~~ First Army ~~
Russo-Japanese War

Index for Russo Japan War, 6 Volume Set
Naval Yalu & Karafuto Armies First Army
Second Army Third Army Fourth Army

Covers Colophons Statistics

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The Russo-Japanese War:
Taken by the Photographic Department
of the Imperial Headquarters
First Army

Published by Kazumasa Ogawa, 1906
Part of a Six Volume Set

First Army Volume

Ogawa, K. (Kazumasa) (Publisher)
The Russo-Japanese War: Taken by the Photographic Department of the Imperial Headquarters, First Army, Tokyo, ©1904 by the Military Survey Department and published and printed by K. Ogawa, distributed by K. Ogawa, Tokyo and Kelly Walsh, Yohohama, Shanghai, Hongkong and Singapore, 1906, large oblong 4to (14 3/4 x 10 in - 37.5 x 25.5 cm), green blind stamped covers with gilt titles (boards and spine), listing of plates ("contents") and 35 pages of text in English titled "Operations of the First Army" and 31 pages of Japanese text plus 90 numbered pages of photographs and 11 unnumbered plates. This volume also has a loose folding map. All plates are black and white halftone photographs. Each plate has an English caption and Japanese descriptive captions and notes. The English text section traces the Operations of the Japanese First Army from the Occupation of Cheng-Ju in March of 1904 through the battle of Mukden ending in April of 1905.

Major Sections of the Engish Text Portion.

  • Occupation of Cheng-ju, Mar 1904
  • Battle of the Sha-Ho, Oct 10 - Oct 15, 1905
  • Battle of Heikeutai, Feb 1905
  • Battle of Mukden, Mar 1905

For information on Kazumasa Ogawa, click here.


Complete Set of 6 Volumes

Ogawa, K.
The Russo-Japanese War: A six volume set with continuing titles that read:

  • Naval, By Permission of the Naval Department, printed, published and distributed by K. Ogawa, Tokyo, ©1904, published 1905 (Meiji 38).

  • Taken by the Photographic Department of the Imperial Headquarters printed, published and distributed by K. Ogawa, Tokyo, also distributed by Kelly Walsh, Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong and Singapore, ©1904, published 1906 (Meiji 39).
    • First Army
    • Second Army
    • Third Army
    • Fourth Army
    • Armies of the Yalu & Karafoto

A matching set of 6 volumes, printed and distributed in 1905-6, large oblong 4to (14 3/4 x 10 in - 37.5 x 25.5 cm), green blind stamped covers with gilt titles (boards and spine), Tokyo, Naval volume copyrighted by T. Ichioka, 1904, Army volumes copyrighted by the Military Survey Department, 1904. An extensive photographic survey of the War dedicated to the First to Fourth Armies, the Armies of the Yalu and the Karfoto, and the Navy. The plates, which have descriptive captions, are supplemented by text pages (in English and Japanese) which reflect official Japanese military reports regarding the operations of the Navy and Armies in the Russo-Japanese War. The text accounts run in chronological order and recount the significant battles, operations and activities.

In total the set contains 856 black and white halftone plates (736 - Army & 120 - Navy) produced by K. Ogawa, 136 pages of text in English, 123 pages of text in Japanese. Of the 856 plates, 11 plates fold-out and 14 plates have tissue overlays with descriptive information in Japanese. There is one loose map with the set.

All 6 books have the same basic format. When read Western style, from front to back, the front cover is in English. It is followed (all in English) by the title page, the "Imperial Proclamation of War," text pages and finally a listing of plates. The English section ends next to last plate in the book. When read Japanese style, from back to front, the cover is in Japanese. It is followed (all in Japanese) by a title page, portrait plate(s) of Imperial family members in the military and key military members, the "Imperial Proclamation of War," text pages, a listing of plates in Japanese, and the plates with the last plate adjoining the end of the English portion of the book. All plates have descriptive captions in Japanese above the image and in English below the image. Plates in the Army books are numbered and there are plates (plates right after the title page) not included in the numbers. The plates are generally, but not always, printed back to back. The image area is approximately 7 x 10 in.

The Army books share common plates (generally 10). These plates relate to the "Triumphal Return" of the Armies in Manchuria (8 plates at the back of the numbered plates) or they are portraits of commanders (2 plates at the front of the book). It is clear that the books were edited to not present images of horrors of war. I find very few plates that show the actual human carnage or death on the battlefield. In general the images show battles in progress, important locations, key terrain, key figures (both Japanese and enemy), captured ordnance and munitions, troops in combat and at rest, prisoners of war, first aid stations and hospitals, ships and military equipment and an occasional dead horse.

A Note Regarding the Plates. Mottling on plates is typical in this set. While the plates do not appear damaged, there are scattered areas where the high gloss of the plate paper is dull rather than shiny. You don't notice this when looking directly down on the image. However, when you view the plates looking across towards a light source, you see scattered areas of mottling/dulling on the glossy off-white plate pages. This appears to be a normal aging process of the glossy paper. The text pages which are not the same high gloss paper do not have the mottling.


