Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur-Und
Volkerkunde Ostasien's. Herausgegeben von dem Vorstande

Parts 1-6, May 1873 - December 1874


von Brandt - Cochius - Doenitz, Professor - von Gebauer
Greeven, G.A. - Heeren - Hoffman - Holtz
Hilgendorf - Jaquet, L. - Kempermann, P. - Knobloch, A.
Lange, Dr. - Martin, G. - Mueller - Rein - Schmidt
Knipping, E. - Webber:
Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur-Und Volkerkunde Ostasien's. Herausgegeben von dem Vorstande, Heft 1-6 (Journal of the German Society for Natural and Cultural Science of East Asia, Parts 1-6), May 1873 through December 1874, Yokohama, small 4to (8 1/4 x 12 1/2 in - 21.1 x 30.6 cm), hardbound volume with six consecutive issues, German text primarily but two articles in Part 5 in English, printed in two columns, 5 tipped in albumen photographs, 12 plates (including 2 tinted and 2 fold-out color), one large fold-out map (16 1/4 x 12 1/4 in - 41 x 31 cm), numerous large meteorological fold-out tables, several musical scores in the text, 220 pages total. The 6 parts are numbered individually with the page number starting at 1 for each of them.

General comments regarding Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- Und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. This periodical is a well illustrated scholarly journal covering all facets of life and culture in Meiji era Japan. The primary contributors to the publication were German scientists, scholars and academicians living in Japan at the time. You often find their works published in a similar scholarly journal, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, which began publication in 1872 in Japan. The publication was issued individually and in bound volumes. Volumes 1-6 (1873-1897) contain parts 1-60 and were issued in the 4to format. Beginning with volume 7 the format was changed to 8vo. It appears that while publication was suspended from 1916-21 and from 1946-52 the periodical was published until 1953 and perhaps later. Wenckstern contains a very detailed listing (article by article) of the contents through Volume 10 (1906). Reprints of the earlier issues were made. The issues contain numerous text illustrations, tables, maps, plans, musical scores, and plates (some fold out and in color). Part 23 (March 1881) has a well illustrated article on "Die Liu-Kiu-Insel Amami Oshima" by Dr. L. Boederlein.

Variations in titles. The publication generally carries the title Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur-Und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Herausgegeben von dem Vorstande on the front cover. Sometimes "Ostasines" has an apostrophe ("Ostasien's"). From the periodicals I have examined, the "Ostasien's" variation began with Part 3, September 1873. A reprint of Part 1 dated 1890 carries the title Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur-Und Volkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio."

Printers. The first part ("Erstes Heft." - Mai 1873) does not state a printer only "Yokohama." The second part (2tes Heft. - July 1873 and third part (3tes - September 1873) were printed by the Japan Mail, Yokohama ("Yokohama/Druckerei der 'Japan Mail."). Starting with part four (4tes Heft. - Januar 1874) the printer is Echo du Japon, Yokohama ("Yokohama/Druckerei der 'Echo du Japon"). At least through part 24 (1881) and probably later, Echo du Japon remained the printer. A reprint of part one in 1890 was printed by R. Meiklejohn & Co, Yokohama ("Buchdruckerei Von R. Meiklejohn & Co.").

Albumen photograph tipped in illustrations. I have confirmed two parts with tipped to page albumen photographs. These are:

  • Part 2, July 1873, at page 10, four tipped in albumen photographs (6.6 x 12.5 cm, each photograph). The page is titled "Ein Japanischer Globus." and the photographs show sections of a map/globe.
  • Part 4, January 1874, at page 3, one tipped in albumen photograph (17.3 x 12 cm). The photograph follows an article titled "Sitzung in Yokohama am 10ten Januar 1874." The image is very faded but appears to be a view looking at a bluff.

More information on early issues:

  • Parts 1-6, May 1873 through December 1874, click here.
  • Part 6, December 1874, 1890 reprint, click here.
  • Part 12, 1877, Separate (Supplemental) Issue, click here.
  • Part 13, November 1877, click here.
  • Part 24, 1881, Separate (Supplemental) Issue, Liu-Kiu-Insel - Amami Oshima article, click here.


