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Index for Fine Arts of the Far East - Chinese Paintings, 5 Volume Set
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Table of Contents
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Tajima Shiichi (Editor, Volumes VIII & IX)
Kubota, Kanroku (Editor, Volumes X - XII
Omura Seigai (Original Text):
Masterpieces Selected from the Fine Art of the Far East (Tôyô Bijutsu Taikwan), a 5 volume set, "Chinese Paintings, I-V," The Shimbi Shoin, Tokyo (13 Shinsakana-cho, Kyobashi-ku), 1909 (Volumes VIII & IX), 1918 (Second Edition, Volumes X-XII), folio (19 1/2 x 13 1/2 in - 50 x 34 cm), 5 volumes of art reproductions of Chinese art held in collections in Japan, 307 plates (57 are color woodblock prints and 250 are black and white collotypes), bound Japanese style, decorated cloth, purple silk threads, two edges gilt (top & bottom), 96 pages of text. Volumes X-XII are "Deluxe Edition" and contain more color plates than the regular edition and many of the color woodblock plates are executed on silk. They are, however, not designated "Deluxe" on the title page and that is determined by the number of color woodblock plates and the fact that several are on silk.
Summary of Plates (Color Woodblocks /Black & White Collotype).
These 5 volumes are part of a set of 16 volumes (8 volumes - Japanese paintings, 5 volumes - Chinese paintings and 3 volumes - sculptures). In a catalogue published before the publication of the set the Shimbi Shoin advertised the set (16 volumes) stating that it was limited to 500 sets in two grades.
The Shimbi Shoin advertised that this set (16 volumes) was limited to 500 sets in two grades. The ordinary edition (400 sets produced) with 130 color plates all on ordinary paper and the "edition de luxe" (100 sets produced) with 200 color plates and where the original was printed on silk, it is reproduced on silk in the deluxe edition. The deluxe edition is also characterized as having "rich brocade" covers. In a Shimbi Shion catalogue published ca 1910 the set was priced at £66 (deluxe) and £55 (regular). In a 1920 Shimbi Shoin catalogue the complete set was priced at 1,200 yen (deluxe) and 1,000 yen (regular). As of the 1920 catalogue the set is listed as 15 volumes ("or in folios"), not 16 volumes. In this catalogue the Japanese painting volumes were priced at 650 yen (deluxe) and at 525 yen (regular) and the Chinese paintings volumes were priced at 450 yen (deluxe) and 400 yen (regular). In the 1922 catalogue the complete set was priced at 1,300 yen (deluxe) and 1,000 yen (regular). The 1922 catalogue states the deluxe edition has 200 color plates and the regular edition has 130 color plates. My review of deluxe editions of volumes I-XII (Japanese and Chinese paintings) confirmed 202 color woodblock plates.
Summary of Volumes
Five Volumes of Chinese Paintings
- Volume VIII (1910)- Chinese Paintings, Volume I, Comprising Productions of the Tang, the Five and the Sung Dynasties, plates 1-64, 28 pages of text.
- Volume IX (1910) - Chinese Paintings, Volume II, Yuan Dynasty, plates 65-129, 8 pages of text.
- Volume X (1918) - Chinese Paintings, Volume III, Comprising Productions of the Ming Dynasties, plates 130-193, 16 pages of text.
- Volume XI (1918) - Chinese Paintings, Volume IV, Comprising Productions of the Ming and Ching Dynasties, plates 194-255, 22 pages of text.
- Volume XII (1918) - Chinese Paintings, Volume V, Comprising Productions of the Ching Dynasties, plates 256-307, 22 pages of text.
Each volume has a full title page listing the volume number in the entire series of 16 volumes. This is followed by an illustrated title page giving the volume number in the "Chinese Pictures" set of 5 and stating the dynasties covered by the volume. Each volume has a single page "List of Plates" which gives, for each plate, the plate number, a general description (subject), the artist, the period (expressed in A.D. date), and the source. The text pages are printed on folded sheets of thin, high quality, paper. The woodblock plates are tipped to very thick high quality paper plates that have die sunk (recessed) areas for the woodblock print. The collotype plates are printed directly on medium thick high quality paper. Each plate (or unit of plates when similar plates were grouped together by the editor) is protected by a tissue guard with text in English and Japanese which describes the art and artist and the source/location of the relic. Each volume comes with a protective decorative cloth folding slipcase with ivory clasps.
