Okinawa Information Guide and Telephone Directory Blackie Bradford Photographs

Sera, Minoru (Forward)
Blackie the Photographer:
Okinawa Information Guide and Telephone Directory, Miebashi, Okinawa, published by Inteco (Ryukyus) Ltd, printed by Radiopress, Tokyo, February 1963, stiff wraps, 8vo (7 x 10 1/2 in), numerous black and white halftone and offset color lithograph photographs, 136 pp. Numerous photographs and illustrated ads. Pages 55 through 122 are black and white advertisements. Maps are found at pages 123-127 followed by more advertisementss. Pages 133-138 contain a list of phone numbers. Several of the photographs in the book are credited to "Blackie the Photographer."
The forward to the book was written by Minoru Sera. Sera was also associated with Inteco, the publisher of the book. Minoru Sera was a noted Ryukyu philatelist and about this same time he published his Ryukyus Handbook, Philatelic and Historic.
American Photo Service is listed at Hwy 1, Machinato and Blackie the Photographer is listed in the Awase Meadows Shopping Center. There is a full page ad for Keystone Photo Service, Awase Meadows Plaza, Rycom Plaza (see below).
For more information on Blackie the Photographer books, click here.