Parts (Hefts) 1-6



Part 1 - Mai 1873, 25 pages.
[Cover states "zweite auflage" (Second edition) & foot of last page states
"Druck von Gebr. Unger (Th. Grimm) in Berlin, Schonebergerstra 17a"]

  • Knipping, Meteorologische Beobachtungen in Yedo
  • Kempermann, Die Gesetze des Iyeyasu
  • Von Brandt, Chronologisches Verzeichniss der Kaiser und Siogune
  • Stammtafel der Shiogune Familien bis zu Iye Yasu
  • Hilgendorf, Ein Grosser Japanischer Dintenfisch (Ommastrephes)
  • A.v.K., Antrag des Gotendji des Miyoto-ken, Okada Shin, Die Graber der Beiden Kaiser Tsutsi Mikado Und Djiunin Weiderherzustellen
  • Von Knobloch, A., Wiederherstellung zweier Kaisergraber
  • A.v.K., Bericht aus Shirakawa-ken Uber Die. Kurzlich Strattgefundenen Bruche des Aso-san
  • Cochius, Uber ein Eigenthumliches Meeresleuchten
  • Hoffmann, Die Heilkunder in Japan und Japanische Aerzte

Part 2 - Juli 1873, 21 pages, - Japan Mail - 4 tipped to plate albumen photographs

  • Kempermann, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 5ten Juli, 1873

  • Knipping, Meterologische Beobachtungen, Resultate 1873 (4 fold out tables)
  • Heeren, Ein Japanische Erdkugel. Ubersetzung der Auf der Erdkugel Befindlichen Bemerkungen (Seihe Ahang) (4 albuem photographs)
  • Zappe, Die Bereitung des Japanische Papiers
  • Hoffman, Die Japanische Kak-ke

Part 3 - September 1873 - 14 pages - Japan Mail

  • Mueller, Sitzung in Yedo, am 6ten September, 1873
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 4ten October, 1873
  • Hohen Bestimmungen in Japan
  • Aus dem Echo du Japan (Edition de la Malle) von 26ten August, 1873
  • von Brandt, Gleichzeitige Barometer - Beobachtungen auf dem Gipfel und am
  • Fusse Des Fujiyama von 27ten Juli is 10ten August, 1873
  • Weber, Uber den Anbau des Thee's an der Westkuste Japan's Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung der Klimatischen Verhaltnisse
  • Holtz, Zwei Japanische Lieder (illustrated with musical scores - I & II)
  • Knipping, Meteorologische Beobachtungen. Resultate. 1873 (4 fold-out tables)

Part 4 - Januar 1874 - 49 pages - Echo du Japon - 1 tipped in albumen photograph

  • Mueller, Sitzung in Yedo, am 25ten October, 1873
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 8ten November, 1873
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yedo, am 6ten December, 1873
  • Mueller, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 10ten Januar, 1874 (1 tipped in albumen photograph)

  • von Brandt, General-Versammlung zu Yokohama, am 31ten Januar 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yedo, am 24ten Februar, 1874
  • Hoffman, Die Heilkunde in Japan und Japanische Aerzte (pages 9-20)
  • Schmidt, Aus Der Geschichte von Schanghai
  • Knobloch, Japanische Sprichwoerter und Redensarten
  • Cochius, Blumenfeste in Yedo
  • Uber die Kuenstiche Errekung des Abortus in Japan
  • Zappe, Die Zubereitung des Pflanzenwachses in Japan
  • Kempermann, Mittheilungen uber die Kamilehre (pages 30-36)*
  • Geerts, Uber die Pharmacopoe'e Japan's. Einleitung (pages 36-41)
  • Focke, Der Badeort Arima Bei Hiogo
  • Holtz, Japanische Lieder (illustrated with musical scores - III, IV & V)
  • Knipping, Meteorologische Beobachtungen. Resultate. 1873 (1 fold-out table)
  • Knobloch, Kleiner Mittheilungen. 1. Grosse Chiningaben bei Chronischer Pneumonie und Lungen Blutungen, 2. Die Hohe des Fuji Yama and 3. Momotaro, der Pfirsichjunge
  • *This article by Kempermann, though it contains no actual translations, is based on the account given in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and is considered an important resource in this area.

