Okinawa Photographs
and Photo-Essay Books
by Blackie the Photographer


Blackie the Photographer

A Picture from This is Okinawa

Another Photograph of Blackie the Photographer

A Picture from The Dream of Hatsue

Blackie and Papasan
("Papasan's Day is Done")

Published in This Month on Okinawa, October 1960

Blackie as "Mr. Big" on Okinawa

Published in This Month on Okinawa, November 1960

Blackie Ad - Keystone Studio (1957)

Blackie Ad - Keystone Studio (1960)


Blackie The Photographer (ca1964)


Blackie's View of Okinawa

Start with the sea for fish,
Homes for the people,
Foothills for vegetables,
Valleys for rice,
Hills for wood and fuel,
Hillsides, tombs for the dead,
That's the way of life,
This is Okinawa

Blackie the Photographer, Keystone Portrait Studios
(The concluding text in Okinawa Children in Photos)

On this page I will consolidate all the books by Blackie the Photographer (Earnest Gordon "Blackie" Bradford) that I am aware of. Blackie did not copyright his books and they generally were undated. When a date is shown as "ca" that means I have guestimated the date by extrapolating from information or pictures in the book. The submission of corrections or additional information would be greatly appreciated. A form has been provided at the bottom of the page is you would like to contact me directly from this web page.

Blackie first arrived in Okinawa in August of 1949 while serving in the US Air Force. In 1952 he was discharged from the Air Force and remained on the island. After leaving the service, Blackie worked for the American Photo Service owned by Bert and Lillian Mosher. In 1957 Blackie left American Photo Service and became the manager of the Rycom Plaza office of Keystone Studio in Koza (PO Box 62) which was owned by Joe Tsuha. He was much more than a manager however. He was an active studio and field photographer. His business card advertised "Portraits, Home Portraits, Organizations, Weddings, Parties, Reviews, Promotions, Any Time Anywhere." He was a well know figure on the military bases on Okinawa where he often took unit pictures. Blackie is probably best know for this aspect of his work by those in the military community who were stationed on Okinawa.

Blackie and Keystone Studio advertisements were published frequently in English language publications on Okinawa. Donn Cuson has consolidated a number of these advertisements into one picture and it is here. The first advertisement in this group is for the American Photo Service which lists a Kadena BX address and apparently another address on Kadena (Bldg 891207). According to Donn, the American Photo Service ad was published in May of 1957. The American Photo Service also advertised an address in the Machinato area. The next ad published was for Keystone Studio and published in November of 1957.

From his arrival on island, Blackie was a photographer and by 1960 he boasted of a portfolio of over 10,000 photographs. The nickname Blackie was apparently derived from the trademark black suit he wore. Until recently, I found very little biographical information on Blackie available in published works. Some information was available in an article on Blackie that was published in This Month on Okinawa, October 1960. A recent find has changed this however. In 1994 Blackie self-published a book which he titled "What a Wonderful Life." More information on this book can be found here. This book is a series of stories reflecting the various stages of Blackie's life and it provides a wonderful insight into his character, values and beliefs. Among other information, the book establishes that Blackie was on Okinawa from August of 1949 through early 1968 (18 1/2 years).

Correspondent/Contributing Photographer. Blackie apparently served as a newsreel photographer for NBC Television. At least one of his photographs was published in The National Geographic Magazine (Feb, 1955). His photographs have also been reported in Time, Life, and the Saturday Evening Post. In addition, Blackie had a close association with at least two English language periodicals published in Okinawa. These pictorial magazines focused on news and events of importance to the American military and civilian community living on Okinawa. I have seen photographs credited to "BLACKIE the Photographer in both of these publications. Additionally Blackie's advertisements are found in many of the issues.