Details of Contents
Volume X
Plates 130-193
Chinese Paintings, Volume III
Comprising Productions fo the Ming Dynasties
Edited by Kanroku Kubota
Original Text by Seigai Omura
Title Page.
Short Title Page
Plates (Complete Listing of Plates, Volume X, click here).
130. A picture of a crane flying on the waves - Wen cheng, Shokoku-ji Temple, Kyoto
131. A picture of a crane hailing the moon - Wen cheng, Shokoku-ji Temple, Kyoto
132-3. A set of piture of flowers and birds - Pien-wenchin, Marques M. Hosokawa, Tokyo
134-5. Flowers and birds (two pictures out of a set of three) - Li-i-ho,
Marques M. Hosokawa, Tokyo
136. Cormorants - Lin-liang, Marquis Tokugawa, Tokyo
137-9. Three pictures of flowers and birds - Lu-chi, Marques M. Hosokawa, Tokyo
140. A picture of snow covered musa basho and white cranes - Lu-chi,
Marques M. Hosokawa, Tokyo
141-2. A set of pictures of white sea-gulls and ravens - Lu-chi,
Marques M. Hosokawa, Tokyo
143. A flock of water-fowls by a stream - Wang-ch'ien, Mr. S. Ohara, Tokyo
144. A flock of water-fowls by a fall - Ch'en-tzuho, Tokaian, Kyoto
145. Wild geese and rushes - Wang-chao, Marquis Tokugawa, Tokyo
146. Sleeping sea-gulls - Wan-kuochen, Nanjenji Temple, Kyoto
147. Daffodils - Ch'en-chiayen, Mr. J. Asada, Nagasaki
148. Musa basho - Ko-shihhuang, Mr. M. Nakano, Owari
149-50. A set of pictures of landscape - Tai-chin, Cr. K. Kikuya, Nagoya
151-2. Two pictures of landscape (two out of a set of four) - Tai-chin,
Count K. Tanaka, Tokyo
153. Playng chess in a grove of pine trees - Tai-chin, Mr. T. Dan, Tokyo
154-5. Pictures of landscape, (two out of a set of three) - Artist unknown,
Marquis M. Hosokawa, Tokyo
156. Landscape - Chou-wenching, Mr. T. Yokoyama, Kanazawa
157. Farewell on a spring morn - Liu-chun, Viscount J. Matsudaira, Tokyo
158. Snowcapped peaks in a blast - Wang-e, Marquis T. Mayeda, Tokyo
159. Farewell of the priest Kakugen - Yeh-ch'uan, Myochiin, Kyoto
160. The northern ocean - Chou-chen, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
161. A retired cottage in a snowy valley - Chou-chen, Mr. S. Okamoto, Tokyo
162. A retired bower in a vale - Wu-wei, Viscount T. Aoyama, Tokyo
163. Old pine trees on a mountain by a stream - Wu-wei, Baron K. Takahashi, Tokyo
164. A fisherman - Chang-lu, Mr. M. Yemori, Tokyo
165. Landscape painted in blue - Tang-yen, Myoshinji, Kyoto
166-7. Company in a bower (the whole picture and also a part of it) - Ch-eu uing,
Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
168-9. Playing on a harp under a pine tree - Ch-eu ying, Imperial Museum of Tokyo
170-3. The pictures of chin-ku-yuan park and T'asliyuan park making a set -
Ch-eu ying, Chion-in Kyoto
174. Crossing a mountain stream in autumn - Ch-eu ying, Baron K. Takahashi, Tokyo
175. Pulling a boat by means of ropes - Ch-eu ying, Mr. T. Nishimatsu, Osaka
176-7. A scroll painting of a landscape - Shin-tui, Mr. Kuwana, Kyoto
178. Chu-mai-ch'en with fagots on his back, reading a book - Shin-tui,
Mr. N. Kataoka, Yamashiro
179. A picture of the ch'ien ch'ih-pei - Artist unknown, Myoshinji, Kyoto
180. A solitary fisherman on the bank of a cold stream - Chu-tuan,
Manju-in, Kyoto
181. Bamboos by a stream - Chu-tuan, mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
182. Fishing in the moon light - Hsien-chin, Vicount T. Okubo, Tokyo
183. Naked trees on mountains, Li-shihta, Baron K. Iwasaki, Tokyo
184-5. A set of pictures of ladies in sport - Ho-lung, Viscount K. Akimoto, Tokyo
186. Wading a mountain stream - Ho-lung, Mr. A Mukai, Takamatsu
187. Boxers under a tree - Chao-chih, Mr. M. Kotooka, Sanuki
188. Avalokilisvara bodhisattva - Chen-hsien, Manpuku-ji, Yamashiro
189. Arhat - Chen-hsien
190-2. Playing a flute to the natural music a pine grove. A dialogue between a
fisherman and a woodcutter (2 pictures) - Hsu-lin, Mr. R. Hara, Tokyo
193. A cock under a weeping willow - Hsu-lin, Mr. T. Okamoto, Tokyo
Colophon - Volume X

First Edition Printed: Meiji 45 (1912).6.15
First Edition Published: Meiji 45 (1912).6.20
Second Edition: Taisho 7 (1918).1.15
Volume XI
Plates 194-255
Chinese Paintings, Volume IV
Comprising Productions of the Ming and Ching Dynasties
Edited by Kanroku Kubota
Original Text by Seigai Omura
Title Page.