Part 5 - Juli 1874 - 40 pages - Echo du Japon

  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 7ten Marz, 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 28ten Maerz, 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yedo, am 11ten April, 1874 (contains a discussion of making crepe paper with 3 text illustrations)

  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yedo, am 9ten Mai, 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yedo, am 13ten Juni, 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 4ten July, 1874
  • Holtz, Das Japanische Schachspiel
  • Schmidt, Auszug aus der Geschichte von Schanghai
  • Geerts, Die Pharmacopoe'e Japan, von II
  • Miyake, Uber Die Japanische Geburtschuelf
  • Knipping, Zur Stroemungsgrenz im Norden von Formosa (pages 27-8, 1 map in text)
  • von Brandt, The Discovery of Japan and the Introduction of Christianity (pages 28-33, English text)
  • von Brandt, The Relations betwee the English and the Japanese from 1600 to 1854 (pages 33-37, English text)
  • Hilgendorf, Bemerkungen ueber die Japanische Antilope
  • Kleiner Mittheilungen: I. Der Thraenencanal der Japaner, II. Der Augenhintergund der Japaner (Muller), III. Zur Kenntnis des Japanischen Pflanzenwachses (Geerts), IV. Nachtrag zu den Mitteln zur Kuenstlichen Erregung des Abortus in Japan (Geerts), V. Auffaellige Gegendaemmerung (Hilgendorf), and VI. Ueber ein Suesswasser-Assel (Hilgendorf)
  • Knipping, Meteorologische Beobachtungen. Resultate. 1874 (2 fold-out tables)

Part 6 - December 1874 - 71 pages - Echo du Japon

  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 7ten Sept, 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yedo, am 10ten Oct, 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yokohama, am 14ten Nov, 1874
  • von Brandt, Sitzung in Yedo, am 11ten Dec, 1874
  • Als Geschenke Sind Seit der Herausgabe des Juli Heftes Eingegangen
  • von Brandt, Der Japanische Adel
  • Hoffman, Uber Die Bereitung von Shoyu, Saki und Mirin

  • Der Taifun vom 13th September 1874

  • (2 folds-out - 16 1/4 x 12 1/4 in - 41 x 31 cm)
  • Mueller, Einige Notizen Uber die Japanische Musik



  • Krien, Kocho Enkaku Zukai
  • Muller, Die Begrabnissgebrauche der Shintoisten
  • Funk, Uber die Japanischen Theegesellschaften, Cha No Yu
  • Geerts, Uber die Pharmacopoe Japan's
  • Knipping, Einige Hohen und Ortsbestimmungen
  • Ritter, Uber Eine Reise im Sudwestlichen Theil Von Yesso
  • Die Kleidung der Alten Japaner

    Color - Fold-out

    Color - Fold-out

  • Rein, Naturwissenschaftliche Reisestudien in Japan
  • Donitz, Bemerkungen Uber Ainos
  • Kleinere Mittheilungen:
    1. Japanische Susswasser-Moosthierchen, von Dr. F. Hilgendorf
    2. Uber Einen tone von Sich Gebenden Schmetteerling, von Prof. Dr. Doenitz
    3. Uber Eine Eigenthumliche Missbildung Be Einer Katze, von Prof Dr. Doenitz

  • Knipping, Meteorologische Beobachtungen


Tipped in Albumen Plates (Part 2 & 4)

Publications Relating to Japan During the Period from 1860-1882 with Tipped in Albumen Photographs. The practice of illustrating books or articles with albumen photographs during this time period was very limited. As a general rule at this date, illustrations would be created by one of the various engraving techniques (wood, steel etc), lithography or woodblock processes. Publications at this time with actual tipped in photographs are a striking exception to the norm. Below is a listing of the publications using tipped in albumen photographs that I am aware of during this period (ie 1800 through the early 1880s).