Illustrations in this Volume
(All Black & White Halftone Images)

Title Pages (English and Japanese)

Folding Map (loose)

--- H.I.H Prince Kuni, Major

Calligraphic Title Page (same in all 5 Army Volumes)

    Below 2 plates in all 5 Army volumes

--- Portraits (Field Marshal Marquis Yamagata & Major General Nakaoka)

--- Portraits (Field Marshal Marquis Oyama & General Baron Kodama)

(1} Cannonade of the First Battalion of the Second Field
    Artillery Regiment from a hill south-east of Chin-
    chiaputzu.  No. 2.

(2) Cannonade of the First Battalion of the Second Field
    Artillery Regiment from a hill south-east of Chin-
    chiaputzu.  No. I.
(3) Advance of the Headquarters of the Imperial Guards
    Division along a road north of Yayuchi.
(4) A Russian dummy gun captured at T'ienshuitien,
(5) Fight of the Sixth Company of the Third Infantry
    Regiment of Imperial Guards on a hill north-west
    of Kiminzuy.
(6) North-west ward advance from Lienshankuan of the Second
    Battalion of the Third Field Artillery Regiment.
(7) Russian shells falling on the ammunition column of the
    Imperial Guards Division south-east of Tunghsinpu.
(8) Position of the Field Artillery Regiment of the
    Imperial Guards on a hill east of Kaolits'ung near Liaoyang.
(9) Russian Forts on a hill west of Yamolinza.
(10) Advance of a part of the Twenty-ninth Infantry Regiment
     upon a hill east T'awan.
(11) Building a bridge over a stream at Chichiaputzu.
(12) A baggage train fording the Hsiho at Hungmiaotzu.
(13) Capture of a position on a hill north-west of Kiminzuy
     by a part of the Third Infantry Regiment of the Imperial
(14) After a battle at Chiaot'ou.
{15} A field gun captured at the foot of a hill south-west of
(16) Collection of booty at Motienling.
(17) A Russian gun found destroyed in the heart of the mountain
     at Yangtzuling.
(18) After a battle at Chiaot'ou.  No. 5.
(19) A part of the Second Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Guards
     Second Reserve fording an affluent of the Hsiho in front of
     the enemy.
(20) Concentration of an Infantry detachment of the Imperial Guards
     in a field south of Yayuchi.
(21) Defence works of the Japanese Artillery on a hill north
     of Yangtzuling.
(22) Encampment of the Second Division on Lienshankuan.
(23) Cannonade of the Independent Field Artillery Corps of the
     First Army from a hill south-cast of Findzuay.
(24) Conveyance of wounded officers on Motienling.
(25) Temporary dressing station of the Twenty-ninth Infantry
     Regiment established in a hollow east of T'awan.

(26) Temporary dressing station at Hsuchiakon.

(27) Field  hospital of the Imperial Guards Division in
     a hamlet west of Ssufangt'ai.
{28} Russian dummy guns on the north side of T'awan.
(29) The Second Division Headquarters and the Thirtieth Infantry
     Regiment resting after the capture of Motienling.
(30) Headquarters of the Twelfth Division at Saimachi.
(31) Engagement of the Field Artillery Regiment of the Imperial
     Guards on a hill north of Huangkangtzu.
(32) Defence-work of the Twelfth Company of the Fourth Infantry
     Regiment near Hsikow.
(33) Engagement at Shaotakow of the Third Battalion of the
     Twenty-ninth Infantry Regiment of the Second Reserve.
(34) Russian shells falling on the position of the First Battalion
     of the Second Field Artillery Regiment on Sanchengtm Hill.
(35) Cannonade of an Independent Field Artillery Corps from a hill
     north of Tayingshoutun.
(36) Japanese defence-works north of Hsikow.
(37) Reconnaissance of the neighbourhood of Ch'icnliuku by officers
     of the Twenty-ninth Infantry Regiment of the Second Reserve.
(38) Concentration of the First Battalion of the Second Field Artillery
     Regiment on Lienshankuan.
(39) The Posilion of an Artillery Regiment of the Imperial Guards
     Division on a hill cast of Kaolits'ung Village near
     Liaoyang. No. 2.
(40) Part of Japanese Forts in a field north of
     Tayingshoutun. No, 2.
(41) Cannonade of the Fifth Battery of the Second Field Artillery
     Regiment from a field south-west of Kangch'i Hill.
(42) Japanese firing upon Russian Cavalry near Shang-liuho. No. I.
(43) Part of Japanese Forts in a field north of
     Tayingshoutun. No. I.
(44) Japanese outposts in the neighbourhood of
     Hsing-hingtuti. No. I.
(45) Kitchen of an Imperial Guards Corps in a field south
     of Yingshoutun.
(46) Engagement on a hill south-west of Kaofengssu of the First
     Battalion of the Fourth Infantry Regiment of the Imperial
     Guards. No. I.
(47) A view of T'ashan from Machuantzu Hill.
(48) Baggage (rain of the Imperial Guards Division in a field
     south-east of Ssufangt'ai.
(49) The Twenty-ninth Infantry Regiment of the Second Reserve
     resting near Sanchiatzu.
(50) Defence-works of the Second Engineers Battalion near
(51) Engagement of Third Battalion of the Twenty-ninth Infantry
     Regiment of the Second Reserve on a hill east of Sanchiatzu.
(52) Position of an Independent Field Artillery Corps on a hill at
(53) Cannonade from a hill north-east of Tunghsinpu.
(54) Headquarters of the Third Infantry Brigade on the north side of
     Huangpu during the battle on the tenth of October.
(55) Russian shells falling on the position of the First Battalion of
     the Second Field Artillery Regiment on Sanchengtm Hill. No. 2.
(56) Japanese outposts in the neighbourhood of Ilsing-lungtun. No. 2.
(57) Preparations for setting up the First Field Hospital of the
     Imperial Guards Division in a hollow northwest of llsiamatun.
(58) Russian forts on a hill south of Kaofengssu.
(59) Headquarters of the Second Division on Yuuganssii Hill.
(60) Russian ammunition waggon left behind at Komut'ang.
(61) Gathering of the high civil and military officers of the First
     Army Headquarters.

