~~ Statistics ~~
Russo-Japanese War

Index for Russo Japan War, 6 Volume Set
Naval Yalu & Karafuto Armies First Army
Second Army Third Army Fourth Army

Covers Colophons Statistics

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The Russo-Japanese War:
Naval & Armys

Published by Kazumasa Ogawa, 1905 & 1906
Six Volume Set

     Plates     Text Pages          Plates
Listed  Unlstd  Eng     JP    Fold-Out  w/Overlays
119      1       10      11       0        1    Navy  (1905)

 90     11       35      31       0        0    First Army (1906)

178     12       36      32       2        0    Second Army (1906)

224     11       19      16       6       10    Third Army (1906)

 90     11       30      29                2    Fourth Army (1906)

 56               3       3       2        1    Yalu & Karfoto (Part 1) (1906)

 43     11       13      12       1        1    Yalu & Karfoto (Part 2) (1906)

800     56      136     123      11*      14*   Totals


856 - Total Black and White Halftone Plates (Listed & Unlisted in Table of Contents) 136 - Total Text Pages in English 123 - Total Text Pages in Japanese 11 - Total Fold-Out Plates 14 - Total Plates with Tissue Guard Descriptive Overlay 1 - Map (loose) in First Army volume * These plates are already counted in the plates listed in the left columns.

Halftone Plates

In this book, Kazumasa Ogawa has reproduced photographs using the relief haftone printing process. A less expensive mechanical printing process, this method was perfected in the 1870s and came into widespread use in the 1880s. In this process, the photographic image is recorded on a sensitized metal plate which is then etched in an acid bath. The halftone effect is accomplished by projecting the image through a wire or glass screen, which breaks the light rays so that the metal plate is sensitized in a dotted pattern; the larger dots create the darker areas, the smaller dots the high lights. The finer the screen, the greater the precision of detail in the printed product. The printed images lack the definition provided by photographs or the collotype process. A a photo-engraved relief halftone image is easy to identify. When you look at the image under even light magnification (x5 or x10) you see the series of dots that make up the image.photomechanical halftone process.


Characteristics of a Halftone Image
(Dot pattern under magnification)


Complete Set of 6 Volumes

Ogawa, K.
The Russo-Japanese War: A six volume set with continuing titles that read:

  • Naval, By Permission of the Naval Department, printed, published and distributed by K. Ogawa, Tokyo, ©1904, published 1905 (Meiji 38).

  • Taken by the Photographic Department of the Imperial Headquarters printed, published and distributed by K. Ogawa, Tokyo, also distributed by Kelly Walsh, Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong and Singapore, ©1904, published 1906 (Meiji 39).
    • First Army
    • Second Army
    • Third Army
    • Fourth Army
    • Armies of the Yalu & Karafoto

A matching set of 6 volumes, printed and distributed in 1905-6, large oblong 4to (14 3/4 x 10 in - 37.5 x 25.5 cm), green blind stamped covers with gilt titles (boards and spine), Tokyo, Naval volume copyrighted by T. Ichioka, 1904, Army volumes copyrighted by the Military Survey Department, 1904. An extensive photographic survey of the War dedicated to the First to Fourth Armies, the Armies of the Yalu and the Karfoto, and the Navy. The plates, which have descriptive captions, are supplemented by text pages (in English and Japanese) which reflect official Japanese military reports regarding the operations of the Navy and Armies in the Russo-Japanese War. The text accounts run in chronological order and recount the significant battles, operations and activities.

In total the set contains 856 black and white halftone plates (736 - Army & 120 - Navy) produced by K. Ogawa, 136 pages of text in English, 123 pages of text in Japanese. Of the 856 plates, 11 plates fold-out and 14 plates have tissue overlays with descriptive information in Japanese. There is one loose map with the set.

All 6 books have the same basic format. When read Western style, from front to back, the front cover is in English. It is followed (all in English) by the title page, the "Imperial Proclamation of War," text pages and finally a listing of plates. The English section ends next to last plate in the book. When read Japanese style, from back to front, the cover is in Japanese. It is followed (all in Japanese) by a title page, portrait plate(s) of Imperial family members in the military and key military members, the "Imperial Proclamation of War," text pages, a listing of plates in Japanese, and the plates with the last plate adjoining the end of the English portion of the book. All plates have descriptive captions in Japanese above the image and in English below the image. Plates in the Army books are numbered and there are plates (plates right after the title page) not included in the numbers. The plates are generally, but not always, printed back to back. The image area is approximately 7 x 10 in.

The Army books share common plates (generally 10). These plates relate to the "Triumphal Return" of the Armies in Manchuria (8 plates at the back of the numbered plates) or they are portraits of commanders (2 plates at the front of the book). It is clear that the books were edited to not present images of horrors of war. I find very few plates that show the actual human carnage or death on the battlefield. In general the images show battles in progress, important locations, key terrain, key figures (both Japanese and enemy), captured ordnance and munitions, troops in combat and at rest, prisoners of war, first aid stations and hospitals, ships and military equipment and an occasional dead horse.

Index for Russo Japan War, 6 Volume Set
Naval Yalu & Karafuto Armies First Army
Second Army Third Army Fourth Army

Covers Colophons Statistics

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Blackie the Photographer - Okinawa Photo Essay Books
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    ~ CDV - K. Ogawa   :   CDV - Other   :   Cabinet Cards
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