~~ Color Collotype Book ~~
Japanese Views and Characters
Volume II (Type 3a & 3b) (Yokohama, Kamakura, Fuji and Nagoya)
Vol II (Type 3a)
Vol II (Type 3b)
Tamamura, Kozaburo :
Japanese Views and Characters, Vol. II (Yokohama, Kamakura, Fuji and Nagoya), ca 1910, horizontal 8vo (6 1/4 x 9 in - 16 x 23 cm), 24 hand colored collotype plates with captions in English, tissue guards, hard boards covered with fabric, string tied, unpaginated. The actual images are approximately 4 x 6 in (10.5 x 15 cm). The hand coloring of the collotype plates in these books is well executed with a wide range of colors employed, to include pastels.
I have examined three types of this book. They had different hand coloring on the front cover and on the title page. While all three types have 24 plates and most of the plates were the same, the captions under the plates sometimes varied slightly. Also, a couple of the plates are different. The type 3 book is also approximately 1/4 in shorter than the type 1 and 2 books.
To see the Volume II, type 1 & 2 books, click here.
For more information on Kozaburo Tamamura, click here.
Title Page (Volume II, Type 3a)
Title Page (Volume II, Type 3b)
Titles of the 24 Plates (Per the Type 2 book)
- Welcome

- The harbour of Yokohama
- A street scene of Yokohama, on a festival day

- The geisha girls and the cherry blossoms
- A view of Hommoku, at Yokohama
- The Mississippi bay at Yokohama
- A scene of the boy's festival
- Daibutsu at Kamakura
- Enoshima island
- Tea and Tobacco
- A river scene in the country
- The wrestling show
- Tamadare water-fall at Hakone
- The "kago" at the road of Hakone
- Basket peddler
- Fujiyama from Tagonoura
- The chrysanthemum show

- A "geisha" girl, playing "koto"
- Tea picking
- Umbrella and lantern (made with paper) shop
- Castle of Nagoya

- Plowing the rice field
- The Lake Biwa from the Miidera temple
- "Mother says, I must neither talk, listen, nor look."
Tamamura offered this series (Volumes I, II and III) in an advertisement published ca 1909.
No Colophon.
While this book is not directly attributed to Kazaburo Tamamura it bears some similarities to a book titled A Leaf From the Diary of a Young Lady which has been attributed to him. The subject of that book is the everyday life of "Miss Tokimatsu" and the same individual appears in this book.
Diary of a Young Lady
Miss Tokimatsu
Japanese Views
In Souvenirs from Japan by Margaita Winkel, 1991, three different photographs of the woman above are shown. The author characterizes them as "Laughing Geisha" and notes "The Jovial young girl of these photographs was apparently quite popular as she is encountered frequently in similar poses in tourist albums." (pages 111-112) |
Diary of a Young Lady
Miss Tokimatsu
Japanese Views
Kozaburo Tamamura maintained a shop at Benten-dori, 1-chome, number 2, Yokohama from 1890 - 1916. That street, and perhaps his shop, is one image in this book. The first shop on the left in the pictures appears to be a photograph vendor.
Bentendori, Yokohama
The image above is reproduced in Terry Bennett's book, Early Japanese Images, at page 117. The photograph bears the title "74B Street of Yokohama" and is attributed to K. Tamamura.
Bennett, Terry:
Early Japanese Images, Rutland, Vermont, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1996, black cloth, dust jacket, 8vo (7 3/4 in x 10 1/2 in) 138+ photographs, bibliography, appendix of photographic terms, listing of 1000 early photographs showing title, number and in most cases attributed to a specific photographer, 168 pp. Covers the early days of photography in Japan from 1853, when Commodore Perry visited, to the end of the Meiji era in 1912. Includes commentary and examples of the work of Eliphalet Brown, Jr., Felice Beato, Baron Raimund von Stillfried-Rateniz, Adolfo Farsari, Renjo Shimooka, Hikoma Ueno, Kimbie Kusakabe, Kozaburo Tamamura, Kazumasa Ogawa, Kuichi Uchida. The listing of early Japanese photographs is an invaluable resource in identifying 19th century photographs which often had a caption and number but no indication of the photographer. ISBN: 0-8048-2029-5 (hardback), ISBN: 0-8048-2033-3 (softback)
Winkel, Margarita:
Souvenirs from Japan, Japanese photography at the turn of the century, London, Bamboo Publishing Ltd, 1991, oblong 8vo (8 1/2 x 9 3/4 in - 22.5 x 26 cm), 171 pictures (including front and back cover - approximately 1/3 in color), 160 pp. Preface by Professor Willem R. van Gulik. A comprehensive illustrated review of photography in Japan in the 19th century. The author discusses various facets of photography in 19th century Japan (methods, noted photographers & subjects) with a focus on how these were applied in the "Souvenir" photographs produced for sale to foreigners and export out of Japan. The discussion is supplemented with 171 reproductions of these "albumen" photographs (many of which were hand colored) from the renowned collection of R. Shilling. ISBN: 1-870076-58-3 (paperback) and 1-870076-18-4 (cloth).
Japenses Views and Characters, 3 Volumes
Volume I (Types 1 & 2). (Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Kobe and Nagasaki)
Volume II (Types 1 & 2). (Yokohama, Kamakura, Fuji and Nagoya)
Volume II (Type 3a & 3b). (Yokohama, Kamakura, Fuji and Nagoya)
Volume III (Types 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b). (Tokio and Nikko)