (message/reply), thick white to buff card,
hinge mark on back of reply card
JPS FC10 cto $60 2s double card (message/reply), thick white to buff card,
both cards canceled to order - Yokohama 95 Dec 8
JPS FC11 $45 3s double card (message/reply),
hinge on back of reply card
JPS FC12 $16 4s card
JPS FC12 o $12 4s card, Yokohama 17 Apr 99 to US
JPS FC12 o $25 4s card, 1906 use to Channel Islands via England
JPS FC12 o $16 4s card, 1907 use to England
JPS FC12 o $20 4s card, 1900.6.1 to Germany
JPS FC12 o $9 4s card, 1908.10.28 to Germany
JPS FC13 $45 4s double card (message/reply)
JPS FC20 $15 6s card
JPS FC21 $50 6s double card (message/reply, nick on bottom edge
JPS FC22s $25 10s card, mihon/specimen, faint cancel, addressed
JPS FC27 x2 $10 50s cards, cream & gray card stock
JPS FC29 $10 10y card
JPS FC29 FD $20 10y card, cto with Yokohama 49.3.10 cancel, No 2
JPS FC32 FD $12 10y card, first day cancel
Miscellaneous Postal Card
Commemorative Postal Cards
New Year's Postal Cards
JPS NC3 FD $10 1950 cancled with "Tokio" 15.11.50 first day cancel
Summer Greetings Cards
JPS SG1a-e (5) $75 1950 first summer greeting cards, mint, complete set of 5
JPS SG1 $15 1950 first summer greeting card, mint, star fish and shells
JPS SG2a-b (2) $28 1951 second summer greeting cards, mint, complete set of 2
JPS SG2a-b (2) FD $25 1951 second summer greeting cards, mint, complete set of 2,
Yokohama 1.7.51 first day cancels
JPS SG3a-b (2) $25 1953 third summer greeting cards, mint, complete set of 2
JPS SG4 $10 1953 summer greeting card, mint, flounder (fish)
JPS SG7a-b (2) $15 1956 summer greeting cards, mint, complete set of 2
Stamped Envelopes
JPS SE4 $40 1873 1s
JPS SE16 $18 1888 2s, 82 x 132mm, mint with 1s stamp
JPS SE17o $18 1899 3s , used, folded in 2 places
JPS SE23 $15 1949 8y miner, stamped envelope, wrinkling
Letter Sheets
JPS LS8 $18 1930 3s letter sheet, full gum - not stuck down
JSDA LS18 $18 1949 8y miner, letter sheet, gum not stuck down
JSDA LS19 $18 1954 10y goddess, letter sheet, full gum - not stuck down
JPS AR1 $15 1949 38y aerogramme, mint
JPS AR1 FDC $22 1949 38y aerogramme, first day cancel, 1.3.49,
2nd 17.3 cancel, addresse
JPS AR1 FDC $20 1949 38y aerogramme, first day cancel, 1.3.49,
staple holes upper left corner
JPS AR1 FDC $18 1949 38y aerogramme, first day cancel, 1.3.49,
JPS AR1 o $15 1949 38y aerogramme, canceled 24(1949).4.12 to Boston
JPS AR1 o $25 1949 38y aerogramme + 24y adhesive (uprated to 62y),
canceled 24(1949).7.7 to Boston
JPS AR1 o $26 1949 38y aerogramme + 24y adhesive (uprated to 62y), canceled
24(1949).9.15 to Boston, note stapled to inside flap
JPS AR1 o $24 1949 38y aerogramme + 24y adhesive (uprated to 62y), canceled
24(1949).7.1 5 to Boston, misfolded
JPS AR3 FD $24 1949 62y aerogramme, canceled first day - 49.7.10, unaddressed
JPS AR3 FD $18 1949 62y aerogramme, canceled first day - 10.7.49, Tokyo, addressed - #1
JPS AR3 FD $18 1949 62y aerogramme, canceled first day - 10.7.49, Tokyo, addressed - #2
JPS AR3 o $16 1949 62y aerogramme, canceled 24(1949).8.1, #1
JPS AR3 o $15 1949 62y aerogramme, canceled 24(1949).8.1, #2
JPS AR4 o $22 1950 62y aerogramme, canceled 25(1950).11.28, no overlay on gummed flap
JPS AR5a FDC $25 1951 62y aerogramme, 1.3.51 Imperial Hotel - 136 x 82 mm, type II (4.5mm)
JPS AR5a o $18 1951 62y aerogramme, canceled 26(1951).8.16 - 136 x 82 mm, type II (4.5mm)
JPS AR5a o $15 1952 62y aerogramme, canceled 27(1952).1.4 - 136 x 82 mm, type II (4.5mm)
JPS AR6 fd & mint $24 1949 62y UPU aerogramme
JPS AR6 $18 1949 62y UPU aerogramme
JPS AR6 FD $18 1949 62y aerogramme, UPU canceled first day - 24(1949).10.10, comm cxl, unaddressed
JPS AR6 +48y $30 1949 62y aerogramme, UPU canceled 5.1.50 with additional 48y
(1949 UPU set - JPS C163-60
JPS AR6 o $18 1949 62y UPU aerogramme, canceled 24(1949).11.1
JPS AR6 o $15 1949 62y UPU aerogramme, canceled to order, Tokyo
51.2.14, BOAC Tokyo>London first flight cachet
JSDA AG7c $25 1952 62y geese aerogramme, no overlay on flap, JSDA A5a
overprinted "50" in red (H&G 12)
JSDA AG7c o $24 1952 62y geese aerogramme, no overlay on flap, JSDA A5a
overprinted "50" in red (H&G 12), cto Tokyo 52.VI.25
JSDA AG7c o $26 1952 62y geese aerogramme, no overlay on flap, JSDA A5a
overprinted "50" in red (H&G 12), used 27 (1952).12.11
JPS AR8 o $35 1952 62y geese areogramme, no overlay on flap, canceled 27.9.11,
slit open at top
JPS AR10 & 12 $35 1952 50y and 45y on 50y, "Nothing may be contained.." on back
JPS AR12 FD $20 45y on 50y, "Nothing may be contained.." on back, back flap missing,
28(1953).7.1 first day cancel
JPS AR13 */o $15 1953 45y, mihon (specimen)
JPS AR13 */o $18 1953 45y, mint and used
JPS AR13 FD $20 1955 45y, First Day, 53.7.1 Tokyo cancel
JPS AR13 FD $20 1955 45y, First Day, 53.7.1 Shitya cancel
JPS AR13 Ovptd $60 1953 45y overprinted "Revisee 45" 2 aerogrammes. 1 with
overprint inverted, improper use of overprint
JPS AR15 */FD(x2) $35 1955 45y, mint and First Day x2
Militar Letter Sheet
JSCA MA6 $35 Military letter sheet, inside marked "First Flight Cover"
MA6,6A or 7 ?
JPS WR2,3,4x2 $45 3 mint and one cto
JPS WR3 or WR4 o $25 1875, 2.5 rin wrapper
Parcel Post Cards
JSDA PP1 $18 1951, 3y
JSDA PP1 + 3y $22 1951, 3y + three 1y stamps
Post Office Savings Forms (Higgins & Gage Numbers)
H&G O5 $35 1899, 1s, postal savings form, light brown, mint
Official Commemorative Picture Post Cards (H&G = Higgins & Gage catalogue)
H&G CC6 $15 1902, UPU, Tokyo PO & mail carriers, carts & bicycles
H&G CC48 $15 1905, Return of Manchurian Army, Generals Oyama & Kodama
H&G CC54 $15 1907, Visit of the American fleet
H&G CC61 $18 1915, Enthronment of Taisho (hall) w 148-51 tied by 4.11.11 comm cxl
H&G CC61 $18 1915, Enthronment of Taisho (hall) w 148 & 151 tied by 4.12.2 comm cxl
H&G CC62 $18 1915, Enthronment of Taisho (dancers) w 148-51 tied by 4.11.11 comm cxl
H&G CC62 $18 1915, Enthronment of Taisho (dancers) w 152-3 tied by FD comm cxl
H&G CC67-8 $35 1925, 25th Anniv of Emperor Taisho, with seldom seen insert
Occupation of Burma Postal Stationery
JSCA 4BS8 $40 1/2s / 1/2s, overprinted message/reply card
JSCA 8MS3 cto $30 2s + 2s, overprinted message/reply card, cto with
JSCA M25 commemorative cancel
More Japanese Occupation of Burma postal cards below (here).