  • 1860, Westfield, T.C. (Thomas Clark), The Japanese, Their Manners and Customs with an Account of the General Characteristics of the Country, its Manufactures and Natural Productions: Originally Delivered as a Lecture, at the Marylebone Literary and Scientific Institution. This book contained 6 tipped in stereograph photographs. More information here.

  • 1864, Wolff, Fr., Album von Ost-Asien Düsseldorf und Mönchen-Gladbach, Ad. Spaarmann, 1864, large 4to, 30 hand color photographic plates, 60 pp (not all photographs are of Japan. here.

  • 1868, Felice A. Beato, Native Types and Views of Japan, Photographic Views of Japan with Historical and Descriptive Notes, Compiled from Authentic Sources, and Personal Observations During a Residence of Several Years (with letterpress by James W. Murray and Native Types, Yokohama, 1868. A two volume set. Each volume contains approximately 100 tipped in albumen photographs. More information here.

  • 1868, Felice A. Beato, Photographic Images and Customs of Japan, 1868, 4to. More information here.

  • 1870-1878, John Reddie Black, The Far East, a periodical first published in Japan and later Hong Kong. More information here.

  • 1873, Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur-Und Volkerkunde Ostasien's. Herausgegeben von dem Vorstande, Part 2 (July 1873) and Part 4 (January 1874) have been confirmed with tipped in albumen photographs. These are the only issues from Part 1 to 6 with tipped in albumen photographs. Is is likely that other issues of the periodical contained tipped to page or plate albumen photographs. For more information on Part 2 and Part 4, click here.

  • ca 1877, Stillfried & Andersen, Views and Costumes of Japan, photographic book said to contain 96 albumen photographs taken by Stillfried and Beato. Also reported with 45 albumen photographs. More information here.

  • ca 1877, H.H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wisconsin, A Summer in Japan. A series of 26 sterographs reproducing images taken by William H. Metcalf when he visited Japan in 1876 or 1877. Albumen photograph stereoviews. Not sold in book form. For more information, click here.

  • 1878, Tarumatsu Wada (editor & publisher), Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi. Views of the 53 stages of the Tokaido as depicted in Hiroshige prints on 28 pages of albumen photographs. More information here.

  • 1879, various authors, Sashin Shimbun. Illustrated by albumen photographs. More information here.

  • 1879, Henry von Siebold, Notes on Japanese Archaeology with Especial Reference to the Stone Age by Henry von Siebold, with 12 Photographic Plates, Typography of C. Levy, containing 12 large sepia tone albumen photographs tipped to plate. More information here.

  • 1880, John Milne, Prehistoric Remains, Notes on Stone Implements from Otaru and Hakodate, with a Few General Remarks on the Prehistoric Remains of Japan. An article with 5 tipped in sepia tone albumen photographs. More information here.

  • ca 1880, Baron Raimund von Stillfried, Views and Costumes of China and Japan. An album with 70 handcolored albumen photographs. More information here.

  • 1882, Thomas Van Buren, Labor in Japan - together with - Pottery and Porcelain Industries of Japan Contains eleven (11) hand colored albumen photographs. More information here.

All the books listed above prior to 1880 are very scarce and seldom seen on the market. None of these publications approached the massive use of albumen photographs seen with The Far East.

In The Advent of Photography in Japan, published jointly by the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo and the Hakodate Museum of Art, Hokkaido, 1997, the front covers of two issues of the 1871 Far East are shown at page 73. This book served as a guide for exhibits in Tokyo and Hakodate by the same name held in 1997. Each of the covers shown has a tipped in photograph of approximately 40% of the page.



Early Japan Related Books Illustrated with Tipped in Albumen Photographs.