  • This Month on Okinawa (1955 - Jan 1961). This publication was established in 1955 by L.J. Krebs. The magazine was published by the Ryukyuan Advertising Co (RYAL), Naha CPO Box 82 with business and editorial offices located in the "south wing of Tuttle's Book Store in the Machimato Commercial area." A picture of the Tuttle Book Store, ca 1954, is here. A picture of Blackie and his mother was published in the August, 1957 issue of TMOO. To see that picture, click here. The earliest issue of TMOO I have seen was dated June 1955. The last issue of TMOO I have seen was dated January 1961 and was designated Vol 7, No 1. I believe that issue marked the end of the publication. For more information on this publication, click here.
  • This Week on Okinawa (Feb 17, 1961 forward). This publication was the successor to the monthly publication. While I seen it reported in business as early as 1958, the earliest edition I have seen is February 17, 1961 and it was designated Vol 7, No 2. I believe that this is the first issue of TWOO. For more information on this publication, click here.
    Available for Purchase - Sept 7, 1962 Issue with Blackie Article ~~ $30.00
    Available for Purchase - 40 Issues from 1961 ~~ $400.00

    Okinawa Entertainment Guide later renamed Okinawa Entertainment and Business Guide. The name was expanded to include "Business" ca January, 1961. I have not seen a connection between Blackie and this periodical. However, this publication was a pictorial guide to activities on Okinawa and very similar to the above two publications. It was published by the Morning Star Publishing Co. as a monthly supplement to its newspaper, "A Morning Star." The first issue (Vol 1, No 1) was published February, 1960. During the first year of publication, there was a serial on the Perry Expedition to Japan and numerous lithographs and portions of text from the narrative of the expedition were presented. To see the front covers of 8 issues between 1960 and 1961, click here.
    Available for Purchase - 8 Issues from 1960-1961 ~~ $80.00

Picture Postcards. Several types of commercial picture post cards were produced by Blackie.

  • Imprinted cards. The "Blackie the Photographer (Keystone Studios)" imprint is found on the message side. To see examples of these cards, click here. (images courtesy of Donn Cuson)
  • Non-Imprinted cards. Donn Cuson reports a number of black and white picture postcards which were probably produced by Blackie. These cards do not carry the Blackie or Keystone imprint. The are all printed on Kodak "Photo Post Card" paper stock. They all have similar handstamped descriptive titles on the message side. Donn has traced some of the images directly to Blackie publications and finds others showing the same locations as scenes in his books but not identical images. Based on used examples, Donn dates these cards to the 1954-1955 period. To see an example of these picture post cards, click here. Donn believes that Blackie subsequently switched from the handstamped titles on the reverse to descriptive titles in white on the image (front) of the picture postcard. An example of this type of picture postcard is here.

Photograph Packets. A small packet (5 7/8 x 4 1/8 in) of 10 Blackie photographs has been reported. The illustrated front cover reads "Okinawa." As with the picture postcards, the description is written in white inside the image area of the photograph and many of the photographs can be traced to Blackie's books. Blackie also sold his photographs in sets/packs (pack of 15 confirmed) which were housed loose in an illustrated envelope (5 7/8 by 4 3/4 in). At least 12 numbered sets of photograph packs were marketed. To see an envelope for this type item, click here.

Can Blackie's Photographs be Ordered Now? I am often asked if Blackie's photographs are currently available. It is my understanding that his portfolio & archives are not commercially available and probably no longer exist. Any information in this regard would be appreciated. A couple of USMC unit photographs by Blackie are offered below.

Bill Bayles, Photo-Journalist on Okinawa. While on active duty with the Air Force on Okinawa in the mid-1960s William Bayles also worked as a photographer, journalist and publisher in a private capacity. Bill maintains an excellent web site regarding his work on Okinawa during this time. On his site you will find much information on This Week on Okinawa, The Morning Star (Okinawa) and other publications he was associated with. Additionally, you will find photographs of life on Okinawa during this time. To visit this web site, click here.

Blackie Bradford's Related Books. Listed below are photo-essay books where Blackie the Photographer's photographs provide the primary illustrations. Also included in the list are books that contain images that are formally attributed to him or which are recognized as part of his body of work.