Special Items (Covers)
Advertising Cards $22 2nd issue (17-19) of advertising cards (13 cards)
Japan Covers

First Day Covers
155-8, tied by commemorative cancel - 8(1919).7.1 - to front postal card with color illustration on the back. |
Price: $85.00 |
285-8, Daisen and Inland Sea Parks, tied by Tokyo, Nippon 20.4.39 cds, registered to Germany, 2 German backstamps, envelope is age toned. |
Price: $75.00 |
285-8, Daisen and Inland Sea Parks, tied by Tokyo, Nippon 20.4.39 cds, unaddressed. |
Price: $65.00 |
295-8, Red Cross, tied by 14(1939).11.15 commemorative cancel to card. |
Price: $35.00 |
386 x2 tied by Tokyo 48.1.10 cancel, addressed, manuscript "First Day of Issue." Opened by censor (C.C.D. J-3903) tape and handstamp. |
Price: $25.00 |
386 tied by Showa 23(1948).1.10 cancel, unaddressed, text cachet. |
Price: $20.00 |
413-4 tied by Tokyo, Nippon 10.9.48 cxl to US. Small size envelope - toned. From Hiroshi Wada, Shizuoka-ken. |
Price: $22.00 |
416 x4, tied by first day commemorative cancel on cover to US. Inscription block/4 of 393 on back. |
Price: $25.00 |
421a with top margin inscription, tied by first day commemorative cancel and domestic cds on unaddressed cover. |
Price: $70.00 |
424 tied by Tokyo, Nippon 13.12.48 first day cance on unaddressed cover. |
Price: $25.00 |
445 FDC, Ski Jump, 1948 |
Price: $12.00 |
449 block/4 (20y) FDC, Forestation on front, 427 (5y) on back, JPS cachet, 24.4.1 comm cxl, Tokyo, Nippon 1.4.49 front and back. Addressed but unsealed with "Printed Matter" handstamp on back. |
Price: $18.00 |
458 & 459, tied by first day commemorative cancels on registered airmail cover to US. |
Price: $25.00 |
465 FDC, JPS C163, 24(1949).8.6 domestic cancel, unaddressed. |
Price: $12.00 |
489 FDC, JPS C183, 9.7.51 Tokyo cancel, unaddressed. |
Price: $15.00 |
509 block/4, FDC, 80s Pagoda definitive, May 21, 1951 commemorative cancels, envelope cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $15.00 |
509 & 509a, FDC, 80s Pagoda definitive, single and souvenir sheet, Tokyo 21.5.51 cxls, envelope cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $45.00 |
541 FDC, Childrens' Charter, May 5, 1951 commemorative cancel, multi-color envelope cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $11.00 |
541 pair, FDC, Childrens' Charter, Tokyo 5.5.51 cancel and May 5, 1951 commemorative cancel, multi-color envelope cachet, address label. |
Price: $14.00 |
550a x2 (top margin strip of 4 stamps), FDC, Sports, Tokyo 27.10.51 cancel and October 1, 1951 commemorative cancel, multi-color envelope cachet, addressed. |
Price: $20.00 |
554-5, tied by Tokyo 5 (1952.5.1) commemorative cancel, addressed, envelope cachet. |
Price: $20.00 |
598 FDC, Definitive, 3y (x2) bird, May 10, 1954, color envelope cachet, commemorative cancel, unaddressed. |
Price: $15.00 |
606 FDC, New Year Stamp, Okiagari Doll, December 20, 1954, color envelope cachet, commemorative cancel, unaddressed. |
Price: $15.00 |
634 FDC, pair, New Year, whale, unaddressed. |
Price: $10.00 |
636A FDC, Phoenix Hall, unaddressed. |
Price: $10.00 |
657, Stamp Week, Harumobu's Girl and Bouncing Ball, unaddressed. |
Price: $10.00 |
703 FDC, Visit of Crown Prince to US, S/S, unaddressed. |
Price: $15.00 |
738 FDC, Duck coil, Bunkyo Stamp cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $10.00 |
881b&c booklet pane FDC with cover (JSCA B31), unaddressed. |
Price: $18.00 |
1031b Expo 70 pane (JSCA CB4), FDC, 1970.8.22, unaddressed. |
Price: $10.00 |
1069a definitives pane (JSCA BP38), FDC, 1972.2.1, unaddressed. |
Price: $10.00 |
C9 FDC, issues of October 1, 1950, tied by Tokyo 10.1.50 cxl, JPS envelope cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $22.00 |
C14, C15 & C18 FDC, issues of September 1, 1951, tied by Tokyo 1.9.51 cxl, color envelope cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $90.00 |
C14, C15 & C18 FDC, issues of September 1, 1951, tied by Tokyo 1.9.51 cxl, color envelope cachet, address label. |
Price: $80.00 |
C14, C15 & C18 FDC, issues of September 1, 1951, tied by Nagoya 26(1951).9.1 cxl, color envelope cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $75.00 |
C14, C15 & C18 FDC, issues of September 1, 1951, tied by Tokyo 1.9.51 cxl, color envelope cachet, addressessed, damage along left edge of cover. |
Price: $60.00 |
C14, C15 (no C18) FDC, issues of September 1, 1951, tied by Tokyo 1.9.51 cxl, and commemorative cancel, color envelope cachet, unaddressed. |
Price: $30.00 |
C26 FDC with 1y, JPS cachet |
Price: $25.00 |
C26 FDC with commemorative cancel |
Price: $24.00 |
C29 FDC, JPS cachet, No. 1 |
Price: $15.00 |
C29 FDC, JPS cachet, No. 2 |
Price: $16.00 |
C43 (coil stamp) FDC, BSB cachet |
Price: $30.00 |
Counterfeit FD Covers |
1942//1945, 4 different counterfiet (Tokyo, Japan blue cxl) first day covers. |
Price: $20.00 |
Japan Covers/Post Cards

Foreign Mail (English) Cancels
June 8, 1896 cover to US. Franked with vertical strip of three of Scott 86 (3x5s) and 79 (10s brown). |
Price: $225.00 |
April, 1898 cover to US. Franked with vertical pairs of Scott 87 and 89 on 2 sen envelope. |
Price: $195.00 |
_ Nov 99 Tokio, Japan (second cancel) on cover to US. |
Price: $35.00 |
2 June 00 Yokohama, Japan to Chicago. Franked with 10 brown-orange Chrysanthemum (Scott 79). No printed matter marking. |
Price: $35.00
24 June 05 Kobe, Japan to England. Franked with 4s. Private picture post card with hand tinted collotype image of Ginkakuji Temple and garden. |
Price: $15.00
01 Jul 18, Peiking IJPO. OC3,4&7 cto on cover. Month portion (Jul) of cancel is inverted. |
Price: $50.00
14 Nov 04, Shanghai, IJPO, on 1s Office in China stamp, addressed to France, color lithograph & collotype printed picture post card of "Artillery Duel at the River Yalu." |
Price: $28.00
13.05.05 Tokio, Japan (second cancel) with D74 to printed matter rate cover to US. |
Price: $25.00
PPC (Miyako Hotel Kyoto) to London "Via Siberia" with Tsuruga 5.2.10 second cancel. Franked with 2s x2. |
Price: $20.00
10.6.6, Tientsin 2, IJPO, cto on 2s Office in China stamp, hand tinted collotype printed picture post card showing two women in Western Dress. |
Price: $28.00
Yokohama 7.5.12 caocel on 10s to Switerland (via Siberia). Basel 21.V.12 backstamp. |
Price: $30.00 |
7.8.12 Moji, Japan backstamp, domestic 1.(Taisho 1, 1912).8.6 ties 10s to front, cover addressed to Germany. |
Price: $15.00
Color collotype printed PPC with ladies dancing & playing music, Yokohama 1.3.13?, indistinct year but message dated 1913 February 28, there is a stray "1" above and to the left of the year, franked with 2s x2. |
Price: $15.00
12.8.14 Yokohama (2nd cancel), "International Hygiene" seals (2) on back. |
Price: $28.00
Scott 148-51 tied to 4(1915).12.4 Coronation Naval Review comm cancel to pitorial post card. |
Price: $25.00
Yokohama 17.5.13 Shimbi Shoin art reproduction (2 monkies by Sosen) picture postcard to US. |
Price: $20.00
Shanghai 12.10.15 (2nd cancel) cover. |