(62) Interior of a Japanese subterranean encampment near East

(63) The colliery at Yent'ai.
(64) Part of the Japanese line of defence near East Shih-miaotzu.
(65) Japanese winter quarters near Lower Pingt'aitzu,
(66) Part of the Japanese outposts at Hsinglungtun.
(67) Cannonading of the Russians at Tangchiatun Shihshan by the
     Second Battery of the Imperial Guards Field Artillery Regiment
     which has captured a point south of Titi Hill.
(681 Part of the Japanese line of defence on Maerh Hill.
(69) Artillery duel between Sanchengtzu and Waitow Hills.
(70) Central Ammunition Park of the First Army at Pan-lash an tan,
(7l) A Russian shell falling near the Temporary Dressing Station
     at Tatzupu.
(72) Subterranean dwellings of native refugees near K'ao-shantun.
(73) The Fourth Company of the Sixteenth Regiment bivouacking at the
     foot of a hill south of Tataupu.
(74) A view of Maerh Hill from the direction of Titi Hill.
(75) The  Mixed Brigade of the Imperial Guards Second
     Reserve resting at a point south of Wangshihling-kow.
(76) The First Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Guards Second
     Reserve advancing near Wangshihliangkow.
(77) Russian forts near a hill north of Tangchiatun.

(78) Meeting of Japanese and Russian search-parties during a truce for
     the purpose of bringing away the dead and wounded.

(79) Cannonade of the Second Battalion of the Twelfth Field Artillery
     Regiment on the left bank of the Hun River south of Hsinglungtien.
(80) Transportation over the ice on the Shaho near Tangchiatun.
(81) A view of the Interior of the Russian position on
     Tungkow Hill.
(82) A Russian position on a hill east of Hsinlungtien at the time of
     the rout of the Russian Army.
(83) Baggage train of the Imperial Bodyguards Division halting near
     Machiawan on the bank of the Hun River.
(84) Subterranean encampment of the Russian Army at Yaochiatun.
(85) Examination of prisoners near Talienputzu.
(86) Prisoners brought together near Talieuputzu. No. 1.
(87) Prisoners brought together near Talienpulzu. No. 2.
(88) Prisoners being treated at the Temporary Dressing Station of
     the Imperial Guards Division at Talienputzu.
(89) Trophies of the First Army at P'anchiat'ai. No. 1.
(90) Trophies of the First Army at P'anchiat'ai. No. 2.

----  Marshal Marquis Yamagata Being Welcomed at Mukden

----  Marshal Marquis Oyama, Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Armies
      in Manchuria, and His Staff

----  Major-General Fukushima, The Japanese Commissioner for Arranging
      an Armistice, on His Way to the Meeting-Place of Commissioners

----  The Meeting of the Commissioners Appointed to Arrange Armistice

----  Triumphal Return of General Headquarters Staff of the Japanese
      Armies in Manchuria.  No 1.

----  Triumphal Return of General Headquarters Staff of the Japanese
      Armies in Manchuria.  No 2.

----  Triumphal Return of General Headquarters Staff of the Japanese
      Armies in Manchuria.  No 3.

----  Triumphal Return of General Headquarters Staff of the Japanese
      Armies in Manchuria.  No 4.

Dating the book.

Colophon (At Rear of All 5 Army Books)

The two rows of characters at the far right indicate the following (going from the right row to the left).

  • Meiji 39 (1906), February 23 - Printed
  • Meiji 39 (1906), February 26 - Distributed


Index for Russo Japan War, 6 Volume Set
Naval Yalu & Karafuto Armies First Army
Second Army Third Army Fourth Army

Covers Colophons Statistics

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For information on a similar 2 volume set, Click here.

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