Blackie's Best Photos of Okinawa Blackie Bradford

ca 1953 - Blackie's Best Photos
Blackie Bradford (photographs)
Howland, W. J. (editor):
Blackie's Best Photos of Okinawa, cover reads Blackie's Best Photos of the Garden Spot of the Pacific, oblong large 12mo (8 x 6 1/2 in), not dated but ca 1953, no copyright notice, publisher unstated, 25 black and white halftone reproductions of photographs, blue green paper wraps with front cover illustrated, staple bound, 51 pp. Except for the title page photograph, each picture is preceded by a one page description of the significance of the image.
Dating this book. Like many of Blackie's books, this one does not have a date of publication. In a book that I believe was published ca 1954, This is Okinawa, the following comment is found:
The popularity of two previous books, Pictures of Okinawa and Blackie's Best Photos of Okinawa, has decided the authors to create another picture-story of scenes, events ....
Based upon this comment, both the mentioned books are presumed to have a publication date of ca 1953.
For more information on Blackie the Photographer books, click here.