Price: $15.00
Darien IJPO 20.11.23 ties 4s handcolored illustrated postal card with musical score, addressed to France |
Price: $18.00
25.06.32 Tokio, Japan on cover to US. |
Price: $12.00 |
27.1.32 Tokio, Japan on picture cover to US. Private tourism label on back. |
Price: $15.00 |
27.10.32 Kobe, Japan ties 26y (20s +2s x3) to registered cover to Argentina. 7 Dec 32 Buenos Aires receving backstamp. |
Price: $25.00 |
11.12.33 Tokio, Japan on cover to US. |
Price: $8.00 |
--.4.35 Tokio, Nippon on cover to US. |
Price: $8.00 |
31.7.35 Tokio, Nippon on picture post card to US. |
Price: $12.00 |
3.6.37 Kobe, Nippon on registered cover to Germany. B1-3 (x2) + many other definitives. |
Price: $75.00
2?.12.37 Nippon on registered cover to US. 36y (30y+6y) franking. The 30y stamp is JSDA Definitive 175, white paper, issued 1937.6. |
Price: $25.00 |
23.11.38 Tyosen - Keizyo ties 4sen to cover to Indian.a |
Price: $14.00 |
9.3.39 Tyosen - Keizyo (Korea) ties 4 sen to cover to Indiana. |
Price: $18.00 |
15(1940).6.15 registered cover to the US. 67y (one stamp missing). Kobe registration label and partial (17.6.__) English cds. Tenn June 8, 1940 backstamp. Two US Post Office "Officially Sealed" labels. Back of cover 80% missing. Very poor condition. |
Price: $25.00 |
29.5.41 Kobe ties 20s, addressed to Oregon |
Price: $35.00 |
20.9.48 Tokyo, Nippon on small size cover to US, 6.50y. |
Price: $16.00 |
4.9.49 Tokyo, Nippon and commemorative cancels on small size cover to US, franked with 1y 60s (Scott 371, 381 & 405). |
Price: $15.00 |
1.10.49 Tokyo, Nippon on legal size cover to US, franked with 83y (1st Vocational series 3y, 30y and 50y. |
Price: $20.00 |
17.IV.50 Tokyo on Cover to US. Franked with 24y (C9 & 416). |
Price: $20.00 |
11.5.50 Tokyo on Registered Air Mail Cover to US. Franked with JSDA C129 (x5), C142, D285 (better stamp) & D274 (x3) and D262 (x2) (190y). Opened roughly at top with some damage. |
Price: $18.00 |
19.9.50 Kobe on Air Mail Cover to US. Franked with 83y. Creases and folded. |
Price: $12.00 |
9.8.50 Tokyo on Air Mail Cover to US. Franked with 83y. Opened rougly at top with some damage. Tape on back. |
Price: $10.00 |
5.3.51 Kobe on narrow legal size air mail cover with contents to US. Franked with 142y (100y,30y,10y,2y). |
Price: $25.00 |
4.12.51 Yokohama, Japan on cover to US. Franked with 24.5y and a revenue stamp. |
Price: $18.00 |
8.4.52, Tokyo, Japan on large (17.5 x24 cm) cover to US. Franked with 10y. From "Silver Bells from Hiroshima." |
Price: $28.00 |
23.V.53 Yokohama cancel on US 3c stamp - Paquebot cover. |
Price: $11.00 |
13IX54 Azabu - Tokyo on illustrated airmail cover to US franked with 70y (parks, commems & definitive)
Price: $10.00 |
20.II.62 Fukuoka, Japan on JSCA AG14b aerogramme to US. 45y + 5y adhesive. |
Price: $7.00 |
11.IV.62 Fukuoka, Japan on JSCA AG14b aerogramme to US. 45y + 5y adhesive. |
Price: $7.00 |
23.IV.64 Osaka, Japan on air mail cover to US. Franked with JPS D314 & D323 (x3) (80y). Light vertical fold |
Price: $5.00 |
04.IX.64 Tokio, Japan on Sea Mail Cover (40y) to US. |
Price: $7.00 |
Japan Covers/Post Cards/Aeros

Early Domestic & Foreign Mail (Domestic) Cancels
Scott 41 syll 17, JPS 29 syll 17, JSDA 35i, 1s brown on wrapper. Tokyo Meiji 8 (1875) September 26. Stamp issued in 1875, perhaps early use. |
Price: ~Sold~ |
Two color (collotye) picture post cards with Fremch stamps tied by Yokohama A Marseilles 19 Jul 07 cancels. French receiving cancels on back. |
Price: $30.00 |
3.8.12 Japan domestic cancel on cover to Shanghai.
Shanghai english 14.8.21 receiving cancel on front. |
Price: $20.00 |
10.5.28 Japan domestic machine cancel on printed matter rate post card to US. Stamp dealer price list on back |
Price: $14.00 |
10.12.31 Japan domestic cancel on cover to US. |
Price: $14.00 |
11.10.20 (1922) domestic cancel ties D106 to postage due cover to US. Stains/toning. |
Price: $25.00 |
12.6.12 (1923) domestic cancel ties D106 (x2) to printed matter rate cover to US. |
Price: $10.00 |
14.2.12 (1925) Yokote to US, Montgomery Ward envelope. |
Price: $8.00 |
14.8.10 (1925) with 1s and 3s on cover to US. |
Price: $8.00 |
9.6.? (1934) 1 1/2s tied to post card by Maibara & Natsu Railway Post Office cxl. |
Price: $17.00 |
12.2.17(1937) domestic cancel on post card to the US. Post card is 1 1/2 rate and 3s and 1 1/2s addtional postage have been added. |
Price $12.00 |
12.7.20(1937) domesitic cancels on cover to France. Franked with Sc 174, B3 plus 1y & 7y. France backstamp 1937.10.6. Vertical fold/crease in middle. |
Price $20.00 |
13.5.5(1938) domestic cancels on cover to the US. 32y in definitives. Soiling and toning. |
Price $14.00 |
14.11.16 (1939) domestic cancel on regular size cover to the US. Single 4y stamp (Scott 291, Mount Naka). |
Price $45.00 |
15.6.24 (1940) domestic commemorative cancel on picture cover to US. Franked with JSDA C76, C79, D190 and P21 (20y). |
Price: $25.00 |
15.7.2 (1940) domestic cancel ties 4 one (1y) stamps (JPS V222) to printed matter rate cover to US. Chicago 19, 1940 backstamp. |
Price: $55.00 |
23.5.3 (1943) domestic commemorative cancel ties 269, 369, 403, 405 (64y) to airmail cover to US. |
Price: $22.00 |
20.10.12 (1945) domestic cancel (canceled to order) on US 6c airmail envelope (unaddressed). |
Price: $10.00 |
22.2.27 (1947) domestic cancel on post card franked with 50 stamp to US. CCD J-4006 and shield censor handstamp. |
Price: $200.00 |
24.3.10 (1949), 442y (9 stamps), registered airmail cover the US. Receiving stamps on back. |
Price: $40.00 |
24.4.14 (1949), 61y (4 stamps), airmail cover the US. |
Price: $20.00 |
24.5.27 (1949), 196y (6 stamps), registered airmail cover the US. Early use of 20y (issued 49.5.10). 1949.5.29-31 US backstamps and canceled 1946 US TB seal. |
Price: $30.00 |
24.7.13 (1949), 83.5y (4 stamps), airmail cover the US. |
Price: $20.00 |
24.7.16 (1949), 263.5y (10 stamps) on registered airmail cover the US. Scott 460-3 on back (2nd day of issue). |
Price: $35.00 |
24.7.18 (1949), 100y (11 stamps), registered airmail cover the US. Receiving stamps on back. |
Price: $20.00 |
24.9.16 (1949), 586y (16 stamps), registered airmail cover the US. Receiving stamps on back. |
Price: $35.00 |
24.10.4 (1949), 133y, registered cover to the US with 1949.10.7-10 backstamps. 2y stamp on back has no Japanese cancel. |
Price: $30.00 |
25.11.24 (1950), 33.5y, cover to US. |
Price: $15.00 |
26.7.31 (1951), 5y (3 stamps) cover the US. Inscription pair of Scott 542 (2y Park). |
Price: $20.00 |
26.12.22 (1951), 240y (6 stamps) airmail cover the US. |
Price: $15.00 |
27.5.10 (1952) domestic cancel on legal size air mail cover to US. Franked with JPS D275, D296 & C228 (80y). |
Price: $12.00 |
27.8.29 (1952) domestic cancel on picture post card to US. Franked with JSDA P51 (14y). |
Price: $10.00 |
31.11.12 (1956) domestic cancel on small size registered air mail cover to US. Franked with JPS D306, D307 & D317 (118y). |
Price: $8.00 |