Short Title Page
Plates (Complete Listing of Plates, Volume XI, click here).
194. A hermitage in summer grove - Chang-Yu, Mr. S. Okamura, Tsushima, Owari
195-6. A solitary bower facing a stream - Shen-Ch'ou, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
197. Purification in a stream-side cottage - Shen-Ch'ou, Mr. Y. Shioda,
Takamatsu, Sanuki
198. Scarlet flowers among thin woods - Shen-Ch'ou, Viscount T. Okubo
199. Country-seat among hills and brooks - Wen-Chengming,
The Manjuin Temple, Yamashiro
200. Far-away temple above the autumn stream - Li-Ipai,
The Manjuin Temple, Yamashiro
201. Viewing the plum blossoms - Lu-yuan, Mr. T. Yamamoto, Izumi
202. Clouded ravine and foaming fountion - Hsieh-Shih-Ch'en,
Mr. S. Nakata, Toyama, Etchu
203-4. Endless landscape scroll (Two parts of it) - Hsieh-Shih-Ch'en,
Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
205. Withered trees bathed in the winter moon - Kuan-Ssu, Baron Iwasaki
206. Quiet reading in the above above a vale - By Hu-Tsungjen,
Mr. K. Morita, Osuzuya, Owari
207. A pine grove and murmuring streams - Yu-Hsilien, Viscount O. Akimoto
208. A hermitage among woods in a glen - MiWanchung, Dr. M. Gejo, Tokyo
209. The spreading cloud and the foaming stream - Tung-Chich'ang,
Mr. K. Nagai, Tokyo
210. Mountain ranges - Tung-Chich'ang, Mr. T. Nishimatsu, Osaka
211. A waterfall under pine-trees - Wu-shao, Mr. S. Ishizaka, Toyama, Etchu
212. Autumn scene at lake Tung-t'ing - Wang-Ssujen, Baron K. Iwasaki
213. Countless ridges and numerous spring - Chang-Juit'u, Baron K. Iwasaki
214. A thin tree on river banks - Chang-Juit'u, Count Tanaka
215. Waterfall of Mt Lu-shan - Chang-Juit'u, marquis A. Ikeda
216. Five officers - Fan Chingwen, Baron J. Sho
217. Waterfall under pine-trees - Li-Liufang, Mr. K. Yonezawa, Akashi, Harima
218. Summer mountain wrapped in clouds - Ch'en-Chiju, Mr. S. Takayasu, Tokyo
219. A mountain bower in autumnal rany - Li-yu, T. Kuwana, Kyoto
220. Sailing on a mountain stream - I-Yuanlu, Baron K. Iwasaki
221. Croaking cranes on an old pine-tree, Pien-Wenyu,
Mr. G. Sogawa, Takamatsu, Sanuki
222. Evening retreat from wintry mountain - Yuan-Shangt'ung,
Mr. G. Sogawa, Takamatsu, Sanuki
223. A solitary bower facing a water spring - Ku-Ch'ifang,
Mr. G. Sogawa, Takamatsu, Sanuki
224. Going afishing to a mountain-river, Ch'eng-Maoyeh, Baron S. Go
225. Flowers and swallows - Ch'eng-Maoyeh, Dr. M. Gejo, Tokyo
226. A new year's day - Ch'eng-Maoyeh, Baron Iwasaki
227. Summer mountains before rain - Chang-Hung, The Kenninji Temple, Kyoto