Summary of Books (Details Below):

  • ca 1953 - Blackie's Best Photos
  • ca 1953 - Pictures of Okinawa
  • 1954 - Okinawa (Kichi Okinawa)
  • 1954 - This is Okinawa
  • ca 1954 - Okinawa in Pictures
  • ca 1956 - Okinawa Post Script, Vol 1
  • 1957 - Airin-En: House of Love
  • ca 1957 - 'Operation Goodwill'
  • 1959 - Okinawa Post 28, Second Annual Year Book for 1959
  • ca 1960 - Real Picture Color Post Cards by Blackie the Photographer
  • ca 1960 - US Army Ryukyu Island
  • ca 1960 - Okinawa (Calendar for 1961)
  • ca 1961 - Okinawa (Calendar for 1962)
  • 1962 - Okinawa in Color
  • ca 1962 - Okinawa Children in Photos
  • ca 1962 - Okinawa, A Graphic Glimpse (variant of above)
  • 1963 - Okinawa Information Guide and Telephone Directory
  • ca 1963 - 1st 8" Howitzer Battery (SP), FMF Pacific (unit yearbook)
  • 1964 - Bread Upon the Waters
  • ca 1966 - Battery C, Far East, 1965-6 (unit yearbook)
  • ca 1967 - Okinawa Children in Photos
  • ca 1967 - The Dream of Hatsue
  • ca 1969 - Patrol Squadron Twenty-Two, Naha Cruise, July 1968 - January 1969
  • 1971 - Go and Bear Fruit
  • 1994 - "What a Wonderful Life" (Blackie's Own Stories)

  • 1960 - Blackie the Photographer Reminiscences published in
    This Month on Okinawa, October 1960

The following books by Blackie the Photographer (or with his photographs) are available:

ca 1953 - Pictures of Okinawa ~~   Purchase Here ~~
1954 - This is Okinawa (first printing - Kyowa Printing Company) ~~   Purchase Here ~~
1954 - This is Okinawa (first printing - Obun Printing Company) ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1954 - Okinawa Okinawa (Kichi Okinawa) ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1954 - Okinawa in Pictures ~~   Purchase Here ~~
1957 - Airin-En ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1957 - Operation Goodwill ~~   Purchase Here ~~
1959 - This is Okinawa (fourth printing) ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1960 - Blackie the Photographer Real Picture Color Post Cards ~~   Purchase Here ~~ (12 diff)
ca 1960 - US Army Ryukyu Island ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1960 - Okinawa (Calendar for 1961) ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1961 - Okinawa (Calendar for 1962) ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1962 - Okinawa Children in Photos ~~   Purchase Here ~~
1963 - Okinawa Information Guide and Telephone Directory ~~   Purchase Here ~~
1964 - Bread Upon the Waters ~~   Purchase Here ~~
ca 1967 - The Dream of Hatsue ~~  Purchase Here ~~


ca 1953 - Blackie's Best Photos
Blackie Bradford (photographs)
Howland, W. J. (editor):
Blackie's Best Photos of Okinawa, cover reads:Blackie's Best Photos of the Garden Spot of the Pacific, ca 1953, oblong large 12mo (8 x 6 1/2 in), not dated, no copyright notice, publisher unstated, 25 black and white halftone reproductions of photographs, blue green paper wraps with front cover illustrated, staple bound, 51 pp. Except for the title page photograph, each picture is preceded by a one page description of the significance of the image. For more information on this book, click here.


ca 1953 - Pictures of Okinawa
Blackie Bradford (photographs)
Howland, Grace D. (compiler):
Pictures of Okinawa, ca 1953, 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 1/4 in), not dated, no copyright notice, publisher unstated, 93 black and white halftone reproductions of photographs, red illustrated paper wraps, staple bound, 44 pp. The price "$2.50" is included as a part of the front cover illustration. A photo essay on Okinawa and it's culture in the mid to late 1950s. For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


1954 - Okinawa (Kichi Okinawa)
Okinawa Times:
Okinawa, dust jacket, front cover and title page read "Okinawa" in English and "Kichi Okinawa" in Japanese, the title of "Kichi Okinawa" is stated in English in the preface, printed in Japan for the Okinawa Times, 1954 (November 25, 1954 published & December 1, 1954 placed on sale), hard bound, large 8vo (8 1/2 x 12 in - 22.3 x 30.6 cm), text and captions in Japanese and English, dust jacket illustrated with a photograph, boards illustrated with bingata pattern design and "Okinawa" printed in gilt in English, new issue price of 900 yen, 185 numbered pages. The numbered pages are followed by 20 unnumbered pages. The unnumbered pages include advertising and 14 pages of Appendices ("History of the Ryukyu Islands I & II.") The appendices are in Japanese and English. The preface translates the Japanese title "Okinawa Kichi" as "Okinawa A Military Base." The book has hundreds of black and white photographs reproduced in halftone. There is a least one photograph on each page and many pages have 2-5 different photographs. Each photograph has a Japanese and English caption. Tipped in on the inside front cover there is a "correction" sheet. Some books have a sheet tipped over the English preface. Internally several of the captions have small pieces tipped over the caption with a new caption provided. The emphasis of the book is on the development of post-WWII Okinawa. Okinawan cultural practices and customs, dress, dance, government, postage stamps and art are also depicted in the photographs. There are many photographs of US base facilities and activities. The photographs cover the period between the end of the war and publication. While none of the photographs in this book are formally attributed to Blackie the Photographer, at least two can be traced to his body of work. A Japanese language colophon is at the end of the book. To see the front of the dust jacket and front cover, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


1954 - This is Okinawa
E. G. "Blackie" Bradford (photographs)
Howland, Willard J. (text):
This is Okinawa, Tokyo, 8vo (7 1/4 x 9 in), not dated but 1954, no copyright notice but "All Right Reserved," published by Charles E. Tuttle Co., printed by Obun Printing company, 192 black and white halftone reproductions of photographs, illustrated paper wraps, staple bound internally with cover lightly glued to spine, 71 pp. The photographs are each accompanied by a title and usually a paragraph or two of descriptive text. On the back cover the price is $1.50 in the far east, 150 yen in Okinawa and 450 yen in Japan. A photo essay on Okinawa and it's culture in the early to mid-1950s. An edition with no printing number specified has been reported and this book carries the year 1954, the Tuttle imprint with printing by Kyowa Printing company and a copyright notice. A third printing (1958), a fourth printing (1959) and a seventh printing (1963) have been confirmed. Later printing state "First Edition 1954." For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available, 1st Printing - Purchase Here ~~
~~ Available, 3rd Printing - Purchase Here ~~
~~ Available, 4th Printing - Purchase Here ~~


ca 1954 - Okinawa in Pictures
Blackie the Photographer:
Okinawa in Pictures by "Blackie" the Photographer, Okinawa, Star News Publishing Co, ca 1954 paper wraps, 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 in), 144 pp. This is a photographic journal of Okinawa during the early 1950's. The title page does not have a date but I have seen the book with a handwritten notation of 1953. No copyright notice. There is a picture with the caption "Chief Executive Jugo Thoma" and a plaque on the Executive Building (looks newly constructed) dated April, 1953. Each page has one or more photographs of Okinawan people, places, or artifacts. A time capsule of Okinawa in this period after WWII. Photographs have captions and occasionally there is textual commentary. For more information on the book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


ca 1956 - Okinawa Post Script, Vol 1
Blackie the Photographer:
Okinawa Post Script, Vol 1, Okinawa, ca 1956, Star News Publishing Co, Ltd, black cloth covers with gilt lettering on front cover, horizontal format, 8vo, unpaginated, 101 pp. The book does not have a title page or copyright notice. It has a preface by Blackie the Photographer. This is followed by 101 black and white photographs on 7 x 10 inch pages. The image area of the photographs is generally 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches and the photograph is surrounded by an ornamental border. Only one photograph per page and each photograph has a descriptive title followed by 2-3 sentences of background information. Blackie captures all aspects of Okinawan life from birth to death. Several of the photographs have a Christian theme and depict church activities. A wonderful photo-essay of life on Okinawa from 1945 to the mid-1950s. The only way I could date the book was from a photograph with a 1956 car. That photograph tends to establish the date of publication as approximately 1956. The binding on this book is very weak. The pages are attached at the top (short edge of the book). They invariably come loose and are found in sections. This is the norm for this book. For more information on this book, click here.