Japanese Occupation of the Philippines
1943, April 11, Manila No.2. |
Price: $50.00 |
Japan Covers
First Flight Covers Domestic (Within Japan, Korea & Manchuria)
15.9.26 (1927?) Darien to Osaka (FFC?) |
Price: $35.00
15.11.09 (1926?) Korea, Dairen - Keijo (FFC?) |
Price: $35.00
03.10.05 (1929) Japan domestic cancel on 3s air mail (FFC?) cover. |
Price: $22.00
04.06.01 (1929) Japan domestic cancel on air mail (FFC?) post card. Osaka to Matsuyama. |
Price: $55.00
04.06.21`(1929) Japan domestic cancel on FFC, Osaka to Dairen Manchuria. |
Price: $100.00
4.10.29 (1929), Osaka to Tokyo, cut open at right, franked with 18s (C6). FFC? |
Price: $175.00
4.11.5 (1929), Osaka to Darien (4.11.7), cut open at right and top and tape removed at right, franked with 33s (C7). FFC?. |
Price: $175.00
6.10.9 (1931) Taiwan commemorative cancel on test flight cover to Fukuoka. |
Price: $55.00
6.10.9 (1931) Taiwan commemorative cancel on test flight post card to Fukuoka (#1). |
Price: $30.00
26(1951).4.23 "Memorial Flight," Tokyo-Osaka, franked with Sc 488. |
Price: $20.00
Japan Covers

First Flight Covers Out of Japan
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to Shanghai, Shanghai backstamp. F14-47A. |
Price: $30.00 |
27.9.47, Tokyo, Nippon to Hong Kong, PAA FFC, Hong Kong 47.9.27 backstamp, FAM F14-47B. |
Price $45.00 |
27.9.47, Tokyo, Nippon to Bangkok, PAA FFC, Bangkok 47.9.30 machine cancel receiving cancel, FAM F14-47C. |
Price $25.00 |
27.9.47, Tokyo, Nippon to Calcutta, PAA FFC, Calcutta 47.9.30 receiving cancel F14-47. |
Price $25.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to Turkey. Istanbul 3.10.1947 backstamp. F14-47D. #1 |
Price: $28.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to Turkey. Istanbul 3.10.1947 backstamp. F14-47D. #2 |
Price: $26.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to Ireland. Limerick 2 X 47 backstamp on back. F14-47E. #1 |
Price: $28.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to Ireland. Limerick 2 X 47 backstamp on back. F14-47E. #2 |
Price: $26.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to London. PAA Oct 2, 1947 London, England handstamp on back. F14-47F. #1 |
Price: $28.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to London. PAA Oct 2, 1947 London, England handstamp on back. F14-47F. #2 |
Price: $25.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to NY. NY Oct 3, 1947 backstamp. F14-47G. #1 |
Price: $35.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to NY. NY Oct 3, 1947 backstamp. F14-47G. #2 |
Price: $35.00 |
27.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to NY. NY Oct 3, 1947 backstamp. Slit open at top, tear on left edge. F14-47G. #3 |
Price: $30.00 |
22.9.47 Tokyo, Nippon on PAA First Flight Cover to NY. No receiving cancel. Note the cover is caneled the 22nd not 27th as is the norm. F14-47G. #4 |
Price: $14.00 |
25.9.47, Yokohama, Nippon to San Francisco, PAA FFC, cancel is September 25 vrs Oct 2, 1947, marked via Honolulu, San Francisco, SF backstamp Oct 4, 1947, addressed to Carmel, CA, FAM F14-49 (500 pieces carried). Slit open at the left. |
Price $45.00 |
25.9.47, Yokohama, Nippon to San Francisco, PAA FFC, cancel is September 25 vrs Oct 2, 1947, marked via Calcutta, London, addressed to Carmel, CA, FAM F14-49 (500 pieces carried). Slit open at the left. |
Price $45.00 |
2.10.47, Tokyo, Nippon to San Francisco, PAA FFC, Oct 2, 1947, SF backstamp Oct 4, 1947, addressed to NY, NY, large envelope (9 x 12 in), 21 stamps, FAM F14-49 (500 pieces carried). #1 |
Price $55.00 |
2.10.47, Tokyo to San Francisco, PAA FFC, Oct 2, 1947, SF receiving cancel, addressed to Los Angeles, FAM F14-49 (500 pieces carried). #2 |
Price $25.00 |
2.10.47, Tokyo to San Francisco, PAA FFC, Oct 2, 1947, SF backstamp Oct 4, 1947, aerogramme, FAM F14-49 (500 pieces carried). #3 |
Price $20.00 |
2.10.47, Tokyo to Honolulu, PAA FFC, Oct 2, 1947, Honolulu backstamp Oct 3, 1947, FAM F14-49a (500 pieces carried) #1 |
Price $65.00 |
2.10.47, Tokyo to Honolulu, PAA FFC, Oct 2, 1947, Honolulu backstamp Oct 3, 1947, FAM F14-49a (500 pieces carried) #2 |
Price $65.00 |
2.10.47, Tokyo to Honolulu, PAA FFC, Oct 2, 1947, Honolulu backstamp Oct 3, 1947, FAM F14-49a (500 pieces carried) #3 |
Price $55.00 |
7.10.50 Tokyo to Canada, Canadian Pacific Air Lines. Vancouver Oct 8, 1950 backstamp. Torn along the top at the upper right. |
Price: $30.00 |
22.4.51 Tokyo to Stockholm, SAS. Indistince 25.--.51 backstamp. Franked with JSDA D268 (3y), D277 (100y) and P48 (24y). Slit open at top. |
Price: $25.00 |
25(1951).12.6 Tokyo to Amsterdam ("First KLM Flight Tokyo - A'DAM" handwritten in ink at bottom, addressed to New York. No back stamp. Large blue private handstamp on back. |
Price: $15.00 |
26(1951).12.6 Tokyo to Amsterdam ("First KLM Flight Tokyo - A'DAM" handwritten in ink at bottom, addressed to New York. No back stamp. |
Price: $12.00 |
55.II.4, Tokyo to Hong Kong and Feb 5, 1955 Hong Kong > Tokyo, JAL First Flight covers (2). Both with receiving backstamps. Schedule, fares and calendar included. |
Price: $45.00 |
32(1957).2.24, Tokyo small commemorative cancel to Denmark. Kobenhaven 57.2.25 backstamp |
Price: $15.00 |
18.IV.57, Tokyo AP to Tel Aviv, Air France, Tel Aviv 1957.4.21 backstamp. |
Price: $20.00 |
20.VII.57, Tokyo-AP on BOAC First Flight Cover to London. BOAC (London) 23 Jul 1957 BOAC, LAP backstamp. #1 |
Price: $20.00 |
20.VII.57, Tokyo-AP on BOAC First Flight Cover to London. BOAC (London) 23 Jul 1957 BOAC, LAP backstamp. #2 |
Price: $20.00 |
4.XI.58, Tokyo-AP on KLM First Flight Cover to Netherlands. Amsterdam 58.11.5 backstamp. 16y,24y,30y (70y) franking including definitive Scott 432/JSDA D271 (Ultra). Addressed to F. Kuhn in England. |
Price: $25.00 |
4.XI.58, Tokyo-AP on KLM First Flight Cover to Netherlands. Amsterdam 58.11.5 backstamp. 16y,24y,20y+10y (70y) franking including definitive Scott 432/JSDA D271 (Ultra) |
Price: $25.00 |
4.IV.59 Tokyo AP on BOAC First Flight Cover to London. BOAC Apr 6, 1959 handstamp on back. |
Price: $15.00 |
27.VI.59, Tokyo to Seattle, JAL. #2 |
Price: $16.00 |
20.X.60 Tokyo AP to Amsterdam via Bangkok, KLM First DC-8 Jet Flight. Amsterdam 21 October 1960 backstamp. |
Price: $18.00 |
25.1.61 Tokyo AP to Germany. Franked with 636A x3 (JPS D362) Frankfurt 26.1.61 backstamp. |
Price: $24.00 |
25.1.61 Tokyo AP to Germany. Franked with 636A x2 (JPS D362) Frankfurt 26.1.61 backstamp.
Price: $22.00 |
6.VI.61 Tokyo on JAL "First Polar Service," to England. JAL London June 7 1961 backstamp. #1.
Price: $16.00 |
6.VI.61 Tokyo on JAL "First Polar Flight," Tokyo to Denmark. Copenhagen 7 June 1961 backstamp.
Price: $22.00 |
16.XI.61 Tokyo on Quantas "First Scheduled Jet Flight," Tokyo to Australia. Sydney 17 Nov 1961 backstamp.
Price: $15.00 |
16.XI.61 Tokyo on Quantas "First Scheduled Jet Flight," Tokyo to Australia. Sydney 17 Nov 1961 backstamp. Also corresponding flight from Australia to Tokyo (Nov 14, 1961). Two covers.
Price: $25.00 |
1983, "First Direct United Service, U.S. Postal Service," Tokyo>Chicago AMF and Seattle AMF, United, April 3, 1983, 2 different FFC - #1. |
Price $25.00 |
1983, "First Direct United Service, U.S. Postal Service," Tokyo>Chicago AMF. |
Price $12.00 |
1983, "First Direct United Service, U.S. Postal Service," Tokyo>Chicago and Seattle, United, April 3, 1983, 2 different FFC - #2. |
Price $22.00 |
More (in and out) Japan related FFC here.
Japan Covers

First Flight Covers Into Japan
1947, Minneapolis, St Paul, Seattle to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon, 8.9.47 backstamp, matched set, FAM F28-25,6,7 |
Price $25.00 |
1947, Minneapolis to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon, 8.9.47 backstamp, FAM F28-25 |
Price $25.00 |
1947, Minneapolis, Minnesota to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, large size envelope, FAM F28-25 |
Price $25.00 |
1947, Minneapolis AMF to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon, 8.9.47 backstamp, FAM F28-25F |
Price $28.00 |
1947, Minneapolis AMF to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon, 8.9.47 backstamp, FAM F28-25F |
Price $24.00 |
1947, Minneapolis AMF to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon, 8.9.47 backstamp, aerogramme, signed by postmaster, FAM F28-25f |
Price $20.00 |
1947, St Paul, Minnesota to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, aerogramme, signed by postmaster, FAM F28-26 |
Price $18.00 |
1947, St Paul, Minnesota to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, small size envelope, FAM F28-26 |
Price $25.00 |
1947, St Paul, Minnesota to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, large size envelope, FAM F28-26. #1 |
Price $20.00 |
1947, St Paul, Minnesota to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, large size envelope, FAM F28-26. #2 |
Price $24.00 |
1947, St Paul, Minnesota to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, small size envelope, FAM F28-26. |
Price $25.00 |
1947, Anchorage, Alaska to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon on front and back 9.9.47, FAM F28-27 |
Price $20.00 |
1947, Anchorage to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 10, 1947 (AAMC says Sept 6-8)-- Tokyo, Nippon receiving cxl 9.9.47 front and 22(1947).9.22 on back, FAM F28-27 - #1 |
Price $25.00 |
1947, Anchorage to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 10, 1947(AAMC says Sept 6-8) -- Tokyo, Nippon receiving cxl 9.9.47 front and 22(1947).9.22 on back, FAM F28-27 - #2 |
Price $20.00 |
1947, Anchorage to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon receiving cxl 9.9.47, FAM F28-27, aerogramme |
Price $12.00 |
1947, Seattle to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, large size envelope, FAM F28-28 |
Price $25.00 |
1947, Seattle to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, small size envelope, FAM F28-28 |
Price $24.00 |
1947, Seattle to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, aerogramme, flight cachet on back, FAM F28-28 |
Price $14.00 |
1947, Seattle to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, aerogramme, FAM F28-28 |
Price $12.00 |
1947, Seattle Air Mail Field to Tokyo, NWA FFC, Sep 6, 1947 -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 8.9.47, FAM F28-28f (375 pieces carried). Signed by Pilots - Blain & Lampman |
Price $40.00 |
1947, San Francisco to Tokyo, PAA FFC, Sep 25, 1947 SF -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 28.9.47, FAM F14-45 |
Price $14.00 |
1947, San Francisco to Tokyo, PAA FFC, Sep 25, 1947 SF -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 28.9.47, aerogramme, FAM F14-45. #1 |
Price $12.00 |
1947, San Francisco to Tokyo, PAA FFC, Sep 25, 1947 SF -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 28.9.47, aerogramme, FAM F14-45. #2 |
Price $12.00 |
1947, Honolulu to Tokyo, PAA FFC, Sep 26, 1947 NY -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 28.9.47, FAM F14-46 |
Price $15.00 |
1947, NY to Tokyo via Calcutta, PAA FFC, Sep 26, 1947 NY -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 3.10.47, FAM F18-88 |
Price $15.00 |
1947, NY AMF to Tokyo via Calcutta, PAA FFC, Sep 26, 1947 NY -- Tokyo, Nippon backstamp 3.10.47, FAM F18-88F. NY>Tokyo cachet on front. "Inaugural Round the World" cachet on back. |
Price $18.00 |
1947, Turkey to Tokyo, PAA FFC, 28.9.47 Istanbul -- Tokyo, Nippon receiving cance 3.10.47. "First Clipper Airmail Flight." #1 |
Price $20.00 |
1947, Turkey to Tokyo, PAA FFC, 28.9.47 Istanbul -- Tokyo, Nippon receiving cancel 3.10.47. "First Clipper Airmail Flight." #2 |
Price $22.00 |
1947, China to Tokyo, PAA FFC, 2.10.47 Shanghai -- Tokyo, Nippon receiving cancel 3.10.47 - #1 |
Price $25.00 |
1947, China to Tokyo, PAA FFC, 2.10.47 Shanghai -- Tokyo, Nippon receiving cancel 3.10.47 - #2 |
Price $26.00 |
1948, Jly 6, Calcuta, India to Tokyo. Tokyo backstamp of 8.7.48. Seldom seen small size envelope, F14-65a |
Price $30.00 |
1948, Nov 24, Portland, Oregon to Tokyo. Tokyo backstamp of 27.11.48, F14-61b |
Price $30.00 |
1949, October 17, San Francisco AMF>Tokyo, Tokyo backstamp of 21.10.49, appears to be first flight of "Stratocruiser" aircraft by Pan Am. |
Price $35.00 |
1951, April 26, Israel to Tokyo, Scandinavian Airlines, Tokyo backstamp of 28.4.26. |
Price $20.00 |
1951, April 26, Israel to Tokyo, Scandinavian Airlines, Tokyo backstamp of 28.4.26, Isidor Simon. |
Price $20.00 |
1951, April 26, Israel to Tokyo, Scandinavian Airlines, Tokyo backstamp of 28.4.26, Maersk Line. |
Price $24.00 |
1951, April 26, Israel to Tokyo, Scandinavian Airlines, Tokyo backstamp of 28.4.26, Poste Restante. |
Price $26.00 |
1951, April 26, Israel to Tokyo, Scandinavian Airlines, Tokyo backstamp of 28.4.26, tete beche pair (Scott 32b). |
Price $30.00 |
1951, April 26, Israel to Tokyo, Scandinavian Airlines, Tokyo backstamp of 28.4.26, stamps not canceled. |
Price $10.00 |
1953, April 3, London to Tokyo, BOAC. Tokyo backstamp of 5.4.53. |
Price $12.00 |
1953, Sep 11, Rangoon, Burma to Tokyo, PAA first flight, FAM F14-100b #1 |
Price $15.00 |
1953, Sep 11, Rangoon, Burma to Tokyo, PAA first flight, FAM F14-100b #2 |
Price $16.00 |
1956, Oct 6, Bangkok to Tokyo, JAL , Tokyo AP 56X6 backstamp. #1 |
Price $18.00 |
1956, Oct 6, Bangkok to Tokyo, JAL , Tokyo AP 56X6 backstamp. #2 |
Price $18.00 |
1957, Feb 24, Oslo to Tokyo, SAS. Tokyo backstamp of Feb 26, 1957, 65o aerogramme. |
Price $15.00 |
1957, July 16, London to Tokyo, BOAC. Tokyo backstamp of July 19, 1957. |
Price $20.00 |
1958, April 10, Paris to Tokyo, Air France "Transpolaire." Tokyo backstamp of April 12, 1958. |
Price $25.00 |
1960, Oct 11, Oslo to Tokyo, SAS. Tokyo backstamp of Oct 12, 1960, 90o aerogramme. |