228. A solitary bower among mountains and streams - Yang-Went'ung,
Mr. E. Iwamoto, Osaka
229. Spending summer in a bower over water - Ko-Chengchi, Baron K. Iwasaki
230. A bower by autumnal stream - Ch'eng-Shaohsien, Mr. B. Ichida, Kyoto
231. A cavern in the blooming spring - Wang-Chienchang,
Viscount T. Yamanouchi
232. Foaming spring and tall pines - Wang-Chienchang, Baron K. Iwasaki
233. Mountains, stream, and thin woods - Wang-Chienchang, mr. H. Miyabayashi
234. Frolic in paulownia woods - Wang-Chienchang, Mr. K. Kojima, Osaka
235. Reading in a mountain bower - Ch'en-Shaoying, Baron K. Iwasaki
236. A mountain bower in the early autumn - Ma-Ich'ing,
Mr. K. Morita, Osuzuya, Owari
237. Autumn scene of a river-side village - Ming-ho,
Mr. J. Kanayama, Etchu
238. Dawn after rain - Lan-Ying, Prince K. Sanjo
239. Lotus pond in summer - Lan-Ying, Mr. K. Morikawa, Owari
240. Composing a poem in the autumn scene - Lan-Ying,
Mr. Hoshijima Fujito, Bitchu
241. Picnic to the mountains and fishing from a boat - Lan-Meng,
Mr. T. Sugiyama, Nagasaki
242. Travelling in snow covered mountains - Su-I, Mr. Kuwana, Kyoto
243. Beautiful edifices and magnificient buildings - Yuan-Shueh,
Baron K. Iwasaki
244. Spire in summer clouds - Wang-Shihmin, Baron K. Iwasaki
245. Listening to the current under a green-trees - Ch'i-Chaichia,
Mr. G. Shibata, Omi
246. A solitary cottage by a mountain stream - Ch'i-Chaichia,
Mr. K. Kosono, Nagasaki
247. A solitary hut on the pine grown bank of a revine - Ch'ou-Chihk'uei,
Mr. Sumitomo, Osaka
248. A waterfall among tall pines - Yun-Hsiang, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
249-50. Seeing maple-trees - Chang-Feng, Mr. J. Kanayama, Etchu
251. Picnic to Mt Lu-shan - Tao-Chi, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
252. Gushing clouds from the valley shrouded by numerous pines - Fang-Taiyu,
Mr. R. Hosoya, Akashi, Harima
253. Shade of trees in mountain temple - Chang-Hsiaots'eng, Mr. K. Asai, Nagoya
254. Poets in the forest - Chuang-Ch'iungsheng, mr. A. Mukai, Takamatsu, Sanuki
255. Flowers - Lin-Chi, Mr. R. Ichida, Kyoto
Colophon - Volume XI

First Edition Printed: Taisho, 1st Year (1912).12.2
First Edition Published: Taisho, 1st Year (1912).12.20
Second Edition: Taisho 7 (1918).1.15
Volume XII
Plates 256-307
Chinese Paintings, Volume V
Comprising Productions of the Ching Dynasties
Edited by Kanroku Kubota
Original Text by Seigai Omura
Title Page.
Short Title Page
Plates (Complete Listing of Plates, Volume XII, click here).