1957 - Airin-En
Howland, W.J. (Compiled by)
Krider, Walter W.
Blackie the Photographer ("Pictures By"):
Airin-En: House of Love, Okinawa, Okinawa Times, 1957, stiff wraps, small 8vo (7 1/4 x 10 in), 62 black and white halftone photographs, 32 pp. A book about the Airin-en Children's Home (orphanage) in Yonabaru. Most photographs are two to a page. There are descriptive paragraphs for all photographs. The pages are not numbered. On the 23rd page there is a photograph which shows Blackie receiving a gift of vegetables in appreciate for his work for the orphanage. The book is dated on the front cover. For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


ca 1957 - Operation Goodwill
Ketchum, Rev. Cres. (Compiled by)
Iha Yoshiharu (Translated by)
Blackie the Photographer ("Photos By"):
'Operation Goodwill" - Throughout the Ryukyu Islands Aboard the Mission Vessel 'Island Evangel',Okinawa?, Hoshi Printing Company, ca 1957, stiff wraps, front cover illustrated, 8vo (8 x 10 in) text in English and Japanese, 58 numbered black and white halftone photographs (2 or more per page), 8vo (8 x 10 in), 36 pp. The book documents an evangelistic visit to Zamami Island (in the Kerama Islands) of the Ryukyu Islands by Reverend Ketchum. Many of the photographs include Reverend Ketchum. Each photograph is numbered and notes provided regarding each photograph. There are no year dates provided in the book. For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


1959 - Okinawa American Legion Post 28, 1959 Year Book
The American Legion, Department of the Hawaii, Okinawa Post 28, Okinawa, Ryukyus, Second Annual Year Book 1959, 1959, Okinawa, stiff wraps, 4to, 92 pp. Photo illustrated year book of Legion activities, members and military life in general on Okinawa. Numerous advertisements from Okinawan business catering to the military, including an ad for "Blackie the Photographer and the Keystone Portrait Studios" that notes "We the photographers of Keystone Photo Service enjoyed doing the photographic work for the yearbook."


1960 - Blackie's Reminiscences
Blackie the Photographer Reminiscences, published in This Month on Okinawa, October 1960, Okinawa, Ryukyuan Advertising Co., 1960, 12mo (5 1/4 x 7 in), paper wraps, staple bound, black and white photograph illustrations reproduced in halftone, 160 pp. This article (page 75-83) commemorates Blackie's 11th anniversary on Okinawa. It notes that Blackie arrived on Okinawa in October of 1949 as an Air Force Staff Sergeant. The article presents 13 (cover photo and 12 photos in text of the article) of the 10,000 photographs Blackie had amassed over the 1l years. Most of the photographs are accompanied by Blackie's explanations. For more information on this book, click here.


ca 1960 - Blackie's Real Picture Color Post Cards
Blackie the Photographer:
Blackie marketed real picture color post cards ca 1960. The cards carried the imprint "Photo by Blackie the Photographer, Box 62, Koza, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands." The came in standard size (3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in) and jumbo size (6 1/2 x 9 in). The cards carried a descriptive paragraph on the message side of the card. To see three mint (unused) jumbo size cards, click here. To see nine mint (unused) regular size cards, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~ (9 standard & 3 jumbo picture post cards)


ca 1960 - US Army Ryukyu Islands
Sawyer, Stephen ("Text by")
Blackie the Photographer ("Photos By"):
US Army Ryukyu Island, Walsworth Publishing Co., Marceline, Mo,, c1960, stiff wraps, 8vo (8 x 10 1/2 in), numerous black and white halftone and offset color lithograph photographs, pages not numbered but 72 pp. Each page has several photographs and descriptive information. All aspects of military life on Okinawa are covered. There are seven pages of color photographs. For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


ca 1960 - Okinawa, Calendar for 1961
Blackie the Photographer:
Okinawa, Calendar for 1961, spiral bound, stiff wraps, 12 mo (6 x 8 in), 44 black and white photographs and 8 color photographs, 52 pages of calendar. The book is arranged with two photographs (front and back on a page) followed by two weekly calanders (one week on the front and the next on the back of the page). A descriptive caption for the facing photo is at the bottom of each calendar page. For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


ca 1961 - Okinawa, Calendar for 1962
Blackie the Photographer:
Okinawa, Calendar for 1962, spiral bound, stiff wraps, 12 mo (6 x 8 in), 44 black and white photographs and 8 color photographs, 52 pages of calendar. The book is arranged with two photographs (front and back on a page) followed by two weekly calanders (one week on the front and the next on the back of the page). A descriptive caption for the facing photo is at the bottom of each calendar page. For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~ $35.00 (No Damage)
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~ $25.00 (Damaged)


ca 1962 - Children of Okinawa
Blackie the Photographer (Pictures)
Sevland, Eva (Text):
Okinawa Children in Photos, Dallas, Taylor Publishing Company, ca 1962, 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 1/2 in), 96 pp, 330 black and white photographs, hard covers (front pictorial spine and back ivory). No copyright notice and no date of publication stated. A photo essay on Okinawa and Okinawan children in the early 1960s. For more information on this book, click here. ~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