Price $15.00 |
14 No(v) 61 Sydney to Tokyo on Quantas "First Scheduled Jet Flight," Australia to Japan. Tokyo 15 Nov 1961 backstamp.
Price: $15.00 |
1962, Oct 7, Bangkok to Tokyo, JAL, "Inauguration of Southern Route," Tokyo AP 62X7 backstamp. |
Price $15.00 |
1967, August 1, Pan Am, Los Angeles to Osaka. Osaka backstamp of II.VIII.67, FAM F14-160. |
Price $12.00 |
1969, Guam to Osaka, 69.6.4 Guam cancels (x2), 69.6.5 Osaka backstamp. PAA. FAM F14-196, scarce, 25 flown, #1 |
Price $125.00 |
1969, Guam to Osaka, 69.6.4 Guam cancels (x2), 69.6.5 Osaka backstamp. PAA. FAM F14-196, scarce, 25 flown, #2 |
Price $125.00 |
1969, Guam to Osaka, 69.6.4 Guam cancel, 69.6.5 Osaka backstamp. PAA. FAM F14-196, scarce, 25 flown, #3 |
Price $125.00 |
1969, Honolulu to Tokyo. Honolulu Aug 1, 1969 -- Tokyo AP 2.VIII.69 backstamp. NWA - DC8 flight, FAM F28-81a, 523 pieces carried. |
Price $15.00 |
1969, San Francisco-AMF to Tokyo. San Francisco Aug 1, 1969 -- Tokyo AP 2.VIII.69 backstamp. NWA - DC8 flight. |
Price $15.00 |
1969, "First Great Circle Service, New York to Tokyo" -- New York and UN September 1, 1969, Tokyo AP 2.IX. F14-200 & 200u. |
Price $15.00 |
1969, "Inaugural Service, San Francisco/Seattle to Tokyo, Flying Tiger Line" September 14, 1969, three different cancels, FAM F25-1, 1F & 2. Tokyo 16.IX.69 backstamps. |
Price $25.00 |
1970, "Northwest Orient 747 Inaugural Flight, New York/Chicago/Seattle/Tokyo" 5 different cxls, July 1, 1970, Tokyo 2.VI.90 backstamps except the Chicago cover has not receiving cancel. |
Price $25.00 |
1970, "Northwest Orient 747 Inaugural Flight, New York/Chicago/Seattle/Tokyo" 5 different cxls, July 1, 1970, Tokyo 2.VI.90 backstamps except the Chicago cover has not receiving cancel. |
Price $25.00 |
1970, JAL, first flight Guam (70.10.1) > Tokyo (70.10.1). |
Price $20.00 |
1972, "Northwest Orient, 25th Anniversary" -- Seattle October 4, 1972, Tokyo 5.X.72 backstamps. Two covers one with blue handstamp cachet and one with magenta. |
Price $12.00 |
1974, "Flying Tiger, First Flight, 747 Freightmaster" -- Sept 11, 1974 (UN, NY & Chicago), Tokyo 12.IX.74 backstamps. . |
Price $20.00 |
1976, "Pan Am, First Nonstop Flight in Scheduled Service, New York-Tokyo, Boeing 747SP" -New York & New York AMF, April 25, 1976 - Tokyo AP 27.IV.76 backstamps. |
Price $15.00 |
1976, "Pan Am, First Nonstop Flight in Scheduled Service, Los Angeles-Tokyo, Boeing 747SP" - Los Angeles, April 25, 1976 - Tokyo AP 26.IV.76 backstamp. |
Price $10.00 |
1976, "Round the World Flight" Pan Am Boeing 747SP Flight, Clipper 200 Liberty Bell Express" -New York, May 1, 1976 - Tokyo AP 3.V.76 backstamp. FAM F18-465a. |
Price $15.00 |
1977, "Northwest Orient, Inaugural 747 Nonstop Service, Chicago-Tokyo" to Japan - Chicago and Chicago AMF (June 8, 1977) with Tokyo 9VI77 backstamps. |
Price $20.00 |
1977, Saipan>Tokyo, October 1, 1977 -- Tokyo AP 1.X.77 backstamp. Contintental, FAM F46-44. |
Price $15.00 |
1978, "First Flight on Pan Ams Round the World B747 from Mexico City and Houston" to Tokyo -- Houston and Houston AMF July 1, 1978 with Tokyo AP 3.VII.78 backstamps. |
Price $15.00 |
1978, "Pan Am, First Pan Am Direct Service, Portland, Seattle, Honolulu, U.S. Postal SErvice" to Osaka -- Portland and Honolulu October 1, 1978 with Osaka AP 2.X.78 backstamps. FAM F14-291 &2. |
Price $12.00 |
1978, Seattle>Osaka, October 1, 1978 -- Osaka 2.X.78 backstamp. Pan AM, FAM F14-290. |
Price $10.00 |
1978, Portland>Osaka, October 1, 1978 -- Osaka 2.X.78 backstamp. Pan AM, FAM F14-291. |
Price $8.00 |
1983, "First Direct United Service, U.S. Postal Service, Chicago, Seattle to Tokyo" April 2 and April 5, 1983, 6 different FFC. |
Price $35.00 |
1983, "First Direct United Service, U.S. Postal Service, Chicago, Seattle to Tokyo" April 2 and April 5, 1983, 4 different FFC. |
Price $25.00 |
1987, Detroit to Tokyo, Northwest, April 17, 1987 -- Tokyo 18IV87 backstamp. |
Price $14.00 |
1987, Dallas/Fort Worth TX to Tokyo, American Airlines, May 21, 1987 -- Tokyo 22V87 backstamp. |
Price $14.00 |
1991, "First Nonstop United Service, United Airlines, Chicago-Tokyo" Chicago and Chicago AMF cxls, Tokyo 9.1.91 backstamps. |
Price $20.00 |
More (in and out) Japan related FFC here.
Japan Covers

Miscellaneous Covers / Post Cards
Cover to Yuigkow (Eiko), Manchuria. |
Price $9.00 |
Three mint military Post Cards (Japan/Russia War??) Appear to be private (not Government) issue. |
Price $30.00 |
H&G CC2 with by Kobe Commememorative Cancel (35(1902).6.2) on back of the card, staining at bottom. |
Price: $18.00 |
H&G CC6 with by Kobe Commememorative Cancel (35(1902).6.2) on back of the card, clean. |
Price: $20.00 |
JPS C24, 1 1/2 sen Census stamp on picture post card. Stamp tied by 9.10.1 official commemorative cancel |
Price $10.00 |
JPS C25, 3 sen Census stamps on picture post cards. Two different cards. Stamps tied by 9.10.1 official commemorative cancel |
Price $18.00 |
12.9.10(1937) Domestic Cancel. Express Mail - Sokutatsu cover from Yokohama to Tokyo. Franked with JSDA JSDA Definitives 152 (10s) and 183 (2s). Fairly early use of 183 which was issued 37.5.1 Receiving stamp the same day on the front. |
Price $28.00 |
12.12.22 (1937) Domestic Cancel. Express Mail - Sokutatsu cover from Meguro, Tokyo to Yokohama. Franked with JSDA NY 4 (x2) and JSDA Definitive 171 (8s new die, white paper). This is an early use of 171 as it was issued 37.6.?. Yokohama receiving stamp the same day on the back. |
Price $36.00 |
12.12.30 (1937) Domestic Cancel. Express Mail - Sokutatsu cover to Yokohama. Franked with JSDA NY 4 and JSDA Definitive 172 (10s new die, white paper). This is an early use of 172 as it was issued 37.5.15. Indistinct Yokohama receiving stamp the same day on the front. |
Price $26.00 |
13.01.04 (1938) Domestic Cancel. Express Mail - Sokutatsu cover to Yokohama. Franked with JSDA NY 4 and JSDA Definitive 172 (10s new die, white paper). Receiving stamp the same day on the front. |
Price $46.00 |
13.02.16 (1938) Domestic Cancel. Express Mail - Sokutatsu cover to Yokohama. Franked with JSDA NY 4x2 and JSDA Definitive 185x2 (4s 1st Showa Series). Receiving stamp the same day on the front and back. |
Price $46.00 |
13.07.19 (1938) Domestic Cancel. Express Mail - Sokutatsu cover to Yokohama. Franked with JSDA Definitive 173 (10s white pager) and 183 (2y). |
Price $26.00 |
18.12.13 (1943) domestic cancel on domestic Express Mail - Sokutatsu post card. |
Price $12.00 |
18.12.26 (1943) domestic cancel on domestic post card. Franked with D205 (perfin) |
Price $8.00 |
19.-.- (1944) domestic cancel on domestic Express Mail - Sokutatsu post card. |
Price $10.00 |
c1944, PC39 (unsevered) with multiple fee paid cancels cto on stamps (some previously used). The card has been folded. |
Price $22.00 |
Japan Covers

Korea Use Covers
15.xx.xx (1926?) Korea to US, Montgomery Ward envelope. |
Price: $10.00
1x.xx.31 (1926?) Korea to US, Montgomery Ward envelope. |
Price: $10.00
2.1.6 (1927) Korea to US, Montgomery Ward envelope. |
Price: $10.00
Japan Covers

Taiwan Use Covers
Japan - South Seas

Japan - South Seas (Saipan - Yap - Palau)
Pic Saipan CC $95.00 Saipan, Showa 3(1928).7.1, 10th South Seas Anniv, commemorative cancel
Pic Palau CC $95.00 Palau, Showa 10(1935).10.1, Census, commemorative cancel
Pic Yap CC $95.00 Yap, Showa 13(1938).7.20, commemorative cancel
Pic Saipan CC $115.00 Saipan, Showa 17(1942).7.20, Ocean Celebration, commemorative cancel
Post War WWII- US Administration - Caroline & Marshall Islands
Pic Post War $275.00 US Government Contract Flights (G290 (Yap), a (Koror), b (Truck),
c (Ponape) & d (Majuro) - missing e (Saipan)
Burma Independence Army & Japanese Occupation of Burma - Stamps & Postal Stationery
Scott Price JSCA Issued
Burma 2N1 $25 2B11 1943
Burma 2B38-40 $20 2B12-14 ? 1943 Perf 11 ??