256. A solitary angler by pine-trees - Ku-Tashen, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
257. Landscape in rainy season - Ku-Paowen, Mr. S. Kodera, Kobe
258. An anchorite's abode by a stream - Ch'eng-Yun, Mr. J. Kanayama, Etchu
259. "Ch'ih--pi" - by Ch'a-Shipiao, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
260. Wintry forest - Kung-Hsien, Mr. T. Hara, Yokohama
261. A hermit admiring a distant waterfall from his mountain - Wang-Hui,
Baron K. Sumitomo
262. A solitary bower under pine-trees - Wu-Li, Mr. B. Matsui, Toyohashi
263. Rugged heights with a solitary stream - Chang-ku,
Mr. K. Nakano, Nanda, Owari
264. A small bridge over a summer stream - Chang-Sheng, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
265. A couple of landscape sketches - Kao-Shen, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
266. Hermitage commanding a deep revine - Tsou-Che, Mr. R. Hosoya, Akashi, Harima
267. Rapids shaded by pines and oaks - Chu-Hsien, Mr. S. Ishisaka, Etchu
268. Fishing in autumn - Lo-Mu, Baron Sugitani
269. A solitary bower by a mountain rivulet in autumn - Lu-Huangch'eng,
Mr. A Mukai, Takamatsu, Sanuki
270. A hermitage among mountains and valleys - Ku-Yin, Mr. T. Okamoto, Tokyo
271. Forests and dales in clouds - Feng-Hsienchih, Mr. K. Hamaguchi, Ki-i
272. A mountain scene - Shen-Tsungchiang, Mr. N. Yamazoye, Kyoto
273. Landscape in spring - Lu-Wei, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
274. Improvising on a bridge - Kao-Chip'ei, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
275. Mountains and clear stream - Shih-P'u, Mr. K. Hashimoto, Onomichi, Bingo
276. A study among plum blossoms - Wu-Tan, Mr. M. Suzuki, Tokyo
277. Cultivating the soil in a soft rain - Huang-Pi, Mr. M. Suzuki, Tokyo
278. Autumnal mountain scene - Chang-Keng, Mr. I. Matsumoto, Osaka
279. A landscape - I. Hai, Mr. Nishimatsu, Kobe
280. Travelling along mountain paths in autumn - Lu-Hsueh, mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
281. Tall bamboos and far-away mountains - Hsi-Kang, Mr. J. Kanayama, Etchu
282. Hsieh family's summer-house - Shen-Tsungchien, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
283. Visiting the friend at the peach valley - Chang-Su,
Mr. D. Suzuki, Takamatsu, Sanuki
284. Cataracts among mountains - Chiang-Talai, Mr. G. Shibata, Omi
285. Admiring a waterfall from a mountain bower - Huang-Chi,
Viscount T. Yamanouchi
286. View at the shore - Hsu-Tan, Mr. H. Naito, Kurume
287. Cataracts in summer - Wang-T'ao, Mr. R. Hosoya, Akashi, Harima
288. Thin forest and small rivulet - Lin-Chun, Mr. M. Suzuki, Tokyo
289. A couple of Kakemonos:a village in the spring rain and two pines
standing side by side - Kuo-Wan, Mr. K. Hashimoto, Onomichi, Bingo
290. Pine-trees by a stream - Li-Hsit'ai, Mr. S. Kodera, Kobe
291. Superb palaces - Huang-Shen, Mr. A. Okada, Tokyo
292. Juro, one of the seven gods of wealth - Huang-Shen, Mr. S. Kodera, Kobe
293. Chang-Ssukuang - Yu-Tsungli, Mr. K. Tako, Tsuwano, Iwami
294. White plums and rosy camellias - Sun-K'ohuang, Count M. Tanaka
295. Lotus flowers abreast the stone - Chu-Ta, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
296. Whithered trees and bamboos - Hsu-Yu, Baron K. Sumitomo
297. Two pigeons on a dry branch - Chao-Chipi, Mr. T. Oguri, Handa, Owari
298. Camellia sasanqua - Sun-Chang, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
299. A bamboo bush by a small rivulet - Chu-Sheng, Mr. K. Kawai, Higo
300. Bamboo bushes along the Wei-Ch'uan - Wan-Chifan, Mr. R. Kawano, Uto, Higo
301. Clustering orchids - T'ang-Mi, Baron N. Mayeda
302. Autumn flowers and a couple of birds - Yu-Yuan, Mr. T. Kuwana, Kyoto
303. A cat in an autumn garden - Shen-Ch'uan, Baron K. Iwasaki
304-5. Willow trees and wild geese - Shen-Ch'uan, Marquis M. Hosokawa
306. A monkey and a deer - Shen-Ch'uan, Mr. S. Kodera, Kobe
307. Lotus flowers - Chang-Ch'iuki, Mr. M. Suzuki, Tokyo
Colophon - Volume XII

First Edition Printed: Taisho 2 (1913).2.20
First Edition Published: Taisho 2 (1913).2.25
Second Edition: Taisho 7 (1918).1.15
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