Note A. (1862)
Westfield, T.C. (Thomas Clark):
The Japanese, Their Manners and Customs with an Account of the General Characteristics of the Country, its Manufactures and Natural Productions: Originally Delivered as a Lecture, at the Marylebone Literary and Scientific Institution, London, Photographic News Office, 1862, 4to. One of the earliest books to contain actual photographs of Japan. These were in the form of six tipped in stereograph photographs. The photographs are attributed variously to A.A.J. Gower (a British consular official), or professional photographers Rossier (French) or W. B. Woodbury (British).

Note B. (1864)
Wolff, Fr.:
Album von Ost-Asien, Düsseldorf und Mönchen-Gladbach, Ad. Spaarmann, 1864, large 4to, 30 hand color photographic plates, 60 pp. Plates include images of Japan, China, British India, Siam and Luzon.

Note C. (1868)
Beato, Felice A.:
Native Types and Views of Japan, Photographic Views of Japan with Historical and Descriptive Notes, Compiled from Authentic Sources, and Personal Observations During a Residence of Several Years (with letterpress by James W. Murray and Native Types, Yokohama, 1868. A two volume set. Each volume contains approximately 100 tipped in albumen photographs. Opposite each photograph is a printed descriptive caption. The Views volume is entirely black and white while the Types volume contains hand colored albumen photographs. Beato's use of artists to hand color photographs was a pioneering effort which would rapidly expand over the next 30 years. Charles Wirgman, the noted artist and satirist, is said to have colorized many of the photographs for these books. James W. Murray, who provided the descriptive text for the photographs, was a noted author of travel guides for Japan. The albums were very expensive and cost the equivalent of $200 at the time. Many of the images have vignetted edges which was typical of Beato's work. In 1877 Beato sold his studio to Baron Stillfried. You often see Beato's photographs with English titles added to the negative by Stillfried.

Note D. (1868)
Beato, Felice A.:
Photographic Images and Customs of Japan, 1868, 4to. A photographic type album of mounted hand tinted albumen prints that have the information relating to the image attached verso. One photograph is titled "Sentence" and shows a condemned man affixed to a cross.

Note E. (1868)
Stillfried-Ratenicz, Baron Raimund von,
Andersen, H.:
Views and Costumes of Japan, photographic book said to contain 96 albumen photographs taken by Stillfried and Beato. The book is oblong folio (19.5 x 24.4 cm). The majority of the photographs are hand colored and some have the number or titles in the image and some with have titles written in pencil below the image. Mounted on pages front and back. There is a albumen frontispiece titled "Views & Costumes of Japan by Stillfried & Andersen, Yokohama." I have also seen this book described with 45 albumen photographs (23 colored, 22 black and white). While not dated the approximate date of the book can be determined from know facts. The Stillfried and Andersen association ran from 1876 through 1879. That firm took over Beato's stock of photographs in 1877 and they were used extensively in this book. While the publication date is approximated as 1877, the photographs are generally from mid-1860s through the early 1870s when Beato was most active as a photographer.

Note F. (ca1877)
Stillfried-Ratenicz, Baron Raimund von
Andersen, H.:
Views and Costumes of Japan, photographic book said to contain 96 albumen photographs taken by Stillfried and Beato. The book is oblong folio (19.5 x 24.4 cm). The majority of the photographs are hand tinted and some have the number or titles in the image and some with have titles written in pencil below the image. Mounted on pages front and back. There is a albumen frontispiece titled "Views & Costumes of Japan by Stillfried & Andersen, Yokohama." I have also seen this book described with 45 albumen photographs (23 colored, 22 black and white). While not dated the approximate date of the book can be determined from know facts. The Stillfried and Andersen association ran from 1876 - 1879. That firm acquired took over Beato's stock of photographs in 1877 and they were used extensively in this book. While the publication date is approximated as 1877, the photographs are generally from mid-1860s through the early 1870s when Beato was most active as a photographer.

Note G. (1878)
Wada, Tarumatsu (editor & publisher):
Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi, Japan, Tarumatsu Wada, 1878, photographic (albumen) views of the 53 stages of the Tokaido as depicted in Hiroshige prints, 10 x 6 cm. The views are shown in 28 pages of albumen photographs. Wooden boards with title in ink on front and back.