1962 - Okinawa in Color
Blackie the Photographer:
Okinawa in Color, Blackie the Photographer, Box 62, Koza, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, printed in Japan, 1962, oblong 8vo (6 x 8 1/2 in), 40 color photographs, stiff cardboard covers, white plastic spiral binding, 80 pp. A photo essay on Okinawa in the early 1960s. The color photographs are back to back on the pages. Opposite each photograph is a "Memo" page which contains a caption regarding the picture (no "Memo" page for the last picture however). For more information on this book, click here.


ca 1962 - Sounds of Okinawa
Blackie the Photographer (not confirmed):
Sounds of Okinawa. Very little is know about this book. It apparently documents, in photographs and sound (a small record included with the book), military activities. It is know that the record contained intercom "fire commands" of a USMC tank unit ("A" Company, 1st Tank Bn) and photographs of members of that unit. All the military branches were represented in photographs and on the record. It has not been confirmed that Blackie had a role in the publication of this book. A similar book (with a record) titled Sounds of Korea has been confirmed. Donn Cuson has reported a book (with accompanying record) which is titled An American in Okinawa in Sight and Sound. That book is undated but appears to be from the early 1960s. It has no reference to Blackie in the credits.


1963 - Okinawa Information Guide and Telephone Directory
Sera, Minoru (Forward)
Blackie the Photographer ("Photos By"):
Okinawa Information Guide and Telephone Directory, Miebashi, Okinawa, published by Inteco (Ryukyus) Ltd, printed by Radiopress, Tokyo, February 1963, stiff wraps, 8vo (7 x 10 1/2 in), numerous black and white halftone and offset color lithograph photographs, 136 pp. Numerous photographs and illustrated ads. Pages 55 through 122 are black and white advertisements. Maps are found at pages 123-127 followed by more advertisementss. Pages 133-138 contain a list of phone numbers. Several of the photographs in the book are credited to "Blackie the Photographer." For more information on this book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


ca 1963 - 1st 8" Howitzer Battery (SP), FMF Pacific
Blackie the Photographer:
1st 8" Howitzer Battery (SP), Force Troops Fleet Marine Force Pacific, Dallas, Taylor Publishing Co., ca 1963, 8vo (8 1/2 x 11 1/4 in), hard boards with front cover illustrated, black and white half-tone photographs and illustrations, no copyright notice, unpaginated but 64 pages. Most images have descriptive captions.

Part 1. 1st 8" Howitzer Battery (SP), 1962-3. This is a "yearbook" for 1st 8" Howitzer Battery (SP). It covers the period from the unit's arrival in Okinawa on March, 1962 through the return to the United States in October, 1963. The yearbook is well illustrated with a unit photograph and individual photographs of the members. There is a one page alphabetical index of the unit members which lists home addresses. Part 1 contains 32 unnumbered pages.

Part 2. Okinawa, general photographs of Okinawa, 103 photographs reproduced in black and white halftone, 32 unnumbered pages.

For more information on the book, click here.


1964 - Bread Upon the Waters
Ketchum, Creston D:
Bread Upon the Waters, Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle, 1964, 8vo, black and white halftone frontispiece photograph and 35 photographs reproduced on 12 black and white halftone plates (printed front and back) in text, 196 pp. The frontispiece photograph is of the author. All photographs are captioned. The story of a sea-going missionary of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel as he ministered throughout the Ryukyu Islands (an beyond) from 1954 through early 1962. In his "Acknowledgements and Credits" the author states: "I am deeply grateful to Blackie the Photographer of the Keystone Studio, Okinawa, for taking days out of a busy schedule to travel with me to the islands in order to provide me without cost, with the major portion of the photos appearing in this volume."


ca 1966 - Battery C, Far East
Blackie the Photographer:
Battery C, Far East, 1965-6, publisher not stated but Walsworth of Marceline, Missouri, 8vo (8 1/4 x 10 1/2), hard covers with titles, First Marine Division insignia & USMC eagle, globe and anchor device on the front board in black, not dated but ca 1966, a two part book, Part I, Battery C, 40 pages, Part II, Okinawa, 64 pages.