Burma 2N29,29A $20 2B39,39a 1943
Burma 2N30-7, 33a $25 2B40-48 1943 2N33a - small c, used other MNH
Burma 2N42-50 $10 2B62-70 1943 Short set, no 2N41 (2B61)
Burma 2N58-64 $10 2B78-84 1944
The following envelopes are issues of the Burma Independence Army and the Japanese Postal
Administration during the occupation of Burma. They were issued between June of 1942 and
July 1943. The basic envelopes are the One Anna Burma envelope of 1939. I have not
distinguished between envelope colors. However, some of the envelopes are different shades
and perhaps the two different types of the 1939 basic envelope. All envelopes are mint
and measure 4 3/4 x 3 3/4 in (12.2 x 9.5 cm). On all envelopes the back flaps are sealed.
The numbers listed below are mine and not a catalogue number.
Independence Army Envelopes (6) mint %150.00 - Pic
Postal Admin Postal Cards (5) mint $125.00 - Pic
Above 11 items as a unit $225.00 (Net)
Independence Army
Pic $50.00 Black encircled peacock #1
Pic $55.00 Black encircled peacock #2
Japanese Postal Administration
Pic $30.00 Violet brush "X" - red seal, light foxing #4
Pic $35.00 Violet "X" - red seal #5
Pic $40.00 Violet "X" - red seal, different paper than above #6
Pic $35.00 Red "X" - new value in red at left #7
Pic $35.00 Red "X" - new value in red at left #8
Pic $35.00 Red "X" - new value in red at left #9
Pic $40.00 Red "X" (small) - new value in red at left #10a
Pic $40.00 Red "X" (small) - new value in red at left #10b
Pic $75.00 Red "X" - black encircled peacock - new value in red at left #12
$430.00 (Net) Above 12 as a unit
Out of Stock
Japanese Military Mail - Gunji Yubin - Used
WWII Era, Mostly Military Postal Cards & Envelopes
Sorry, Out of stock.
Philatelic Literature
Note Regarding Postage on Philatelic Literature. Shipment outside the US will be quoted at the airmail rate. Within the US, postage by media mail will be $4.50 per item.

Price: $125.00
Title: Ukiyo-e Prints Adopted for Japanese Commemorative Stamp Issues (6 Prints)
Date: ca 1964
Plate Size: 5 1/2 x 7 1/2 in (13.5 x 19.5 cm)
Publisher/Printer: Shinagawa's Woodblock Prints, Kyoto Hanga In Co.
Condition: Very Good
Comments re Image: A set of 6 prints which depict wook block prints that were used in the design of Japanese commemorative stamps.
Three books by Dr Soichi Ichida on the Dragon and Cherry Blossom Stamps.
The One Sen Blue Cherry Blossom Stamp, Showa 45 (1970), Tokyo, dark blue half leather, light blue cloth with gilt lettering on front board and spine, 8vo (7 3/4 x 10 3/8 in - 19.2 x 26.4 cm), blue dust jacket, text in Japanese, 2 color plates with descriptive tissue guards (Figures 1 & 2), 147 illustrations (designated "Figures" and assigned numbers), 13 numbered "Tables," 329 pp.
The Dragon Stamps of Japan, Showa 46 (1971), Tokyo, dark green half leather, light green cloth with gilt lettering on front board and spine, 8vo (7 3/4 x 10 3/8 in - 19.2 x 26.4 cm), light green dust jacket, text in Japanese, 2 color frontispiece plates, 115 text illustrations predominately in black and white (designated "Figures" and assigned numbers), 6 plates in color (color plates A & B and "Figures" 22-3 (each figure has two plates), 2 appendices, 210 pp.
The Cherry Blossom Issues of Japan, 1872-1876, Showa 57 (1982), Tokyo, dark red half leather, light red cloth with gilt lettering on front board and spine, 8vo (7 3/4 x 10 3/8 in - 19.2 x 26.4 cm), red dust jacket, text in Japanese, 283 text illustrations predominately in color (designated "Figures" and assigned numbers), 13 numbered "Tables" of data, numerous unnumbered tables, 313 pp.
For more information on these three books, click here here.
Price for the set of 3 books: $600.00 + postage quoted based upon the destination. (1970081005)
Montgomery, Milton J.:
A Guide to the Cherry Blossom Series, I.S.J.P Monograph 2, (Japanese Philately, Vol 24: No 3, Part 3) Silver Spring, MD, The International Society for Japanese Philately, Inc, June 1969, 4to, paper wraps stable bound, 31 pp. Sub-title: "The Japanese Cherry Blossom Issues - 1872-1876, Characteristics Identifying Genuine Stamps." Forward by Varo E. Tyler. A detailed illustrated study describing features of genuine and forged issues of the second series (Cherry Blossom issues) of Japanese stamps issued. This series as well as the first series have been widely forged. The monograph concludes with tables showing "Main Groups of Cherry Blossom Stamps" and "Equivalent Catalogue Numbers." To see the cover and an example of a text page, click here.
Condition: Very Good. Price: $45.00 (1969050116b)
Ishikawa, Ryohei:
The Forerunner Foreign Post Offices in Japan, British - U.S.- French, Tokyo, Japan Philatelic Publications, Inc, printed by Kyodo Insatsu, 1976, large 8vo (7 1/4 x 9 in), red covers with gilt titles on front cover and spine, no dust jacket, numerous illustrations (most in color), 164 pp. The book is primarily in Japanese but the key illustrations have English descriptive titles. Accompanying the book is an 11 page English language pamphlet that discusses the early foreign post offices in Japan. The book presents philatelic material (covers and stamps) from Ishikawa's award winning philatelic collection of foreign mail and post offices (British, United States and France) operating in Japan from the 1860s through the 1880s. Numerous covers (franked envelopes) and canceled stamps are presented in color with descriptive titles. A key reference for this very rare material. The first cover pictured in the book is an official (Public Business) cover from Commodore Perry aboard the Susquehanna with a letter dated May 23, 1853. This letter would have been written while Perry was en route to Okinawa (arriving May 26) from China. Condition: Fine. Price: $135.00 (1976041006)
Halliburton, W.H.
Roger, Conrad
Spaulding, Robert M.:
Pacific Crossings from Japan, 1858-79, I.S.J.P Monograph 3, International Society for Japanese Philately, reprinted from Japanese Philately, Volume 24, No. 6 (Part 2, Pages 1-32), December 1969, stapled wraps, 31 pp. This monograph is a gold mine of information on ships going from Japan across the Pacific to the US. An invaluable philatelic history resource regarding mail out of Japan from 1859-1879. The majority of mail processed through the American mail system established in Japan only bears cancels indicating month and day - no year. This monograph compiles the various Pacific crossings from Japan to the US during this 20 year period. Ship names, ports of departure, dates of departure and date of arrival in San Francisco are provided. Generally these early outbound covers from Japan to (or via) America will carry some marking indicating the ship that carried that mail. With this resource and minimum amount of additional information found on the letter (cover) it is often possible to date mail during this period. The first ship listed is the Brig Krell which sailed from Hakoodate on September 22, 1858 and the last ship is SS Belgic that departed Yokohama on December 30, 1879.
Condition is Fine. Price: $26.00 (1969031010d)
Marcus, Margaret:
Paintings on Japanese Stamps, I.S.J.P Monograph 5, International Society for Japanese Philately, supplement to Japanese Philately, Volume 27, No. 2, April, 1972, stapled wraps, 56 pp. A survey and lising of Japanese painting as reflect on Japanese stamps.
Condition is Fine. Price: $20.00 (1972031010c)
Bishop, John Gordon:
The Roman Letter Postmarks of Japan, I.S.J.P Monograph 7, (Japanese Philately, Vol 34: No 1), Silver Spring, MD, The International Society for Japanese Philately, Inc, February 1979, 4to, paper wraps stable bound, 114 pp. A comprehensive catalogue/study of English language (roman-letter) cancels used in the Japanese postal system. The cancels are categorized by date, type, office and color. The cancels cover the period from 1875 forward. Where known, the earliest and latest use of the cancel are reported. In the very early cancels this information is not actually on the cancel so the information is critical for dating stamps and covers with these cancels. Cancels used in China, Taiwan (Formosa) and Korea are listed as well as the various prefectures of Japan to include Okinawa. Values or scarcity rating are not assigned in the listings. To see the cover and an example of a text page, click here.
