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Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur ![]() General comments regarding Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- Und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. This periodical is a well illustrated scholarly journal covering all facets of life and culture in Meiji era Japan. The primary contributors to the publication were German scientists, scholars and academicians living in Japan at the time. You often find their works published in a similar scholarly journal, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, which began publication in 1872 in Japan. The publication was issued individually and in bound volumes. Volumes 1-6 (1873-1897) contain parts 1-60 and were issued in the 4to format. Beginning with volume 7 the format was changed to 8vo. It appears that while publication was suspended from 1916-21 and from 1946-52 the periodical was published until 1953 and perhaps later. Wenckstern contains a very detailed listing (article by article) of the contents through Volume 10 (1906). Reprints of the earlier issues were made. The issues contain numerous text illustrations, tables, maps, plans, musical scores, and plates (some fold out and in color). Part 23 (March 1881) has a well illustrated article on "Die Liu-Kiu-Insel Amami Oshima" by Dr. L. Boederlein. Variations in titles. The publication generally carries the title Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur-Und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Herausgegeben von dem Vorstande on the front cover. Sometimes "Ostasines" has an apostrophe ("Ostasien's"). From the periodicals I have examined, the "Ostasien's" variation began with Part 3, September 1873. A reprint of Part 1 dated 1890 carries the title Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur-Und Volkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio." Printers. The first part ("Erstes Heft." - Mai 1873) does not state a printer only "Yokohama." The second part (2tes Heft. - July 1873 and third part (3tes - September 1873) were printed by the Japan Mail, Yokohama ("Yokohama/Druckerei der 'Japan Mail."). Starting with part four (4tes Heft. - Januar 1874) the printer is Echo du Japon, Yokohama ("Yokohama/Druckerei der 'Echo du Japon"). At least through part 24 (1881) and probably later, Echo du Japon remained the printer. A reprint of part one in 1890 was printed by R. Meiklejohn & Co, Yokohama ("Buchdruckerei Von R. Meiklejohn & Co."). Albumen photograph tipped in illustrations. I have confirmed two parts with tipped to page albumen photographs. These are:
More information on early issues:
1. Der Japanische Adel, von M. von Brandt 2. Uber Die Bereitung von Shoyu, Saki und Mirin, von Dr. Hoffmann 3. Der Taifun vom 13th September 1874 4. Einige Notizen Uber die Japanische Musik, von Dr. Muller 5. Kocho Enkaku Zukai, von F. Krien 6. Die Begrabnissgebrauche der Shintoisten, von Dr. Muller 7. Uber die Japanischen Theegesellschaften, Cha No Yu, von Dr. Funk 8. Uber die Pharmacopoe Japan's, von Geerts 9. Einige Hohen und Ortsbestimmungen, von E. Knipping 10. Uber Eine Reise im Sudwestlichen Theil Von Yesso ,von Dr. Ritter 11. Die Kleidung der Alten Japaner 12. Naturwissenschaftliche Reisestudien in Japan, von Dr. Rein 13. Bemerkungen Uber Ainos, von Prof. Dr. Donitz 14. Kleinere Mittheilungen: 1. Japanische Susswasser-Moosthierchen, von Dr. F. Hilgendorf 2. Uber Einen tone von Sich Gebenden Schmetteerling, von Prof. Dr. Donitz 3. Uber Eine Eigenthumliche Missbildung Be Einer Katze, von Prof Dr. Donitz 15. Meteorologische Beobachtungen von E. Knipping First Text Page