Macao, from Penha Hill.
In the beginning of this century Macao was the emporium of the East. In 1556 the Emperor of China allowed the Portuguese to settle in a small peninsula at the S. W. entrance of Canton river, about seventy miles S. S. E. from Canton. This favor was granted in acknowledgment of services rendered by the Portugese in attacks upon the pirates.
The foreigners settled permanently; a lively trade began; the city was soon adorned by churches, and it became a flourishing place. A senate and a governor were appointed to regulate the affairs of the settlers, but the highest authority remained in the hands of a Chinese Mfidarin.
As Macao depends for its supplies entirely on the Chinese, its inhabitants were in consequence, frequently exposed to annoyances. In 1850, in consequence of the murder of Governor Amaral by some Chinamen, for which the government refused to give satisfaction, a short war ensued, after the end of which, the Portugese claimed the island of Macao by right of conquest.
In the seventeenth century when the Christians in Japan were cruelly persecuted, many Japanese took refuge in Macao, where many of then1 descendants still live.
Macao has now from 30 to 40,000 inhabitants, many of whom are Chinese. The peninsula, about two and a half miles in length, by less than a mile in breadth, is connected with the main land by a narrow, low, and sandy Istlunus. T he town is in the form of an amphitheatre on the declivity of a semi-circular harbor, and is defended by six forts. The inner harbor, back of the town, is fitted only for small vessels; large ships anchor in the roadstead E. of the island.
Macao had the monopoly of the eastern trade until the island of Hong Kong was ceded in 1841 to the English, who, with all the energy of the Anglo-Saxon race, soon transformed the barren island to a flourishing colony, which, having the advantage of being a free-port, soon attracted considerable trade. The Portugese government, which for some time persisted in levying high duties on foreign ships, saw its error too late, and when Macao was finally declared a free port, " Victoria," a young colony, had already become too powerful a rival, and since that time Macao has lost its high position.
On account of its agreeable position and healthy climate, it is still a favorite resort for foreigners, and most of the foreign merchants of Canton have their summer residences in Macao. The "Praya," or an embanked parade which lines the shore, offers in cool evenings a very pleasant promenade; and "Penha Hill," from which the view represented in the engraving is taken, is often a delightful resting place. The town, with its terraces, gardens, and many churches, forms a most picturesque'sight.
It will be remembered that the great Camoens, while banished from Portugal, wrote in Macao the greater part of his Lusiad, and at the end of the town, near a fine mansion, a simple monument, surrounded by beautiful pleasure grounds, marks the favorite resort of the great poet.
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Introduction (Text Only)
Plate #1 - Portrait of Commodore Perry
Plate #2 - Macao from Penha Hill
Plate #3 - The Pagoda of Wampoa - Colored

Available for Purchase - Folio Print on Bristol Board
Plate #4 - Old China Street in Canton - Colored
Plate #5 - Kung-twa at Lew-Chew
Plate #6 - Mia, the Roadside Chapel at Yoku-hama
Plate #7 - Temple of Ben-teng, in the Harbor at Simoda
Plate #8 - Street and Bridge at Simoda
Plate #9 - Temple of Ha-tshu-man-ya Tschu-ro, at Simoda
Plate #10 - Grave-yard at Simoda, Dio Zenge

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