Condition: Very Good. Price: $45.00 (1979050116d)
Wilhelmsen, Kaare.:
Japans Klassiske Forfalskninger, Norway, Troms Filatelisklubb, Norway, 1981, text in Norwegian with English translation at the back, stiff wraps, 362 pp. A handbook on the forgeries of the early (classic) Japanese stamps.
To see the cover, click here. ISBN: 82-990786-0-1.
The basic source book is accompanied by a large (8 x 10 inch) plastic spiral bound typed book titled "The English Text of 'Japans Klassiske Forfalskninger' by Kristan Wilhelmsen." This book appears to be a typed copy of the English translation found at the rear of the source book. However, there is a least one "Ed. Note" in this typed book not found in the translation in the source book. This book is a useful tool as you can use it alongside the source book rather than flipping back an forth between the text and the translation at the rear of the book.
Heavy books (2 pounds packed) and postage outside the US will be quoted based upon the destination.
Condition: The source book is in Very Good condition. The corners are bumped and cover edges scraped and lightly wrinkled. No marking or faults internally. The large book is in Fine condition with no faults. #1981090408c - $45.00
Coins - Meiji and Taisho Japan
1/2 Sen, Copper, Meiji 18 (1885) VF Price: $18.00
1 Rin, Copper, Meiji 7 (1874) VF Price: $18.00
10 Yen, Pick 77a, JNDA 11-59 (17B), BoJ, 4th Wake, 1945, AU Price: $95.00
A Yen (Zone A)
Japan / Korea
Specimens of "A" Yen (all 7 denominations).
Loose notes each punched specimen on H-A notes for the 10s, 50s, 1y, 5y
10y, 20y and 100y notes - extracted from booklet. The notes were once tipped
to booklet tabs at the left side of each note and evidence of that can
be seen. All notes are crisp uncirculated. Very Scare. Sold
A-Yen collection (5 denominations) 50s, 1y, 5y, 10y, 20y, all Good
or better. Price: $185.00
A-Yen collection (5 denominations) 10s, 50s, 1y, 5y, 10y, all Very Good
or better. Price: $125.00
A-Yen 10s (VF) Price: $28.00 Serial #A17112420A, very fine
A-Yen 50s (XF+) Price: $40.00 Serial #A09281314A, extremely fine - near -
almost uncirculated, corner bend at lower right
A Yen 50s (VF+) Price: $38.00 Serial #A04840343A, very fine+
A-Yen 50s (VF) Price: $35.00 Serial #A02499016A, very fine
A-Yen 50s (F-VF) Price: $30.00 Serial #A15071165A, fine-very fine
A-Yen 1y Variety Price:$250.00 Serial #H00170923A, good, H-A Replacement Note
A-Yen 1y (CU) Price: $45.00 Serial #A11792831A, crisp uncirculated
A-Yen 1y (CU) Price: $45.00 Serial #A19633269A, crisp uncirculated
A-Yen 1y (CU) Price: $45.00 Serial #A10674263A, crisp uncirculated
A-Yen 1y (AU+) Price: $42.00 Serial #A09944271A, almost uncirculated+
A-Yen 1y (AU) Price: $40.00 Serial #A09945746A, almost uncirculated
A-Yen 1y (AU) Price: $20.00 Serial #A15110265A, almost uncirculated+, "short snorter" -
signature ("Pvt Earl Kregan") on reverse, centered high on front
A-Yen 1y (XF+) Price: $35.00 Serial #A08753525A, extra fine+
A-Yen 1y (XF) Price: $34.00 Serial #A02919551A, extra fine
A-Yen 1y (VF) Price: $32.00 Serial #A11796725A, fine to very fine
A-Yen 1y (VF) Price: $30.00 Serial #A16333597A, very fine, obverse centered low
A-Yen 1y (VG+) Price: $28.00 Serial #A16385169A, very good+
A-Yen, 1y (VF) Price $300.00 Serial #H00124159A, Replacement Note, Very Fine
A-Yen, 1y (XF) Price $475.00 Serial #H00175250A, Replacement Note, PMG graded,
40 EPQ, Extremely Fine, Exceptional Paper Quality (EPQ)
A-Yen 5y (AU) Price: $125.00 Serial #A14740830A, almost uncirculated, centered low
A-Yen 5y (XF+) Price: $95.00 Serial #A08692300A, extra fine+
A-Yen 5y (XF) Price: $90.00 Serial #A08692452A, extra fine
A-Yen 5y (VF) Price: $80.00 Serial #A08692453A, very fine
A-Yen 5y (VF) Price: $75.00 Serial #A15773882A, very fine
A-Yen 5y (VF) Price: $75.00 Serial #A01162568A, very fine
A-Yen 5y (F+) Price: $65.00 Serial #A01597702A, fine+
A-Yen 5y (F) Price: $55.00 Serial #A04694257A, wrinkling, fine
A-Yen 5y (G+) Price: $26.00 Serial #A01597631A, good+
A-Yen 5y (G) Price: $22.00 Serial #A18905165A, good, heavy horizontal crease
A-Yen 10y x3 (UNC) Price: $650.00 (Net) Serial #A23485410~12A, 3 notes, uncirculated
A-Yen 10y (XF-AU) Price: $155.00 Serial #A18629993A, extremely fine to almost uncirculated
A-Yen 10y (XF+) Price: $145.00 Serial #A05639606A, extremely fine +
A-Yen 10y (XF) Price: $135.00 Serial #A20850125A, extremely fine
A-Yen 10y (VF+) Price: $95.00 Serial #A10329108A, very fine +
A-Yen 10y (VF) Price: $85.00 Serial #A05166351A, very fine
A-Yen 10y (VF) Price: $80.00 Serial #A02655294A, very fine
A-Yen 10y (F) Price: $50.00 Serial #A21290615A, fine
A-Yen 10y (G+) Price: $28.00 Serial #A18807999A, good+, centered low - front and back
A-Yen 10y (G) Price: $25.00 Serial #A09757169A, good
A-Yen 20y (VF++) Price: #185.00 Serial #A01808165A, very fine (++)
A-Yen 20y (VF+) Price: $180.00 Serial #A01218066A, very fine (+),
small stain in bottom margin
A-Yen 20y (VF) Price: $175.00 Serial #A01218066A, very fine (-)
A-Yen 20y (VG) Price: $95.00 Serial #A00322402A, very good,
horizontal fold entire length of note
A-Yen 20y (UNC) Price: $750.00 (Net) Serial #A01286863A
A-Yen 100y (UNC) Price:$1500.00 (Net) Serial #A01923332A
Above 2 as one unit Price:$2000.00 (Net) 20y & 100y, A-Yen, Uncirculated
For more information on the "A" Yen (Japan and Korea) and "B" Yen (Okinawa)
issued by the US Military, click here
Horizontal imperforate pairs, with selvage, of revalidation stickers (shoshi) for
use on pre-WWII Japanese bank notes, 10y, 100y, 200y and 1000y - all specimens.
These are the adhesive stamps referenced in the Pick catalogue under Japan
Pick #79-82. Price: $300.00
As above, horizontal pairs without selvage Price: $275.00
As above, blocks of 8 Price on Request
Japanese Bank Notes with Shoshi
Pick 79a, 10y (1930) with 10y shoshi, VG Price: $25.00
Pick 79b, 10y (1943-4 10y watermark) with 10y shoshi, VG Price: $25.00
Pick 79d, 10y (1945) with 10y shoshi, VF Price: $45.00
Miscellaneous Japanese Bank Notes
Japan Central Exchange Annual Ration Book for 1956, complete,
12 panes of various chits for the entire year, all chits present $75
Japan Central Exchange Annual Ration Book for 1958, complete,
7 panes of various chits for the entire year, all chits present $65
USARJ NCO & Yokohama Commissioned Officers' Mess chits (x7) $28
Japanese Occupation of Korea, Christmas Seals
Korea 1935 ~Sold~ KPC TSC 4, envelope, letter, booklet w/ five
panes of 9 and one pane of 5 + 4 labels
Korea 1936 ~Sold~ KPC TSC 5, envelope, letter, 2 inserts, sheet/25,
booklet with five panes of 10
Korea 1937 ~Sold~ KPC TSC 6, envelope, pamphlet, sheet/25,
booklet with five panes of 10
I am an active buyer of Japan, Ryukyus,
Korea and other Far East countries.
If you have material to sell lets talk.
Perry Expedition Lithographs and Books
Click here for lithographs and books regarding the Perry Expedition to Japan and Okinawa (1852-4).

Man's Best Friend
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311