Part 1. Battery C, Far East, 1965-6. This is a "yearbook" for Battery C, FMF, 1/11. It covers the period from the unit's arrival in Okinawa on September 13, 1965, through it's deployment to Vietnam up to September 1966. The yearbook is well illustrated with a unit photograph and individual photographs of the members. There is a one page alphabetical index of the unit members which lists home addresses.

Part 2. Okinawa, general photographs of Okinawa, 78 photographs reproduced in black and white halftone, 64 numbered pages. Blackie's signature image of Okinawa ("Papasan's Day is Done") appears in a full page photograph. The last 7 pages have 13 images of Hong Kong, the Philippines and Japan.

Dating the Book. The book was published ca 1966. Many of the Okinawan images can be traced to other Blackie books from the early 1960s.

On the inside of the back cover, the photographs are attributed to Blackie the Photographer. For more information on the book, click here.


ca 1967 - Okinawa in Photo's
Blackie the Photographer:
Okinawa in Photo's, Marceline, Missouri, Walsworth, 8vo (8 1/4 x 10 1/2), pictorial wraps, ca 1967, 106 photographs reproduced in black and white halftone, 64 pp. The book does not have a title page or credit the photographer. However, many of the images can be traced to books where Blackie Bradford is credited as the photographer. Blackie's signature image of Okinawa ("Papasan's Day is Done") appears in a full page photograph. The book has a total of 106 photographs. Of this total, 28 are full page and the balance are smaller. The bulk of the book (87 images, 56 pages) deals with Okinawa. The last 8 pages have 19 images of Hong Kong, the Philippines and Japan. For more information on this book, click here. This book (less the soft covers) was incorporated into The Dream of Hatsue (ca 1967, below). This book has been reported with same contents but a different title (Okinawa, A Graphic Glimpse - Okinawa, Keystone of Pacific).


ca 1967 - The Dream of Hatsue Kawakami
Blackie the Photographer
Kiyuna, Mildred M. (Compiler):
The Dream of Hatsue, Okinawa, ca 1967, Walsworth, Marceline, Missouri, pictorial hard cover, no dust jacket, 4to (8 1/2 x 11 in), 112 pp. No copyright notice and no date of publication stated. Numerous photographs by Blackie the Photographer. Hatsue Kawakami was completely paralyzed as the result of an automobile accident in August of 1960. After here accident she became a Christian and the first part of the book is a photo-essay (with significant explanatory text) about the people (including US military related) who tended to her spiritual and physical needs. The book was published to raise money to fulfill Hatsue's dream of building a church in her village of Iju. The first 48 pages of the book are numbered and are about Hatsue. There are 64 unnumbered pages. There are 64 unnumbered pages which are a reprint of Okinawa in Photo's (ca 1962, above), less the soft covers. For more information on the book, click here.
~~ Available - Purchase Here ~~


ca 1969 -Patrol Squadron Twenty-Two
Blackie the Photographer:
Patrol Squadron Twenty-Two, Naha Cruise, July 1968 - January 1969, Walsworth, Marceline, Missouri, 8vo (8 1/2 x 11), hard covers, not dated but ca 1969, a two part book, Part I, Patrol Squadron Twenty-Two, 72 pages, Part II, Okinawa, 64 pages.

Part 1. Patrol Squadron Twenty-Two, 1968-9. This part is a "yearbook" / "cruise book" for this Naval aviation squadron. It has 72 numbered pages

Part 2. Okinawa, general photographs of Okinawa, 64 numbered pages.

Dating the Book. The book was published ca 1969. Many of the Okinawan images can be traced to other Blackie books from the early 1960s.

There is no attribution of the photographs to Blackie.