Note H. (1879)
Various authors:
Sashin Shimbun, Zenshin-sha, 1879, contained tipped in albumen photographs. The publication had a short life span of only approximately 10 issues.

Note I. (1879)
von Siebold, Heinrich Philipp (Henry):
Notes on Japanese Archaeology with Especial Reference to the Stone Age by Henry von Siebold, with 12 Photographic Plates, Typography of C. Levy, Yokohama, typography (text) by C. Levy, 1879, 4to (9 1/2 x 13 3/4  in - 24.5 x 36 cm), printed paper covered boards with green cloth spine, preface (I-III), 12 albumen photograph plates, 22 pages of text. The last four pages of the text (pages 19-22) contain tables titled "Explanation of Photographic Table" These tables provide the details regarding of the 285 items pictured and numbered in the plates. The plates are composed of original sepia tone albumen photographs tipped to card stock. The individual photographs can be characterized as large size photographs, approximately 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches (or slightly larger) each. Above each photograph is a tipped on heading indicating the "Table" (Plate) number. Each object shown in the photograph is identified by a small manuscript number etched in white adjacent to it. These numbers correspond to the detailed information found in the four pages of "Explanation of Photographic Table" found in the text portion of the book. For more information on this book, including pics of 11 of the 12 photographs, click here.

Note J. (1880)
Milne, John:
Prehistoric Remains, Notes on Stone Implements from Otaru and Hakodate, with a Few General Remarks on the Prehistoric Remains of Japan, Yokohama, extracted from Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Volume VIII, 1880, 8vo, 5 tipped in sepia tone albumen photographs, one engraved drawing and one folding map, pages 61-87. For more information on this article, click here.

Note K. (ca 1880)
von Stillfried, Baron Raimund:
Views and Costumes of China and Japan, Yokohama, not dated (ca 1880), album with 70 handcolored albumen photographs. The front cover is a montage. Photographs generally measure 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 in and are mounted on heavy card stock and protected by tissue guards. Images fall into the following general areas: Enshima (1), Nagasaki (11), Papenberg (4), Sofkudji (1), Fukuya (1), Tenodji (1), Megane-Bashi (1), Kiyomidzo (2), Choin (1), Honwandji (2), Ketang (2), Karasaki (1), Ishiyama (2), Nari (5), Kanasawa (1), Daibutz (2), Hasse (1), Tomioka (1), Tokaido (1), Mandarin Bluff (1), Kiga (1), Goten (2), Fusiyama (2), Nikko (8) Saruhashi (1), Yumoto (4), Asayama (2) Shua (2), Fukiage (1), Asakuja (1), Odji (1) and Uyendo (2). Baron von Stillfried lived in Japan 1867-1883. While he was an accomplished photographer, he also purchased the stock of Felice Beato in 1877 and the merger of the Beato stock with his work/stock complicates identification of his works.

Note L. (1882)
Van Buren, Thomas B.:
Labor in Japan - together with - Pottery and Porcelain Industries of Japan, Yokohama, Japan, Printed at the Japan Gazette Office, 1882, 8vo (6 1/4 x 9 in - 15.7 x 23.3 cm), 59 pp + 10 pp. Contains eleven (11) hand colored albumen photographs of 1) His Imperial Majesty, Mutsu Hito, Emperor [Meiji], 2) Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Haruko, 3) Ainos, 4) Samurai Warrior, 5) Coolie, 6) Geisha, 7) Vegetable Peddler, 8) Girl in Winter Dress, 9) Coolie in Winter dress, 10) Satsuma Vase, and 11) Kutani Plate. Prepared by Thomas B. Van Buren, the U.S. Consul-General in Japan. This book contains two reports which were originally printed in the Reports of the Consuls of the United States, No. 2, November, 1880, published by the Department of State. The reports as published by the US Government have been slightly modified (corrected) and supplemented with eleven (11) albumen photographs interspersed in the text. The photographs of the Meiji Emperor and Empress in this book are scarce early images. For more information on this book, click here. Van Buren held office from June 1874 until June 1885.


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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs