Pictures of Okinawa Blackie Bradford

Blackie Bradford (photographs)
Howland, Grace D. (compiler):
Pictures of Okinawa, 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 1/4 in), not dated but ca 1953, no copyright notice, publisher unstated, 93 black and white photographs, red illustrated paper wraps, staple bound, 44 pp. The price "$2.50" is included as a part of the front cover illustration. A photo essay on Okinawa and it's culture in the early to mid-1950s.
Dating this book. Like many of Blackie's books, this one does not have a date of publication. In a book that I believe was published ca 1954, This is Okinawa, the following comment is found:
The popularity of two previous books, Pictures of Okinawa and Blackie's Best Photos of Okinawa, has decided the authors to create another picture-story of scenes, events ....
Based upon this comment, both the mentioned books are presumed to have a publication date of ca 1953.
For more information on Blackie the Photographer books, click here.
Page by Page List of Photographs with Captions
(Illustrated title page - Torii - no caption)
Over-the-Waves Shrine
Pre-War center of Shinto Shrine
Entrance to pre-war transportation center
Restored upper class homes, Naha
Courtyard of ancient Nakagusuku Castle
Okinawa Museum near Ishikawa
Samisen and Sake
Ceremonial drum
Wedding music from samisen and koto
Finest product of Okinawa (a baby)
Mama's pride and joy
War's aftermath of orphans
Proud protector
Baby sitter
Festive costumes
High pressure salesmen of Okinawan aircraft
Cotton candy on a stick
Ceremonial dance
Open Air Theater
Peripatetic players
Exponents of Eurythmics
Each gesture and poses helps paint the story (2 pics - one caption)
Modern music and dance
Comedy act
Smooth as velvet voice
Seed time
Fails (fields?- sic) as old as the Orient
Primitive sugar cane press
Sorting rice
Burden bearer
Turtle tomb from ancient China
Burial urns
Boats in the sunset
Boats for fishing
Boat in grass
Boats on the beach
Seacoast and mountains
Rice paddies
Reaching arms
Marching pines
Sheltered village
Silvery grasses
Mountain road
Autumn by the sea
Coastal vegetation
Ebb tide
At sunset
Village stables
Village in the pines
Terrace by the sea
Nago village
Pacific scene
Koza village
General store
Fresh pork market
Naha market street
Native foods
Three generations
More baby-setters (2 pics - one caption)
Studio of the artist Yamada
Paintings, sculpture, masks and Yamada
Bombed out sugar mill
Rusting machinery
Idle boilers
Typhoon damage
High and dry
Beached by "Gloria"
Ie Shima
Lonely hilltop
Memorial to Lt. Gen. Simon P. Buckner, Jr.
Stilwell Park
Japanese surrrender site
Front of first army built chapel
Now rebuilt in hospital area
Suicide cliff
Suicide cliff memorial
Tomb above cave entrance
Preserved as a memorial to Okinawan student nurses
Habu and Mongoose begin a battle
Victory goes to the Mongoose
Unique custom - The bulls fight each other
Straining combat
The winner
Rustic peace
Informal garden
Papa-san's day is done
Picture also found in Okinawa Post Script, Vol 1, ca 1956
The end (two children one with an infant on his back)
(93 images) on 44 pages