1971 - Go and Bear Fruit
Okinawa Baptist Association
Blackie Bradford (photographs): Go and Bear Fruit, 1971, Okinawa, Tiger Printing Company, stiff wraps, 8vo (7 1/4 x 10 1/8 in. - 18.2 x 25.8 cm), ca 100 black and white halftone reproductions of photographs, 51 pp. This phamplet is an overview of the Baptist Church's activities on Okinawa and on other Ryukyu Islands as of 1971, just months before the Ryukyus Islands reverted to Japan. The book discusses the political and economic situation on Okinawa and the history of Baptist work on the island. According to the book, the first continuing Baptist evangelistic work on Okinawa began in 1891 and the Naha Baptist Church was organized in 1904. Baptist churches were later organized in Shuri (1908), Itoman (1911) and Kadena (1912). This early Baptist activity was under the auspices of Dr. Robert Thompson (Baptist Missionary Union located in Kobe) and financially supported by Mrs. Robert Allen of Glasgow, Scotland. Many Baptist missionaries, reverends and pastors are pictured to include Iha Sensei (Seijiro Iha), Reverend Edward Bollinger & family, Pastor Alvin "Bud" Spencer & Family, Missionary Gary Vaughn, Reverend and Mrs. William R. Medling, Reverend William Randall, Pastor Roy Edgermon, Pastor and Mrs John Schoolar, Reverend Eddie O'Dell, Pastor & Mrs Moore, Pastor Willie Dunn, Pastor Shiroma, Reverend Hiromichi Tamaki, Pastor Seiei Yokoda & Pastor Shisho Asato. The Baptist "English Language Church" are shown on a map and many are discussed and pictured. These include the Central Baptist Church, the Koza Baptist Church, Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, Friendship Baptist Church, Haven of Rest Baptist Church, Lakeshore Baptist Church. The "Japanese Language Churches" are also discussed and pictured. These include the Shuri Baptist Church, Naha Baptist Church, Futenma Baptist Church, Yafuso Baptist Church, Kadena Baptist Church, Agena Baptist Church, Miyako Baptist Church, Ishimine Baptist Mission, Makabi Baptist Mission & Maehara Baptist Church. The title page attributes the photographs to "Blackie Bradford, Ed McGee, Allen Scandrette, Mike Shanahan and others. Unfortunately individual photographs (ca 100) are not attributed to a particular person. The last photograph in the book is a well know Blackie aerial photograph of Okinawa. To see the front cover, click here.


1994 - Blackie's Life in Stories
Bradford, Blackie (Earnest Gordon):
"What a Wonderful Life", self published, large 12mo (5 3/4 x 8 1/2 in), illustrated card covers, plastic spiral bound, August, 1994, 23 photographs/illustrations (including those on the covers) reproduced in black and white halftone, unpaginated but 112 pp. This is not an autobiography. Rather, it is a series of Blackie's own stories from various times in his life. For more information on the book, click here.


Blackie Unit Photographs
(Large - hand colored 7+ x 19+ inches)

USMC Unit Photo, ca 1960. "Blackie the Photographer" label on glass with the photograph. Unit is identified by the flag as F.M.F, 12th MAR, 4th Bn, M. Btry.
Price $75.00.

USMC Unit Photo, ca 1960. "Blackie the Photographer" label loose with the
photograph. Unit is identified by the flag as F.M.F, D - 12.
Price $75.00.

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    ~ Shimbi Shoin - Art Reproduction Books
    ~ Tamamura/Takagi, Kobe - Color Collotype Books
    ~ Georges Bigot - Etchings & Art
    ~ Keisuke Serizawa - Calendar Folios & Art
    ~ Woodblock Printing - Process & Miscellaneous Books
    ~ Japanese Woodblock Prints
Blackie the Photographer - Okinawa Photo Essay Books
Meiji Era - Japan Views & Images (Price Lists & Information):
    ~ Albumen Photos  :   Chromolithographs
    ~ Colored Albumen Photographs (from Brinkley Books)
    ~ Stereoviews  :   Kazumasa Ogawa Collotypes
    ~ CDV - K. Ogawa   :   CDV - Other   :   Cabinet Cards
    ~ Glass Slides, "Magic Lantern" - Hand Colored
    ~ Fujiya Hotel, Miyanoshita
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PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311


Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs